
Naruto: The Child Of Prophecy Is Evil!

Naruto Namikaze was the light that became corrupted by darkness, a Naruto who had become broken to the extent that even people like the Otsutsuki seemed less evil than him. But he died in his dimension due to a sneak attack after he beat the hell out of Madara Uchiha. But after that He was reincarnated in the body of the naive Naruto shown in the anime and manga. (Note: This is not going to be some typical fan-fic where an otaku dies and is reincarnated as Naruto with some bullsh*t wishes. No, in this, Evil Naruto from another dimension is reincarnated as our Naruto shown in the anime, and he is going to be plain evil like a boy who has suffered so much should be.)

Caesar_4858 · Anime und Comics
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27 Chs

Heaven Devouring Seal

"M-Master, I told you not to take risky jobs like this," Haku whispered in the ear of the already dead Zabuza, his tears falling on Zabuza's face and soon turning into ice because of Haku's chakra affecting the water around him.

To Haku, his master Zabuza was everything. Zabuza had saved him from misery and given him a new life. But now that Zabuza was dead, Haku hadn't been able to do anything.

"M-Master, don't worry. I will kill the one who killed you in the most painful way," Haku whispered once again before hearing, "Quite the ambitions for an ant you got there."

Before Haku could react, Naruto broke into his house like a boss and kicked him in the back before trying to stab him in the neck, which Haku barely dodged.

"Y-You!" As soon as Haku saw Naruto's face, his own face contorted with anger, even a vein on his forehead popping out.

"I will kill you!" Haku declared as he prepared to use his Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals jutsu. But Naruto just threw a kunai at him.

According to Naruto, if you don't let your enemy use their powers, you automatically have a 90% chance of winning.

"You think an attack like this can do anything to m— AHHHH!" Haku was just about to mock Naruto after dodging the kunai when it transformed back into its original form—a shadow clone Naruto had made after landing outside Haku's tree house.

As soon as Haku dodged it, the clone plucked out Haku's left eye before getting impaled by an ice spike and disappearing.

"I will kill you," Haku said as he was about to use his Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals jutsu, but Naruto just threw a kunai at him.

According to Naruto, if you don't let your enemy use their powers, you automatically have a 90% chance of winning.

"You think an attack like this can do anything to m—AHHHH!" Haku was just about to mock Naruto after dodging the kunai, which was actually a shadow clone Naruto had made after landing outside Haku's tree house. As soon as Haku dodged it, the clone transformed back into its original form and plucked out Haku's left eye before getting impaled by an ice spike and disappearing.

"You!" Haku yelled at Naruto, pressing his left palm against his left eye, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Time to die, pathetic ant," Naruto said in a mocking tone as he ran toward Haku.

"Die!" Haku yelled back, using his kekkei genkai to make many ice spikes emerge from the floor of the house to kill Naruto.

"What a pathetic try," Naruto said as he used his levitation jutsu to rise above the ice spikes, throwing the kunai in his right hand toward Haku and then moving in to kick him.

"I won't fall for this again," Haku said as he made the kunai thrown by Naruto freeze using Ice Release.

"That wasn't a clone?" Haku exclaimed as the frozen kunai turned out to be just a kunai.


Haku was once again hit by Naruto's kick, this time in the face. Some of his teeth even came out from the force of the kick. Naruto tried to kick him once more, but his leg got caught by Haku.

"This ends here," Haku said, catching Naruto's leg with his left hand. Blood was flowing uncontrollably from his left eye now that his hand was no longer there to staunch the flow. Just as Haku was about to pierce him with an ice spike, Naruto responded.

"I don't think so," Naruto said with a demonic-looking smile, as the boot of the leg Haku had caught turned out to be a clone, which had transformed into Naruto's boot.

"Game over, little bug," Naruto's clone said before putting his right hand on Haku's upper teeth and his left on his lower jaw. The clone then jumped over Haku to get behind him, literally splitting his mouth apart by pulling the upper and lower parts in different directions.

"Hmm... Let's start now," Naruto thought to himself as he summoned nine more clones after seeing Haku's mouth split and him dying.

"Take every single drop of blood out of this body," Naruto ordered his clones, handing them ten injections and needles to extract the blood from Haku's body.

"Everything's ready," Naruto thought as he saw his clones still extracting blood from Haku's body.

The seal embedded in Naruto's cells and body parts was the "Heaven Devouring Seal" or "Heaven Devouring Jutsu." It was something he had created using principles similar to those used in the seals that contained tailed beasts within humans.

While normal seals could seal tailed beasts or other objects, the Heaven Devouring Seal was different. It would seal another person's cells into Naruto's own and slowly merge them while maintaining Naruto's cells as the dominant ones. Its main function was to develop the body in such a way that it could produce cells with abilities absorbed from someone else.

For example, Danzo had implanted Hashirama cells in his body, but if he were injured and lost too much blood, those cells might also be lost, and his body would return to its original state.

Naruto's seal ensured that if his cells were taken out of his body, they would die out, meaning no one could take his cells and sell them on the black market. Thus, no one could gain his power.

This seal was closer to being a shinjutsu rather than a ninjutsu, though it was created by mixing ninjutsu and fuinjutsu.

"Start to inject the blood, now," Naruto ordered his clones as he stood up to let them inject Haku's blood into his body.

Soon, all ten clones began to take blood from Haku's body and inject it into Naruto. As soon as Haku's cells entered Naruto's body, they were sealed within Naruto's cells and absorbed.

This process continued for 23 minutes until all of Haku's blood was taken out and injected into Naruto. By then, Naruto's eyes had turned even more indifferent.

The Heaven Devouring Seal had one major drawback: it changed its user's personality and gave them a superiority complex so big that Even Pain, The guy who called himself a god, would seem humble compared to the superiority complex this seal gave Naruto.

"It's... kind of small," Naruto muttered as he tried to summon some ice in his mind, but only managed an amount equal to his pinky finger. "Maybe I have to apply some chakra to grow it."


As soon as Naruto tried to apply some chakra to the ice, it cracked. He didn't have any experience dealing with ice-related abilities and jutsus.

In his past life, he mostly used powerful abilities like lava release, Amaterasu, and yin-yang release. Ice release was like Sakura in Team 7—overshadowed and forgotten.

"Maybe it's like crystal release," Naruto thought as he began to exit the tree house and as his clones began to shredd the bodies of both Haku and Zabuza into pieces.

Instead of sending his chakra to a fixed point outside his body, Naruto tried to send it around a fixed point and then fill it with chakra.

After exiting the tree house and making his clones disappear, Naruto started to walk towards the tree where he had placed his left boot before replacing it with one of his clones.


As Naruto put on his boot, he threw the small spike in his hand toward a bird sitting on one of the branches of the nearby tree.

Naruto then used his levitation jutsu to fly once more, heading towards Tazuna's house while thinking, "I need to create some jutsus for Ice Release."

Even though Naruto had a shit ton of jutsus in his past life, he couldn't use almost all of them now.

Most required special bloodline limits, and others required a vast amount of chakra which Naruto currently didn't possess.

Even though his current chakra reserves were many times that of a jonin, but it was still nothing compared to what he had in his past life.

Soon, Naruto reached Tazuna's house. He landed 10 meters behind it and used the back door to enter.

"No one is here," Naruto thought after seeing the entire house empty. Tazuna had already gone to build the bridge, and Team 7 might still be training.

Just as Naruto was about to sit down, he heard the sound of the door opening. It was Kakashi who entered.

"I think we need to talk, Naruto," Kakashi said as soon as he saw him.


{A/N: Should I make an auxiliary chapter and write about all the abilities the MC will get from now on, along with information about his jutsus?}


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