
Naruto: Template System

One would think that after dying and losing everything, people would regret many things, but not me. I was born in World War II ninja, and in this time, only the strong and the smart survive, although luck also plays its part. Only my OC, the main character, belongs to me. I don't know enough English to write it myself, so this is translated by an AI.

BaldurOdinnson · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Shinobi Path

'Hello World.' <--- Thought< p>

- Hello World. - <--- Speaking< p>

Hello World <--- Flashbacks< p>

Hello Master <--- System Time and or Location Marks< p>


Darkness, it's all there is in this place. I can't see anything beyond this. I had a rather monotonous life, and though I tried to have a partner, I was always betrayed. Even my friends abandoned me when I was at my worst.

It was like a curse that always accompanied me, pushing everyone around me away. In school, college, work, it was always the same; people often ignored me, and when they didn't, it seemed like it didn't matter enough.

Books, learning new things, and improving on old ones were all that helped me in those times. But even so, everything was ruined by a damn idiot who can't drive...

Anyway, the darkness of this place isn't much different from the darkness of my world, so dying wasn't a big deal either.

I just hope not to go mad in this place.




In the dark place, where only emptiness prevails, a breach opens and absorbs everything around it. Those less experienced eyes wouldn't see anything, just a narrow streak of light breaking through the darkness, closing in less than 1 second...

But... Those who see through the deep darkness of the void would see how a soul is absorbed along with a high-level spiritual artifact. But, of course... Those who see through the void are so few that you could count them on one hand, and they wouldn't care about what happens in that lonely and depressing place.




I open my eyes, and the first thing I see is a ceiling of sand in poor condition. Am I alive? That's my first thought as I feel my body and an impressive, unbearable heat that burns me from the tips of my toes to the hairs on my neck, and as strange as it sounds, the pain also forces me to get up abruptly, not letting me breathe.

I look at hands that should be mine; they are white and soft, but the unbearable heat doesn't let me admire how different they feel from mine when suddenly my head starts to hurt. An unbearable pain, even more than the extreme heat my body feels, and unable to bear the pain any longer, I end up fainting again...

Upon waking up, I better understand my situation, as I now have a set of memories that didn't belong to me. This is the world of Naruto; I'm in the Land of Sand before the Second Shinobi World War. My emotions begin to stir as I think about all the problems.

This rotten world based on manipulations and survival of the fittest is a nightmare compared to Earth...

Fear is the first emotion that comes to me, for my own weakness. While I know nobody is born strong, I was born in the sand, one of the poorest countries, in a territory practically without land and little water, without a status significant enough to develop without fear.

Before I continue wallowing in my misery and denial, I'll need to gather as much information as I can. They say "Information is Power"; let's see how true that is in a world of ninjas.




After searching for memories and asking some of the closest neighbors of this body, I discovered some interesting things.

So I'm in a house, if you can call a room made of solidified sand without windows and enough space to sleep and go to the bathroom a house. I'm close enough to the village, but quite separated compared to other houses, I would say at least around twenty minutes' walk to get to the Kazekage's Tower and the Ninja School.

I am 4 years old at this moment, and my parents are on a long-term mission from which they send me money to feed and survive. In a year, I'll enter the ninja academy, and the people of the village think I'm antisocial or have mental problems, or I'm just mute, as I usually don't talk to anyone.

Well, I'll have to manage with what I have. I'm lucky that my parents are on a long-term mission; I don't have the same affection for them with this new set of memories, but I know I'm no longer the same person I was before reincarnating, nor the same child dreaming of being a ninja like his parents.

I have one year left to train and survive and be something more than just a normal person...





During the passing year, the first two months were difficult for me to adapt, but I did, and I spoke to the people in the village, which served quite well since I needed some company during the first few weeks, reminding me that I'm not in an anime talking to real people. I'm not used to sleeping in extreme heat, insects everywhere, sand constantly getting into my mouth, the wind burning in the afternoon hours.

Laughing a little with the people of the village relaxed me a bit. I wasn't wasting time either; during these two months, I exercised, doing push-ups, squats, planks, stretches, etc. Exercises to get my body used to the future ninja life.

But I couldn't overdo it; water was limited for each person, so I couldn't strain myself too much. Anyway, at 6 months, I found out that my parents died in combat. I felt somewhat sad since they paid for everything for me and couldn't see their son's face, at least one last time, but maybe it's better that they stay with the last memory of their son, and not with me.

They gave me the money they had earned after completing the long-term mission; it will help me survive at least until I enter the academy. I learned that the children who enter the academy to become ninjas are given food at the academy, so there are always children who enlist to become ninjas.

They say the food is disgusting, but at the moment, I don't have the right to question the taste of the food as long as I can eat it.

Time passed quickly; the next day, I entered the Ninja Academy, the remaining 6 months, I trained less my muscles and more my flexibility, to be able to dodge attacks. I plan to use weapons, preferably a spear, although it's a choice for my future self.

The training led me to believe that I could beat most civilian children without training, it's impossible to last more than 10 minutes against children who have already received ninja training. I'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Time: The Next Morning

I opened my eyes and got up to go to the academy. I dressed in the cleanest clothes I had, and I only had 5 short shirts and long pants. I ran out while greeting the people who greeted me with smiles and reached the door of the academy, a giant building compared to the normal houses around, with the giant kanji that says desert.

I stood looking at the door thinking that the time to enter damn it is approaching.