
Season 1, Episode 1: Meet Naruto Uzumaki and Izuku Midoriya!

In the World of Ninja and a Hero Society where 85% of the human population have superpowers called "quirks", Two Step-Brothers: Izuku Midoriya and Naruto Uzumaki are relentlessly bullied and shunned for: Naruto, Having a 9 Tailed Fox named "Kurama" sealed inside him and Izuku, Having a lack of a quirk.

When Naruto was born, Something had attacked his hometown: Konoha. After the attack on Konoha, The Parentless Naruto Uzumaki is adopted by Izuku's mother: Inko Midoriya. 15 years later after the attack, Izuku meets his #1 Hero: All Might and All Might sees Izuku's Heroic mind after Izuku and gives him part of his quirk. Meanwhile with Naruto, he discovers his quirk: Nine Tails and the reason why he was so isolated from society so he decides to make the goal of becoming the future Hokage. Hokage is the only title more legendary than becoming a hero.

Izuku and Naruto apply for U.A. High: The most prestigious Hero academia in all of Konoha. 3 Years later in the Final year of High School, The two Teens prepare to graduate from High School and become Pro Heroes. And now we begin the story!


April 13th, 2027

Tuesday, 12:40 PM

U.A High School, Konoha


"Big tears ran down Visu's withered cheeks as he said in a husky voice: "I have lost my manhood. I have prayed when my dear ones starved and needed the labor of my once strong hands. Old woman, remember my last words: "If you pray, work too!" We do not know how long the poor but repentant Visu lived after he returned from his strange adventures. His white spirit is still said to haunt Fujiyama when the moon shines brightly. The End." The History teacher said in an obnoxious reading voice.

A 17-Year-old Teenager with spiky Yellow hair had been looking out the window where his seat was located next to it. The Teen had Blue eyes and whiskers on cheeks. He stares off into the distant clouds as it was a pretty nice day. The History Teacher looks over to the Yellow-Haired Teen and asks:

"Naruto, are you even paying attention?"

"No. Class ended 10 minutes ago." Naruto says back, still looking out the window.

"W-Well, Actually, He's not wrong." Another 17-year-old Teen said with curly Green hair. The Teen had Bright Green Eyes, A plain face and freckles.

"Mr. Hatake, We should be at lunch right now!" A third 17-year old kid with spiky Red hair that was in a ponytail complained.


"Okay, Fair enough." Mr Hatake sighed, a bit sad.

Mr. Hatake closes the book and throws it back on his desk.

"Class dismissed." Mr. Hatake briefly said.

The student all get up from their seats and leave them un-pushed in. The chairs all fall down and the students go out the door.

"They couldn't at least push in the chairs?" Mr. Hatake sighed again, disappointed this time.


12:50 PM

Outside U.A High School, All the students from Class 1-A eat their lunch on the campus of U.A High. The trees were nice and grown, the flowers had recently bloomed and they were beautiful and lovely. The grass was trimmed and cut. Everything was full of life and it was beautiful. The students were happy and the food was surprisingly well-made. In the middle of the campus, four teens had been siting down and were admiring the environment. Naruto, The Green-Haired Teenager, A Teenager with straight black hair and a Teenager with ash-blonde hair that looked like an explosion. Naruto was lying down, resting his hands on the back of his head. He had his right leg crossed over his left leg. He had his eyes closed, presumably asleep.

"Wow, It's actually really nice today. What do you think about it, Naruto-Nii-san?" The Green-Haired Teen asked Naruto.

Naruto opened his eyes and looked around at the campus.

"It looks pretty nice, Izuku. It's not everyday the environment looks this nice." Naruto responded back."

"Hmph. Interesting." The Black-haired Teen and the Blonde-haired Teen said.

For a few seconds, it was just silence around them. Naruto yawns, his nose was a clogged from allergies.

"Man, I'm bored. I'm gonna go for take a walk." Naruto abruptly says, breaking the silence.

Naruto pushes his legs in and jumps up on to his feet. He starts walking away from campus.

"Hey! What about me?" A voice asks behind him.

Naruto turns around. Izuku stands a few feet behind Naruto.

"I don't need a babysitter to make sure I'll be safe." Naruto says to Izuku.

"That's a lie." The Black-haired Teen said.

Naruto gets annoyed at this.

"What the hell is THAT supposed to mean, Sasuke?" Naruto said in a stern and annoyed tone.

The Blonde Teen opens his hands and puts them behind his ears.

"It'S bEcAuSe YoU'rE nOt A bIg BoY yEt!" The Blondie said in an extremely obnoxious voice.

Naruto gets very agitated and the Blondie starts laughing.

"WHAT WAS THAT, KATSUKI?!" Naruto shouted.

"SHUT UP!" All the other students yelled.

Naruto heavily sighs.

"Tsk! Come on! Let's go Izuku!" Naruto says, still petty.

Naruto and Izuku walk towards the exit of campus and leave, headed downtown

10 minutes later

At a convenience store, Naruto and Izuku stand in line, waiting to pay for their slushies.

"YoU'rE nOt A bIg BoY yEt! YoU'rE nOt A bIg BoY yEt! YoU'rE nOt A bIg BoY yEt!" Naruto imitates Katsuki. "My goodness, So annoying!"

"To be fair, you do get in a lot trouble everywhere you go." Izuku says abruptly.

"I do not!" Naruto says to Izuku, trying to defend himself.

"Really, you do. It's like a curse or something." Izuku says back.

The two Teens get to the front of line. Naruto reaches into his pocket and grabs his wallet. He opens his wallet and grabs 418.44 Yen (4.00 USD) and is about to pay for the already finished slushies. As Naruto is about to pay the cashier, Izuku looks out the window and sees four Terrorists with masks on and bags full of money running down the street, presumably to a car/van.

"Naruto! Some people robbed the bank! Come on! Let's go!" Izuku yells.

Izuku drops his last bit of slushie on the ground and runs out of the store.

"Oh Shit! Sorry! Gotta go!" Naruto says in a rush.

Naruto puts the money back in his wallet and puts it back in his pocket and also runs out of the store.

"Hey! Are you gonna pay for this?" The cashier yells at Naruto.

Outside the convenience store, the four terrorists run down the street with a dozen bags full of money stolen from the bank.

"Go, Go, Go!" One of them yelled in a hurry.

Their escort was a White Van and it was just a few blocks away. However, as they run to the Van, Izuku, 100 Feet away runs down the street at 35 MPH.

"Shit! Run faster!" One of them said.

The Terrorists were running at around 15 MPH. The Teen catches up with them after a few seconds. Now Izuku was close enough start fighting. Izuku propels his right arm back and punches one of the Terrorists on the right cheek. This cause the terrorist to turn around in Izuku's direction. The Terrorist yells in pain as the punch had broken one his canine teeth. Izuku punches the terrorist 3 times in the face in a rapid pace with his left hand this time. The Terrorist has a bloodied face from the punches and he has been stunned. The Teen stomps the ground with his left foot. He then spins in a circular motion at an eye-blinding speed. He stops spinning and he propels his left leg in to the terrorist's face, causing him to knock out and drop to the ground. The other 3 Terrorists pull out SMGS to kill the Teen. The 3 stop running and turn around with guns in hand. Green Electricity forms around Izuku. His body starts glowing and his eyes turns a bright green color.

"Full Cowl 85%!" Izuku shouts.

Izuku starts getting ready to start strafing left to right by hopping in each direction. The Terrorists pull down the trigger of their SMGS and shots start flying at him. Izuku dodges the shots by short dashing left to right. The Teen starts spinning in a rapid motion. He then jumps up about 15 feet in the air, still spinning. He then starts doing front flips in the air while spinning in a circular motion. Once he is about 5 feet off the ground, he stops his momentum and propels his kick upward.

"Manchester Smash!" Izuku shouts.

He then kicks one of the Terrorists on the head, causing the Terrorist to fall down and break his forehead on the concrete street. The other Terrorists start screaming and the SMGS run out of ammo.

"Hey! Wait for me! You can't get all the action!" A voice from above shouted.

About 5 Narutos appear about 15 feet in the air. He falls down from the sky and smacks one of the Terrorists on the head with both his fists before he could reload. Another Naruto punches him in the face and knocks him back into another Naruto. The other Naruto puts his right foot and the terrorist goes hit into it and he pushes him into a 4th Naruto. The 4th Naruto kicks him directly into the face with his left foot, which causes the terrorist to get sent spinning backwards. The 5th Naruto grabs him by the torso and body slams him on to the ground. All the Narutos surround the terrorist in a circle formation.

"Alright, Let's get him boys!" Naruto shouts.

All the Narutos start beating him up. The last guy starts screaming at the top of his lungs and he starts crying a little bit. Not because his friends were died, but because he was scared that he was gonna die. Naruto stops for a second and walks over the last guy and propels his right hand backwards. Naruto then, punches the Terrorist right in the face, breaking his nose and causing him to fall down. Izuku kicks the gun out of his hand. The Naruto steps on the terrorist's hand while Izuku reaches in to his pocket and takes out his phone to make a call.

"110" The Phone read.

"This is 110, What's your emergency?" An Officer asked.

"We got four terrorists right here. Could please you send an officer to arrest them?" The Green-Haired Teen asked.

5 Minutes Later

The Police put handcuffs on the Terrorists and get put in the police Van.

"Good work you Naruto and Izuku." An Officer praised the Teens.

"No problem." Naruto responded.

The Officer gets in the driver's seat in the Van, then turns on the car and drives off.

"Whooo..." The two Step-Brothers take a breather.

"What time is it?" Naruto asks Izuku.

Izuku reaches into his pocket and grabs his phone.

"1:18 PM" The phone read.

"Shit! 5th Period just started! We're gonna be late!" Naruto shouts.

Naruto and Izuku start sprinting towards the school as fast as they can without using their superpowers. (17.5 MPH)

1:25 PM

The two Teens arrive to U.A Campus. The campus was empty and everyone had already gotten to their class. Naruto and Izuku run to the front entrance of U.A. They both bust the door open, still in a rush to get to class. The two sprint down the hallways with quick haste. They get to the stairs and they make a quick turn to the stairs. They flash up the stairs and make it 5th floor , where their 5th class is. Naruto and Izuku, still bolting down the halls, make it to the door of 5th period.

Inside the class, All the students were in their seats, waiting for Naruto and Izuku. A tall female teacher with a rather... Mature physique, red glasses, and long, spiky black hair was in her seat, reading a book, patiently waiting for Naruto and Izuku.

"Ms. Midnight, When is class starting?" A Teen with messy brown hair, red fangs on his face cheeks and sharp canine teeth aske d.

"When Uzumaki and Midoriya get here, Kiba." Midnight responded.

("Damn those kids! It's already 1:26 PM and they haven't arrived yet! We're starting class 6 minutes late because of them!") Midnight thought to herself.

The door to the classroom had opened and there stood Naruto and Izuku.

"Why were you 6 minutes late to class?" Midnight asked Naruto and Izuku in a stern and strict tone.

"Well, It's a long story-" Izuku was about to say.

"It's fine, just sit down." Midnight said while fed up.

"O-Okay..." Izuku mutters in a surprised tone.

("That's definitely gonna bite us back later.") Naruto thinks to himself.

The two teens slowly walk over to thneir seats, pull back the chairs and sit down in them.

"Alright, We got that settled. Let's *finally* begin class." Midnight says relieved.

Naruto raises his eyebrow at Midnight and Izuku sorta looks down.

The End.

Next Chapter will be released on December 3rd-7th @ 12:00 PM EST