
Naruto: Storm release

GodofDeathDragons · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Ch 19

Somewhere in water country

"Fuck, Why the hell did leader send us out here and not that damn fly trap?" An angry voice said.

"Stop your fucking complaning, All we need to do is kill these two assholes and we can finish what we were doing!" A voice just as angry replied.

This was Hidan and Kakazu. They were sent out by the leader of the akatsuki to look for traces of the 3 tails. They were meant to gather money, not spy on people. It also didn't help that this new group called 'The guardians'. It was a group of the jinchuuriki formed to counteract the akatsuki. 7 S-rank ninja's vs 8 S-rank ninja's.

It was about to be 6 after this battle if things kept going the way they were. While searching for the 3 tails Hidan and Kakazu had made contact with 2 members of the group who were also looking for the 3 tails.

"Have you finally given up now?" A cold and calculative voice asked.

"Shut your damn mouth!" Hidan shouted.

"You are so annoying, I am about to kill you." A chipper female voice said.

"You bitch! Say that to my face!"

"Hidan, Shut up." Kakazu said and coughed up some blood. They were getting beat up for most of the fight and it was drawing to a close soon.

"Look at you, About to die. Sucks to be you!" Hidan twirled his scythe and got ready to charge back in.

"Idiot." Kakazu coughed out.

Hidan then charged in with a manic smile on his face not caring what happened, It wasn't like he could die.

A green blur went past him and his world turned upside down. His head was cut off by a blade of wind held by a dark skinned hand. "You are done for now." The girl turned around showing her mint green hair and bright orange eyes and dark skin. Fuu pumped more chakra into the wind blade giving it a white glow and also making the blade hum with power.

'Say goodbye bitch!" She then performed multiple slashes with her wind blade and cut Hidan's head and body into multiple pieces. She then finished it off with a fireball just to be sure about her kill.

Utakata only shook his head at Fuu. Utakata was wearing a black cloak with his collar folded down that had green waves on the bottom symbolizing a new wave of change with the color green symbolizing growth and new beginnings for the world. Under his coat his had on a light blue turtleneck. He had black pants that were tied at the bottom by light blue tape into black ninja sandals. He had his bubble blower of death tied around his neck hanging to his midsection.

Fuu had a similar cloak but she had it opened at the bottom revealing her well toned midsection and belly button. She was wearing black tights with black tape covering her feet so as to not get them injured during missions. She would harden her feet with earth chakra or wind chakra during her fights depending on whatever she was doing, And it was easier for her to fly.

"You have been hanging around Naruto-sama too much." Utakata said with clear amusement. He had gotten used to Fuu and her new quirks she picked up from Naruto. She was his partner and sister after all.

Fuu pouted, "What are you trying to say? And you know big bro doesn't like when you call him that.

"You have picked up on his bad language and finish lines." He shuttered at remembering Naruto shooting tailed beast bombs with that grin on his face while also giving some final line to his enemies.

"Well I think it is great." Fuu crossed her arms and turned her head.

Kakazu tried to use this attempt to escape with his last heart, But was stopped when he was trapped in a bubble and floated towards the two.

"You were not trying to escape were you?" Utatka asked in that ice cold tone that could freeze over hell.

Kakazu cursed in his head. There was no way they would let him go, They are after people like him after all. If he was dying it would be under his own terms. He channeled his chakra into this last attack.

"If I'm going down, You are coming with me." He was about to finish but was stopped when a wind blade pierced his last heart making him gasp.

"No you don't." Fuu wagged her finger as if talking to a child. "Let's just finish this guy, Blow his ass up!" Fuu ran back in order to take cover from the explosion that was to come.

"You got it." Utakata then sent the bubble up into the air and got ready for his final attack. He couldn't help himself; he just had to say it one time. " Say goodbye bitch!" He then blew the bubble up causing a large explosion to sound and rock the ground they were standing on. The explosion could be seen from miles away.


The body of a dead Kakazu fell to the ground with burns and parts of his body missing.

"You just couldn't help yourself could you?" Fuu asked, grinning towards Utakata who looked away and blushed from embarrassment.

"S-shut up. Just grab the body and let's get back to the village." Utakata said and jumped into the trees leaving Fuu to grab the body.

She grabbed the body and jump after him with a smile on her face. Her life had really taken a turn for the better when she met Naruto that day.


Naruto and Karin were walking in the village hidden in waterfalls. They had wanted to get in but the guards didn't want to let them so Naruto and Karin just snuck in using their chakra sensei ability.

"That's a big ass tree." Naruto gazed at the giant tree in the middle of the village.

Karin nodded next to him. "Yup and I can feel Chomei's chakra coming from over there."

"Well, let's go and see them." They then began to sneak around the village to not get caught by the ninja protecting the village. It wasn't a lot of them and they also were pretty weak from what Naruto could sense.

They made it to the tree and could see what looked like a run down cabin behind the tree covered by a grove of trees. "Talk about a shit hole." Naruto received a smack upside the head for that comment.

"I do remember seeing your place and it didn't look any better." Karin saw his old apartment and it was not the 5 star compound he had now.

They walked up to the door and gave it a slight knock.

"Go away, I don't have the rent!" A voice sounded from the inside.

"We are not here for your money, We are here for you." Naruto said.

"I don't want your love letter. Creep."

Naruto got a tick mark while Karin giggled off to the side. "I'll have you know, I have multiple women at home who love me!" Naruto shouted towards the door.

"So you are a pervert and a creep!" He could hear the mocking way the voice said it.

"That is it!" He unsheathed his sword and got ready to cut the building down. "I was going to play nice but now I am just going to kidnap you!"

He was about to do a attack but was stopped when Karing grabbed his arm. "Wait, If you do that it might alert the village that we are here." Naruto calmed down a little but was still a little mad. "Excuse my rude brother, He doesn't have any manners." Naruto's eyebrow twitched. "We just want to give you a better life and save you from this place."

They heard footsteps and soon the door cracked open and they saw Fuu stick her head from behind the door. "What do you mean?" Fuu saw the two smile at her fondly.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki the holder of the 9 tails and my sister holds the 4 tails, We are making a group of us Jinchuriki and we wanted to know if you want to join?" Naruto finished with a smile and Fuu's eyes widened at what she was hearing.


From that day forwards she had never looked back and would forever thank Naruto for giving her a better life. The two then made their way to the mist village were the leader was waiting for them.

Mizukage Office

"Naruto-kun, Are you sure that those 2 will be okay?" Mei, the leader of the mist village, asked her friend who was like a little brother to her.

"For the last time woman, They will be fine." Naruto answered annoyed. He was laying on the couch while Mei did paper work with some shadow clones. He had given her the secret to paperwork and he ended up with rosy red lipstick all on his face.

"Don't be taking that tone with me young man." Mei sent Naruto a slight glare from behind her desk. "Smartass, I am just worrying about my friends."

"There is nothing to worry about, We all trained together with our tailed beast and those guys were just the low tier of the akatsuki." Naruto and his group had trained in their powers with the help of each other and their biju. Once they had finished they made their group and went to go hunt the members but didn't have any luck until now. They however did missions for multiple people in order to get their name out in the world.

"That's why i'm worried. They have been around you so long, They might have picked up your bad habits."

"Oh yea like what?"

"Your crude language, Finish lines, explosive jutsu, and battle hungry nature." Mei named off only a short list of all the things about Naruto.

"Oh and you are so much better. Every time someone mentions age or marriage you get all defensive and want to kill someone."

"Don't make me melt you." Mei said dangerously with a aura of death surrounding her.

Naruto only laughed at her. "If you could melt me, I am sure that little bumble bee from stone would have done it a long time ago." He thought of the girl in stone who he just loved making mad.

Mei scowled, "My lava is much hotter than hers, Just. Like. Me."

"Then why are you still single?" He had to dodge a lava ball that melted the couch in a second. Mei was ready to shoot another one but two people appeared in the room.

"Bro mission accomplished." Fuu saluted Naruto who did the same thing back to her.

"Great work soldier." He opened his arms that were covered by his cloak that all the members of the guardians were wearing. Around his neck was the green necklace of his mother Tsunade. Naruto was wearing a black long sleeve shirt that. He had on black anbu pants with black tape on his ankles and black ninja sandals. Naruto's blond hair had gotten longer with two bangs hanging over his leaf headband.

Fuu jumped into his arms and gave him a big hug. "Since our mission is done, Are you going back to the leaf now?"

"Yup I are due back anyways. I sent Karin ahead in order to let everyone know." Naruto separated from Fuu and walked to Utakata and gave him a fist bump. "Did you use the line?" Naruto asked with a grin. "Fuu you stay here with your partner and help Mei with missions." Fuu nodded at what he said.

Utakata turned his head and looked down to hide his blush and shame. "Yes I did." Naruto and Fuu began to laugh at the man who started to sulk in the corner.

"It felt good didn't it?" Naruto already knew the answer but he just wanted to hear it from him. He saw the man nod in the corner making him laugh some more. "Don't worry, Soon you will be making your own."

"When will we be leaving?" Fuu asked once she stopped laughing.

"We can leave later today, I can get us their in a flash." He held out a 3 pronged kunai that was all black. He had wanted to change his from the way his father made them.

Fuu made an O face.

"You two just relax for about an hour or two and then we will get going." He got a nod from Fuu. "Utakata make sure you don't cause any trouble for Mei-chan, You know she is getting up there in age." He ducks a lava ball. "And let us know if you need anything. He turned to Mei who was glaring at him. "I am going to your house to sleep in your bed." He flashed away in a blue light.

"I swear I really hate him sometimes." Mei said but then smiled a little while later. She would miss having him around as company.

2 Hours later Hokage Office

Tsunade was sitting in her office doing what all kage's hated doing. Paperwork. Naruto had told her the secret but it seemed like even when the clones were helping it was still a lot of paperwork. She didn't sign up for this shit. Tsunade let out a sigh from all the work she has done today.

Something then caught her eye. It was a picture of her and Naruto when they had made it back to the village. She was wearing her hokage hat while he had a arm around her shoulder with a big smile on his face while she had a similar smile while giving a peace sign to the camera. She smiled softly at the picture. It has been 3 years since she had last seen her son, and she missed him.

"Where is he? I thought he was supposed to be back already, Everyone wants to see him, even the villagers want to see their hero." Tsunade was snapped from her thoughts when she got a knock on the door. "Come in." The door opened to reveal Sakura Haruno, her young student.

Sakura saw her master and smiled. She had asked to be taught by Tsunade when Naruto had left for his training with Karin. Over the training she had really grown over the 3 years. Sakura's pink hair was flowing to her lower neck, There was also a diamond mark in the middle of her forehead. She wore a red v neck crop top showing her muscled torso. She had on a fishnet sports bra, Black high shorts revealing her toned and thick thighs. Black ninja sandals that went past her knees. She was wearing pink elbow pads and to finish her outfit she would sometimes wear a sleeveless cloak that had pink flower petals at the bottom.

"Tsunade-sama, I have some more paperwork for you." Sakura said with a smirk on her face.

Tsunade slumped into her chair. "Hey, Why don't I make you the hokage for a day."

"Nah I'm good, Plus if I have to sit in this office all day, Then I don't think I will be hokage." Sakura said and looked out the window with a smile. "So where is bro?"

Tsunade smiled once again, "I'm not sure but he should be here sometime soon."

A knock on the door made both the ladies look towards it. "Come in." Tsunade said.

The door opened revealing Karin whose outfit was similar to the other guardians but she had a fur pelt on her collar that would catch flames when she use fire chakra or Goku's. "Hey you two, I was just coming to tell you things went well in the mist and Naruto should be here soon."

"That's great, This will make our alliance even stronger with the mist. Did you find anything on the three tails?" Tsunade wanted to make sure they kept the three tails out the hands of akatsuki or…Iwa. Things with them and the sound have not been good. They have been pushing their luck while also trying to boost up their forces. Tsunade was not just sitting on her ass though, She also made all ninja amp up their training and made sure to fix the academy.

"No we did not discover anything about the three tails but Naruto sent me a scroll saying they killed two members of the akatsuki." Karin said, shocking the two occupants in the room.

"Who were they?" Sakura asked. She was confident that she could take on one of the lower members but if she used her hundred healings she could defeat her master and maybe one of the upper tier members of the group.

"It was Kakazu and Hidan." Karin said.

"Who defeated them?" Tsunade was curious.

"Fuu and Utakata."

Tsunade whistles. "Well no wonder, Those two are tails apart."

The village then began to rumble and clouds began to form overhead making everyone look up to see the strange event. Lighting began to peak from the gray clouds and the sound of thunder echoed over the whole village. Tsunade and Sakura only knew of one person who would make such an entrance.

The sky then went completely black. It then happened. They all heard the primal roar of a beast. The civilians began to get a little scared while the ninja prepared for an attack. They all saw flashes of lighting inside the clouds and they saw slight glances of a massive beast flying. The clouds parted revealing the grinning form of Naruto riding on top of Arashi.

The civilians of the red light district recognized him right away. They started to cheer his name.




The named boy was just taking in all the praze from atop his creation. "Go on and give them a roar." Naruto patted one of the 3 heads of Arashi who seemed to grin. The beast then widened its wings and let out a massive roar that went on for miles across the earth. Everyone then began to cheer in the village.

"THE STORM OF THE LEAF HAS RETURNED!" Naruto shouted with a wide grin on his face.

Back in the office, Tsunade, Sakura, and Karin smiled at Naruto's antics. He always knew how to make an entrance and get the people behind him.

"I swear that idiot son of mine." Tsunade couldn't help but feel happy. Her son was back and would definitely bring a storm with him.

"You go Naruto-kun!" Sakura was outside cheering with everyone else. She couldn't believe how big that damn storm dragon was. It cast a shadow over half the village.

"We should just make it a holiday when he comes back to the village." Karin chuckled to herself.

Back with Naruto he flew the dragon back into the storming clouds and canceled the jutsu, but not before letting him have one more roar. He parted the clouds with his wind chakra and was now flying back to the ground. He nosedived and used wind chakra to catch himself before he made contact with the ground. He then flashed into the hokage office.

"Hey there guys!" Naruto shouted.

"Bro!" Sakura jumped to Naruto who caught her and spun her around making the girl grin and laugh.

Naruto eyed her up and down. He whistled. "Damn sis, You look hot." Naruto grinned at his little sister.

Sakura smirked and did a few poses. "You think so?"

He chuckled. "Love it." He then turned to the woman who was behind the desk.

"It's been a long time, brat. Your training proved to be fruitful I hope." Tsunade said with a warm smile on her face towards her knucklehead blond.

Naruto only smirked. "Come on mom, don't be like that, You aren't getting any younger." Naruto walked to Tsunade who had gotten up to embrace him. He then gave her a bunch of kisses on her face, making her giggle and push him away.

"It's good to have you back son." She gave him another smile.

Naruto smiled in return before he then grinned. "Now where is my little snow bunny. I have a gift for her." Everyone already knew who he was talking about.

"She is most likely waiting at home for you like everyone else is, I can feel their excitement from here." Karin spoke up.

"Yea, and she has missed you a lot. She tried to hide it with that little indifferent face of hers but I could see that she missed you." Tsunade said. "She has also become very strong over the past years, One of the strongest ninja in the village if I am being honest."

Naruto smiled proudly. "What do you expect, She is my daughter after all."

"That's good and all, but how strong are you?" Tsunade was actually really interested to know considering how strong he was when he left the village.

"I am pretty sure you have seen my bingo book entry, but let's just say that I have weathered the storm." Naruto then left in a lighting body flicker.

Uzumaki compound

Everyone who was living at the compound were waiting for Naruto to come home. They had all seen him outside in the sky and couldn't wait to see him up close.

"I swear if that shit head doesn't get here in 5 seconds. I am going to shove my foot up his ass!" A flash then appeared behind Tayuya.

"You will do what?" Naruto wrapped his arms around the waist of Tayuya and pulled her to his muscled chest.

Tayuya turned red at the surprise and feel of his body pressed up against her. She missed him so damn much. "Y-you shithead, making me wait."

Naruto turned her around and smiled at her. "I've missed you Tayuya-chan." He then gave her a kiss that she happily returned. He pulled away, making Tayuya moan in disappointment. "Don't worry, there will be more time for that." He then turned to see everyone else.

"I'm home!" Naruto shouted in the house.

"Naruto!" Everyone said and then jumped on him. Tsunami, Inari, Anko, Kurenai, Ranmaru, Ino, Kin, Shizune, Haku, Hinata, And Guren. They were all giving him a big hug on the ground with smiles on their faces.

They all get up to let him breathe. Until ino spoke in a happy tone, "Master, We are so happy to have you back!" Ino said and gave him a kiss. Ino had matured in beauty and Naruto could tell just by looking at her figure under that maid outfit, She still looked good.

Naruto chuckled. "I am glad to be back but where is Rukia-chan?" Naruto looked around and saw her standing over to the side looking at him with a smile. He smiled and walked over to her. Everyone gave the father and daughter space. She had really grown into a beautiful young lady. Rukia was wearing a black shihakushō, Her hair is cropped into a bob which hangs over her face. She wears a white fingerless tekkō which extends above her elbows.

"Hey dad." Rukia said looking up at Naruto with a big smile.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "No papa?"

Rukia scoffed, "I am not a little girl anymore, I don;t say such childish things."

"Oh and your also too cool to give your dad a hug." Naruto wrapped her into his strong arms and nuzzled their faces together making the girl laugh and try to escape his hug. He then stopped and just looked at her with a warm smile. "I don't care how old you are, You will still be my little girl." He just gave her a fatherly hug, One that Rukia returned with a smile.

"I got a gift for you." Naruto separated and gave Rukia a smirk.

"What is it?" rukia tried to hide her happiness but she just couldn't help it. Naruto always gave the best gifts.

"It is the rabbit I promised to get you." He unsealed an all white rabbit that had big white ears and a puffy white tail at the back.

Rukia got hearts in her eyes along with Haku. "Its so cute." Rukia picked the rabbit up and began to talk to it along with Haku who had just joined her. "I will name you chappy." Haku and Rukia then walked into the backyard to play with the new bunny.

"Well that was heartwarming." Tsunami said and walked up to Naruto and gave him a kiss. She hadn't changed much but still looked just as beautiful in Naruto's opinion.

"Well why don't we all catch up." Naruto made his way to the couch followed by everyone except Ino, Kin, Shizune, and Guren who left to make snacks for everyone in the place.

Time passed and they all talked about things they did over the 3 years. They talked about the training and future plans they have. Laughing at the things Naruto had told them he saw during his adventures.

A knock sounded at the compound gates. Guren went to answer it.

"Yes, How may I help you anbu?"

"Lady hokage wishes to test Naruto-sama at training ground 7 right now." The anbu then body flickered away.

Guren sighed. "But the master just returned." She then went back inside to tell the sad news. "Naruto-sama, The hokage wants you at the training ground to give a demonstration of your skills."

Everyone gave a groan of protest. He just got back and he was about to leave to do some stupid test.

Naruto then got an idea. "Why don't we all go and see me kick somebody's ass."

"Good idea master." Kin said and was up and waiting at the door.

"Race you all there!" Naruto then picked up Inari and Tsunami and dashed off at great speeds.

"That's cheating!" Anko yelled until she jumped after him. Everyone soon followed after him and they all had smiles on their faces.

Training ground 7

Naruto landed with Inari and Tsunami.

"All right we won!" Inari yelled with his black hair a mess from all the winds blowing past his face. Inari had also grown over the 3 years. His face had lost the baby fat. He now had a slim and lean body. He didn't want to be a ninja but he worked out to stay in shape.

"That's right we did, I am the fastest man alive after all." Naruto pointed a finger at himself.

"Oh really." A lazy voice sounded.

Naruto turned his head and saw Kakashi Hatake standing reading his smut out in public. "Kakashi, don't tell me you are going to test me?" Naruto raised a eyebrow at the man. He knew Kakashi was strong but he was a high A rank and low S rank ninja at best.

"Why yes I am and there is also someone else who will be helping me." When Kakashi finished that sentence someone rose from the ground in an anbu outfit with a bear mask on.

Naruto eyed the anbu up and down. He was not impressed and his face showed his displeasure. He turned to Tsunade who was in the tree with Jiraiya. "Mom, why does this guy have senju cells in his body. He isn't a lost senju is he?"

Tsunade was shocked that he could tell there were Senju cells in Tenzo. She turned to the anbu who shook his head in a negative way.

"Its classified information." Naruto did not like the answer but he already had a good idea of what happened to the guy.

"Alright Naruto, This will be a simple spar to test your skills." Kakashi put his book away and pulled up his headband. He then pulled out a bell. "If you don't-"

Naruto cut him off. " I am not here to do your damn bell test. I will simply beat your ass until you see the difference." Naruto finished with that predatory grin on his face that made both the men shiver in fright.

"Okay then." Kakashi put the bell up and got into his stance ready to fight. He turned to Tenzo with a serious gaze. "Tenzo, I am sure you are aware but do not take Naruto lightly, If you hold back too much it won't end well for you."

Tenzo was offended but you couldn't see it behind his mask. "I think you forget who I am. This brat won't last."

"Don't get cocky, I am telling you it won't help you." Kakashi said harshly. This was not the time to let ego cloud your judgment. He saw that big dragon and knew if he wanted Naruto could have destroyed the village.

Everyone from the compound had landed and was now watching Naruto get ready to fight the two jounin.

"Will Naruto-kun be okay?" Hinata asked worriedly. She stayed in her outfit she was wearing from 3 years ago. She filled out the clothes pretty nicely, If she had to say.

"I am sure Naruto-kun will be just fine." Kurenai said with a reassuring smile towards Hinata.

"Yea there is nothing to worry about, Those two are nothing compared to Naruto." Karin said.

"That's a little harsh don't you think." Shizune said.

"It may be but it is simply how things are. The things he has done over the past 3 years are just crazy. He beat the raikage in a race of speed and beat all of the other guardians by himself." They all gasped in shock.

"No lie, Shit head is that strong?" Tayuya couldn't believe her man was such a powerhouse.

"Yes, The only people who I could say would be stronger than him would be the leader of the akatsuki, Hashirama, and Madara in their prime." Karin said.

"Damm, I wonder what a fight between them would look like." Anko said gitty.

"I don't. If forces like them clash, It will destroy everything and cause mass destruction." Karin said gravely, She knew that Naruto and the leader of the akatsuki would clash eventually.

"Yes, It would be best if we were not close to them when something like this happened." Shizune said.

Rukia hearing this was shocked at how strong her dad was. She had become one of the strongest ninja in the village and knew her strength was great. However, she saw the massive dragon and wondered if she could stop something like that. She had advanced very far in her spiritual arts and her sword had told her she was close to gaining bankai. It didn't matter, She would also train and become as strong as her dad.

"Alright come at me for real." Naruto taunted the two ninja who rushed at him. Tenzo rushed in first at jounin speeds he knew Naruto wouldn't be able to dodge. He aimed a fist for Naruto's face but he went right through him.

"Genjutsu no it was." Tenzo's thoughts were put to a pause when he was kicked in the side.

"An afterimage." Naruto sent the anbu crashing back to kakashi who had seen all of the events unfold. His sharingan was barely able to keep up with him and he meant barely. Naruto then turned his gaze to Kakashi who seemed to be thinking of a plan.

Naruto then rushed towards Kakshi who jumped out of the way but was punched in the face by a clone who was behind him. Naruto then took the chance to land another blow to Kakashi. Kakashi did a substitution and was behind a tree thinking over what had just happened.

"Damn, Those hits hurt like hell and I didn't even see him make the clone." Kakashi had to duck when a wind blade sliced the tree in half.

"That was a close one Kakashi." Naruto said holding a wind blade that was humming in his hand. Naruto ducked a fist to the back of the head and stabbed what was behind him with the wind blade in the shoulder. He turned and saw the anbu behind him. Naruto was about to deliver another attack until the body turned to wood and clamped around him.

"Wood strangling jutsu." The anbu rose from the ground and Naruto could just feel the smugness coming from the anbu. "Well, it looks like the storm was only a light breeze."

Naruto grinned at the anbu who was a bit confused at the boy. Why is he acting like he can still win? He was trapped and there was no getting out.

"So this is why I can feel the senju chakra coming from you." The anbu along with Tsunade were shocked. How did he figure it out. This was top secret. "You must think your wood style can hold me."

"It can and I will. You have lost." Tenzo added more chakra to the move making Naruto groan from the tightness. Tenzo turned to Kakashi who still seemed to be on guard.

"That was too easy, Naruto is a S rank ninja and a simple binding jutsu won't hold him." Kakashi looked around to see if he could find a clone or something. He was snapped back to attention when he felt the spike come from Naruto.

"Listen woody, Your woodstyle is too weak to hold me." Naruto then channeled Kasumi's chakra. 5 tails sprouted from behind Naruto and he quickly broke free from the wood holding him.

Tenzo was flabbergasted that someone broke free from his woodstyle. He knew it wasn't as strong as the first hokage but nobody had ever broken free with such force before and he was a little shaken up.

"Now your woodstyle is meaningless." He dropped the 5 tailed cloak and was now standing with his arms crossed. "You have to come at me better than that if you want to take me down." Naruto said to Kakashi and Tenzo.

"I told you." Kakashi shoot a glare towards Tenzo.

"Sorry senpai."

"Get over it. We will simply try again and hope to take him down."

"Come on, I don't have all day." Naruto grinned at the two. He would have some fun before he defeated them.