
Naruto stat leveling system

Tatsumi Uzumaki was tranmigrated as a member of the Uzumaki clan.How will he survive his clans impending doom will he run away and abandon his clan or will he he lead his clan to overcome all its adversaries.

nexusstar21 · Aktion
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51 Chs

chapter 8

Tatsumi and his friends were currently in the Uzumaki ashina's tent in front of him, kneeling down.The tent was filled with privacy seals, and two anbu members blocking the exit.

"You three were able to leave uzushio and avoid our top sensors detection.While your actions are wrong and you all should be severely punished."said aahina.

The four lowered their heads at ashina's words.

"However, your intentions were pure, so I will make you all a deal. If you accept my proposal, you will not be punished, and we will go on as if this incident never happened."said ashina.

"Patriarch sama, what is your proposal?"asked Takashi."You may all stand up and lisen closely. You can decide whether you want to accept or decline my offer."said ashina.

"In recent years, uzushio has not partook in the chunin exams due to nit the other village have seen this as us getting weaker and weaker."said ashina.

"Let me guess you want us to partake in the upcoming chunin exams."said toji."Ah, you're a sharp one."replied ashina.

"But where only eleven years old were not supposed to graduate the academy for another year."said mitsumi.

"You are all very talented more than capable to graduate infact each of you could have graduated years ago.

It's not like you will all be younger than everyone else, considering konoha and other major villages sometimes graduate all their shinobi at age ten."replied ashina.

"Why us that I thought a full term if the academy is until age ten?"asked toji.

"Its because of war the nation's have been getting oftly tense lately, so their filling up on as much shinobi as possible."replied Tatsumi.

"What, but I thought the elemental nations were established so children wouldn't have to enter the battlefield."said mitsumi.

"That's just a front they all put up when push comes to shove and war breaks out the first thing their gonna send out is all the cannon fodder, not the elites, in war the children are always the first to go."replied tatsumi.

ashina nodded his head in agreement before speaking.I expect no less from you, tatsumi, considering the top of your grade. Yes, everything tatsumi said is true, and as much I don't want it, uzushio may be dragged into this war.

"That's impossible. we declared ourselves a neutral country."said Takashi."That may be true, but with the power we possess, it's likely konoha will ask us for aid, and we'll be dragged in regardless due to the five nation's greed for fuinjustu techniques."said toji.

Takashi and mitsumi gritted their teeth they hated the concept of war.They did not want anyone close to them to die over a meaningless cause.

"Don't worry their's no nation that will carelessly attack us. uzushio is surrounded by dozens of world pools and a barrier that blocks intruders from entering."said Tatsumi, trying to comfort his friends.

But he and ashina both knew if all the great nations attacked, then at once, it wouldn't be enough. It would never be enough.

"So, do you four accept my conditions?"asked ashina.We accept your conditions, but only if kushina joins us in the exams.