
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 6: Interlude: Diary and Journal Entries

Interlude: Diary and Journal Entries

Snafu's Notes: This chapter will be a filler of sorts, which will lead to the Akatsuki invading Suna. After this, the story will begin in the aftermath of the invasion.

Naruto's Journal

Entry 1:

Can't believe that it's been a year since Hinata and I had granted the four clan heads asylum, and a lot has happened since then. Where to begin...In the six months since they had arrived, the Hyuuga and the Ino-Shika-Cho had integrated themselves into the Empire without incident. First off is the younger Ino-Shika-Cho. Just like a Nara, Shikamaru and Temari had become a couple. Once Gaara found out about this while inspecting the Suna Consulate, Shikamaru led him on a chase throughout the Imperial Capital, Gaara trying to catch him with his sand so he could crush him.

It took both Temari and Kankuro to calm him down, Temari explaining that both her and Shikamaru were dating, and has been for quite some time. Even I did not know about them being a couple until recently, which did not surprise me in the least. Like I said in the meeting regarding the refugees, the Nara are attracted to - and can attract - feisty women. For Ino, she enjoys being a medic-nin. Both her and Karin had struck up a friendship while Ino studied under Hinata. What was more surprising was the fact that Ino is now dating Haku. Which led to Inoichi chasing down the ice user throughout the streets of Kimon when he found out. It took both Zabuza and Ibiki to calm the Yamanaka clan head down. Zabuza would be very displeased if his adopted son ended up with irreversible brain damage.

Chouji works with his dad in the Shinobi Affairs Division alongside Shikaku. The Akamichi also reopened their restaurant in Kimon, which has become a popular eatery in the Imperial Capital. Inoichi and his wife also reopened their flower shop, with Inoichi's wife running the business while he is away working with Zabuza and Ibiki.

Of course, this doesn't mean that the Ino-Shika-Cho has broken up. Far from it, the younger team has made a name for themselves in the West. As it turned out, Hayate Okajima had taken an interest in the trio following a shogi match inside a parlor house in Kimon with Shikamaru, and became the de facto sensei to the Ino-Shika-Cho. Honestly, I don't know what Asuma had been teaching them, but under The Tengu, their teamwork has drastically improved tenfold. The Pekara Merchant House has them on call when it comes to escorting caravans all over the Empire when they defended it against a group of bandits in the Southern Region.

Tenten is now a member of the Hellcat Unit, having survived the hell of Hellcat Training (trust me, I know, as Yugito is a certified sadist). She is now the Shinobi Weapons Expert for the Hellcats. She also works at the Himura Weapons shop and spars with Miho Himura on occasion. Following the six-month probation period, in which Hinata, the Council and myself had formally welcomed the four clans into the Empire, both her and Neji had gotten engaged.

Following the two-on-one match against Takeshi Chiba, Rock Lee was approached by a retired shinobi who had fought alongside me in the Unification Wars. His name was Jun Fan, and he was a Taijutsu expert in the Goken style. Rock Lee was very interested in learning the advanced style taught to him by Maito Gai. Even though Rock Lee still sprouted his 'Springtime of Youth' schtick on occasion, he has developed into his own person, and not into a mini-Gai clone. He still wears green, but thank the gods that it's no longer spandex.

Hiashi has taken Neji under his wing, and has trained him in the Advanced Jyuukenpo techniques. Hinata had formally recognized Hanabi as the Hyuuga clan heiress and Hanabi made Neji her second-in-command of the clan. It will be a couple of years, but Hanabi will be a strong head of the Hyuuga Clan.

By the way, did I forget to mention that Hinata is pregnant? Yeah, Hinata is pregnant. I won't go into details, but it was after the Unification Festival that we ended up naked in bed. Three days after, the tests came back in, and Hinata told me while in bed one morning. When we broke the news that day during the meeting with the Imperial Council and guess what happened? A fight broke out between the council members over who would be the godparent of our child. I allowed this to continue for another minute before I called the meeting to order and announced that Spring Damiyo Kazahana already had called dibs on her being the godmother for our child in exchange for Hinata and I being godmother for her child. That deflated the council at first. But then, a second fight took place over who would be the godparent over the second child Hinata and I would most likely have.

Seriously, most of the time, they are not usually like this.

Hinata's Diary

Entry 1:

Naruto and I are officially parents. It's been three days since our return from the hospital. Outside, I can hear the celebrations continue, the people of the Empire celebrating the birth of our child. Our first child was a boy. The Namikaze Dynasty has its heir to the throne. Naruto and I named him after his father, Minato. Minato Uzumaki Namikaze.

As it turns out, I wasn't the only one pregnant. Tenten was also pregnant at the time, but she was three weeks along before me. Neji was the father. She had her child about five weeks before mine. Neji and Tenten agreed to name him after his late father, Hizashi. Hizashi had the Bykaugan. Minato didn't. More than likely, he will have the Rinnegan. If we have a second child, they would more than likely have the Bykaugan. Dad, on the other hand, couldn't be anymore happier. He has a grandson and a grandnephew to spoil.

Kouda and Kokoro were virtual godsends in helping me with my impending motherhood. Aside from them, the council visited Naruto and I to check out little Minato and offer their best wishes. Right now, Koyuki Kazahana is here, staying in the palace, like she always does whenever she arrives, and she is giddy with delight. She and Naruto are doting over Minato at the moment. When Minato was born, Naruto made a promise to me. He promised that he will always be there for his child. My response was that I will hold him to that promise.

Naruto's Journal

Entry 2:

Just returned from Konoha, where I retrieved the ashes of my parents. This marks the second time I visited my old home, the first was when I killed both Koharu and Honmura and issued my warning to Danzou. The ANBU disguise worked the last time around, so after midnight, I snuck into the cemetery and retrieved their remains. I could have returned to the West then, but my old pranking habits reemerged with a vengeance. So I raided the armory and pilfered it of every single exploding tag and placed them on the Hokage Monument...after spiking the old hag's sake with laxatives.

When I discovered I had some left over, I also placed them inside Ichiraku's Ramen Stand as payback for serving me poison-laced ramen on my birthday up until my banishment. Once the tags were secured, I retreated back to my father's estate and used the Hiraishin to teleport myself out of the village. Once I had a nice view of the village, I activated the tags.

The two Senju's heads were the first to go, followed by Sarutobi's image. It was sad to see my father's head blow up, but I felt great satisfaction in seeing the pieces of the old hag's face crash onto the Hokage Tower. I retreated back to the West via the Demon's Gate, my mission complete. I presented the remains of my parents to the council, and told them that I blew up the Hokage Monument out of pure spite. With the damage I done, the mountain would be pretty much useless to use for a monument in the future.

The remains of both my mother and father were buried in the Uzumaki Crypt in a private ceremony attended only by myself and Hinata, Takuma Uzumaki and the Uzumaki clan. Takuma took me to the side and thanked me for returning the remains of the Uzumaki princess and her husband.

A couple of days later, Fu dropped off several communiques from our information network in the East. Captain Asahina reported that the village of Konoha was under martial law following my visit. As it turned out, I was not the only one inside the village. Itachi Uchiha decided to visit and screw with his brother. The detonation of the explosive tags on the Hokage Monument provided the distraction for Itachi to escape. Whoops. As it turns out, the destruction of the Hokage Monument was blamed on Itachi and the Akatsuki. No matter, the Uchiha traitor has his own part to play.

Entry 3:

Led a personal expedition to Whirlpool Country consisting of myself, Takuma Uzumaki and the Four Devas in order to retrieve several hidden Uzumaki scrolls. Hinata remained behind in the West with Minato, as did Kurama. The reason being is that I wanted to smoke Obito out of his hiding place.

No, I don't plan on killing him...yet. Just a friendly chat.

Obito probably knows that I have the Jinchuuriki, but cannot risk coming to the West, as even he knows that he does not stand a chance against the Imperial forces there, despite his own advantages. But if I was in the East and allowed Zetsu to notify him that I was in Whirlpool, then he would come.

Obito did not disappoint. He showed up, along with Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki, Hidan and Kazuku. Sasori and Deidara remained behind at one of their many bases. Our little confrontation proved to be very...interesting, to say the least.


Ruins of Uzushiogakure no Sato, Whirlpool Country, three days earlier.

Kage-style hat covering his face, dressed in his standard shinobi uniform with black flak vest and haori, Naruto was ready for a fight. The Four Devas - Kintaro, Rasu, Sadako and Kaede - flanked their Emperor as the Akatsuki emerged from the shadows opposite of the Imperial group.

First was Sasuke's brother, Itachi Uchiha. His partner, Kisame Hoshigaki stood beside him, sizing up Kintaro and his massive broadsword. But Naruto knew that the walking sushi plate was still smarting from when he had taken Utakata from both him and the Uchiha. Next were the Zombie brothers, Hidan and Kakuzu. The last time around, Sadako had fought Hidan, while Rasu fought the miserly Kazuku. The last time around, Kakuzu had three of his five hearts destroyed, while Hidan was nearly burnt to a crisp.

Last, was the one whose actions had put his life into motion. His father's former student. Hatake's former teammate. Obito Uchiha. Sasori and Deidara were absent, as they were back in Ame with Konan and Nagato.

The Akatsuki mastermind watched the Emperor and the Four Devas with a wary, calculating eye. Obito was furious that this upstart had intercepted the Jinchuuriki, this bringing the Moon Eye Plan to a screeching halt. But he also knew that the Emperor was an unknown wielding the same dojutsu he had implanted into Nagato. And these four warriors who stood alongside the Emperor were in most cases, even stronger than the Akatsuki.

Obito took a seat on another overturned pillar and faced the Emperor. Looking around the ruins for a moment, he turned his attention back to the Emperor. "So...you're the Emperor of the West, I assume?"

"Good assumption," Naruto replied. "And you are the supposed leader of this motley crew of S-class missing nin?"

"I am," Obito confirmed. "You know, you are not what I expected from someone who has united the West. I was expecting someone much older."

"Sorry to disappoint you," Naruto said.

Obito folded his arms across his chest. "Where are the Jinchuuriki?"

"Safe within the Empire. Safe from those who wish to use them as weapons. But most importantly, safe from you and your plans."

"I seek only to bring about an everlasting peace," Obito said. "You and I are the same."

"Only difference is your method of peace involves robbing the people of their free will," Naruto said. "Oh yes...I know all about Operation Moon Eye."

Even though he could not see it, Obito's eye narrowed. "How do you know about that?"

"There is not a whole lot I don't know about the plan," the Emperor replied. "Or about you for that matter. I know that Tobi is not your real name. I also know that Madara Uchiha is dead as a doornail and that you are certainly not him." One hand reached up and removed the kage-style hat.

Had it not been for the hair color being different, he would have been a spitting image of Minato Namikaze. It did give both Obito and Itachi a cause for alarm.

"Minato...impossible..." Obito said, taken aback. "You...you died."

"Yondaime...you live..." Itachi whispered.

"Wrong on both counts," Naruto said, looking at Obito. "We have met before. I was but a newborn, only several minutes old. You came for the Nine-Tails that was inside my mother. You just did not expect my father to seal the fox inside of me, didn't you...Obito Uchiha?"

Itachi blinked. The head of the Akatsuki was a fellow clan member thought to have died?

Obito ignored the fallen Uchiha prodigy as he focused on Naruto. "Naruto Uzumaki...you've grown."

"That I agree," Naruto replied. "Despite Sarutobi's attempts to stunt my growth...despite the fact that they pissed on my father's final wishes...and despite the betrayal of my former cell and my godparents...yes, I have grown. Without the village to hold me back, I have grown indeed."

"Strong enough to become the Emperor of the West," Itachi noted.

"I'll say," Hidan seconded. "Who knew the little fucker could reach such potential? So much blood he had spilled in order to get to where he is. Jashin would have been pleased."

"Amazing what hard work can do. Something that your brother has failed to realize," Naruto said, causing Itachi to wince slightly. "But what I want to know is this...you were part of my father's cell. Why did you betray my father?"

"Let's get one thing straight," Obito replied defensively. "I had nothing but the utmost respect for Minato, both as a shinobi and as a leader. Even after Madara had shown me the truth in regards to the Uchiha and the Senju, I still respected him, because he gave me a chance. But in the end, he was so damn honorable, even going as far as to seal the fox inside your body, as he would not want no other child to be subject to the life of a jinchuuriki."

The masked man paused for a moment. "Their deaths were but a minor setback for the greater plans of the Akatsuki. But you, on the other hand, have brought what Madara wanted, what I wanted in danger. You may call Operation Moon's Eye what you want, but all I want is a world free of war, of suffering, an end to the tears."

"With the Uchiha leading the world in an era of so-called peace," Naruto snorted.

"Better us than the Senju," Obito rebuked. "You yourself can bear witness to that, Naruto. I know that Tsunade was your great-aunt, as well as your godmother. I know she blames you for your mother's death just as Jiraiya blames you for the death of Minato. You have gotten strong, even stronger than Sasuke. Even without the fox, you have gotten stronger. In effect, you owe me. I made you what you are today. If it wasn't for me, you would be stagnating in Konohagakure no Sato, just like Sasuke is right now. And it would be a shame to have you as my enemy when I can have you as my ally instead."

Naruto cocked an eyebrow.

"Your father was my teacher," Obito continued. "I can be a teacher to you, a mentor. I can show you how to master the Rinnegan, to master the Six Paths. You have the potential to become even greater than your father, than the other Hokages before and after him. You becoming Emperor of the West is proof of that. Join me, Naruto. Join me and we can lift the web of lies. We can crush the Leaf once and for all!"

"You have an interesting point," Naruto said. "But...I must decline, as your crimes are too great."

"Crimes? What crimes?" Obito asked.

Naruto ticked off Obito's offenses on his fingers. "You used the Sharingan on Yagura and incited a bloodline purge upon the innocent people of Mist in an attempt to eliminate those who would be a threat to the Uchiha and the Sharingan in the long run. You tried to use the Jinchuuriki - the closest I have as brothers and sisters - in a plan for world domination. But your greatest crime is that you robbed me of my parents." He stood up. "My parents know that it was you who had done this. They also know about the Sannin's betrayal. So consider this my solemn pledge: I will not only wipe Konoha off the map, with Sasuke as the catalyst for Konoha's destruction, but I will also exterminate your organization...and I will crush the remnant of the Uchiha clan. Itachi will die...as will Sasuke...and you."

[End Flashback]

Obito did not take my declaration very well. The Akatsuki attacked. I and the Four Devas fought back. Hidan had taken on Kaede, Kisame fought Kintaro, Sadako and Kakuzu mixed it up, and Itachi wanted a rematch against Rasu. I fought Obito. His time-space jutsu had started to get annoying, until I got close enough to slap a seal on him which nullified it, thus making the battle a bit more even.

Obito wielded a katana and Madara's battle fan. I had only my O-katana. Bless you, Sonshi, for teaching me Iaido. And bless you, Zabuza for teaching me kenjutsu. I think Obito was very much surprised that I was at his level, or in my case, exceeded it. He did tag me with a couple of good shots, while I destroyed his mask. Obito, seeing that he could not win, ordered the others to retreat...after seeing that his members had been defeated once again.

The message had been sent. The Son of the Yondaime is back. And he is gunning for you.

Entry 4:

War is imminent for Suna. I should start from the beginning. Hinata and I were in Suna on an inspection tour of the Suna branch of the Pekara Merchant House...and to receive intel regarding Konoha, Orochimaru and the Akatsuki. Honestly, I did not expect two of the Akatsuki to try and kidnap Gaara.

The mad bomber from Iwa, Deidara and Chiyo's grandson, the mad puppeteer Sasori of the Red Sands. Sometimes, it sucks being the Emperor. Deidara and Sasori had planned this well, I have to admit. A sleeper agent named Yura served as one of Gaara's advisers slaughtered the entire guard assigned to guard Suna's gates.

I confronted him along with Baki shortly after Deidara and Sasori infiltrated. He was strong, but he was no match for me. Once he was dealt with, I took on Sasori. God, did that guy love his puppets. He even went as far as to make his own body as one in an attempt at eternal youth.

Sasori was very surprised to see that I was the Emperor of the West. That was all I needed. One fiery Rasenshuriken later and his attack puppets were reduced to carbon, with Sasori himself crippled to the point that he begged for his life. Too bad that I was not in a forgiving mood as I crushed his heart under my heel and incinerated his remains.

With Sasori dead and gone, I had to see how Gaara was making out with Deidara. I arrived just in time to see Deidara on the back of a giant clay bird dodging Gaara's sand. To bad Deidara did not see my wife on a neaby roof, nor that Gaara was manipulating him into moving closer to Hinata.

When Deidara was close enough, Hinata struck. I think I'm rubbing off on her. She leapt into the air and blasted him off of his clay bird with a scorching Deadly Tempest. As she fell back to the Earth, I caught her while Gaara caught Deidara in his sand. One Sand Burial later, and Deidara was no more.

I had a feeling that Zetsu had seen the battle and had hightailed it out of Suna to report it to Obito. Which meant that we will soon have an invasion on our hands. I told Gaara that if I was Obito, I would invade Suna. He agreed with me and began to mobilize his forces. Hinata and I returned to the West. I called an emergency meeting of the Imperial Council and told them of the impending invasion and of my intentions to help Gaara. The council agreed and with their blessings, I mobilized four battalions – two shinobi battalions and two samurai battalions. Not taking any chances, Hinata had also mobilized the Imperial Logistics and Medical Division, as she expected the number of wounded shinobi to be very high.

I also summoned Zabuza and his Demon Brigade. Zabuza was more than happy to get in on the impending action. The Four Devas, Cell Nine and the younger Ino-Shika-Cho also volunteered. But that would not be enough. I needed more backup.

Which is why I summoned the Jinchuuriki.


House of Sovereigns, Council Chambers

The Emperor and Empress Consort of the Western Empire sat in their chairs as the Jinchuuriki (and one freed bijuu queen) stood before them. Following the deaths of both Sasori and Deidara in Suna, it was made clear that an Akatsuki invasion of Suna was imminent. With only 72 hours to prepare for the impending invasion of Suna, Naruto had to work fast. Naruto had already mobilized four battalions of the Imperial Defense Force and they were primed and ready. The Ino-Shika-Cho trio and Cell Nine were also summoned and ready to enter into the fray.

Naruto looked at the Jinchuuriki assembled. To him, they were the closest thing he had as siblings, given their connection to being bijuu containers. "In less than three days, Gaara and Suna will be attacked by the Akatsuki. With the exception of Sasori and Deidara, who have been killed by Hinata, Gaara and myself, the entire gang from Itachi Uchiha to Konan and the Six Paths are coming to play. Even worse, they are backed by 100,000 White Zetsu clones."

"What does this have to do with us?" Han grumbled.

"I plan on going to war against the Akatsuki," Naruto continued. "I plan on wiping them out once and for all. The reason why all of you are here is that I am asking you to come with me to Suna. Given your past problems with the Akatsuki in regards to your bijuu, I'd figure that you would want some payback. If you refuse, then I will not hold it against you, and you will be free to leave."

The Jinchuuriki looked at one another, conversing with each other for a moment. Yugito was the first to speak. "I've fought alongside you and Hinata for a long time. As long as I can bring my Hellcats to the party, I'm in."

"Granted," Naruto confirmed.

"Ah...what the hell," Utakata said, shrugging his shoulders. "I'll come as well."

"Same here," Fu seconded.

"We'll take these punks to the pain," Killer Bee rapped, causing the others to sweat-drop. "Show 'em that the West plays no games."

"You did save both Han and myself from the Akatsuki," Roshi said. "For that, we owe you big. I'm game."

Han nodded his consent. "Payback sounds good. Real good. Count me in."

"And you, Kurama?" Naruto asked.

The redheaded woman shrugged her shoulders. "No need to ask me that question, kid. Obito and I have some unfinished business."

"So long as you don't kill him," Naruto said. "Just beat him within an inch of his life. I want him alive enough so I can take his head myself."

[End Flashback]

Say what you want about Kurama, but she proved to be very helpful in transporting four battalions, plus three special forces teams and the remaining Jinchuuriki to Suna en masse. When I returned, Gaara had been busy. He had evacuated the civilians out of the city and into several fallback positions out of harm's way. Suna was made into a virtual fortress.

To anyone from the Elemental Countries who is watching, you will bear witness and see what happens when you decide to screw with the Unified West and her allies. This will give you pause and to rethink your line of thought.

Hinata's Diary

The battle is over. The Suna-Imperial Forces have won. The Akatsuki have been annihilated. 100,000 Zetsu Clones, along with Obito and Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki, the Zombie Brothers and the Six Paths of Pain, against 6,500 Suna ninja, 50,000 Imperial Soldiers, six Jinchuuriki and one freed Tailed Beast.

Sounds like a suicide battle, right? Well, my husband was once known as the unpredictable, knuckleheaded ninja of Konoha. And as Emperor, he still lives up to his title.

Gaara had declared most of the city expendable. Suna can always rebuild, he surmised. Kurama vowed to deal with Obito personally, while Naruto decided to deal with Itachi. The Consulate had been transformed into a triage center and the Yamada clan were renowned for their healing jutsu. Naruto had ordered me to remain at the Kazekage Tower. I refused. "Where you go, I go," I told him, giving him no room to argue with me.

He sighed and allowed me to come with him. The gathered forces of Suna and the Empire were in the streets, ready for the battle. Seeing as how I had fought alongside him, I know how Naruto works. He has that charisma that makes people believe in him, which is why the Imperial Forces will follow him even into the depths of Hell.

"This is where we fight! This is where they die! The Akatsuki will be crushed once and for all! Give them nothing! But take from them everything!"

The Imperial Forces and the Suna ninja broke into cheers, raising their weapons into the air. Naruto sure knows how to work the crowd, to pump them up full of confidence. It was midnight when the Akatsuki came. They came in through the gates which had been destroyed earlier by Deidara, led by Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki.

Naruto and Gaara had encountered the first half of the Zetsu clones. Naruto created two hundred shadow clones and brought down a quarter of the Zetsu clones using the Hirashin, followed by Gaara crushing a sizable portion with the Sand Burial.

As the second wave of clones came charging in, led by Obito himself Naruto pulled out his trump card. He unleashed the Jinchuuriki upon the Akatsuki. Obito had expected to capture them one at a time. But he wasn't expecting all of them to be fighting in this battle. While Kurama went after Obito, Naruto fought Itachi.

The battle between the fallen Uchiha and my husband was indeed brutal. Naruto would tell me about it shortly afterward. A epic battle of swords, fists and jutsu. One city block was incinerated with Itachi's Amaterasu alone. Another was razed to the ground by Naruto's Deadly Tempest.

But Naruto would gain the upper hand in the battle when he feigned weakness and allowed Itachi to transport him inside Tsukoyomi. Then he activated his Rinnegan and released himself from Tsukyomi by using a specialized seal he had created. During the battle, he had gotten close enough to slip it on Itachi's back. It also had the desired effect of destroying Itachi's Sharingan eyes.

Naruto retrieved his sword and disemboweled Itachi.

Kurama, in the meantime, had beaten Obito within an inch of his miserable life and ripped out the Rinnegan. She would not kill him, as Naruto deserved some payback for what he had done to his family.

Zabuza also came out on top in his match against Kisame. He was injured after Kisame scratched him with Samehada, but he would survive. Zabuza's Demon Unit left a path of destruction in their wake. A and Bee were pretty much indestructible together, as the pile of Zetsu corpses could attest to the fact. Yugito and her Hellcats showed no mercy. The Ino-Shika-Cho trio and Cell Nine had a combined total of three hundred kills. Both Rock Lee and Neji were injured in the battle and were taken to the Kazekage Tower to be treated. Hayate Okajima would be pleased greatly as to how the Ino-Shika-Cho had came out. Jun Fan and Hiashi would be proud of Rock Lee and Neji respectively.

The Four Devas took on the Six Paths and Konan. Nagato had attempted to destroy Suna with a Shinra Tensei, but was stopped by Kintaro and Rasu – Kintato had heaved Rasu towards the Human Path and electrocuted him. Chakra rods also are excellent conductors for electricity, so much so that the feedback ended up killing Nagato.

The Elite Guards had defended the Kazakage Tower along with Temari and Kankuro. Utakata and Fu also assisted in defending the tower. Han and Roshi were like a force unleashed. Han's steam armor made him invulnerable to Zetsu's attacks. I think those two killed more than the rest of the Jinchuuriki combined. Like Naruto, Gaara was on the front lines, enveloping the Zetsu clones in mass Sand Coffins, and destroying them with the Sand Burials. Shukaku had boosted Gaara's killing abilities a hundredfold.

While Naruto was fighting Itachi, I assisted the Elite Guards. My kill tally was up to 120 Zetsu clones. Not too shabby if I say so myself.

After Naruto had eliminated Itachi, he reunited with Gaara and the others, and pushed the remaining Zetsu clones into the town center. Out of a force of 100,000 clones, only three hundred remained. Naruto gave the order: "Destroy them all."

And that we did.

Once Naruto and Gaara had claimed victory, Naruto had retreated to the Kazekage tower. Once behind closed doors, he passed out from chakra exhaustion. Gaara and I carried him to the Kazakage office, and allowed him to rest. The Akatsuki Invasion of Suna is officially over.