
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Ch 22

Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi were all at the gates of the village getting ready to leave. They were currently being thrown a goodbye celebration. The whole sand village was there and thanking them. They had protected the village and also saved their leader from death.

Naruto was used to this now so he just stood there proud with Kasumi around his neck with matching grins on their faces.

Sakura was not used to this kind of praise so she was blushing and looking away while hiding behind Naruto a little bit. She would give out small waves and smile but would always hide behind Naruto when she would see a cute guy.

Kakashi seemed relaxed as ever with his book still out. However, His head seemed to be lower into the book than normal. He was never one for celebrations and a lot of attention.

"Alright everyone, I think we have done enough partying!" Naruto remembered how the whole village was glowing last night. They had partied all night long and some people even partied through the day and were still going at it.

"You say that, But you are still holding liquor in your hand." Sakura said in a deadpan from behind Naruto.

Naruto simply turned his head and grinned. He then got a smirk on his face that Sakura didn't like. He pulled Sakura out in front of him and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are there any men who would like to take my cute little sister out for a date!"

A bunch of boys raised their hands in excitement while looking at Sakura with hearts in their eyes. Sakura's eyes went wide and she tried to get away but Naruto only held her in place.

"NO! Brother, stop!" Sakura tried to run away but Naruto grabbed her with his chakra chain and pulled her back.

"As you can see she has a lot of energy. Who thinks they can keep up with her?!" Naruto yelled to the crowd making the boys almost trample over everyone on their way to Sakura.

Sakura seeing this only did what she was good at. Destroying.

"I SAID NO DAMNIT!" The pink haired medic brought her fist down on the ground and a massive crater formed in the sand which was quickly filled with sand. This caused a gap between all of the sand villagers and her team. Sakura then turned a glare to Naruto who was still grinning at her. "Take us home!" Sakura punched Naruto right in the face with chakra coming off her fist.

Naruto didn't even flinch. "Come on sis, I was only joking but if you want to go back so bad, fine." Naruto pulled the two into his arms. "I will see you all some other time!"

"BYE NARUTO-SAMA!" A bunch of women from the brothel houses and fan girls yelled to Naruto. The armor clad blonde simply winked at the girls causing them all to swoon.

He then left in a blue flash.

Hokage office

In a blue flash, Sakura, Kakashi and Naruto were standing in front of Tsunade's desk. Naruto was giving his busty mother a grin. Kakashi was reading his book and Sakura was throwing up in the trash.

"Mission successful!" Naruto spoke over the sound of Sakura throwing her guts out.

"I expected nothing less." Tsunade said with a smile on her face.

"Honestly hokage-sama, I don't see why you even added us to this battle." Kakashi flipped a page in his book, getting a glare from Tsunade which made him tense up. "Naruto could have beaten them by himself."

This made Naruto chuckle. "If I just went and defeated them all at once. That would make the dance boring." Naruto patted Kakashi on his back. "Plus, I also wanted to see you guys and your power."

Naruto was pleased from what he saw. Sakura had gotten very strong from the last time he had fought with her. If things kept up, She would become stronger than Tsunade. Kakashi could train a little more and also make his stamina better but the gray haired man was too lazy and slightly arrogant in his sharingan.

"Did we miss anything, Lady Tsunade?" Sakura asked after she healed herself and got a hold of herself.

"No, not really."

Naruto was about to speak up until he felt something in his pocket pulse. "Hold on you guys, I am going to talk to the akatsuki." Naruto then pulled the ring he got from Sasori and slipped it on his finger and sent his chakra into the ring.

"Wait Naruto, don't do something so reckless!" Tsunade yelled and got up from her seat. It was too late though, Naruto had seemed to space out and not be responding to anything.

When Naruto opened his eyes again, He did not see the office. He was just standing in what looked like a dark cave and he was standing on what looked like a giant finger. He gazed around with sharp eyes at what was around him. He had no trace of joking on his face, The usual grin that was on his face was now gone and replaced with eyes that were sparking with power.

The other members looked at Naruto in surprise and a hidden fear of the man who had been killing them off left and right. They wondered how he even got to this place but then saw the ring on his finger that used to belong to Sasori. There was silence in the cave. Noone made a move or uttered a sound.

"It seems I have found the rabbit hole." Naruto broke the silence that was in the cave. His body made from static shimmered to life.

"What are you doing here… 9 tails." Pain, the leader spoke looking down on Naruto as if he was beneath him. Which he was in pain's opinion.

Naruto looked at the person who spoke and guessed he was the leader of this group. The locked gazes and Naruto didn't back down from the gaze of 'God'. Naruto looked curious at finally seeing the legendary eyes of the sage of six paths.

"So you are the big bad leader of these misfits. I am impressed that you have the eyes of the sage of six paths."

Pains narrowed his eyes on the blonde boy. "How do you know of these eyes?" Pain more or less demand from Naruto. The other members stayed quite while silently watching the whole conversation unfold.

"Does it really matter how I know?" Naruto crossed his arms while still looking towards Pain.

"I suppose it doesn't. You will still fall to god."

"Oh, are you saying that you are god." Naruto chuckled to himself. This made Pain narrow his eyes in anger at the blonde.

"You dare laugh at god, You and all the other beast shall fall and know pain." That is when Naruto's killing intent and power flared. This sent Itachi, Zetsu, and Konan to their knees. Naruto saw the one with a swirl mask struggle a little but otherwise brush his power off. He also saw the unmistakable view of a sharingan. He would keep that for later, Naruto then turned his gaze back to the leader who seemed to be affected by his power if the wide eyes and panicked face was anything.

"You listen here bitch, You better hope I don't find where you are. Because if I do." Naruto paused and spiked his power even more. "I'll kill you." Naruto said coldly and his hair turned white and spiked up for a quick second. The blonde than vanished from the cave allowing all of the members to get back on their feet.

Back in the office, Naruto opened his eyes to see the whole place cracked and destroyed. Tsunade and Sakura were behind her desk peeking over it. Kakashi was outside with his one visible eye wide in shock and hidden terror. The anbu in the room were out and approaching Naruto hesitantly.

Naruto saw this and got a sheepish look on his face. He put his hand behind his head and scratched it nervously. "Sorry about that guys, guess the Uzumaki temper got the best of me."

They all just looked at him blankly for a second until his mother snapped out of it first.

"GOT THE BEST OF YOU!" Tsunade was on him in a second. She was pulling his ear hard and using her incredible strength to make it hurt. "YOU DAMN NEAR DESTROYED MY OFFICE!"

"Oww, You're going to pull my ear off!" Naruto winded childishly in a chibi form along with Tsunade who was wacking him on the head.

Everyone just watched the mother and son with clear amusement. Even the anbu chuckled a little at seeing the 'Storm of the leaf' be scolded by his mother. Once Tsunade was done punishing her son she walked away with a huff and crossed arms under her wonderful bosom.

"Sakura-chan, Can you tell the rest while I go home and get some medical attention to my brain." Naruto then left in a wind tornado, not giving her a chance to answer.

"Well I guess I have no choice now." Sakura then turned to Tsunade who was sitting at her new desk and chair. "When we were about to kill Sasori he told us some important news."

"Oh yea, like what?" Tsunade asked with a head tilt.

"He said he was meeting with a spy in 10 days at tenchi bridge."

Tsunade's face became serious. She got a bad feeling about this and that never meant anything good. "Go on."

"The spy has information on Orochimaru and his whole village, supposedly."

Tsunade's feeling was correct. Her evil teammate had something to do with this. However, This was a chance that couldn't be missed. They could possibly get the drop on the snake freak and wipe him and his village out.

"Okay, I will send you guys out on this mission. Kakashi, make sure you are ready for this mission in 10 days, But you guys will need another teammate to help you out."

Kakashi who was still outside enjoying the breeze, snapped his book closed and looked at Tsunade. "Do we really need another teammate? You know we are good enough to go on this mission without someone possibly bringing us down."

"That is correct, but for the sake of team balancing I have to give you guys one extra."

Kakashi looked at Tsunade blankly for a moment. "Whatever you say hokage-sama." Kakashi then walked out with his book in hand. Leaving Tsunade and Sakura in the office.

Streets of Konoha

Naruto was walking down the street to his compound. He was thinking about just flashing there but decided to walk and admire the view of the village. He smiled and waved at all the people who greeted him. Naruto than saw a familiar pineapple top.

"Shikamaru." Naruto said and put an arm around the lazy boy's neck and gave him a grin.

The black haired boy sighed from the action but soon smirked back at his longtime friend. "Hey Naruto, I see you are still being a drag as usual."

"Hey, Don't be like that." Naruto then grinned and Shikamaru didn't like that. "I just got back from the sand and you know who I saw."

"Here it comes." Shikamaru said in his head.

"Your fine ass girlfriend." Naruto then laughed out loud. He would always mess with Shikamaru about how he managed to get a girl like Temari.

"What a drag, If you mind, I am preparing for the chunin exams right now."

"Are you now." Naruto put a hand on his chin. "There going to be in the sand this year, right."


"Hey you guys." They both looked up to see choji eating some BBQ chips.

"Choji I always see you putting something in your mouth." Naruto then got a smirk on his face and walked to the boy. Shikamaru saw the smirk and did a silent prayer for choji in his head. Naruto then went up to the boy and whispered in his ear.

Choji's face quickly became red and he had steam coming from his ears. "N-n-n-naruto, T-that is p-perverted!"

All Naruto did was laugh and pat the fat boy on the back. "You will understand sooner or later." Naruto's eyes then snapped to where he saw a black and white tiger running towards him and his friends. He simply swiped his hand down and the tiger dispelled in an instant.

Naruto's eyes snapped to the pale boy who was sitting across from them with a blank face and drawing brush in his hand. Shikamaru and choji snapped to attention and got ready to defeat the enemy.

"Who is that guy?" Shikamaru asked. His voice no longer holding the laziness it once had.

"Doesn't matter, He is dead." The next thing Shikamaru and Choji knew, Naruto was no longer standing where he once was and was now on the guy who was attacking them.

"He's fast." Shikamaru and Choji thought.

Naruto pulled out his moonlight sword and clashed it with the other guy's tonto. Naruto overpowered him immediately. Naruto scowled and put his sword back in its sheath. "You are not even worth my blade, Weakling." Naruto then formed a blade of lighting over his right hand. The glow shinned of his navy blue armor light a ray of hope or how his enemies see it.

The light to death.

Naruto ran his hand right through the pale boy's heart, Destroying his heart in an instant. Naruto looked at him with no remorse as blood spilled on his hand and stained his armor.

The boy coughed up more blood and dropped to his knees once Naruto yanked his hand out of his chest.

"Daring to challenge me was foolish of you." Naruto had no mercy for his enemies. This gave him the nickname of 'Heavenly Demon' from the Iwa ninja. Over the 3 years he had killed a good chunk of Iwa ninja's. They wanted to dance but were not able to match his steps. All except the little bee. She probably hated him for killing a bunch of her comrades but she too had laid waste to ninja's of the leaf.

"Well, that was quick." Shikamaru said looking at the dead body under his feet.

"Jeez Naruto, You didn't have to be so brutal." Choji didn't like how brutal Naruto killed the guy. He had heard stories of how Naruto killed his enemies with no mercy no matter who they were.

"I didn't have to, But, with Anko as your sensei and the 9 tails training you, It's hard not to get some of their quirks after so long of fighting with them." Naruto searched the body of the dead teen and pulled out things that might be useful.

"So does everyone in your clan fight like you do?" Choji asked nervously. He was a little nervous about having a whole clan of ninja's that fought like Naruto.

He got his answer when Naruto turned his head and smirked at him. Naruto then rose to his feet and released some of his power for the world to feel. Lighting sparked from his body and the sound of thunder clapping could be heard. It was like the gods were applauding Naruto on his power.

"The Uzumaki are the strongest ninja. No one can stop us." Naruto spoke with utter power and confidence in his clan. All the Uzumaki around the world had a sudden spark of courage and confidence. Shikamaru and Choji had the urge to get on one knee and pledge loyalty to Naruto. They were moved by his confidence in his clan because they too were clan heirs and had to represent their clan. They wanted to be like Naruto Uzumaki. The Storm of the Leaf.

"Follow me." Naruto's voice was commanding and authoritative. It left no room for argument.

"Yes." The two boys grabbed the body and left in a body flicker.

Hokage Office

"Who the fuck is this?" Naruto asked while standing over the body of Sai with his foot on the dead teens back.

"Naruto, can't you see I am busy." Tsunade was talking to the 3 elders while Hiruzen was standing next to her.

"Old man, You're still alive." Naruto said seeing Hiruzen in green and black clan robes while smoking his pipe.

Hiruzen only chuckled at the armor clad blonde. "I am very much still alive. But if you keep flexing your power like that I might die from a heart attack."

Naruto chuckled to himself. "Well I had to show these two how they run a clan." Naruto pointed at Shikamaru and Choji.

"It doesn't matter, Why are you here boy." The elder Kohara said.

Naruto looked at the other elders coldly. His eyes were sharp and posture ridged. As if waiting for someone to make a move. The elders began to sweat nervously and even Danzo seemed a bit…off.

"Damnit, He killed Sai. He was one of my best tools."

"Who is this guy?" Naruto asked once again.

"He was supposed to be your new teammate." Tsunade spoke up.

"Then why did he attack us?"

"I sent him to greet you." Danzo chose this time to speak up and hopefully gain control of the situation once again. Next thing he knew, Naruto slammed him into the wall and had a glowing blade of sharp chakra at his throat. Naruto looked danzo into his one good eye. Ever since he had ripped the fake out along with cutting his arm off which was made of Hashirama cells.

"I should just kill you right now." Naruto stated calmly and pushed the sharp blue blade closer.

"You won't." Danzo said as calm as he could. Inside he was nervous, Naruto was known for not showing mercy. But he had to try and play on his pride and the fact that he was Infront of the hokage and elders along with 2 clan heirs.

"Naruto that's enough!" Tsunade yelled.

Naruto kept his gaze on the man for a little while longer. Naruto put him down and back away. He let his chakra blade fade away.

Danzo smirked at Naruto. He had won and always will win.

Hiruzen knew better though. He saw the look in Naruto's eye. It was the same look when he was about to kill Neji in the chunin exams. Kushina, Naruto's mother, had the same look in her eye during the war. It was the look she gave right before she completely destroyed her enemies.

Naruto, faster than anyone could see, quickly coated his hand in lighting and cut Danzo's head off.

Danzo's head fell to the ground and his body soon slumped over. Naruto walked over to the body and went through hand signs. "Goku, I need some of that hot shit."

"Hot and Ready" Goku sent Naruto some of his chakra.

Lava balls then formed around Naruto which he made drop onto Danzo's body and burn it to ashes and then burning that. Everyone in the room was shocked, well everyone except Hiruzen. The old man simply sighed in pity for his old friend. Tsunade didn't think Naruto would do such a thing as killing a elder right in front of her and the other elders. The elders were shaking in fear of Naruto.

"Let this be a warning to you elders. Your political power means nothing, And you better know your role and shut your mouth." Naruto then flashed to his compound saying everything he had to say. His message was sent and he knows they got it direct.

"That boy." Tsunade rubbed her temples in frustration. She loved her son. Her son. It was weird calling herself Naruto's mother at first since she knew his real mother. However, Naruto didn't care and simply told her she was the closest thing he had to a mother. Soon she simply started to see Naruto as her son and just went with it.

"Yes, he is quite something." Hiruzen blew out a ring of white smoke.

"H-hiruzen, W-why are you not doing anything?!" Koharu asked in fear and panic.

Hiruzen only raised an eyebrow at her. "And what do you want me to do? I am definitely not fighting him, I'd rather fight my old student again." Hiruzen shivered at the thought of just going up against Naruto. He could already hear the devilish laughter. Maybe if he was in his prime, but he knew that it wouldn't even make a difference if he was in his prime or not.

"H-he must be put to death! He killed Danzo!" Homura shouted.

Tsunade than flared her KI at the two elders and had bloody murder in her eyes. "I've had enough of you! Be lucky he didn't kill you either. Now get out of my office!"

They tried to stand their ground. They were war veterans for crying out loud. Tsunade got from her desk and walked over to them and grabbed them by their collars and threw them out of the door, breaking their old bones in the process.

"They all had it coming" The retired hokage thought to himself.

Uzumaki compound

Naruto appeared inside his room in the compound. He took off his battle armor and placed it on his armor stand. He took off his all black undershirt and pants. He was now dressed in a messy white tank top that highlighted his muscles and well toned arms. He was wearing some loose black pants similar to that of Tayuya but made for comfort and not battle. He slipped on some blue sandals and left his room.

He heard some noise in the backyard so he walked over to see his daughter in a intense spar with Haku and Guren. She was using her kenjutsu skills to battle them both off while using some of that kido she was talking about. He could feel her spiritual pressure from inside and could only imagine that it must be worst for the girls outside fighting. He walked outside and saw Rukia be encased in Haku's crystal ice mirrors along with Guren who had some crystal shards ready to pierce her.

Rukia saw the attacks coming her way and took a calming breath. They had been sparring for 3 hours now and Rukia still had energy to burn. Haku and Guren seemed to be getting a little tired if their heavy breathing was anything to go by. Rukia reached inside her body and pulled on her chakra. The cold touch of her bloodline ran through her veins like ice cold water in the morning going down your throat.

"Ice style petrifying jutsu!" Rukia was quickly covered head to toe in a thick layer of ice that protected her from the onslaught of attacks from Haku and Guren.

Their attacks connected with Rukia's defensive jutsu but she held strong. She quickly formed a plan inside her head. She jammed her sword in the ground and made a platform of ice shot her into the sky giving her a vantage point. She made a cross sign and 3 clones of rukia popped into existence. They then went through hand signs.

"Ice style Ice dragon!" 3 massive dragons formed behind the clones and rushed the girls on the ground.

Haku was low on chakra so this attack would be her last.

"Ice style Ice dragon frenzy!" 5 ice dragons rushed Rukia's two dragons. They were smaller than hers but more in number. However, She underestimated the power of Rukia's dragons. Rukia's dragons overpowered Haku's dragon in an instant, making Haku's eyes widen.

Guren made a giant dome of crystal to shield both her and Haku from Naruto's daughter. The whole compound was rocked by the explosion force of Rukia's attack. It was a good thing Naruto put up seals around the compound.

"I've got you right where I want you." Rukia dropped and was in front of them.

Naruto was on the sideline watching with a proud grin on his face. "Now that's my girl."

"Dance, Sode no Shirayuki!" A white ribbon extended from the end of her blade's hilt and spiritual pressure exploded off of Rukia. She got into the stance to unleash one of her most powerful poked her sword into the ground 4 times. "Hakka no togame!" A massive blast of Ice shot from the tip of her sword towards Guren and Haku at intense speeds.

They put more chakra into their wall and a layer of ice and crystal shot up to block Rukia's attack. Rukia widened her eyes at the attack she had just launched. She didn't mean to pack so much power into the attack. "I got too engrossed in the battle and let out a little too much power. I see why father likes battle so much, I may have ice in my veins but my blood is pumping."

"I'm so proud of you." The voice of Naruto sounded and next thing everyone knew was Rukia's attack was blasted away by Naruto who had a proud smile on his face.

Rukia's heart swelled with pride and joy at her father being proud of her. This was one thing she missed while he was gone for so many years. She missed when they would spend time together. Whether it was training, playing, or just relaxing at home. "It's all thanks to you father. But can you keep up with me old man." Rukia smirked at her dad. She gripped her sword which hummed in excitement at finally being able to cut up Naruto.

Naruto threw his head back in laughter. "So you still want to keep going?" Naruto summoned his moonlight blade. Naruto lost his grin for a moment and simply gazed at Rukia with nothing but love for a moment. He remembered when they first met. He remembered bringing her to the village, He remembered training her in the sword for the first time, he remembered her first day of school. Now she was a beautiful young woman who was growing each day. His vision began to blur and get watery due to unshed tears. He quickly blinked them away though, Now was not the time.

"Let's see how well you dance?" Naruto then dashed towards Rukia who charged in and met him head on.


The force of the collision between the two sent shockwaves across the backyard. Naruto was holding back so he wouldn't blow his daughter away.

Rukia, for her part, packed some power in that. She thought Naruto would at least struggle to maintain balance and she would capitalize on that.

"You are going to have to do better than that." Naruto broke from their blade lock and engaged Rukia in an intense sword duel. This included slashes, jabs, Jumping, Lunges, and spinning slashes.

Rukia had a hard time keeping up with her dad. They would clash and then disappear from view only to appear in another clash. It was making her frustrated that he was beating her so easily.

"Why are you holding back? He is the strongest, You can afford to let loose on him a little." Her zanpakuto criticized her from inside the blade. She wanted Rukia to slice Naruto into pieces.

"Your right, Sorry." Rukia tightend her grip around her blade and her royal purple eyes shined with determination. She was going to win. Rukia soon disappeared in a burst of speed. Rukia was behind Naruto ready to strike.

Naruto widened his eyes at seeing Rukia move so fast. He could still follow her clear as day but that was almost like his flying raijin. He could feel Rukia was behind him getting ready and could feel the smugness coming off her blade. Naruto only smirked. He was gone in the blink of an eye.

Rukia was not surprised that her dad was able to dodge her attack. She was not yet a master at the move yet and only good enough to travel short distances.

"I am impressed once again." Rukia turned around and saw Naruto clapping for her. "What was that move called?"

"It is called flash step and you can experience it more in a second." Rukia than disappeared again and was on Naruto with fast pinpoint accurate slashes. Naruto bobbed and weaved in between the slashes.

Naruto ducked and gave Rukia a shoulder tackle and then kicked her away a good distance. Allowing them both to get some rest from the quick exchange they just went through. Naruto stood straight up and held his blade out with his right hand. "Don't falter."

Rukia dashed towards Naruto In the process, Kicking up dust and cratering the ground where she dashed from. Naruto simply held his blade firm and looked sharpley at Rukia. Naruto's blade glowed blue while the air got colder from Rukia's sword and chakra.

Naruto blocked a barrage of strike from Rukia which left small craters on the ground from the force of her power. Everyone who lived in the house was outside looking at the two with amazement on their faces.

"Rukia-chan really is strong." Shizune said. She was proud of the girl just as much as Naruto was, well maybe not as much since he was the girl's father.

Everyone saw flashes of the two all around the backyard. They were leaving deep cuts in the ground that glowed from leftover chakra.

Naruto blocked an overhead slash from Rukia and parried with a slash meant to cut her admin. But she covered her hand in a thick layer of ice and blocked his blade.

"She's strong. To be this good at such a young age…But this isn't enough to take me down." Naruto stomped the ground and high pressure water spikes shot up from the ground. Rukia froze some of them and dodged the rest.

Rukia slid back and had her blade in her right arm and was high above her shoulder and looked like she was ready to thrust the blade.

Naruto slid back in his blue sandals that were covered in dirt. His white tank top was a little dirty but was overall clean. "What is she doing?"

Her blade glowed white and next thing Naruto knew was he had to dodge the thick layers of ice rushing at him. He sliced some of them with his blade but she was able to launch a lot for someone who seemed to be tired.

Naruto locked onto Rukia who was about to make her way towards him if the way her legs seemed to tense. Naruto was about 30 feet away from her but space meant nothing to him. The blonde was on Rukia in 3 steps.

"Don't slip, This dance is dangerous." Rukia had to put her blade up and block the perfect slashes from Naruto. She had no idea how he wielded his sword so fluently. She watched as his blade cut through the wind with no resistance and seemed to make the wind swirl around his blade in a tight motion.


Sparks flew as Naruto and Rukia were a blur once more but it was clear Naruto was winning.

"And for the closer." Naruto did an overhead slash which was blocked but he did not stop and swung once again in a horizontal way. Rukia then lost track of Naruto's blade and was assaulted with the heavy strikes from Naruto.

Naruto swung his blade which seemed to be in slow motion for Rukia. The blade caused deep cuts to form in the ground while the wind howled from his blade cutting through the air. Naruto had knocked Rukia's sword from her hand and made her fall on the cut Rukia's cheek, drawing a little blood. Dance of the Uzumaki. That was what Naruto just pulled off. It was four formations of movements which got stronger with every formation and step. Rukia had managed to survive 2 steps and was the only left alive to talk about it.

"Good job little rabbit, You did good." Naruto picked her up and placed Rukia on his back.

Rukia blushed. "I told you to stop calling me that, I am not a little girl anymore." She put her arms around his neck and legs around his waist to hold herself up.

Naruto only smiled. "And I told you, You'll always be my little girl."

Rukia laid her head on his shoulder and huffed. "I know."

He began to walk over to the others leaving the half destroyed backyard which had ice spikes and deep craters with water filling the hole along with pink crystals littered on the ground.

"Did I do good..dad."

"You did amazing Rukia-chan."

Rukia smiled at getting her dad's approval. She wanted to make him and her clan proud, She would get strong and eventually defeat him one day and lead the clan. Or she wasn't Rukia Uzumaki.