
Naruto The Cycle of Peace and Hatred

After successfully bringing back Sasuke before he goes rouge. Naruto still look for respect and approval from everyone around him and the villagers but receive hate and abuse. Filled with anger and hatred towards the Hidden Leaf Village, "I'll make them pay everything they did to me...." What lies at the end of the rouge path he decides to take.

R_Stark · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 14- Search

Soon after completing the transferring ritual Naruto found himself surrounded by trees and could hear the chirping of birds. A sight he hasn't seen in many years and tears started rolling down his eyes.

"We will have time for sight-seeing later. First let's collect some information and find The Naruto of this world." Kurama said.

"Yeah you're right let's do that but..." Naruto said looking at his ruined clothes. "I can't go looking like this and some people might suspect things because of my face."

"Oh! You're right. Let's first get a pair of fresh clothes and as for your appearance, Just use that jutsu." Kurama said.

"Oh you're right. Let's use it." Naruto said making a few hand signs and as soon as he was done His hair color started to change to bright red.

"What about your face?" Kurama asked when Naruto didn't change his facial structure.

"I'll just wear a mask or something. It hurts so much everytime I change my face." Naruto said rubbing the back of his head.

After changing clothes and getting a mask Naruto went to the Hidden-Leaf village to find the other version of himself. "Well let's check the house first." Naruto said as he went to check the home he used to live in. "Man this sure brings back memories."

"H-Huh! Why is it completely empty." Naruto said as he saw his home completely empty and abandoned. 'Maybe I don't live here in this world. Let's ask around in the village.' Naruto thought to himself.

Naruto was looking around the village, Everything was the same as he remembered but he didn't find a trace of himself anywhere. Whenever he tried to ask someone about Naruto Uzumaki they would ignore him. 'What is wrong with this place? Where am I? What happened to me in this world?' Naruto questioned himself.

'Let's keep looking. Remember the villagers always hated you, So maybe that's why nobody wants to talk about you.' Kurama said.

'Yeah they did hate me but I don't remember it being this intense when I was a kid.' Naruto replied to Kurama in his mind. 'Something is wrong here. Maybe I....'

"Ouch! Hey watch where you're going kid...?" Naruto said as someone bumped into him. And to his surprise it was the young kunoichi who was once his teammate. 'Sakura-chan..'

"Are you okay?" Naruto said awkwardly giving his hand to Sakura as she fell down after bumping into him.

"Ah! I'm fine." Sakura said as she got up. "I'm sorry about that." Sakura apologized and started to leave in a hurry but.

"Sak...!" "Ah excuse me Young lady, Do you know where I can find Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto asked Sakura thinking she would definitely know where he is.

But as soon as Sakura heard Naruto's name her face fell and she completely stopped. "N-Naruto! Ah, he's...." Sakura took a moment to breath again and squeezed the words out of her mouth. "He's dead."

"What?!" This shocked both Naruto and Kurama greatly. "What do you mean he's dead? How'd he died?" Naruto asked in shock and confusion.

Sakura was conflicted for a minute but decided to answer the strangers question and told him about everything that happened a month ago.

"Thank you for telling me that." Naruto thanked Sakura as she left.

'What now? Kurama. The entire plan was to train myself and give him some hints so he can save his world but he's already dead.' Naruto asked Kurama.

'I don't know either.' Kurama replied deep in thought.

'Based on the gathered information, It's safe to assume it was the Akatsuki or probably that Tobi guy as he was the one who approached me at this time.' Naruto thought different ideas to how he died in this world but still couldn't confirm it.

As he walked around the village thinking what to do from now on, He somehow ended up at his grave.

When he saw his grave it was covered in dirt and curses written by the people of the village. 'I guess people here do hate me more than anything.' Naruto thought as he cleaned his grave.

"Naruto, I sense something from the grave." Kurama said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked.

"It seems like The me here managed to preserve your soul before you died and is about to revive you." Kurama answered as he guessed his alternate's thought and action.

"Is that so? So how long till he's revived?" Naruto asked Kurama.

"Based on what that girl said it's been about a month so... Oh! looks like its happening right now." Kurama said as he sensed life returning to this worlds Naruto's body.

"It's probably a dumb question but how is he going to get out." Naruto said sighing as he heard a faint whisper "Say Kurama I'm glad to be alive and all but how am I supposed to get out of here?"

'You should probably help him.' the other worlds Kurama said. 'Yeah I probably should.'

"Do you need some help?!"