
Tobirama Returns to the Daimyo Mansion

Miroku couldn't Control herself when she heard How hard of a life Sora was experiencing.

And even His wives were power-hungry and they wanted to control the organization. Sora Sacrificed himself to force his Father The Fire Daimyo build for the protection of the Women in the World.

So when Tobirama Talked about how good it would be if Sora had a Gentle Wife to take care of him.

Made Miroku make a quick decision that would change her life Forever. She looked at Tobirama and said:" I would like to help the Prince who worked so hard for the Women of the World" when she said that she herself felt Surprised

Tobirama looked at Miroku and with excitement " Priestess Miroku would you be willing to Marry the Prince" As he said that he didn't wait for her answer and continued " with your gentle personality, And your willingness to Guard the Land of Demons against the The Strength of Moryo.

In itself proves that you have the same spirit of saving the people as my Lord.

So I would go back and Inform the Lord and bring another Ninja Soon and eliminate Moryo. So please wait here Priestess Miroku" As he said that he Teleported back to the Daimyo Mansion using Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Priestess Miroku wanted to remind him that she said that she would take care of Prince and had not Agreed to marry him.

But Tobirama Didn't give her time to speak and Teleported and disappeared from her vision.

She was surprised by this Ninjutsu but she didn't have information about other Villages let alone a Ninjutsu like Flying Thunder God Jutsu which was known only to the select few .

But when she heard Tobirama say that he would go back to the Daimyo Mansion talk to the Prince and bring another Ninja to fight against Moryo.

She understood that this must be a Ninjutsu that Tobimara used was to move faster from the Land of Demons to the Daimyo Mansion.

soon She realized that wouldn't mean that The Prince get the information of her wanting to be his wife.

Even if she didn't mean to be his Wife.

Now that she thinks about it, Her Reason for staying in the Land of Demon's was because she wanted to Seal Moryo.

But if the People of the Fire Daimyo Mansion eliminated Moryo, Then she would have gone to the Organization that Sora had Built.

She plans to work hard to make the life of women a little easier.

But now she knew That Sora's wives were fighting for Power in the Organization.

And if she went there there would soon be friction between them.

And with the Support of the Daimyo Mansion the wives so The Prince would have advantages over her.

After thinking for a while she decided to Marry Sora and Help him take care of the Organization and not let anyone bring harm to the organization.

When she first heard Sora's name and his achievements she already had a good will for him.

Now Sora even sent Ninjas to Save her and the Land of Demons by Eliminating Moryo.

Before she met Tobirama, She already planned to find a husband and have a Child after Completely Sealing Moryo.

That was her dream, To raise her own Child.

But she knew that she had very good Talent and powerful abilities.

The child Born from her would also have good Talent and Abilities as her because of her Bloodline.

So if she was Killed By Moryo in the future after giving birth to her child.

She didn't want her child to be controlled by the People of the Land of Demons because of her Talents and abilities.

But now that the Ninja From the Fire Daimyo Mansion went back to tell the Prince that she wanted to marry him made her think that this wasn't that bad if she married The Prince.

The Prince has done so much for the Women of the World so she knew That the Prince was a good person.

She too wants to have a child, So Having a Child with a Man like Sora made her a little happy.

So she decided that after Moryo had been eliminated she would agree to go to the fire Daimyo Manson to marry Sora and have his children and protect the organization that was built because of him.

Tobirama who Teleported back to the Daimyo Mansion had control over his body return to Normal.

When he saw Hashirama standing next to him, He ignored him and walked to Sora's Room, gritting his teeth with anger.

Hashirama was surprised about Tobirama's sudden anger.

So he followed Tobirama to know what had happened.

Tobirama, who was in front of Sora's Room, was About to pull the Door open in Anger.

But the Door suddenly opened and hit his face so hard that he felt that he was punched by Madara.

Soon he rolled his eyes and Fainted and his body was falling down but was Cought by Hashirama who was following Tobirama from behind.

Sora then looked at the Fainted Tobirama and Hashirama who was holding him and said:" Oh my bad, I just got some information and was in a hurry and didn't feel that Tobirama would stand in front of the door" he meant to say that this an accident and he really didn't know that Tobirama was standing on the other side of the Door.

Sora then flicked his fingers and Teleported them back to the hall.

He sat down like everything was normal.

Hashirama wanted to say to Sora.

That How could a normal Opening of a Door could hurt his brother who had the strength of a kage to Faint.

But when he Saw Sora easily Teleport him who had the power returned and his unconscious brother so easily made home again member How terrifying Sora's power was so he didn't say anything.

Sora flicked his fingers and Tobirama who Fainted opened his eyes.

And then held his head because he still felt the pain of the door hitting him.

He them saw his brother and then Sora sitting in front of him.

When he saw Sora he remembered everything so his anger returned and was just about to curse Sora.

But Sora spoke before he could say anything:" Tobimara I apologize for accidentally hitting you with the Door.

I have In a hurry because I got Information that one of my men turned into a traitor and wanted to Sell my Information to others.

So I planned to find and let him experience his Worst nightmare.

And the information I heard about him seems to show that he Hates his enemy clan.

So I planned to Seal this Traitor in his Enemies Clan Grounds and let the clan spit on him who was sealed by me every day in the Morning as a lesson my other followers from Turning Traitor." Then he looked at Tobirama and said" How do you feel about my punishment to this Traitor Because I feel it is still too lenient and plans to have his Enemy Clan defecate over the Traitor once a day" he seem to want to know the best punishment for the Traitor and wanted Tobirama to answer him.

When Tobirama heard all this his Face was pale and looked at Sora with fright, like he was the evilest man in the world.

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