
Naruto stat leveling system

Tatsumi Uzumaki was tranmigrated as a member of the Uzumaki clan.How will he survive his clans impending doom will he run away and abandon his clan or will he he lead his clan to overcome all its adversaries.

nexusstar21 · Aktion
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51 Chs

The battle begins

Kushina was standing cornered by six sand shinobi.A sand shinobi with red hair stepped up he almost resembled an Uzumaki this was rasa the third kazekage's favorite student.

"Give up now you stand no chance against us."said rasa Arrogance laced in his tone."I don't have time for you small fry if you don't want to die move out of my way."replied kushina.

"Confident are we."said pakura sending a massive fire ball at kushina.Kushina scoffed as she extended her hand obsorbing pakura's scorch release.

"What how is that possible scorch release is bo ordinary fire release how can she just so easily obsorb it."said pakura in shock.

Sand then rushed infront of pakura protecting her from a brutal kick from kushina.pakura turned seeing a karura used her sand in order to protect her.

Golden sand shurikens rushed towards kushina but the moment they got near her they were incinerated by the sheer heat comingfrom her body .

"Fire breathing first form unknowing flame."said kushina.Kushina sent a flaming horizontal slash towards rasa.rasa used his sand to block but kushina sword cut through it like butter causing him to be rescued by karura grabbing him with a sand claw.

"I was planning on meeting up with my team but collecting a few extra scrolls won't hurt."said kushina scorching red flames enveloping her body.

At the other side of the forest we see Takashi staring down a mist ninja.This mist ninja was Yuki Yuma the current jinjuriki of the three tails and a member of the prestigious Yuki clan.

"You know you should just give up a worthless Uzumaki like you cannot defeat me."said Yuma.

"A member of the Yuki clan and also a jinjuriki I can't wait to see the look on your face when I rip that biju from your body."said Takashi.Takashi then disappeared appearing behind Yuma kicking towards his head.

In the heart of the forest mitsumi was currently battling a group of ninja from takigakure also know as the village hidden in the waterfall.

We see her standing on a giant rock and wood golem as she battled a person flying in the air with wings that looked similar to a bug.

"Give up we've already made plans to capture your teammates they should be cornered by now I'd I were you I would just willingly accept my fate."said the ninja from takigakure.

"Well I'd start praying for those ninjas if I were you because they'll be lucky if their heads are recovered by their Kage's when my team is finished with them."replied mitsumi.

"You don't understand do you every team in this forest is after you're teammates there is no way they make it out alive."said the Taki nin.

Mitsumi laughed at that statement."Whats so funny I heard you Uzumaki's were unhinged bur I didn't think you would laugh at the death of your comrades."said the Taki nin in a confused tone.

"I'm afraid you're the one who does not understand everyone on my team is far out of the league of anyone here.

you and the other jinjuriki's are basically puppets to our chains and fuinjustu prowess you may think grouping together will help you but trust me it won't."said mitsumi.

The golem she was on the sent a fierce punch at the taki ninja destroying many trees around them.

We see toji as he had just finished taking down a few kumo nin who tried to attack him as he sat on the corpse of one of them staring at the raikage's son A without a care in the world .

A was furiouse this bastard had not only killed his comrades but had the nerve to sit on their dead bodies.

You clearly do not know the position you are in your teammates are all cornered your trapped teammate his being attacked by my brother and teammate as we speak maybe we'll be generous and return all your heads to the uzukage."said A with a smug smirk on his face.

"No I understand my position clearly that all of you are going to die."said toji.

Oh and could you enlighten me on how you and your team are going to get out of this situation are you all full of yourselves do you think you're that the rest of us."said A.

"We don't think we're better than you we know we're better. I mean we have the better chakra, bloodline,physique sealing techniques and kenjutstu techniques.

But what does the cloud have I know nothing you are all nothing but thieves who try to steal others bloodlines because their village cannot cultivate talents ."said toji a grin on his face.

A burst out in anger lighting surrounding his body as charged at toji.

In a random part of the forest we see many ninja surrounding tatsumi's barrier with B and and his teammate jin leading the forefront.

Tatsumi sat inside the barrier reading a book not even paying any attention to the ninja surrounding him.

"I guess you resigned your self yo your faith I see your smart and are accepting your death."said jin.

Tatsumi lifted his head before saying.The secret rule made is that I am only allowed to harm who comes inside the barrier but it didn't say it had to be this barrier.said tatsumi as a golden perfect cube surrounded all of them.

A gravitational force then fell on all the opposing ninja dropping them to the ground.B and jin were kneeling infront of the second barrier tatsumi was in sweating and breathing heavily.

The ground beneath the barrier the lift of the ground carrying tatsumi and the barrier along with it.