
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

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Chapter 114: Promoted to Special Jonin

"After seeing the test, what do you all think of the summer special training organized by Mutsuki?" Sarutobi Hiruzen adjusted his goatee and asked with a smile to the Chunin senseis who came to visit.

"It's amazing. I feel like the students have improved much more in this month of training than they would have in a normal semester of classes," Chitani Isamu sighed.

He praised not only because he had a good relationship with Mutsuki, but sincerely felt that Mutsuki's special training this time was particularly powerful.

He was the homeroom teacher of Class 2 in the fourth grade, and all three groups, ABC, had his students. Thinking back to the strength of these students before they participated in the special training, he really felt it was somewhat unbelievable.

Students like Nakamori Kouichi, who were very ordinary, improved to good, while those who were already good became excellent. Truly, every student has improved.

"It feels very suitable for fourth-grade students who are about to graduate. If we conduct more similar special training in the future, then the Genin of our Konoha will be even more outstanding," Kimura Sugito pondered and said.

In fact, there is a significant significance in improving the strength of Genin, which is to enable Genin to have the ability to undertake higher-reward missions more quickly.

Considering the strength factor of Genin, in order to cultivate Ninjas more safely, under normal circumstances, newly graduated Genin will have a restriction. At the beginning, they can only do some miscellaneous tasks such as picking up trash, catching cats, and weeding.

If the quality of Genin is improved in the future, then this restriction may be relaxed to some extent.

The higher the reward for the mission, the more difficult it is. The more difficult the task, the more training one can get, thus forming a positive cycle to accelerate the overall cultivation speed.

Even Raido Namiashi's sensei has changed his view of Mutsuki, continuously praising Mutsuki's excellent teaching level.

The facts are right here, there is no need for any unfounded speculation, anyone with eyes can see the teaching results of Mutsuki over this month.

"I'm just doing my best in teaching; the progress the students have made is not only due to my efforts," Mutsuki said gently.

"Special training is much more tiring than regular classes. Just practicing alone takes eight hours a day; it's not easy for the students to persevere," Mutsuki sighed.

Mutsuki didn't attribute all the progress of the students to himself but began to praise the efforts of the students.

On the one hand, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the senseis have already seen his achievements and praised him a lot, so he didn't need to praise himself.

On the other hand, the students are indeed not relaxed. In his class, it's not like physical education in the previous life, where you could just do a little exercise and then freely roam around.

Teaching skills just make it easier for students to absorb what Mutsuki teaches; they are not tools for improving strength. If students don't study and work hard, having teaching skills is useless.

"Anyway, Mutsuki, you've given me a great surprise this time. The progress of the students is real, and I've seen it all," Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile.

"Your summer special training has provided an extremely outstanding demonstration for everyone and is a new direction for improving the strength of graduating Genin."

"Recognizing Mutsuki Yumi's strong teaching ability, outstanding work performance, and extreme diligence... I hereby promote you to Special Jonin!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile to Mutsuki.

Sarutobi Hiruzen handed a scroll to Mutsuki, patting Mutsuki's shoulder with a kind smile and saying, "Jonin Mutsuki, I hope you will continue to work hard in the future, nurturing the next generation for Konoha. The future of Konoha depends on you young people."

The promotion to Special Jonin was something Sarutobi Hiruzen had agreed upon with Mutsuki from the very beginning. As long as Mutsuki could achieve results with this summer special training, he could be promoted to Special Jonin.

In fact, when Mutsuki handed over the performance data to Sarutobi Hiruzen, he had already decided to promote Mutsuki.

So everything about his promotion was prepared in advance. As long as there were no problems, he would promote Mutsuki on the spot.

Promotion to Jonin and Special Jonin is difficult, very difficult. It requires completing many tasks, accumulating merits, possessing extraordinary talents, and superhuman strength.

But in essence, it's simple. As long as Sarutobi Hiruzen is willing, he can directly promote a Genin to Jonin.

Having held the position of Hokage for decades, he has the authority to make decisions without question.

However, for the credibility of Konoha and the value of Jonin, Sarutobi Hiruzen will certainly not casually promote Ninjas to Jonin.

"Thank you, Third-sama, for your appreciation. I will devote all my energy to teaching students and cultivating stronger Ninjas for Konoha," Mutsuki said, receiving the scroll with a touched expression.

Although he didn't have any special feelings inside, there were so many people present, he had to show gratitude.

"Jonin..." Chitani Isamu's eyes widened, looking at Mutsuki with envy.

Even though Special Jonin are not Jonin, they are the top among Ninjas and can participate in Jonin meetings to discuss various matters.

Combined, there are only two Jonin among the Academy sensei. The Leader of the teaching staff is a Jonin, while the Vice Leader is a Special Jonin. The rest, including grade directors and office directors, are all Chunin.

Watching Mutsuki, who is a few years younger and has only recently become a ninja school teacher, become a Special Jonin, Chitani Isamu couldn't help but feel extremely envious.

If he were a Special Jonin, maybe it would be easier to chase girls.

"So quickly promoted," Ueda Aya also expressed surprise. Although she knew that Mutsuki's teaching level would eventually lead to a promotion, she didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Upon careful consideration, it seems reasonable. Leading a class with such outstanding results for a year and also initiating special summer training to enhance the strength of graduating students.

The Chunin senseis all looked at Mutsuki with envy.

However, envy was the only emotion they could feel. After all, Mutsuki's achievements were real. They didn't have the confidence to achieve such results if they were in his position.

After seeing Mutsuki's and the other Chunin's expressions, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded inwardly.

Promoting Mutsuki directly to Special Jonin like this would not only make Mutsuki particularly grateful to him, but other Chunin would also think highly of the Third Hokage's ability to identify talent. In the future, they would work even harder in their teaching duties in hopes of promotion.

This was a good thing that could be achieved with just a little preparation in advance.

"Hey, what are the students doing over there?" a sensei asked curiously.

"They should be my Shadow Clone announcing the results after organizing them. In the final meeting, we will compare the final grades with the initial grouping test results, allowing the students to see their progress more clearly," Mutsuki explained with a smile.

Except for the somewhat special Group A, Groups B and C have remained standard throughout from start to finish.

"Let's go see the students' progress too," Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile, leading the senseis over.

Mutsuki also walked beside Sarutobi Hiruzen, showing a sincere smile.

Unlike his initial expression of gratitude, this time his smile came from the heart.

However, his smile wasn't because of the position of Special Jonin but because the system rewards had arrived, and they were even more than he had imagined.

[Under your guidance, students who participated in the summer special training have made progress in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, with overall strength improvement].

[Reward: Chakra +800, Ninjutsu Proficient Scroll, Combination Jutsu (Proficient level)].

The improvement rewards from the summer special training were simply indispensable for him.

Chakra, needless to say, no matter how much he got, he wouldn't mind having more. The Ninjutsu Proficient Scroll could be useful to continue to refine his Ninjutsu or for high-difficulty Ninjutsu. As for the Combination Jutsu, it would allow him to further enhance his output capabilities, having mastered numerous Ninjutsu.

Moreover, the rewards weren't just limited to those from the summer special training. Mutsuki continued to read the system notification below.

[Disciple Uchiha Shisui has diligently practiced during the summer special training and achieved a perfect score, received a reward: Chakra +200].

[Disciple Uchiha Obito has diligently practiced during the summer special training and achieved excellent results, received a reward: Chakra +150]

[Disciple Might Guy has diligently practiced during the summer special training and achieved excellent results, received a reward: Chakra +150]

Another five hundred Chakra gained.

Looking at the appearance of the exam score settlement, Mutsuki could only say that the system bug was indeed hard to exploit.

His guess was half right and half wrong. His own exams could indeed trigger system exam rewards, but there were triggering conditions he didn't know about.

It could be the interval between exams or the strength the students gained during the exams. Mutsuki couldn't be sure about which factor it was at the moment.

But since there were rewards, exams could still be conducted. However, it wouldn't work to just keep taking exams every few days to farm system rewards.

Directly increasing Chakra by one thousand three hundred naturally made Mutsuki genuinely happy.

Mutsuki opened the panel to check his latest attributes.

[Name: Mutsuki Yumi]

[Chakra: 15300]


Mutsuki can only say that the summer special training was really well done. Originally, he was prepared for the rate of Chakra increase to slow down after the holidays, but the actual growth during the summer special training exceeded that during regular school time.

In just over a month, Chakra has increased by a full 3250 points. It's worth noting that this is the increase without calculating the gains from practicing Ninjutsu.

The growth of Chakra has many components. The biggest part is from training and exam settlements, followed by rewards from classes, returns from teaching disciples, and the increase in natural Chakra growth for Mutsuki this month.

Chakra is synthesized from physical and mental energy. Since mastering the Mastery level of Stone Breathing, with Constant enhancement, Mutsuki's physique has been slowly getting stronger every day. Therefore, the natural increase in Chakra has also increased.

Mutsuki estimated that by the end of the next semester, his Chakra might break through the twenty-thousand mark.

"Wow, you've improved a lot, from twelve points to twenty-three points."

"Hehe, yours isn't bad either, from fifteen points to twenty-five points."

As Mutsuki and others approached, the students were happily discussing their progress with their peers.

Comparing data can indeed visually demonstrate progress, and the senseis exclaimed once again.

After looking at the scores, Mutsuki gathered the students for a final speech.

"Are you all satisfied with your progress?" Mutsuki asked with a smile.


"I never thought I could improve so much in five weeks..."

"Yumi-sensei, you're amazing. I never thought improving our skills could be so simple."

The students responded enthusiastically to Mutsuki's question, although their specific words may have differed, the meaning was the same - they were all satisfied.

"It seems everyone is satisfied with their progress. However, what I want to say here is that the most important thing for such improvement is your own efforts. Continue to maintain this level of effort in the future, and everyone will become outstanding ninjas," Mutsuki said earnestly.

This is probably the greatest kindness he has shown to the students in over a month.

It's not to improve their favorability and increase training efficiency, nor is it to gain promotion rewards by trying various methods to make the students practice harder. It's simply the hope that these children can strengthen their abilities and preserve their lives in future battles.

Mutsuki, who has not even spent five months in Konoha since his arrival, does not feel a sense of belonging to the village. He only wants to strengthen himself to rid himself of the cursed seal.

However, he feels that anyone who has received modern education would not bear to see children of around ten years old engage in battle.

Unfortunately, Mutsuki is currently like a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, unable to protect himself. While busy growing, he also has to worry about what Danzo, that old fox might discover. No matter how unwilling he is, it's of no use.

With Sarutobi Hiruzen, his biggest boss, present, Mutsuki, after finishing speaking, sensibly invited Sarutobi Hiruzen to speak as well.

"Actually, before coming here today, I was a bit worried, but after seeing the progress of you children, I feel relieved," Sarutobi Hiruzen said, showing a kind smile.

"Seeing the efforts of the village's new era like this, I feel very reassured because the struggles and sacrifices of our predecessors have not been in vain. The village has been thriving and growing all along," Sarutobi Hiruzen said, expressing the iconic phrase of the Will of Fire.

"Wherever the leaves of Konoha dance, the fire will continue to burn brightly. The flames will continue to illuminate the village and let the new leaves sprout," he continued.

"You are the new leaves of Konoha. There is nothing that makes me happier than seeing you grow," Third said with a pipe in his right hand, his left hand behind his back, a smile on his face.

Mutsuki stood behind Third Hokage, facing the students with a gentle smile.

After Third finished speaking, it was indeed time to conclude, time to disperse.

However, the students did not disperse immediately. Instead, they held onto Mutsuki, not allowing him to leave, and blindfolded him, saying they wanted to give him a surprise.

Using Sensory Ninjutsu to scan the surroundings, Mutsuki allowed the students to push him along.

"Ding ding ding, a huge five-layer cake."

With Anko's lively voice, Mutsuki's covered eyes regained sight. He saw himself surrounded by students, and in front of him was a massive cake, slightly shorter than him. On top of the cake were eighteen dessert-shaped Kunai, and the cake was filled with numerous small candles.

"Yumi-sensei, thank you for your guidance this past month!" the students said in unison.

Among these over three hundred students, actually, more than half of them were not very familiar with Mutsuki before the special training began. Some had only substituted for a class once, while others might have only heard of Mutsuki's reputation.

However, during the month or so they spent with Mutsuki, they all grew fond of this strong and incredibly gentle sensei.

At the beginning of the grouping, many students were quite disappointed with Mutsuki. They felt that Mutsuki was the type to treat students differently based on their performance, grouping together those with poor or average grades.

But soon they realized they were wrong. The grouping wasn't about favoring students with better grades; it was just a more rational way to organize the teaching.

Although the A group mostly consisted of excellent students from various classes, Mutsuki didn't favor the A group. One Shadow Clone took care of each group, while Mutsuki himself cycled through the three groups to teach, without favoring any particular group.

Every student received guidance from Mutsuki himself. Even if they didn't actively seek Mutsuki out to ask questions, he would proactively offer guidance when he saw them. Mutsuki could accurately call out each student's name, rather than just saying "you there, what's wrong with you?"

Mutsuki said the students worked hard, but the students knew Mutsuki worked even harder than them. While they practiced, Mutsuki taught; during breaks, Mutsuki rarely rested, taking the opportunity to discuss theoretical knowledge related to training.

Their exhaustion came from their individual training, but Mutsuki not only taught continuously between the three small groups, but also had to allocate three Shadow Clones to fill in the gaps when he wasn't present. He was effectively doing the work of four people.

Excellent students may not feel deeply touched, but those ordinary and underperforming students who rarely receive attention from their sensei truly feel the warmth from Mutsuki. What they didn't receive from regular sensei, they found in the renowned and caring teacher, which pleasantly surprised them. This serves as a significant motivation for many students; they can't afford to disappoint such a great sensei as Yumi-sensei.

"The cake was bought with everyone's pooled money. There are eighteen Kunai because Yumi-sensei turned eighteen this year, and there are a total of three hundred and fifty-nine candles on top. Each of us inserted one..." Obito enthusiastically explained the students' intentions to Mutsuki.

Looking at the innocent smiles around him, Mutsuki's eyes shimmered, feeling somewhat moved. These students of this age are pure-hearted; you treat them well, and they will treat you well in return.

"After having enough ability, I should also do some things within my power," Mutsuki thought to himself.

Although this world is rotten to the core, there are still many lovely people in it.

"I've received your kind intentions, everyone. Thank you for all the trouble," Mutsuki said with a radiant smile, warm as the sun.

"No trouble at all. If you're willing to become the homeroom teacher for Class 4-6, Yumi-sensei, then it's no trouble," Shiranui Genma chuckled.

"Yeah, Yumi-sensei, why not become the homeroom teacher for Class 3-4? That way, we can be taught by you more often."

"Class 1-4 too."

The students of Class 4-2 remained silent, believing that as long as Chitani Isamu was there, Yumi-sensei would be like their regular teacher.

"No, no, that's absolutely not possible. Yumi-sensei can only be the homeroom teacher for Class 1-1," Anko protected Mutsuki, looking around at the students with caution.

"Let's all share the cake together. If I were to eat this cake alone, you probably wouldn't see your Yumi-sensei again," Mutsuki said with a relaxed smile.

Upon hearing Mutsuki's words, the students temporarily stopped their dispute over Mutsuki's allegiance and began to collect their cakes one by one. Mutsuki found it too slow to do it alone, so he directly created several Shadow Clones to help with the cutting.

Asuma thought to himself while eating cake, 'The only thing the old man did right this year was to invite Yumi-sensei to be my private tutor.'

Due to the varying financial situations of the students, some contributed more money if they had it, while others contributed less or helped in other ways. Asuma contributed most of his saved pocket money, being the one who gave the most financially.

Afterward, they chatted while eating cake, reminiscing about the amusing incidents that occurred during training.

"Ebisu big brother, I have good news for you," Hagane Kotetsu said excitedly to Ebisu.

"What good news?" Ebisu asked somewhat gloomily, still not understanding why he was being criticized.

"Your reputation as a genius has reached the Hokage!" Hagane Kotetsu replied.

"Ebisu big brother, you really should treat Kotetsu to something this time. He bravely ventured into the fray of sensei's victories," Kamizuki Izumo also said with a smile.

"What genius reputation?" Ebisu felt something was amiss. He had a vague, terrifying answer in mind and found the reason for his inexplicable reprimand.

"It was like this: I heard Yumi-sensei mention my name, and Hokage-sama was right next to Yumi-sensei. So, I deliberately loudly proclaimed the name of the main hero behind the perfected Confusion Jutsu—Ebisu big brother," Hagane Kotetsu said proudly.

"But Ebisu big brother, you don't need to worry. This is just returning the favor for your guidance to us," Hagane Kotetsu generously added.

"In front of the Hokage..." Ebisu's face turned pale. It seemed like his ninja career was over before it even began.

"Ebisu big brother, why aren't you smiling? Don't you like to smile?" Kamizuki Izumo felt that something was off with Ebisu.

"I really should treat you two to something, so have some cake!" Ebisu couldn't hold back anymore and smeared the remaining cake on the faces of the two, sparking a cake war.

Though in the end, everyone looked pretty messy, most of them were quite happy.

"Don't be too sad, I'm still teaching at Konoha, if you ever have any problems, you can come ask me. I'll always be everyone's Yumi-sensei," Mutsuki said as it all ended.

Today, Mutsuki was in a good mood, his Chakra surged a bit, and today could be considered as receiving the second gift since crossing over.

On the way back, Asuma saw his waiting father. Recalling Mutsuki's words earlier, Asuma felt touched, then asked,

"How do you think my battle went today?"

"Too many mistakes. If it were me, I could have won in over a hundred ways,"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head. Asuma's face darkened, he just walked past Sarutobi Hiruzen's figure and went home.


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