Future Project It is a story of a person who got reincarnated in the world of shinobi after suffering in his previous life and made some wishes to live a live he wanted
[A/N- Before the chapter starts I would like to thank you all for all the support you are giving me and it feels good to love you all and I will try to post more ]
I stopped after a while and removed my hand from her head and looked in her eyes with a warm smile.
VERGIL: No need to be jealous kuroka I can pat your head whenever you want.
She looked away to hide her embarrassment and then said.
KUROKA: Idiot! who wants to get patted by you
she said in a tsundere way but her smile betrayed her and I giggled at her behaviour.
VERGIL: Ok sorry so have a name in mind about the cat.
The cat is white in colour which makes it look beautiful but she is too small and just a little bit big than my palm.
KUROKA: Hmmmm..... how about Lucy
VERGIL: Nice name so from know on lucy is our kitten.
I said and look towards kuroka but for some reason, she was blushing really hard
she yelled and then she ran away out of my house and I didn't realise what happened but I understood after some time what she was thinking.
Her being a half-cat person and I said 'our kitten' so indirectly I said that it is our child well looks like she has some wild imagination.
Soon like these years of academy passes by and it was the last year of the academy. All of us were know 15 years old and many things have changed in the past few years.
( I know its 12 but I made it 15 because I think it doesn't make sense to let students graduate so early during peace times but all the plot will go accordingly and I also I have one more reason to it that you will know later.)
I was mostly at the top of the class in everything well-leaving studies in which no one could score higher than kuroka.
Speaking of kuroka she sure has that ara~ara and teasing personality well at least when she is with me. She never leaves a chance to tease me but still gets flustered when I do the same.
Also, I have become friends with most everyone from the cannon leaving sakura because she is annoying and useless as sh.it.
I am a good friend with ino and she did not go Sasuke fangirl because of peer pressure as she was hanging out with kuroka and she changed her.
At first, I was good friends with Sasuke we even trained together some times I even joined him a few times when he was training with Itachi.
And those who think why didn't I tried to stop the Uchiha massacre the answer is simply how the friking hell in za warudo could I help when the Hokage himself couldn't do shi.t if it was fighting stuff I could even try but it was political stuff and why would anyone listen to me about what I have to say about it.
And so let's continue with Sasuke so when the massacre happens we became rivals and during the early years of the academy he could win against me sometimes but later I can know to defeat a high genin and even many low chunin.
Going on I had a good friendship with naruto as he was only looking to hang out with someone. And Shikamaru and choji were good friends, just go eat with choji and he will open up to you and I also had a small rivalry with Shikamaru in shōgi he is also a fun guy.
As for Kiba you just need to say something good about animals and since I have a cat it was much easy. The difficult ones were shino and Hinata. well, that's what I thought.
Shino gets along easily when someone talks about insects he just has that loner vibes around him and for Hinata, she really is way too shy but I became friends with her through kuroka.
And after four years in the academy, most of the people became friendly with me only a few who are mostly jealous boys, but I also want to curse myself know for jinxing myself and gaining a girls fan club.
Kuroka and my relationship has also progressed a lot, her mother usually tease us for being together and shirone treats me has her big brother.
Now about my progress, I currently have chakra of three tails so I can just spam jutsus for a long time. I can defeat any low-level chunin in taijutsu without the use of my devil trigger.
In ninjutsu, I have mastered all the D and C rank jutsu's of my clan including every fire and lightning and thunderflame jutsus that I could come across leaving my clan jutsu.
I have total basic level mastery over fuinjutsu and can creat seals which can produce elements of small levels. I have also good in genjutsu too because of my wish also being immune to any because of them. I still have problems with chakra control but know I am on my hot water walking exercise.
Also after the first year of the academy Hokage gave me a clan residence near Toujou clan saying that since my clan was already about to move to Konoha so it was already decided to give a place to my clan but is given to me know as I was too young before.
I was also asked if I want to take graduation exam but I declined it for obvious reasons. And know soon it will be the day of academy graduation exam and I am not helping naruto as the incident has a big impact on naruto and plotline.