
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

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267 Chs

Chapter 107: Stone Breathing, Total Concentration Breathing!

"Konoha Whirlwind!"

Guy infused strength into his legs, and Chakra erupted as he quickly kicked out an extremely fast Whirlwind Kick.

The slender Ninja did not expect Guy to unleash such speed. Caught off guard, he was directly kicked in the chest by Guy and retreated several meters backward.

"Tamon, block that side. Today, I must teach this waste of a father a lesson on his behalf," said the slender Ninja, feeling the pain in his chest and gritting his teeth.

The slightly chubby Ninja nodded, swiftly crossed over Guy, and blocked his escape path.

"You little brat, you like to fight, huh? let's see how an ungraduated little brat like you will give me, a Chunin, twenty-five punches." The slender Ninja rubbed his fists and charged towards Guy, launching a fierce attack.


The fists of the slender Chunin rained down on Guy like drops of rain. Guy, intending to engage in Taijutsu combat head-on with the slender Chunin, unexpectedly found himself quickly suppressed, with punches landing on his face and arms.

The advantage in height and the suppression of combat experience swiftly put Guy at a disadvantage. His usually outstanding physique among peers seemed ineffective now.

Fortunately, Guy had undergone extensive agility training, allowing him to endure many blows.


The slightly chubby Ninja behind Guy made a move. Seizing the moment when Guy dodged an attack, the chubby Ninja kicked Guy several meters away, crashing into the wall at the side of the street.

"Have you been drinking too much lately? Why are you so slow in dealing with a little brat who is still in school?" the slightly chubby Ninja said with a smile.

"Get lost! This kid is a bit strange; he's more agile than a monkey," the slender Ninja said disdainfully, then swiftly appeared in front of Guy.

"Kid, learn your lesson. Not everyone is as powerless as your useless old man," the slender Ninja said, grabbing the front of Guy's shirt and lifting him up.

"It's now the seventh sentence" Guy silently remarked.

"Don't keep babbling those words. It seems the punches just now didn't hurt you enough" the slender Ninja, feeling slighted by Guy's words, raised his fist and smashed it towards Guy.

Guy kicked towards the nearby wall, using the force to break free from the slender Ninja's control.

As the slender Ninja was about to charge and continue disciplining Guy, he suddenly noticed that Guy's figure had disappeared.

"Watch out behind you!" the slightly chubby Ninja warned.

The slender Ninja instantly turned around, throwing a punch, and coincidentally collided with the foot that Guy had kicked. The attack failed, and Guy took a few steps back. He looked around, contemplating his strategy. This was his first time facing a two-on-one situation, and the opponents were physically stronger than him.

Despite Guy unleashing his strength to the fullest, fighting off four hands proved difficult, and soon his clothes were covered in dust from repeatedly hitting the ground.

However, having mastered Soru, Guy could suddenly burst into extreme speed, landing two kicks on the slender Ninja.

"Hoo, hoo," Guy struggled to catch his breath, his legs uncontrollably trembling, half-kneeling on the ground.

So far, he had used Soru five times. In reality, his legs were already tired by the fourth usage, but Guy stubbornly continued to employ Soru to launch attacks. At this moment, his legs were completely fatigued.

"Hehe, can't run anymore, huh? Keep going. Why don't you avenge your useless old man?" The slender Ninja wore a mocking expression.

Guy's continuous actions had thoroughly infuriated him. At this point, he didn't care about anything else; he just wanted to beat Guy.

"This kid doesn't seem at all like a weakling," the slightly chubby Ninja remarked.

"Whether he's a weakling or not, today I must beat him thoroughly and let him know who is not to be messed with!" The slender Ninja clenched his fist.

"Still couldn't succeed." Watching the approaching slender Ninja, Guy felt some unwillingness in his heart.

Two Ninjas, himself on the verge of defeat, it was the same twilight hour, as if time had rewound to three years ago.

He didn't regret stepping forward to avenge his father; he only regretted not having enough strength to defeat the two.

"If only I had mastered Stone Breathing..." Guy once again thought of the day when Mutsuki demonstrated the terrifying power of Stone Breathing.

Under the influence of Total Concentration Breathing, Mutsuki's speed and strength were enhanced in all aspects, making every Taijutsu move extremely powerful.

Gasping for breath, with the enemy getting closer, the knowledge Mutsuki taught him became clearer in Guy's mind.

"Stone Breathing is like the breath of a rock, powerful and resilient. If you can master it deeply, you can protect everything you want to protect, just like a rock." Mutsuki's voice seemed to echo in Guy's ears.

Suddenly, Guy felt that he had grasped something.

"Hoo." Guy exerted force in his abdomen, taking in a large amount of oxygen, and then exhaling white vapor. The rhythm of his breathing suddenly changed.

The slender Ninja continued to mutter something, but Guy paid no attention. He focused all his energy on his breathing.

With each breath, Guy felt a continuous surge of power, even his recently fatigued legs seemed to regain strength.

His legs no longer trembled, and he stood up, looking at the slender Ninja.

This time, he will be the stone that protects his father!

"Hmm? He can actually stand up?" The slender Ninja was somewhat surprised, considering how Guy's legs had been shaking just moments ago.

However, the slender Ninja still didn't regard Guy highly; he thought Guy was merely forcing himself.

"Stone Breathing, Total Concentration Breathing, Konoha Strong Whirlwind!"

Inhaling a large amount of oxygen to strengthen every cell in his body, Guy now felt a strength like never before. He once again used Soru to appear beside the slender Ninja, delivering a spinning kick.

The slender Ninja only felt Guy suddenly disappear after standing up, and then a foot came flying towards his chest.


The slender Ninja fiercely collided with the wall, producing a dull thud.

"How is this possible? The son of that eternal Genin is so powerful." This was the last thought of the slender Ninja before losing consciousness.

The slightly chubby Ninja's mouth hung open, revealing a shocked expression.

However, Guy didn't give the slightly chubby Ninja more reaction time. He directly unleashed a Konoha Great Whirlwind, sending the slightly chubby Ninja up against the wall alongside his companion.

"That makes a total of eight moves," Guy said as he walked up to them. Then, punching with each count, after delivering five punches, Guy exited the breathing technique state. Despite his fatigued body, he still completed the remaining thirty-five punches.

"Guy, you've become much stronger," Kakashi suddenly appeared and said.


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