
Naruto: Superior Shinobi

In the midst of Orochimaru experimenting on a Boy, said boy awakens memories of different lifes. From the Life of an Ordinary Student to a Genius like Dr. Gero with a wide range of knowledge in Robotics and Bioengineering. With a meshed personality of all three and his only advantage being his Genius Intellect, he will survive in the cruel and deadly World of Shinobi as an Orphan. Fighting on the path to superiority. ------------------------------- Hello thank you for reading this Story. It is my first one. I had some ideas for a Naruto Fanfiction that I haven't really read yet anywhere and decided to write it down myself. Especially with the additional Canon of the Boruto Manga (not the Anime, don't watch it) makes my Ideas more likely. ------------------------------- For 10+ more advanced Chapters visit P_a_t_r_e_o_n.com/QuillArcher Thank you for your support. ------------------------------- All content belongs to their respective owners. Besides my original Characters and Plotlines.

QuillArcher · Anime und Comics
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72 Chs

Chapter 4: Learning about the World

Tekku used the three weeks he had until the start of the Academy to follow the beginner physical training routine mentioned in his Taijutsu manual every day. Although his physique improved, three weeks wasn't a lot of time for anything groundbreaking. But he was able to reach a level where he felt fit for an average human based on the memories of his past life, though it was hard to compare between this world and his old one with all the crazy stuff he remembered, like blowing up the moon or whole planets.

At least he managed to make a good recovery from the experiments inflicted by Orochimaru. Though he was disappointed that he didn't find another boon besides his new memories and the genius intellect of Dr. Gero. Gaining Mokuton would have been amazing, but unfortunately, he wasn't like Yamato. He vaguely remembered Orochimaru mentioning another failure and complete rejection of the Hashirama Cells.

Besides training, Tekku took the time to check different things out. He needed a far better understanding of this world to make concrete plans for his future. His meta-knowledge was limited to the story of Naruto and parts of Boruto, so he needed more context, especially regarding the current technology level. One of the first things he did was locate the public library to access available information.

Unfortunately, the information on shinobi was very limited. He could learn a lot about the history of this world, geography, and other things, but he only learned a few new things about ninjas. The books confirmed that they could manipulate elements in some form, create clones, change shapes, and sometimes fight with different weapons. The existence of giant demons, known as the nine Bijuu, was also confirmed, as well as other beings he hazily remembered from the Naruto movies. He also confirmed that the Kyuubi attack happened four years ago, so he was in the same age group as Neji, Lee, and Tenten. These conclusions were made from historical records, suggesting that he hadn't landed in some alternate universe, at least not at first glance.

The technological level of the shinobi world was an absolute mixed bag. It was extremely strange. TVs, wireless communication, cameras, and even movies existed, but they weren't widely spread. He remembered that the hospital had computers and other machinery, and even Orochimaru's lab had some pretty high-tech stuff compared to the general technological development. So he assumed it was mostly military technology and not yet spread to the wider public. He knew they had a screen during the Chunin Exam for choosing contestants.

Guns had existed for a few centuries, but they never found a real place in warfare compared to shinobi, and were rather collectibles for the rich. It was no wonder when someone like Kakashi was fast enough to literally cut through lightning. Meanwhile, cars, trains, and other modern transportation didn't exist at all. Civilians still used ships and horse carriages, while shinobi were faster on foot.

These findings opened a new set of problems for Tekku. If he wanted advanced tools, he would have to request them from the Hokage after becoming a shinobi. This was troublesome because they would likely want access to his research and creations, and he absolutely didn't want to let Danzo have his knowledge. Alternatively, he would have to create them himself, which was also problematic. After checking in the library, he realized that even the elements in this world were different. The basic ones like iron, copper, and gold existed, but the more advanced ones were different.

With the public scientific standard so low, he would have to conduct a lot of fundamental research himself, which would take a lot of time. With his limited funds right now, he could only confirm the most basic physical laws. They still breathed oxygen, and it acted the same way as in his past life. He confirmed it with a simple candle and glass experiment.

But that was the most he could do right now since he only had enough money for food and necessities. Materials for tools or more informative experiments were far out of his price range. So his best option was to become a ninja quickly. The funds for anything that could earn him a lot of money fast were out of reach with the primitive tools he could buy. So being a genius in the academy was his plan. It should provide enough public protection so nobody like Danzo could easily use him for their schemes. His goal was to start earning money through missions fast while ensuring his survival. After all, other geniuses like Minato managed to grow up without landing in Danzo's hands. There were no Kage-level Root agents.

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The sun cast a warm glow over the village of Konoha as Tekku stepped through the gates of the Ninja Academy. His heart brimmed with determination and anticipation as he took in the sight of his fellow young academy students bustling around the courtyard. It was his first day, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement.

As Tekku entered the classroom he was assigned to, his eyes scanned the room, taking in the faces of his new classmates. The only one truly standing out was a boy with long black hair and white irisless eyes, his face wearing a permanent scowl. He was able to identify him as Neji Hyuga, who may be the greatest competition in the class. Tekku reminded himself about the different clans in the village, but nobody else seemed to be a member of another clan. He couldn't spot anybody with typical clan features or crests.

The only other people standing out by their looks were a boy with prominent lower eyelashes and very thick eyebrows, his hair worn very long in a braid. Tekku recognized him as Rock Lee, Mighty Guy's future mini-me. There was also a dark brown-haired girl with hair bound into two Chinese-style buns and gray eyes. She was Tenten. All the other people in the class were rather plain and not outstanding at all, like background characters in a manga. Only these three were actually named characters.

Taking a seat at an empty desk in the back, Tekku found himself surrounded by the buzz of eager voices and nervous laughter of the other academy students. The classroom was large with a high ceiling. On the wall where all the desks were pointing to, there was a big blackboard. In front of the blackboard was a podium situated far from the students' desks, allowing the teacher to view everyone at once.

Just as the room settled down, the door swung open, and a figure stepped inside. It was their teacher, a fairly large man with brown hair and a goatee. He wore the standard uniform of the Konoha shinobi, including a flak jacket and a forehead protector worn like a bandanna. His eyes twinkled with warmth and determination as he welcomed the young students, his voice projecting a sense of encouragement and guidance.

"Good morning, class!" their instructor's voice rang out, instantly capturing their attention. "Today marks the beginning of your journey as shinobi. I am Daikoku Funeno, your class teacher for the next six years. Each and every one of you holds the potential to become great shinobi for Konoha. We will work together, learn from one another, and face challenges head-on."

Tekku listened closely as their teacher began to introduce their curriculum, ignoring the pieces of indoctrination into Konoha mixed within the teacher's words. Although the teacher looked familiar, he couldn't exactly remember who he was in canon. "During the first six months, we will begin with the basics. You will start to gain a fundamental education in mathematics, history, and literature, as every shinobi needs a sharp mind. This will be later expanded with more classes like geography, economy, and others," explained their teacher. "Meanwhile, on the physical side of your education, we will start out with taijutsu, teaching you the basics of hand-to-hand combat and physical workout. Additionally, we will also start with bukijutsu. To be precise, we will focus on shurikenjutsu for the start."

Focusing on the explanation, Tekku listened until he finally heard the part he was most excited for. "During the second half of your first year, we will awaken your chakra and teach you the basics of chakra control. And expand your shinobi education with further classes in survival, trapping, basic ninjutsu, and other shinobi fundamentals."

Finally, in half a year, he would unlock his chakra and learn more about the energy source of the powerhouses of the Shinobi World. "You need to complete all these courses to graduate from the academy. The Third Hokage raised the minimum standard for graduation from the academy to the completion of these courses. So, pass a test in your general education, master taijutsu and shurikenjutsu to an acceptable level, and finally learn the three standard academy jutsu that you will learn in half a year. The minimal age to be allowed to apply for graduation is eight, but the earlier you try, the steeper the requirements. If you want to graduate at eight, you will need to complete at least four electives. Remember, it is unlikely to even complete four in the six years you are regularly here since the content isn't that easy to master," explained the teacher, trying to discourage them from early graduation.

"Overall, there are eight different electives in the academy. You can visit them from your second year on. There will be extra free periods in your schedule for them. The participation in the elective classes is pretty flexible. They cover over half a year, always with the same material, and start anew after that. You have access to enough books in the academy library to study all their materials by yourselves. To pass them, you just need to show your teacher a deep enough understanding of the topic, based on what kind of class it is. The eight classes are advanced versions of taijutsu, bukijutsu, ninjutsu, and trapping, in addition to genjutsu, fuinjutsu, first aid, and poisons. Girls have the option to attend an additional one, the Kunoichi Classes covering topics like seduction," finished their teacher as he gave them an overview of how the academy worked.

'So I have time until I am eight, so two years, since the Hokage decided to register me as six years old since I looked that way, to complete six years of general education, fundamental shinobi coursework, and at least four electives,' summarized Tekku the information their teacher shared with them. It didn't look like most of his classmates even got half of that since they were only six years old. 'The standard seems pretty high for an eight-year-old. It must be a peacetime policy or something. I know that Kakashi graduated at the age of five and Itachi at 7. Well, I am not your average six-year-old, am I?'

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AN: And here is the fourth Chapter for you Guys. Enjoy it! If you liked the Chapter leave some Power Stones!

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For 10+ more advanced Chapters visit P_a_t_r_e_o_n.com/QuillArcher

Thank you everyone for your support. It's very much appreciated!

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