
Naruto: Surgeon of Death in Boruto

In the timeline of boruto, system leaving after giving the mc some benefits.

Lame_Craze · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 12 Spar

Uchiha Residence.

In the dining room,


"Huh, what's the matter?" Ryuma finally swallowed the last bite, a satisfied look on his face, but seeing the girl opposite to him looking at him continuously, he asked.


"Do you know my mom, Ryuma-Kun?" asked Sarada, after sighing at Ryuma's appetite, pushing the glasses on the bridge of her nose, a light reflecting in them.


"No… Today is the first time I meet Sakura-Sensei!" Ryuma replied causally and picked the bowl of soup placed near him, gulping it down.

"Well~ than why…wait…Sensei…what are you talking about?" Spoke Sarada causally but suddenly she stopped noticing she missed something, and stood up, a completely lost look over her face.


"Well~ Ryuma is a student of mine from today," Ryuma didn't get a chance to explain the things to Sarada as Sakura holding a wooden tray entered the room, answering instead of Ryuma.


Arriving near the bewildered Sarada, Sakura placed her lunch on the table, and pulling the chair, she sat on her left.

"Yes, I will be learning Medical Ninjutsu from Sakura-Sensei" Ryuma stood up, picking the sword leaning on the chair beside him, and while doing so he confirmed the words of Sakura lightly.


"Medical Ninjutsu? I thought you excelled in Taijutsu Ryuma-Kun" Sarada sat back on the chair after hearing his confirmation, and inquired, his performance earlier the morning didn't give the vibe of a gentle medical shinobi.

"Well~ you were wrong" Said Ryuma straightforwardly to Sarada, his head turning towards Sakura: "Thanks for your hospitality Sakura-Sensei, I look forward to your guidance, I'll take my leave now"

Saying that Ryuma bowed slightly towards Sakura, not being too arrogant nor too humble.


"Let me drop you at the door" Sakura pushed the chair back a little standing up, arriving near Ryuma, ready to politely see him off.

"W-wait Ryuma-Kun…"

Ryuma nodded towards Sarada and then turned around moving towards the door, Sakura following him, but suddenly the shout of Sarada from behind halted them.

Hearing the shout, Ryuma turned his head back and looked at Sarada who stood in the hallway barefoot.

"I saw your abilities in the morning test Ryuma-Kun, if you don't mind…saying that a hesitant look appeared on the face of Sarada before taking a deep breath she spoke again, gazing at Ryuma who looked at her quietly: "Can I fight you? I want to measure my current abilities!"

Said Sarada, intervening her fingers, an expectant look on her face, today seeing Boruto fighting Iwabe had aroused her fighting spirit as well.

She wanted to see how strong she was, and Ryuma just happened to be the best target to test her strength, his performance at the academy proved that he should be by no means weak.

"Can we Sakura-Sensei?" Ryuma didn't refuse and turned towards Sakura beside him, as her decision was required.

Rather than refusing her which might result in Sarada pestering him every day, it's better to show the gap and get over with it quickly.

"Why not? Come to the yard, I want to see how capable my daughter is, but you are not allowed to use that ability of yours"

Said Sakura, her green expectant eyes stuck at Sarada, wondering how strong her daughter is, was she stronger than her at the academy days.


In the yard,


The wind blew, the flowers in the yard trembled, a pleasant fragrance in the air.

About a distance of 10 meters from each other stood Sarada and Ryuma, the former's hand in the ninja holster tied on her thigh, the latter standing lazily before her, his sword resting on his shoulders.

"Remember this is just a friendly exchange, if anyone of you gets injured, I'll stop the fight immediately, now start!!"

Sakura standing between them said loudly, telling the rules, after which she waved her hand down, signaling the start of the fight.



Immediately, Sarada took out few shurikens as she whizzed them towards Ryuma, and taking out a kunai she also rushed towards him.

Seeing the shurikens approaching him, Ryuma didn't seem to have a sense of urgency as first he stretched his arms yawning, a little sleepy after lunch.


Than his ring and index finger suddenly stretched out turning into afterimages, all the shurikens in the air vanishing appearing in his right hand, stunning Sakura who watched from the side and Sarada who was already in front of him.


Sarada was stunned but she knew it was not the time to stop as with full power she whizzed the kunai in her hands towards Ryuma, the wind trembling a little due to force.



Ryuma just stepped to the side, stretching his foot a little, Sarada who missed the attack, colliding with his foot, tripping, screaming about to fall.

"Don't waste my time in the future" But just when she was about to fall, a hand held her wrists, pulling her back, Sarada ending up in strong and warm arms, an annoyed voice falling in her ears, the hot breath tickling her ears.

"Aww…too close…."

Sarada was stunned wondering she had heard wrong but smoke coming out from her head finding her in his arms, face red, her body going limp.


Sakura on the side who watched the fight from the side, started laughing seeing Sarada like this, her hands clutching her slightly exposed belly.

"I'll be taking my leave, Sakura-Sensei!"

"Haha, take care!"

Seeing the limp Sarada in his arms, Ryuma just shook his head and went towards Sakura handing the limp Sarada to her, taking leave by the way.

He had no interest in 12 something Sarada, mentally he was in his twenties, he was not a pedo.

Sakura took the now fainted Sarada from him and waved him goodbye, still laughing, never has she seen Sarada so embarrassed.

Chapters ahead on P@treon.com/KP7145