
Naruto: the anomaly

Here is my new challenge, I have already tried all the Narutos except the human one. I bring you an idea of how it will affect the world of DxD, the inclusion of Naruto where it should not, should not appear, should not be included, should not damage the already predestined story. There will be no reincarnations, there will be no seals, there will be no memories of the past, or anything. 100% human and will develop The author is the Diabolico, lover of Japanese women, and Solador with Kushina.: Darknaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 24

Underworld - Gremory Castle.

Returning to this one could see a sweating Naruto, having not recently finished his training with his girlfriend's brother who praised him for the use of his magic and how he is one with his body which improved his fighting skills which Sirzechs said which were very good Naruto sighed, he still had energy for more but Sirzechs was called and had to leave after all he is the leader of the underworld no less and before he made some time for himself.

Naruto: hmn... I have to visit mother and Naruko, they would be good for me as members of the nobility as well as Heather... - he thought calmly, going inside the castle to which he ran his hand over his forehead, he was still hot. of all the effort he made.

"It's okay, mother."

Naruto paid attention to his path, looking at Grayfia and the son of Sirzechs who called her mother no less.

Grayfia quickly became aware of Naruto's presence as she said goodbye to her son.

Naruto: millicas... - he greeted raising his hand to which he bowed with a smile before continuing on his way.

Millicas: with permission... - he said calmly in a respectful manner.

Naruto looked at him for a moment before turning to look at Grayfia who now looked at him with her serious gaze.

Acting quickly, Naruto pushed her slightly into the hallway on the side where they were out of sight of milicas who had walked away and turned down another hallway.

Grayfia: naruto-san... - she said looking at him seriously, how he cornered her against the wall.

Naruto:grayfia... - he mentioned with a smile looking at her cute face, as he brought his hand to his chin.

Grayfia: I would appreciate it if you moved away a little and... - she didn't finish when she was suddenly kissed and a hand grabbed her waist.

Naruto: so delicious... - he said with a smile at the taste and softness of his lips when he broke the kiss.

Naruto moved to her neck smelling her rich scent.

Grayfia: no... we can't ahh... - she tried to say in a whisper because of the closeness before moaning as her butt was squeezed.

Grayfia also blushed at his pure manly sweat that she can smell, his strong sweaty arms and his hair pulled back with some bangs falling down his forehead makes him look...sexy.

Naruto: hmn... - He attached the maid closer to his body, feeling her sexy body pressing against his.

Naruto: we can't... - he repeated softly, rubbing his lips with the maid's.

Grayfia: I... I'm married... I... I have a son... - she whispered to him but that didn't keep Naruto away from looking at her in the eyes.

Naruto: I just realized it, but... you're sexy... I want more of you... - he whispered softly, claiming her lips again, to which Grayfia reciprocated the kiss with tongue, she's a straight devil, worthy of an example and considered unattainable, ... but, oh, she also wanted some excitement and action in her life... if she likes serving her husband and has done so for centuries, but the same old monotony is also tiring. .. she looked at Issei-san a little but nothing more... he was not so... attractive other than his power and determination but this handsome young man... is full of vigor and desire for her... in addition to being the future husband of her sister-in-law whom she impregnated and she is expecting her child... the thought of knowing that he is being unfaithful to his pregnant beloved and she to her sister-in-law makes her morbid a little emotional... she is also a demon.

Grayfia moaned as their tongues began to fight with each other... she imagined how he dominated the little Rias she helped raise and...

The Lucifuge moaned at her lust that was beginning to awaken but she walked away, it was not the time for this... Naruto and Grayfia's tongue were visible as was the thread of saliva that connected them.

Grayfia denied.

Grayfia: we can't do this... now... - she told him, wiping her chin a little with her hand while she licked her lips with her tongue in a sexy way.

Naruto: not now, but later... - he said with a smile.

Grayfia: well,... she sighed... but you will have to do something with the nekoshou... kuroka-san and koneko-san... - she said pointing to her nose which Naruto understood.

Naruto: well, nothing that a bath didn't fix... - he said with a smile to which Grayfia denied when he walked away and she put her poker face back on.

Naruto: You'll have to teach me how to do that... - he said with a giggle to which Grayfia's lips curved into a smile of her own.

Naruto: well, I'm going to go take a bath, that training was a bit exhausting although I have energy and... right, can you teach me how to launch magical attacks?... I'll pay you for it... - he said and asked with a smile to which grayfia thought about it.

Grayfia: I could, but not now... I have to prepare everything for lunch... I'm the maid leader... - she said calmly to what Naruto seemed to understand.

Naruto: well... see you later... - he said, giving him a light kiss on the lips before returning to his path with Grayfia looking at his back somewhat amused before sighing in relief when she saw that he is not an arrogant fool or idiot. enthusiastic pervert who could put her in danger...seems like he's good at being her first and only lover.

Grayfia returned and resumed her path different from Naruto's, as she goes to the kitchen and the bathrooms.


Walking calmly through these, Naruto could be seen when he turned a corner and saw that blonde with a feminine face coming in his direction.

Kiba raised an eyebrow looking at his president's boyfriend who comes with his clothes all sweaty and remembered that he should be entering today with Sirzechs-sama no less.

Naruto: your kiba, right?... - I ask whatever is advancing without stopping its path, he nodded.

Naruto: do you know where you would be?... - he asked him with curiosity, since he is not good with auras and such.

Kiba blinked before looking at him seriously.

Kiba: He's on the ground floor with the others... - he simply responded to what Naruto advanced and passed, he continued his walk with Kiba looking at him out of the corner of his eye, it's not that nice.

Kiba: the... - he thought for a moment when he saw her eyes.

Minutes later.

Naruto went down to the first floor calmly, wearing the new clothes that had been given to him and chosen by Rias who knew the type of clothing that he likes over the suits or academy uniform that the girls have gotten used to wearing but have slowly stopped wearing. aside for normal clothing.

Naruto raised an eyebrow as he saw his girls gathered in the living room.

Naruto: is something wrong?... - he asked, approaching when he was quickly approached by Akeno in a hug that he reciprocated.

Akeno buffoon.

Rias sighed looking at her queen.

Rias:akeno had forgotten the day of her meeting in the Glasya-Labolas territory to take the promotion exam to become a middle class demon and it happens to be today in a few hours... - she informed Naruto what is happening.

Naruto: Isn't that good?... - I ask him, looking at Akeno who hides her face on his shoulder.

Rias: Yes, but she doesn't want to go... I told her not to miss the opportunity... - she responded calmly to which Naruto nodded.

Naruto: why don't you want to go?... - he asked his girlfriend softly but also with curiosity.

Akeno: I don't want to get away from you... - she murmured into his shoulder to which Naruto smiled.

Naruto: you won't have to, we'll go see you... can we?... - he asked Rias, who nodded.

Rias: I could fix something, although we won't go directly where she has her exam, we will be close... - she responded to which Naruto nodded with a smile.

Naruto: look... I'll be the one who will receive you as soon as you finish... - he said back with a smile to Akeno who took her face out of his shoulder with a happy smile at that.

Akeno: well, I'll go... - she said with a smile and kissed her boyfriend who reciprocated the kiss.

Rias denied amused.

Koneko smiled as did Asia.

Kuroka felt her nose sting for a moment and raised an eyebrow.


Somewhere in the underworld you could see two hooded men walking through some alleys.

"We are ready."

One of the hooded men spoke to the one who had been following behind him.

"Yes, but we have to be attentive to his appearance, attacking the sekiryuutei he will surely appear."

The second hooded man responded to the first.

"According to my informant, today they have their demon promotion exam, in which we will attack them when they let their guard down."

"Very good...

Human world - North America - Texas - Sawyer farm.

In this you could see Naruko with her cousin Heather running through the cornfields when the hot redhead suddenly stopped for a moment, alerting her cousin.

Heather: Naruko,... what's going on?... - she asked her cousin, somewhat agitated but curious, who looked up at the blue sky.

Naruko looked at the blue sky for a moment before frowning.

Naruko: Naruto... he's in trouble... - she said suddenly, pouting.

Heather sweated.

Heather: Even with that twin connection thing?... - she asked Naruko with a drop of emotion, who looked at her firmly.

Naruko: Yes, it's real! I know when my brother is in trouble and he's alone, I should be by his side having fun just like him... - she shouted at him with her agitated and barely contained voice.

Heather looked at her with a blank stare.

Heather: our hostage has surely created a great distance with your scream or did she hear us... - she simply said to her cousin who raised an eyebrow.

Naruko: no, in fact he must be in our barn now trying to take our car because he cut a cable that I don't know what it's for, but he surely won't be able to start the car... my brother takes care of the house and mom went out with the children... she has no escape, either we kill her or she does it... Leatherface ... - he mentioned the last part in a great way.

Heather sweated.

Heather: I still don't understand why you gave my cousin that name... - she told him when she started walking back to the barn, she joined Naruko.

Naruko shrugged her shoulders unimportantly.

Naruko: it smells great and he also likes to take people's faces off and put them on... - she responded without much interest, plus it sounds great and she is sure that if Naruto heard the name she gave her brother he would agree With it, it sounds great.

Heather: well..., who will prepare the food today?... - she asked her cousin curiously.

Naruko: l eatherface... - he mentioned in a great way.

Heather: well, I want a heart shaped hamburger... hmn... I hope he knows how to make a hamburger... - she commented calmly with Naruko still pouting, she is sure that her dear brother is having fun and speaking from the heart. . the bitch who told her about her dear brother's phone, when she finds it she will eat hers.

The duo of pretty young girls on the outside, but evil bloodthirsty cannibals on the inside, continued on their way calmly hoping to reach their prey before Leatherface.

Inframundo - Territorio - Glasya-Labolas.

Naruto and his girls had arrived here along with their other pieces except for Sona and her group who had something to do so they couldn't accompany them.

Naruto looked with a raised eyebrow at the other two boys next to Akeno since apparently she was not the only one who would take these exams.

Rias:akeno, issei, yūto, I hope you do your best... - she told them with a soft smile to which the trio responded with a "hai".

Issei looked at his president for a moment, now that he feels her far away he can truly see how beautiful she is and her smile... her lips, her body... her gaze... "why aren't they for him?" "I was his sweet pawn."

"The exam will start soon!"

A loudspeaker blared outside the exam building as the Gremory trio took their leave.

Rias smiled before turning to see Naruto and the others.

Rias: well, we have a free room for us... let's go... - she said softly to which the group advanced and began to follow her before Kuroka literally hung on Naruto's back who raised an eyebrow before not giving it any importance and continue walking listening to asia telling him about a place he wants to visit.

Kuroka: this smell... - he contemplated in silence without being able to locate it but there was a new smell besides that of the girls in his naruto-nya.

The group arrived after a few minutes at the room that Rias got them very well furnished and they made themselves comfortable, Naruto literally laid his head on Rias's lap who rubbed his hair with a smile.

Naruto: so... you want a child... - he pointed out to which Xenovia nodded sitting in her place.

Irina blushed at her friend's frankness.

Kuroka frowned.

Asia and koneko rubbed their flat abdomen that still did not show signs of pregnancy.

Valerie was too into her game to pay attention.

Rossweisse pursed her lips, she hasn't taken the test yet.

Naruto: I mean... it doesn't bother me, but shouldn't we get to know each other and see if you like me enough for that?... - he asked curiously to the blue-haired girl who smiled.

Xenovia: with the little I've seen, I know you're a good person... - she said to which Naruto sweated, if only she knew.

Xenovia: although if you are not or you are, I like you... you are more sincere and I see that you will be a good father... besides you don't look at me with that look so I am sure of my decision... - she told him with Naruto wondering what look he's talking about.

Naruto sighed for a moment and nodded.

Naruto: well... - he responded affirmatively which made Xenovia smile happily.

Irina looked at Naruto and quickly looked away, still blushing.

Rias: our future son will have many brothers... - she mentioned, stretching Naruto's cheek a little with her hand but smiling happily, she likes that her friends and friends follow her with her boyfriend instead of separating on the walk, she They have become good sisters to her.

Naruto yawned.

Naruto: wake me up when Akeno finished... - he said, closing his eyes and began to sigh softly.

Asia smiled looking at him fondly.

Asia: e... eto... girls, do you know or imagine, what could be the gender of the baby?... - I told them to which everyone with a sparkle in their eyes began to gossip, including Irina giving her opinions.

Valerie is still on her game.

Time began to pass calmly until even the girls talking animatedly lost track of time and only realized it had passed when Akeno, Yūto and Issei entered the room.

Issei quickly frowned as he saw "him" resting on his president's soft legs.

Kiba approached the wall and leaned against it, while Akeno looked at her sleeping love with a soft smile.

Rias: welcome, how do you think it went?... - I ask the trio with a smile.

Akeno: well although it was just a little difficult... - Kiba and Issei responded in agreement.

Rías: well, make yourself comfortable, I'll order some snacks... - he told them with a soft smile, creating a magic circle in his ear, without noticing those who have just arrived at the promotion academy.




The wall near the window exploded when two hooded men appeared, one with a spear on his shoulder that everyone recognized.

"¡Khaos brigade!".

Rossweisse shouted with a frown as her armor covered her.


The hooded men removed the top part of their hood showing Cao Cao and Georg who had smiles on their faces.

More hooded men appeared surrounding the room and...

"Seriously... don't let me sleep...

Naruto stood up from his legs with a yellow aura surrounding him, his gaze somewhere between annoyed and exasperated.

CaoCao looked at the stranger with a raised eyebrow.

CaoCao: a new member... - he mentioned, amused, looking at the stranger and his strange aura, he literally couldn't feel it but he wasn't stupid enough to trust himself.

"¡Boosted Gear: Balance Breaker!".

Naruto watched a flash of red pass by him and all hell broke loose.

The hooded men quickly attacked.

Naruto dodged an attack from one before kicking another in the head separating it from his body and charged with great agility, Naruto began to attack his "enemies".

Kiba and Xenovia had pushed Georg out of the room, while Rias and the others, except for Asia and Valerie, let out their auras brutally, splitting the floor.

Valerie stayed by Asia's side to protect the healer.

Rias: let's finish this... - he said seriously when they began to attack the hooded men who kept coming.

Rias gathered power of destruction in her hand and began to quickly cleanse the enemies into dust.

Naruto, shit!

Rossweisse growled watching as they made Naruto jump out.

Koneko nimbly punched some enemies before jumping out followed by Kuroka, but more enemies quickly appeared.



Multiple explosions began to resonate.

Naruto jumped dodging one's scythe before bringing his fist to the ground.



Several grim reapers screamed as the ground gave way to which Naruto imitated what he had done earlier in Rias' room by creating a dark sphere in his hand that seemed to pull the wind around him towards it and simply threw it at his enemies.

A group of grim reapers preparing to charge was literally wiped away by the wind to nothing... only dust was left in its place alerting the others.

Naruto: interesting... - he observed his hand carefully before dodging a scythe that came from his back with a jump, he thanks Sirzechs for his little explanation and training that he gave him.

Naruto looked in slow motion at his enemy before falling to the ground and brought his hands to his head quickly and spun into a 

grash ".


Naruto glanced at a white armor that appeared in the sky and began to rapidly attack these things.

The danger sense was activated for Naruto who jumped from his place when an explosion happened in his previous position.

"I got you boy."

A voice appeared behind Naruto's back and he looked at a different hooded man.

Naruto: really?... - he asked, looking at him out of the corner of his eye in the air and the older grim reaper was disgusted when he saw his eyes, this was the most disgusting person he had ever seen.

Naruto turned, deflecting the scythe that was behind his back with his hand and proceeded to guide his hand to the face of his enemy who did not wait for his agility.


The grim reapers roared in agony as the finger entered, crushing his eye and lodged in his brain, shutting him down.

Naruto fell to the ground with his enemy's body before raising his fist and...


The ground shook, shaking several enemies and allies alike.

Kuroka: senjutsu... - he said as he dodged the slashes of his enemies and began to send bursts of energy at them before exchanging blows with some.


CaoCao glanced at the stranger out of the corner of his eye as he exchanged quick attacks with the sekiryuutei.

CaoCao: what strength... it's time... - he also said, noticing his target sitting on top of the building.

Georg shared a look with his leader and disappeared from his fight against the Gremory knights.


A horrifying and dark roar resounded, attracting everyone's attention when a cross descended from the sky in which a strange creature could be seen crucified with nails stuck in various parts of its body (arms, tail, wings, etc.), as well as several other restraints that had ancient letters written on them. His eyes were also covered with a bandage from which tears of blood were dripping.








To be continúe.

I hope you like it and vote.

Yes there may be changes, but read the title and you will understand... the title of the fic.