
Ch.2 Wishes and Reincarnation

VERGIL: Thank you form showing me the memories with my mother but now what will happen to me will I go to hell or heaven or get reincarnated

GOD: Because of your mutated blood many peoples lives could be saved you in total alone saved 5,843,455 people which is the greatest in the history I have ever seen.

VERGIL: Wait I saved those many people with my blood that I hated so much which made my life hell.

GOD: Yes you saved all those people and after death, all your good and bad deed are converted into positive and negative karma points.

VERGIL: What are these karma points used for it's not like I could buy anything from them know then I have died

GOD" Hahahaha ... no, you do not buy anything but you are given a chance because for your karma

VERGIL: What chance am I given ??

GOD: You can decide to either go to heaven and have a luxury life according to your karma points more the points more luxury life you get in heaven

VERGIL: what else can I do with these points

GOD: You can decide to reincarnate in any of the worlds and yes they included your anime worlds and you get a limited number of wishes you get according to your karma points.

VERGIL: What I can reincarnate in any anime !!! how many wishes will I get ??

GOD: Hahaha yes it is real and with your karma, you can get 5 wishes with obvious limitations and these wishes do not include which anime you want to be born when you want to be born and how you want to be born and how do you want to look so hurry and chose now.

VERGIL: ok give me some time ' I can reincarnate into fairy tail or one-piece those worlds are full of adventures or wait let's do this'

VERGIL: ok I have chosen but tell me will I keep my memories or not.

GOD: you can keep your memories if you want. so now what are your wishes??

VERGIL: ● Ok so I want to be born in the world of Naruto the same age Konoha's 12(9??). I want to look like VergilRedgravee from devil may cry. I want my clan to be one with high vitality and regeneration like Senju and Uzumaki clan

● 1 wish I want a DOUJUTSU which looks like all-seeing god eyes and have the following skills.

▪︎Illusion Immunity


And both if my eyes have an ability and also an ability with which I can achieve Devil Trigger form.

●2 wish I want a BLOODLINE LIMIT called thunder flame. The flame should be black in colour and as hot as to scorch style flames and the lightning should be blood red in colour also I could use both flame and thunder separately

(it means that when he uses fire style it will be his red fire instead of normal ones and when he uses lightning style it will be black lightning instead of a normal one and he can use both flame and lightning at once it is his BLOODLINE LIMIT)

●3 wish I want Vergil's sword from DMC Yamato but I am only able to use its true ability when I activate devil trigger form, also the weapon should be soul bounded to me

●4 wish I want bottomless chakra like tale beast which grows with time like having 1 tail chakra in the academy and it grows layer on till reaching 9 or 10 tail chakra

●5 wish I want high talent in all jutsu's and chakra control

GOD: Ok I will grant all your wishes, Yamato will only be a very sharp sword when used normally and you can use its true power only when you activate devil trigger form but there will be only two devil trigger form, the perfect devil trigger and sin devil trigger no only hands turning in the devil form.

Also, remember that when you activate your devil trigger form you will not be able to perform ninjutsu but can perform all other jutsus.

VERGIL: And can the colour of the weapon be a black blade and red outline with a black handle

And could you erase all my memories leaving memories from anime and about my mom

GOD: ok then kid have fun in your new world you will be in an auto mode till you are six years old and when you wake up you will get all your memories and your history and I will also give you an. inventory but not a system .And there will also be a gift for you you will know when you reach there. Thengoodbyee

Hey guys so as you can see I have changed, the wishes from the last time so plz tell me about how do you like the changes in the wishes

UrizenVergilcreators' thoughts