
Naruto: Summoning Units

Whatupmyfellowkids · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: First Soul Puppet

Chapter 2: First Soul Puppet


"Welcome mister Shuken did you come to take another D-rank mission?" The receptionist at the Tsuchikage office asks while pointing at a board behind her detailing missions currently available.

I embarrassingly shake my head in mockery of myself before responding.

"No I haven't progressed enough since I've become a genin so I think I'd be better for me if I tried something more difficult."

The receptionist nods understanding my frustration before grabbing a mission request from the board behind her.

"This is a C-rank mission to assassinate a minor noble of the land of Fire. You've done over 30 D-rank missions in the last month so I'm going to assume that your up to the task. This is the schedule route that the minor noble is taking to the land of wind so you have to hurry."

The receptionist hands me a packet of information and I wave goodbye before body flickering to a secluded area.

'So it's a minor noble that I need to assassinate, I should be able to cross into the land of fire in just a few days spamming body flicker. The noble should have a few guards with him so I can collect some souls to capture. I don't know whether the limited amount of souls I can collect increases every level or every 10 levels. Bickslow only had 5 puppets with him at all times, whether it's because of his weak control or the limit of the magic itself doesn't matter. If I can't increase the number of puppets past 5 than I'll just stick to mastering Figure Eyes for the meantime untill I can max out my current unit.'

I take out a small bag from my pouch, in it is a purple liquid that I drink a small amount of.

'This is my own self made poison, I didn't only spend the last 2 weeks on learning jutsu but also other necessary skills like poison making, tracking, espionage and more. I only have a basic understanding in all of these subjects despite spending all of my time either training, learning or studying but it'll definitely come in handy. I've been trying to build a resistance to poison by consuming small amount of it every day, unlike my previous world it's quite easy to build resistance to many things that wouldn't be possible back on Earth.'

I walk into a store and an elderly old man waves to me.

"Do you need anything in particular young man?"

"Yes sir, do you happen to have any chakra paper for sale."

The old man goes to the back and he brings back a small piece of paper.

"I believe this is what you're looking for, it'll be 2000 ryo."

I hand over the money before exiting the store with the paper in hand. Once I get to a secluded area I sit down as I flow chakra thorough the paper. The paper crackles in small blue sparks as I grin with excitement.

'Lightning affinity, a mainly offensive nature transformation that holds incredible piercing power. The best applications of lightning release shown in the series is chidori, kirin, and the lightning cloak. What I'm interested in is the lightning cloak, enhancing my reaction speed through running lightning chakra in my nervous system is something that I believe to have incredible potential. I might be able to increase my thinking speed by dozens of times if I can make a modified version of the Raikage's lightning cloak. I'm fairly confident in copying chidori, I only need a high level of shape transformation to make a blade of lightning. Perhaps I could even improve it by making it into a lightning drill that wraps around my arms. The possibilities in lightning release are practically infinite, after all it's possible that I could make a bastardized version of magnet release that can control iron sand like the 3rd Kazekage through controlling electromagnetic waves. That level of control over lightning would need a ridiculous level of nature transformation so I probably won't be able to do that for a couple years even if I focus completely on just nature transformation.'

My chakra flows to my eyes and they turn a ghoulish green as a doll pattern appears on my forehead. I look down at the paper as the sparks fly from my chakra transforming into lightning.

'I can see why chakra paper is so important, despite not having a strong natural affinity I can transform my chakra into lightning due to the paper. With my magic I can see the souls and chakra of people, I can use this to cut down the training time necessary to progress my chakra control. My magic might not offer any type of special ability like the sharingan would but I can definitely use it to observe other people's chakra control when they use jutsu, with this I can try and replicate it and in the process make a shortcut that will help me when it's necessary to fight in the war. Currently the 5 great villages are all in a stalemate, the village of Iwagakure isn't conscripting soldiers right now so I can safely get stronger in the meantime.'

I pack up everything I need to take with me in a sealing scroll before exiting the village gates.

'I already have a few C-rank elemental jutsu that I convinced Miza to give me. It may seem like I was wasting time getting close to Miza but the benefits of spending some time with her outweigh the benefits of training. I didn't seduce her to get my dick wet, it was so that I could have a credible source of information that I would have access to at any time. Now I have multiple lightning release jutsu that I can learn during my little trip as well as medical books that I will base the lightning jutsu I want to make on. I don't just want to rely on just the system to become stronger, I can definitely increase my strength by increasing my affinity to lightning and learning lightning jutsu. Considering that Kakashi was surprised at Sasuke using a C-rank fire release jutsu thinking that a genin shouldn't know nature transformation it should be safe to assume that learning to convert my chakra into lightning jutsu would make me at least comparable to an experienced genin if not chunin. I need to advance my mastery in nature transformation and chakra control to learn the elemental jutsu I'm carrying right now but that won't take long.'

(5 Days Later)

(General POV)

A short fat man wearing expensive clothes walks out from a beautifully decorated room with 2 guards carrying large swords. Unknown to the three, Kanenda is watching them from the corner of the hallway transformed as a painting. Once the 2 guards come to the end of the hallway where Kanenda is he jumps out with two kunai in hand. In one motion he swings out his arms in an x shape decapitating the two guards and frightening the fat minor noble. Before the fire noble can scream out for help Kanenda's eyes turn green and the noble freezes in place as he loses control over his body. Kanenda gets a cold look in his eyes as he grabs the noble's head with lightning chakra. The light in the noble's eyes fade as his face melts from the heat. Kanenda let's go of the dead fire noble and he looks at the dead corpses with a conflicted expression.

'This is strange, why don't I feel disgusted or repulsive? I thought that I would struggle to kill another human being but I didn't even flinch when I killed the guards. I have already gotten used to the sight of blood because I made sure I would be able to stomach the sight, I've killed dozens of large animals in brutal specifically for this reason. Even so I didn't think I could do it without feeling anything whatsoever, I suppose I've conditioned myself to believe killing people to further my self is someone that is necessary and ok in my moral code. After all, all life depends on the death of other life to survive, I remember in my original world many people would complain that eating animals was a sin but that doesn't really matter whether it's morally wrong to do so. What ever is considered bad and evil in the future is considered socially acceptable now. All morals are based on the rules made by society, even the concept of evil and good is subjective. Not to say that evil and good aren't real or don't matter but that you can make anything evil or good because of how flexible the words are.'

As Kanenda finishes his thoughts he raises his hand toward the soul of one of the guards.

[Soul Possession: Soul Puppets]

A white ball of energy comes from the mouth of the dead noble as Kanenda pulls out a doll from his sealing scroll. The soul enters the doll and it's hollow lifeless eyes glow green as it levitates from the ground.

[Soul Possession has leveled up through repeated use. Control over collected souls has increased.]

Small green markings appear over the doll with green stripes outlining it's bizarre figure. Kanenda looks on with excitement as he controls it to fly around him in strange rigid movements.

[Soul Possession has leveled up through repeated use. Control over collected souls has increased.]

The puppet suddenly feels less difficult to control and Kanenda smiles as thoughts of how he could use this magic run rampant in his head.

'Bickslow used his magic in really weird ways, he seriously could've been one of the strongest in the Fairy Tail guild had he been more competent in his utilization of his puppets.'

The frightening glowy doll slowly flies into the palm of Kanenda and his chakra flows from his hand into the doll. The chakra becomes dark and heavy as it builds up in the head of the puppet and then a loud crackle sounds out.


A giant ball of black chakra shoots out from the 'mouth' of the puppet blasting a giant hole through the ground causing the walls of the hallway to shake. Kanenda looks at the giant hole in the ground with a hungry smile as the feeling of power overwhelms him with excitement.

[Host has learned unlocked a new spell, Dark Pulse, through repeated use.]

Kanenda frowns as he feels the massive drain on his chakra reserves take it's effect on him.

'I definitely can't use this more than once at the moment but this spell is definitely on par with the likes of the rasengan in terms of pure power. It'd definitely rank as A if it wasn't for the ridiculous amount of chakra needed to perform it as well as the build up time. I'll experiment on how to use a smaller version of it but for now I need to get out of here before anyone catches me.'

In a flash Kanenda seals the dead bodies in a scroll before escaping the area with body flicker.

(MC POV 1 Week Later)

Zap, Zap, Zap

Sparks of lightning fly off of my body as I strap my mouth with a piece of cloth to muffle my screams and I mentally prepare myself for the hell I will go through.

'I need to become resistant to pain and lightning and this is one of the best ways to test and push my mental as well as physical strength to to the max.'

With a deep breath I transform almost all my chakra into lightning that travels through my body causing extreme pain and heat.


Muffled shouts of pain and agony are forced out of my throat as the pain of having lightning run through overwhelms my nervous system. The heat causes my skin and flesh to burn as I push my own body to it's absolute limit while I struggle to keep my sanity through the horrible pain.


I keep up this disgusting training regiment for the next 6 hours as my body is literally cooked and completely singed making my body look like some type of volcanic rock demon.

'This isn't comparable to the pain I felt in hell, I'm happy the bastard who set up the cycle of afterlife and reincarnation burned soul energy setting up the afterlife system. What a fucking moron he was to ever attempt something as stupid as that. Now I'm stuck as a borderline slave to a robot that doesn't even have a high form of artificial intelligence. I swear once I get out of the cycle of endlessly absorbing energy from across the omniverse I'll break hell into a million different pieces.'

I got fucking covid

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