
Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja

Getting reincarnated in naruto was not on my bucket list but why am I in Kumo + Mc gets reincarnated in Kumo 2 years after the birth of the Sannins This will mostly focus on Kumo's side NO HAREM!!!! + Hey guys it's me MUDA_MUDA you can call me jeff(jk) This is my first time writing fanfic so expect some problems here and there this won't be perfect fanfic but I"ll try to make it decent + also, this is my OC story, not naruto or anyone else it's his story so with that said don't expect my mc to act friendly with the original characters he will even kill some if necessary + English is somewhat of a sub-language in my country although I can speak and write it I'm not very proficient so there may be some grammar problems but don't fear Grammarly can fix that leave a review below if you have anything to say and enjoy + DISCLAIMERS: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO ONLY MY OC Also, I don't own the cover page I stole it off goggle so I can't give credit this also goes for any pictures I use in the novel AU warning the timeline will be a bit different so events will occur earlier than they should I will try to reduce the number of plot holes that may occur because of this + Donate at https://ko-fi.com/muda_muda or https://www.paypal.me/mudaXmuda

Kylino · Anime und Comics
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32 Chs





When Konoha's second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, created the ninja academy, he created the three-man squad rule

To ensure that the young ninjas who were the future of the village, don't die prematurely. A team with 3 new genins and a jonin teacher was created

This was a huge success not only did the death rate of young ninjas decrease. learning under a jonin improved their strength exponentially

The other villages followed Konoha's example with this team rule. Kumo used a 2 man team over a 3-man team it wasn't recently until they changed this rule


Training Ground 3

An artificial forest created for survival training

Kazuto and A arrived at the training ground 10 minutes before the meeting time. It's always good to be a bit early to leave a good impression

"I'm so hungryyy"

"I feel you"

Kazuto looked at A who looked like he was going to die any second now

He rubbed his belly and thought the same. The Narukami clan eat a lot of food for their enhanced body, especially now they were growing, they needed all the nutrients. Not eating dinner and breakfast felt like punishment

But their teacher told them to not eat for the test and that they have to follow

The test given by your jonin teacher is not a must, but most do it to get an understanding of their student's personality and where their power lies in the power scaling. These Jonins have the right to kick a genin out of the team if they failed to impress them or leave a bad impression so when this test was given it was best not to do anything to cause dissatisfaction to their teacher

Darui was his uncle's disciple, even so, he and A didn't know him that well. Darui is on missions most of the time, even if kazuto saw him, he didn't have time to talk to the 2 children

Kazuto jumped on a tree and sit down on a sturdy branch. He was a little early and his teacher didn't come yet so they could only wait. At the moment he was thinking about what this test would be about

That's right he didn't know what Darui would test them on. the test given by jonin ninjas was affected by their ideals so even if it was a simple spar between team members sometimes it could be much deeper than that

In canon, kakashis test for team 7 was teamwork theme because of his past but that doesn't mean Darui's test would be the same

He could only hope it wasn't difficult

A few more minutes later Mabui showed up and sat under the tree kazuto was sitting without saying anything

It wasn't that she was ignoring Kazuto and A, but they didn't talk a lot in the academy so to avoid an awkward situation she didn't say anything

The place was quiet, no one talked and were in their own thoughts

"Seems like you guys are early"

Darui appeared in front of them looking at them with his usual bored eyes

He was carefree and a bit dull but that didn't mean he was lazy, so he didn't come late like a certain white hair ninja

Kazuto and the others got up and stood in front of him waiting for his orders

"You guys bring your lunch"

They took out their lunch box and showed it to Darui. Because he said to bring a lot of lunch each lunch box was big

"Good I will hold it for you"

Although confused team 11 still gave Darui their lunch

"Well, I assume you guys know what you're here for. The test is simple, try to take back a lunch box before its reaches 12 in the afternoon, how would you know it is 12 that's not my problem, if you can't then you fail and will be kicked out of the team"

Kazuto and the others expected something like this so it wasn't a shocker

"Oh I almost forgot you can use any means to get back a lunch box, even if it's the most diabolical thing a shinobi at your level can do"

Darui disappeared into the woods signaling the start of the test

Without hesitation, Kazuto ran after Darui. He didn't know what the meaning of this test was but it didn't have to have meaning maybe Darui was just trying to evaluate their strength

If that's the case then why overcomplicate things

He saw Darui who was deliberately running slow and threw some shurikens at him which were easily dodged

Darui simply jumped to the side and ignored Kazuto's pathetic attack

Shirikens weren't his thing honestly he gave up on them after a while, but shirikens were a besic ninja tool so having them was a good thing


A appeared behind Darui and thrust a kunai at him. How could a jonin be injured that easily he grabbed A's hand from behind him and threw him away

"Well I knew this wasn't going to be easy"

A regain his balance and landed right beside kazuto. fighting a jonin alone wasn't easy

But he wasn't alone

Kazuto and A ran toward Darui in sync, they moved in a zigzag motion and approached Darui with high speed

A punched Darui who blocked it easily and Kazuto jumped over A to give him an ax kick that was also blocked

Using Darui's arm, kazuto pushed himself off and did a series of hand seals


A threw a smoke bomb to create a smoke screen and rolled to the side

[Wind Release: Great Breakthrough]

A heavy gust of wind exited Kazuto's mouth and targeted Darui. The strong wind blew away the smoke and hit its target

Kazuto and A looked at the spot Darui was after everything cleared up. Darui was nowhere to be seen only thing there was a block of wood

Sensing he was in danger kazuto turned around only to see a hand grab his face

Darui previously used a substitution Jutsu and appeared behind Kazuto and A. He didn't let them off and grabbed Kazuo's head and smashed it into the ground

A who reacted late suffered a similar fate, moving at speeds A couldn't see Darui grabbed his neck and held him in the air

"Nice try but you will need more than that to beat me"

'Strange I feel like I'm forgetting someone'

Darui saw a kunai heading toward him from the corner of his eye. this was very easy to dodge until he looked closely



The kunai had an explosion seal on it and caused a big explosion

Darui held A in his arms and looked at where the explosion occurred seriously

'What a ruthless little girl'

The only person who could throw the kunai was Mabui. in the split second before the explosion, Darui kicked kazuto away and jumped ona tree branch with A

He did tell them that any means could be used but using your teammates as bait was a ruthless

'Well that's not good, I should give her some punishment'

He threw away the still dazed A like a rag doll and appeared in front of Mabui who was hiding in a bush

Surprised by the Jonins arrival Mabui wanted to escape but it was futile

She was weak as a ninja her only strong points were her intelligence, strategic mind, and traps. She was a support type no matter how you looked at it

Fighting Darui, directly was a very dumb idea with her strength, she could only hide in the dark and find a chance to sneak attack

Her original plan was to use the explosion from the seal and lead Darui to a trap she set up nearby and take her lunch box from him. Sadly such an Amateur plan couldn't work on some who was been on the battlefield and faced countless trials

She didn't worry about A and Kazuto getting hurt since she knew that Darui would save them no matter what. If his teacher's son and nephew got injured because of his negligence then he would suffer a bit, so she used them as bait

Darui tied her up in a rope that appeared out of nowhere and brought her to where A and Kazuto were sitting

It hasn't even been 30 minutes and they were already in a miserable state



The dismantled team 11 looked at where the sound originated from with a darken expression

Darui was sitting on a tree branch while eating Mabui's lunch

"Oi, why are you eating our lunch"

A was the first to speak when he saw this

"For your information I'm also hungry, plus you guys are very boring"

'Steak, what a delicacy'

Darui carefully cut the steak prepared by Mabui and took small bites to savor the taste


"Wait if you eat her lunch then only me and A's are left, how will she pass the test"

Kazuto was confused by his action and asked

"I said to pass the test you need to get 'a' lunch box not 'your' lunch box. After an hour I will eat someone else's lunch"

"But wouldn't there be only one lunch left, so that means only one person can pass"

"I only need one person on my team, the other 2 is just extra baggage

Darui's ruthless statement shocked team 11. They didn't doubt him after all this has happened many times in the past

He didn't care about the inner thoughts of these little ninjas and slowly walked away

Know how serious this matter was A and Mabui got up instantly and rushed towards Darui

"You guys stop"

Seeing this Kazuto hurriedly stopped them. He knew that this test had some deeper meaning but at the moment they couldn't go it alone. A and Mabui stop and turn towards him

"We can't keep going on like this, he's a jonin nija for a person do you think a single new genin can fight against him"

They obviously knew this but this test was deeper than that

"I know that but there are only 2 spots left for this team. We all want to become ninjas even if we worked together in the end one of us will have to leave and if we keep wasting time then only one spot would be left"

The one who spoke was Mabui. What she said was true even if they worked together someone had to leave. She was the weakest on the team and her chance of failing is way higher than the rest

Kazuto understood what she was saying but they couldn't beat Darui by themselves

"I know what your thinking, and your right even if we worked together, one of us would have to leave. But I have an idea, the test is to get a lunch box, but we all know the real test is to impress the jonin teacher. So let's work together and show him what we got as a team, maybe we can catch him off guard and defeat him"

A didn't hesitate to agree and follow kazuto, it took Mabui a while to think before agreeing

"So what do we do now"

"We need a plan"

After saying this Kazuto looked at Mabui. Even if he read a lot of books and knew a lot of things, that didn't make him a good strategist. In the academy, she was known for her essays on tactics that should be used under certain situations and her amazing was how to deal with them

Even if she wasn't a strong Kunoichi, she would still be a valuable asset on the battlefield

Seeing through what Kazuto's gave meant, she went into some deep think

"I have an idea"


Darui sat on a tree and carefully ate A's lunch. He took a sushi and ate it slowly

He enjoyed this moment

'Mabui's lunch is the best so far the texture, seasoning, and taste are exquisite she should open a restaurant

'A's lunch wasn't bad should be made by one of the housekeepers but it's far from Mabui's cooking'

"By the way where are those guys"

Its been 1 hour, kazuto and the others haven't attacked him. he was worried that what he said back there affected them but he was worrying for nothing

'Oh looks like they finally decided to attack'

Darui saw A and kazuto who walked up to him

Not wasting time he jumped of the tree and stood in front of them

Kazuto and A stopped. They stared into the eyes of each other having a showdown. Kazuto took a smoke bomb and threw it on the ground shrouding him and A in smoke. Darui looked at their actions amusingly and wait to see what would happen next

Soon dozens of giant shurikens launched off towards Darui through the smoke. Because of Kazuto's shit aim most of them missed


"Got it"

While Darui was blocking and dodging the incoming giant shurikens

Kazuto leaped in the air and was follwed by A who grabbed his feet and spun him around

After gathering enough momentum he let kazuto go sending him flying toward Darui

Anticipating Kazuto's attack, Darui raised his leg and stomped him in the ground

"Such a frontal attack is stupid, though you knew better kazut-"


'Kazuto's' body exploded in a bunch of lightning that spread along Dali's body like a wave

This lightning stunned Darui for a moment, but it was this moment that mattered in their plan

Two giant shurikens that landed beside Darui bursts into smoke revealing kazuto and A with their hands covered in lightning

[Lightning Release: Double Lightning palm]

the two palms hit Darui directly, This attack caused a lot of damage, the attack sent Darui flying

Kazuto and A looked at Darui who was lying on the ground

"Get the lunch boxes"

Before they could get to the lunch boxes, Darui's body burst into smoke and then he appeared on top of a tree

"Your really think that could work on me"

Darui looked at them listlessly, but he was saying something different in his mind

'Damn although the damage wasn't a lot, to think they could even scratch me'

He may look like nothing happened to him but Kazuto and A's hit him, it's just that he performed a substitution Jutsu before he could get damaged any further






Countless explosions rang throughout the forest, the entire forest trembled because of the combined force of the explosion

Kazuto and A who expected this and ran away before it happen looked back at the destruction

'She said she would use simple explosions, this isn't simple at all

Kazuto had a bit of fear towards Mabui, he was stronger than her but her traps are too much, your average chunin wouldn't be able to survive that and jonin would be crippled, she didn't even consider Darui's life and directly used high explosives

If they fought head Kazuto would win low-diff but if she had prep time it would be a pain

Soon Mabui walked out some bushes and sttod beside Kazuto and A

"Don't you think that was too much"

Said A looking at her starngly

"Never is something too much"

She gave and answer which made A a little terrfiyed of her

She knew what she was doing and knew Darui would survive, if he was careless he would be injured at best

"A lunch box"

Kazuto saw his lunch box beside him and picked it up. From the looks of it, the explosion must have blown it away

"What the"

A who wanted to go towards him felt him losing his balance, he was tied in the air by a rope hanging upside down. Mabui suffer the same fate and they both were trapped

Darui looked at A and Mabui who were trapped and turned towards Kazuto

"I'll admit that attack was unexpected and I'll give you that, but it still wasn't enough. Sadly before I got here Kazuto already got his lunch, so by the rules he pass, you guys fail"

A and Mabui opened their mouth in shock everything happened so fast they could even react, one minute they were winning, and the next they lost

"Kazuto as the winner you can eat lunch, don't give the other any that's an order, I will inform the raikage about the changes"

With that said He disappeared leaving the shocked trio

Kazuto stood there with nothing to say honestly he didn't expect to win this way. He could only comply and quietly eat his lunch


Kazuto who was eating his sandwich heard the sound of a stomach grumbling, he turned his head to where the sound came from

A who was hanging upside down looked at kazuto's lunch with a bit of drool

"You want some"

A heard Kazuto's offer and refused decisively

"No you would get in trouble if you do and may even lose the chance to become a ninja"

Kazuto looked at A with a smile and stuffed the sandwish in his mouth

"So what wasn't our reason to become ninjas is to stand side by side and become powerful ninjas together, if I become a ninja alone then what's the point I rather fail with you than pass alone"


Kazuto igoned this emotional cousin of his and tuned to Mabui

"I don't know you that much and would certainly not risk failing this test for you, but we are a team at the moment and we decide that we wouldn't care about the lunchbox so here"

Mabui wanted to say something but a sandwich was stuffed in her mouth she could only eat it while looking at kazuto

Kazuto didn't care about passing this test if A failed so his actions didn't matter to him

Ten minutes later Darui walked up to them and look at them

"I told you not to share your lunch"

"Sensei, I understand but if they fail, I all fail"

Kazuto looked at Darui calmly he already accepted failure


Darui walked in front of Kazuto and sent a powerful punch to his abdomen

*Cough* *Cough*

kazuto fell to his knees and clutched his stomach with a pained look, he felt the need to vomit everything he just ate

"Thats sweet of you to care about your teammates but you broke a ninja rule by not following my orders"

Darui looked at Kazuto who was coughing on the floor coldly

Kazuto slowly raised his head and looked him in the eye with anger

"You pass"


A and Mabui who were worried about Kazuto looked at Darui strangely, even kazuto he was burning with anger calmed down because of the confusion

Turning his back to them Darui slowly explain

"Ignoring the orders of your superiors makes you a failed ninja and any ninja that does it deserves death, doing that may put the mission in jeopardy, although a ninja that will disobey their superiors is a failed ninja he is an excellent kumo ninja"

When kazuto heard the last line he understood the meaning behind this test

Every village has its ideology to unite everyone like konoha's will of fire. Kumos is that everyone in the village is a family and no matter what we should help each other no matter the situation

Darui who grew up learning this was affected and this was his true test

It wasn't about friendship or teamwork It was more about being united and helping each other out in a desperate time, to risk something you dreamt about for others

If it was someone else in Kazuto's place they wouldn't have made the same decision

Darui used a kunai to free A and Mabui and took out 2 lucnch boxes and threw it at them

"Sorry for earlier you can take this as an apology"

Darui who was a very apologetic individual went out and bought 2 lunches for A and Mabui even if they didn't pass he would have still done it

They pass the test and officially became a ninja

Kazuto looked around and unconsciously clenched his fist

Today is the day he offially becomes and Ninja and after today thing get real


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