
Naruto system in another world

Naruto system in another world, you know, the drill. This novel is a Chinese novel that I have edited and revamped to make it readable. The story belongs to its author. //The picture isn't mine//

scorpion678 · Anime und Comics
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ch 3

Before the waterfall, Feng Zichen, who closed his eyes and practised the Chakra control Technique, opened his eyes within less than half an hour with a strange expression: "What... what's going on?"

Initially, Feng Zichen was worried that his talent was not good and that he would not be able to control the Chakra, but the fact was that after only ten minutes, he controlled some Chakra from his body. The speed was too fast. He couldn't believe it. It went so well.

Feng Zichen felt the extremely subtle power in his body and kept it flowing through the meridians, bringing a sense of warmth to his body. That was characteristic of Chakra, but how could he control it so quickly?

The puzzled Feng Zichen asked the system again: "System, what is going on, it went so smoothly..."

The system said: [That is not surprising. This system will only choose a person with the strongest chakra talent in the world. Since the Naruto system has chosen you as the host, you naturally have the most chakra talent. Your talent is strong with it. Smooth control is very standard...]

Is that so? Was he the most Chakra-talented person on earth? Feng Zichen was greatly surprised. He was an ordinary high school student in his previous life, and he had no place to shine. Now that he knows he is unmatched in Chakra talent, Feng Zichen does not know how to feel.

Shaking his head, throwing away negative thoughts in his mind, Feng Zichen closed his eyes and continued to refine his Chakra control. After all, even if he was highly talented, he could only achieve great heights with corresponding efforts.

After a bit of time passed, Feng Zichen became addicted to the cultivation of Chakra. Unknowingly, he actually entered the ideal state for the cultivation of Chakra.

In the Naruto world, Chakra was already present there, but he had to refine it in this world. His Chakra refining speed had been significantly increased, and the breakneck refining speed suddenly became terrifying. The Chakra in his body multiplied, from the initial traces to strands, and it quickly turned into a warm current the size of a soybean, which slowly flowed through the meridians in Feng Zichen's body and circulated back and forth.

This feeling of his strength rising a little bit was excellent. Feng Zichen was almost intoxicated by it and couldn't help himself.

He didn't know how long it had been, but the Chakra refined in Feng Zichen's body had the thickness of fingers, and gradually there was a feeling of fullness. Feng Zichen immediately broke away from the state of cultivation. He was overjoyed. He had reached the threshold of an academy student unknowingly. As long as he kept accumulating Chakra, he would have the Chakra of a genin in his body. Then he could officially become a Ninja.

This made Feng Zichen sigh, 'The advantages of good talent are incredible.' It took two or three years for the ninjas in the Naruto world to reach the Chakra amount of a genin (except for those with an extraordinary natural talent who would have that large amount of Chakra). According to this situation, it would take him less than two or three days to have the Chakra volume of a genin. He really doesn't know what to say.

"Is this what a peerless genius feels? It's really different and cool..." Feng Zichen recalled his previous life in high school. He was always the most ordinary if he had the system in his previous life. If he had this talent...

"Haha... what's the use of thinking about it now? Now that I have transmigrated to another world and been given a second chance to start a new life let's forget about your previous life! Once you have gained a second chance, you should go forward!" Feng Zichen exclaimed. The confusion in his eyes was gone, and they were firmly determined to move forward.

"Okay! Now that I have decided to walk on the path of the strong, I have to stick to it. The first step is to cultivate to higher levels. Let's start..." Feng Zichen announced with a resolute expression, and then...

"Goooo~" A series of weird noises came from his stomach, making Feng Zichen's face suddenly freeze.

'I'm so hungry~ I'm so hungry'. The sudden hunger caused Feng Zichen's ambitions to disappear. He was holding his stomach in hunger. How could he be so hungry? He had never been so hungry...

'It's Chakra!' Feng Zichen thought, after all, Chakra was the mixture of mental and physical energies. He had refined Chakra just now. How could his body spend so much physical strength at once?

Feng Zichen forcibly endured the hunger and stood up to look around: He saw that the sky, which was initially clear, was gradually darkening. The cultivation took more time than he thought a lot longer.

Now, he had to find something to eat. Otherwise, let alone being strong, he would have starved to death first, Feng Zichen thought in his heart.

But even though he was starving to death, Feng Zichen still did not forget what the system said. He was in a dangerous place called Fallen Forest. If he acts rashly, he will not eat food. Other monsters will eat him as food.

Although the protection barrier has not failed, the system also said that this barrier can only guarantee that monsters will not actively attack him. It would be useless to provoke them rashly, so he had to prepare.

First, Feng Zichen took out the ninja kit. Unsurprisingly, there was a kunai, two ninja senbon, three detonating seals, and four medical bandages inside, and that was it.

Feng Zichen picked up the dark kunai, weighed it, and subconsciously stabbed forward with all his strength, and the sound of whistling in the air rang out, surprised him.

'This power'...Feng Zichen clenched his fists. Chakra gathered in his fists and punched a big rock beside him.

A muffled sound and a fist mark about half an inch deep appeared on the big rock, and small cracks extended from Feng Zichen's fist like spider webs. The power of the punch cracked countless cracks in the hard boulder. Even the instigator, Feng Zichen, was taken aback. Unexpectedly, Chakra, which hadn't reached the genin level, had such power, which made him more confident for his first hunting trip.

Tying the ninja pouch on his thigh like a ninja in Naruto World, Feng Zichen took out the basic Academy three technique given by the system and learned it directly, like the "Chakra Control Manual."

Feeling the academy three-technique in his mind, Feng Zichen smiled. He really learned it directly.

Academy Three refers to the three basic ninjutsu ninjas must learn in Naruto: clone, transformation, and Substitution. Although these are said to be the least complex and weakest ninjutsu, they are still authentic ninjutsu...

After learning the ninjutsu he had dreamed of in his previous life, Feng Zichen couldn't wait to use it.

"Clone Technique!" With a soft yell, Feng Zichen made a hand seal in his hand and with a soft puff of smoke. Two Feng Zichen appeared in front of the waterfall. One was smiling, and his eyes were clear. The other was also full of smiles, but his eyes were dull, and there were no emotional changes. That was a clone of Feng Zichen.

However, even though the clone looked precisely the same as him, but had many drawbacks. First of all, this is just a clone. Without any ability to attack, it will only move with the caster; secondly, this is only a clone, not a shadow clone. If you look closely, you can still find flaws. Its most significant drawback was that the clone didn't have a defence. This means that as long as it receives even the slightest attack, it will dissipate immediately. These shortcomings made the clone technique one of the lowest-rank ninjutsu recognized in the Naruto world.

Followed by the transformation technique, Feng Zichen's hands formed the required seals, and with a puff of smoke, he became the famous Country D superstar Andy Lau.

Walking to the riverside, looking at the face of an idol from his past life reflected in the water, Feng Zichen couldn't help but smile. He looked realistic but fantastic.

Changing back with a puff of smoke, Feng Zichen began to weave hand signs for the substitute technique. After the seal was completed, Feng Zichen disappeared with a puff of smoke, leaving only a piece of wood that fell on the ground.

Under a big tree twenty meters away, Feng Zichen walked out in a puff of smoke, looked at the piece of wood in his previous position, and nodded. This substitution technique was beneficial. It quickly casts the jutsu to replace oneself with items within a certain distance to avoid a fatal injury. Chakra consumption was very little, casts jutsu rapidly and only needs one seal. This made the substitution technique rank higher than the clone and transformation techniques; even a powerful ranked ninja would often use it, considered one of the academy three and The most practical one in operation.

Ahem, returning to the topic. After successfully using the Academy Three Techniques, and for the first time in his two lifetimes by using ninjutsu, he has the makings of a power fantasy. All of this made Feng Zichen's mood very good. If it weren't for the increasingly intense hunger in his stomach, He is afraid he would have been excited for a long time.

With the increased power, Feng Zichen gained confidence. Holding the dark kunai in his hand, he cautiously stepped into the jungle and began to search for food, his stomach constantly protesting.

"According to the system, this place is in the outer region of the Fallen Forest. No high-level monsters live here, But even so, monsters may have the equivalent strength of lower and middle levels. I am far from being their opponent. Those low-level monsters also may live in groups of dozens or hundreds.

Feng Zichen was like a hungry lone wolf, Chakra pouring into his legs, quickly and carefully travelling through the jungle. His sharp eyes swept around vigilantly, searching for suitable prey.

After searching for a long time, Feng Zichen had trouble finding a suitable target. Either he encountered strong monsters or too many in one place to safely hunt. He was getting hungrier and a little anxious. He felt he had to be ruthless and make up his mind. He could only hunt those challenging monsters if he couldn't find a suitable beast.

Fortunately, Feng Zichen's luck shined through. When he almost couldn't bear it, he finally found a single-horned monster, a one-horned fire pig.

A peak low-tier monster, one-horned fire pig, low attack power, high defence, single attack mode, and talented in-fire bomb. It was the ideal target of many lower-level magicians or warriors. Of course, Feng Zichen would learn this in the future. But right now, he chose the one-horned fire pig for its several hundred catties of pork.

Seeing the tall fire pig resting under the tree leisurely, Feng Zichen swallowed his saliva, his eyes radiating his terrifying hunger. After surveying it carefully, Feng Zichen felt a little nervous. After all, it was the first time he would have a one-on-one fight with such a monster.

His stomach kept growling. Feng Zichen was worried that the monster would notice him if he got closer, so he stopped more than fifty meters away from the one-horned fire pig, hiding behind the big tree and breathing silently. He felt Very nervous.

'Calm down!keep Calm!' Feng Zichen continued to cheer himself up while trying to run Chakra all over his body. The feeling of his current strength gradually made him lose his fear and regain confidence.

Tightly gripping the sharp Kunai, Feng Zichen stared at the one-horned fire pig, his legs bent slightly, ready to go. The one-horned fire pig turned somewhat, facing Feng Zichen with its back.

Chance! Feng Zichen's eyes flashed brightly, and Chakra exploded from his legs when he moved and rushed to the one-horned fire pig like lightning. The dark blade in his hand was glistening with a cold light, like a death scythe waving to reap its life.