

An unknown soul from our world came into Naruto's body but was absorbed by Naruto and got killed(HAGOROMO AND ASHURA DOING TO HELP NARUTO), giving him knowledge of everything about our world. Naruto's personality also became slightly different due to the influence of the Soul! Even though all the crises in the Naruto world would have ended, his future has not concluded with the end of Naruto... Guys this is chinese book i am just doing translation ....

AR_LEGEND · Anime und Comics
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WHAT IF SERIES"Neglected Naruto"

For power stones, if I get 20 power stones, Then I will publish 500 more words. If I get 100 power stones, I will post two 1,500-word chapters a day.

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Naruto has Kurama's soul sealed and Menma and Mito have Kurama's chakra split in two. But the soul can recover chakra and Minato and the others hadn't thought of that. The chakra in Menma and Mito is consumed and does not recharge without the original source. Jiraiya and the council convince Minato and Kushina to put Naruto in an orphanage because the village needs a scapegoat and making Naruto a Namikaze-Uzumaki would also ruin the family's reputation. Hiruzen sacrificed himself and can't help Naruto (even if what he did in the canon story for Naruto is little is better than nothing). Minato makes the mistake of not spending time with Naruto and will regret it for the rest of his life along with Kushina. Naruto is a civilian and seeing that no one is friendly with him he decides to leave Konoha after talking to Kurama who tells him everything. Kurama inside Naruto's mind attended the council meeting. Naruto's seal is weaker than the canon one because they thought he was just soul without chakra. Naruto is very angry at everyone, but especially his family of traitors. Kurama unlocks a kekkei genkai present in Naruto's DNA which, however, Minato, Menma and Mito do not know they have latently. Swift release. Minato never took an interest in Naruto's life and tried to forget about him at least until he became a shinobi and he and Kushina would reveal everything and Naruto would be readmitted into the clan, but this meant that Naruto didn't have anbu to follow him. The civilians knew they couldn't kill Naruto or the Kyubi breaks free. The anbu were not necessary because they believed that Naruto was only the jinchuriki of the Kyubi soul and therefore useless, but it is a big mistake. They realize that Naruto is no longer there when Naruto fails to enter the first day of the academy. To be safe, Minato sends anbu to look for Naruto and they don't find him. Then they discover two things. Menma and Mito's Kyubi chakra is running out and the toads reveal who the true child of the prophecy is. Unfortunately for them, the spies from the other villages inform the Kages and everything gets complicated. With their mistake they now have no way to amicably bring Naruto back to Konoha and their clan. Naruto has no intention of returning to Konoha to serve the inhabitants and traitors who abandoned him and used him as a scapegoat for the village population. He doesn't care about being a village shinobi forced to constantly obey others. What matters to him is to become strong to become a powerful mercenary and live long for him and Kurama. Kurama who attended the council meeting, without the humans knowing because they thought it was better sealed, was not at all happy with what the humans wanted to do to Naruto. Also Kurama has realized that the masked man can return and he needs Naruto trained and ready because Kurama recovers chakra over time and Menma and Mito lose it with each use. So the real target in the future is Naruto. So Kurama decides to be friendly and the two become friends. In this version the bijuu were born years before Hagoromo died. They were on good terms with Ashura and often attended training sessions. So Kurama knows how to train Naruto even if they are ancient methods. Swift release helps a lot in his mercenary career because he is so fast that enemies have no chance of winning. But the villages are not happy that there is a mercenary op that is not under their control. Furthermore, after a clash it is discovered that he is Naruto and everyone wants him to make their village the most powerful. Naruto is an SSS-rank mercenary, jinchuriki of the Kyubi, and the child of prophecy who will lead the village to become master of the world. Who wouldn't want Naruto with these premises. After years, Naruto eventually decides that he should approach a village and bond with other people. This is because the fourth shinobi war is near and he too must fight to protect the world. Hagoromo visits Naruto and Kurama and gives them the power of the sage of six path, but tells them that continuing as a mercenary can't work because he has to have connections. The village Naruto chooses is yours to decide. Naruto can go to Kumo, Suna, Kiri and Iwa. He doesn't trust Konoha and its inhabitants. For Kumo there are various characters that Naruto can make friends with and Samui would be his girlfriend and then wife. Suna has Gaara who he saved from akatsuki and there is Temari as a girlfriend if you choose the village. Kiri has Mei, but is perhaps the least suitable for the civil war of the bloodlines. Even if the rebels won with Mei it doesn't mean there aren't problems. Kurotsuchi is in Iwa and it would be a big defeat for Konoha. But it doesn't seem like a good place for jinchuriki. Maybe Kumo and Suna are better. Suna though with Gaara might be a little better for Naruto. A Kage who is like you and can understand you is better than a Kage who has a brother like you, but has not directly experienced negative experiences of being a jinchuriki.