
Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection

Isaac is someone who possesses an unwavering pursuit of perfection. His obsession extends beyond mastering jutsu; he seeks to perfect not only himself but also the world around him. However, Isaac's perfectionism becomes a double-edged sword, threatening to consume him. Isolation and inner turmoil ensue, prompting Isaac to confront the shadows of his own obsession. Will Isaac follow through with his Eternal Quest for perfection? Or will he fall short, embracing what he hates most, imperfection?

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59 Chs

The Mastermind Behind The Scenes II

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Chapter 49: The Mastermind Behind The Scenes II


Isaac took a deep breath before going to bed. The switch was successful, seamlessly so. It was quite perfect. Isaac made sure of it, manipulating everything behind the scenes so things turn out exactly like this.

From the very start, Isaac saw the problem, an obstacle to his pursuit of perfection, the existence of Black Zetsu and Madara, most specifically the former.

Black Zetsu is the physical manifestation of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki's will. Having been created to secure its creator's revival, it secretly instigated many events that shaped the shinobi world, until it eventually posed as Madara Uchiha's manifested will.

It's a flaw that Isaac can not allow to exist. Therefore, Isaac wrote a script, he weaved a plan to infiltrate the enemy lines.

It started a very long time ago, since he decided to start the True Clone project, something that took priority to even the Overseer.

Isaac even used the Active Eternal Refinement to perfect the True Clone some more.

However, Isaac made sure of something, he made sure that the Clone was soulless, nothing but a hollow body for he wanted to take control over it personally.

Isaac knew that Madara could somehow see through Shadow Clones, something unique to him, maybe a Mangekyo Sharingan ability.

Thus why the True Clone was necessary though it wasn't enough. He needs a method to control the True Clone from far away.

And Isaac had one that proved to be successful. Because the body is soulless, Isaac found out that he could project a Shadow Clone into it, basically giving it Chakra pathways.

It took a lot of time to perfect but eventually, the True Clone somewhat came to life, controlled by a Shadow Clone.

What followed was using the Synchronization Technique to directly link himself to the True Clone, allowing him to be in full control... That wasn't enough. That wasn't nearly enough.

Since Madara can see through Shadow Clones, wouldn't he be easily able to see something wrong with the True Clone? It's after all controlled by Isaac through the Shadow Clone projected into it.

Therefore, Isaac worked on a new project, the Possession Technique, a technique that can project Isaac's soul onto the True Clone, making the soulless body no longer soulless.

Creating such a technique that involves a subject as mysterious as the soul seemed like an impossible task. 

Fortunately, Isaac had acquired the Spirit Transformation Technique, a highly versatile technique that allows the user's spirit to leave their body. 

By taking possession of a target, the spirit can suppress and collapse the victim's spirit, killing them, or freely manipulate their actions.

Still, it took a long time to even create a prototype of the Possession Technique, let alone perfect it. 

It basically required continuous use of the Active Eternal Refinement, something only possible with the use of his self-created Hashirama solution.

The True Clone and the Possession Technique were the basics of the plan. Next was the script which started with Shimura Danzo.

Shimura Danzo was a vital piece of the plan, a piece that was too easy to manipulate. 

All he needed was to provoke him, and make him hate him to the core, something that's very easy considering Danzo's inherent hatred of the Uchiha Clan.

Moreover, Isaac not only had to make Danzo wary of him, but he also had to show him some of his cards.

That's why Isaac showed him his use of the Shadow Clone Technique, making it so Danzo basically has to wait for when Isaac is injured before taking action.

Only if Danzo's scheme is optimal would Madara not notice anything wrong. If Isaac falls too easily, it might draw suspicion. Therefore, Isaac had to help and guide Danzo a lot.

Most importantly, who controls when Isaac gets injured? It's Isaac himself. That's why he went through the War untouched, forcing Danzo to take extreme measures.

The extreme measure was the Third Raikage, someone who can definitely injure Isaac, thus making sure he isn't just a Shadow Clone.

And Isaac's injury had to be severe enough, to allow Danzo's plan to go relatively smoothly.

The moment before Isaac's death would be the perfect moment for Madara to take action, and save him... There is a problem though, why would Madara choose him specifically?

Isaac's outward personality, what he allowed the world to see is a kind individual, a brilliant person, someone easy to break... He's to Madara nearly the perfect target.

Thus why Isaac worked hard to make himself the perfect target, starting with taking Nohara Rin out of the picture that's Obito and Kakashi.

Rin is Obito's weakness... No longer. Rin joined Isaac's hospital, leaving Minato's team, thus it became extremely difficult to use her against Obito.

That still wasn't enough of an assurance to Isaac. He had to make sure Madara was forced to pick him... So Isaac allowed White Zetsu to discover his secret.

Isaac is the creator of Eternal News, a target of Madara since its first appearance. 

He sent White Zetsu to look for any traces of its existence because Madara wouldn't allow something so grand to be out of his control.

White Zetsu ended up discovering the individual behind Eternal News, Isaac. It was difficult, but he eventually saw one of the birds that spread the newspapers; transform back into Isaac.

There was only one option from thereon, either kill Isaac for he's extremely dangerous, or bring him to your side.

If Madara chose to kill Isaac, the latter would have to take drastic measures against Madara and Black Zetsu.

Fortunately, things didn't have to come to that. Madara chose well by following Isaac's script.

Observation in the natural sciences is an act or instance of noticing or perceiving and the acquisition of information from a primary source.

Isaac can observe things on a much deeper level. He can see the flaws in things and analyze everything. Eternal Refinement allows him such luxury.

Isaac took the opportunity to observe Madara, then he took the opportunity to observe Black Zetsu, not only studying their flaws but also analyzing them both.

That's especially so for Black Zetsu. Isaac wasn't even sure if he could kill the thing... Black Zetsu gave him plenty of time to solve that doubt.

Thus when Isaac told Black Zetsu that he was wandering the World to observe, he wasn't lying. It's just that he wasn't observing the World but Black Zetsu.

Finally came the end, a simple switch from the True Clone to his original body... Only then could Isaac finally get some rest as he lied on the bed and closed his eyes.

Aside from the fact that Isaac doesn't sleep much, some flaws in the Possession Technique and the True Clone made the entirety of the last year uncomfortable, painful, and mentally taxing.

It was hellish, especially with all the planning and the hard work that preceded the execution of the plan. Therefore, when he finally got an opportunity to rest, Isaac dozed off right away.

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