
Naruto system in another world

Naruto system in another world, you know, the drill. This novel is a Chinese novel that I have edited and revamped to make it readable. The story belongs to its author. //The picture isn't mine//

scorpion678 · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

ch 2

Fallen Forest, waterfall outlands.

Feng Zichen looked at the countless ninjutsu on the screen before him and the high price and couldn't help but close his eyes for a bit in pain. The treasure trove was placed right before him, but it was locked with a price tag. Isn't it disheartening?

"System~ How do I obtain these exchange points? I want this ninjutsu..." Feng Zichen asked pitifully.

[Ding~ This System can convert all energy into corresponding exchange points. As long as the host exchanges items with energy, the System will convert them into exchange points. The more power and the better the quality, the more exchange points will be gained, which is one of the primary sources for the host to obtain exchange points. In addition, the System will randomly generate quests occasionally and exchange points as rewards.] The System answered meticulously.

"Energy..." Feng Zichen whispered this thing was the troupe in novels he had read in his previous life. Feng Zichen was no stranger to it. Cultivators, martial artists, and magicians in those worlds relied on various energies. Since he was in another world, getting energy would not be difficult, but he still wanted more clarity.

"Can you explain it? Is there any energy source that is easily available in this world? For example, what energy can be exchanged for points around here..."

The System was silent for a while before it said, [After a scan by the System, this continent is called the Star Continent. The energy between Heaven and the Earth is vital, and countless powerful men have been born. The cultivation energy has multiplied for millions of years to The peak. And the energy between Heaven and Earth on the continent cannot be directly converted into exchange points, so the host needs to obtain the energy crystals of Heaven and Earth before they can be converted into exchange points. There are a lot of energy-rich items on this continent. , The host does not have to worry about not having the energy items to exchange...]

Feng Zichen nodded when he heard it. So that's it, energy items and quests? That way, there was no need to worry about the exchange points.

[However, if the host wants to obtain energy items quickly, the host must have enough strength. For example, the Fallen Forest is an excellent place to get energy items. Countless monsters live here, and the magic cores in these monsters are incredibly pure. The more powerful the magical core in the monster's body, the more energy it contains, and the more exchange points that can be obtained, it can be used to heighten the host's strength...] With that, the System poured cold water on him mercilessly.

Feng Zichen's face was bitter, strength? How can he have any strength? In this foreign world and star continent where everyone has cultivated since childhood, his combat power may not even be as good as an average six-year-old child in this world...

It seemed that Feng Zichen's troubles were seen, and the System finally pities him[Ding~ a Friendly reminder, there is a Biggners gift package in the host's inventory containing the things you may need. It is recommended that the host collects it...]

That sentence brought a bright smile to his face. Yes~ Generally speaking, sometimes the System has a beginner's gift package the first time it is installed. "I hope there are some good things in it."

Feng Zichen shouted: "System, I want to open the beginner's gift package!" The System responded in its usual tone: [Ding~ successfully opened a beginner's gift package,...ding~ congratulations host for getting the Chakra control manual, a ninja kit, academy three-technique, plus 100 exchange points...]

Just basic things? Feng Zichen could have been more satisfied if he had been able to have Byakugan or Sharingan. It would be great. Then he wouldn't have to worry about survival. You must know these were the most coveted eyes in the Naruto world.

But now... Refrain from talking about the bloodline limit. Therese not even a decent ninjutsu manual? The Academy three-technique? That is the most common of the standard ninjutsu in Naruto, a ninja kit? The few kunai knives inside are also helpful, and what makes Feng Zichen speechless is the 100 exchange points given by the System. What is the use of only 100 exchange points? It is enough for only some C-rank ninjutsu and is only enough for one D-rank ninjutsu. What can D-rank ninjutsu be used for? Little fireball?To make a campfire?

'Hey, System, is there an advanced gift pack? Or just give me dozens of million in exchange points...' Feng Zichen thought weakly.

The cold voice of the System broke the last hope in Feng Zichen's heart and brought him a piece of bad news: [There is only one gift package for the beginners, and it cannot be given repeatedly... as for exchange points, don't even think about it. You were only gifted one hundred points. In addition, it kindly reminds the host that you are currently on the most infamous and fiercest land on Star Continent, the Fallen Forest. Although the host is in the outer domain's edge, there are no high-level monsters, but low-level monsters do. Quite a few, in fact, in the host's vicinity, with the host's current strength, fighting even mid-level monsters will end in death. Recommended to the host to find energy items before the protection barrier that the System opened for the host's protection disappears to increase the System's energy.]

Feng Zichen's body suddenly froze. He turned his head to look around, and in his eyes, he saw a forest full of tall and taller trees with a dense canopy and heard the roar of various beasts from time to time in the distance, which horrified him.

Feng Zichen was not calm and asked, "What... system, how long does it take for this protective barrier to dissipate; also, how long does it take to practice the chakra control manual to control the chakra?"

The System replied: [The protection enchantment will dissipate into nothing after twenty-four hours. As for how long it takes to practice Chakra control, it depends on the host's own talent. If the host's talent is good, he can control it in a few hours. If not host will have to spend a few days at the least.]

The simple sentence from the System made Feng Zichen's heart beat like a drum. What was the level of his talent? Could he quickly control his Chakra? Like Rock Lee in the Naruto world, who was unlucky, unable to perform ninjutsu but could still control Chakra...

He thought a lot about the gains and losses, and finally, Feng Zichen gritted his teeth with determination to not be killed and eaten. He hurried up to practice. It was a matter of life or death.

Feng Zichen, who had made up his mind, raised his head and said, "System, please give me the Chakra Control Manual. Put the other things in the inventory first. I will see them later."

The screen disappeared quickly, but a booklet magically fell from the void. Feng Zichen stretched out his hand, caught it, took a closer look, and found that the brochure had a small number of pages but a lot of content, densely filled with words and patterns.

When Feng Zichen didn't know where to start reading, the System appeared: [Ding~Do you want to learn "Chakra control" quickly?]

Feng Zichen was startled but nodded subconsciously. The brochure in his hand turned into white light and flowed into his brain. Feng Zichen only felt a burst of information rushing into his brain. It deeply imprinted in his mind and consciousness as if he had just remembered it to the t. It was the Chakra control technique.

Feeling the chakra-control technique in his mind, Feng Zichen was stunned. Was this okay? He knew how to practice it as soon as he thought about it.

Feng Zichen was immediately overjoyed: "Can I now learn ninjutsu with this?" It took a lot of work to learn some complicated ninjutsu. You could only understand it if you had enough talent for ninjutsu. If he could learn all ninjutsu like this, He didn't have to worry about the price tags on ninjutsu.

In the face of Feng Zichen's ardent expectations, the System continued to explain: [Yes, all ninjutsu, illusion, or physique can be learned, but proficiency and some small skills will be less potent and refined.]

Really, that was awesome~ Feng Zichen was overjoyed. This Naruto system was really against the Heavens. It was too powerful.

In a good mood, Feng Zichen also confidently started his first practice in another world according to his mind's "Chakra control " method. This will determine his life's path, and Feng Zichen's Chakra talent will be known soon.

However, the results surprised him. Feng Zichen closed his eyes for less than half an hour and opened his eyes strangely.

"Is this the same thing?"