

As a new author embarking on the journey of writing my first novel, I am excited to present my work and eager to receive any constructive feedback. This novel represents my initial step into the world of storytelling, and as a beginner, I am open to all comments, suggestions, and ideas that could help refine my craft. I welcome critique that will aid in developing my writing style, enhancing character depth, and improving the overall narrative. This fiction is based on third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. A boy named Takeshi Hiruzen transmigrate into third Hokage body at the time of his promotion to Hokage position. Read this fiction as how he will make Konoha the strongest village ever. Waging war and conquering the surrounding villages. Rivalling the Otsutsuki clan in might. # More about development and training in the start of the novel. please be patient. # No overpowering abilities and not making character overpowered at all until necessary. # Novel will not drop until I am satisfied like other fiction works. # A different perspective on konoha. # He will make very large amount of techniques and kekei genkai. # All rights reserved goes to Naruto and kishimoto senpai.

king_of_gods_ · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs



The explosion at the cave entrance reverberated through the dense forest like a thunderclap, sending birds scattering into the sky and filling the forest with an eerie silence.

Dust and debris clouded the air around the entrance, while the remnants of the blast echoed throughout the cavern's dark corridors.

The rogue ninja team, who had been caught off guard, shouted in alarm as the dust cleared, revealing Hiruzen, Jiraiya, and Tsunade standing at the entrance, silhouetted against the light streaming in from outside.

Their eyes were sharp, their expressions determined, and each of them had the aura of skilled warriors prepared for the imminent fight.

"Remember," Hiruzen spoke in a calm, steady voice as they observed the scrambling enemies.

"I'm here only as support. This is your battle. Let's see how you fare without interference."

Jiraiya grinned, cracking his knuckles. "I've got this, sensei. They don't stand a chance against us." He charged forward, weaving hand signs with practiced ease.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" he declared, sending a burst of flame roaring down the corridor.

The fire illuminated the cave walls, casting sharp, flickering shadows, as it hurtled towards the rogue ninjas.

The scattered rogue genin and chunin had no time to react. The fireballs exploded upon impact, scattering them and leaving them vulnerable.

One of the rogue genin tried to dodge, only to find himself face-to-face with Tsunade, who moved with the precision and speed of a trained kunoichi.

Her fists crackled with chakra as she struck him with a devastating blow, sending him flying against the rocky cave wall with a resounding crash.

"Stay down," Tsunade muttered, her eyes cold as she assessed the remaining rogue ninjas.

She barely took a breath before moving forward, catching another rogue shinobi attempting to retreat.

With a precise jab, she incapacitated him, her movements efficient and powerful.

At the rear entrance of the cave, Orochimaru, Sakumo, and Dai made their own entrance.

Their stealthy approach allowed them to dispatch the guards quickly and silently, moving with fluidity and focus.

Sakumo's blade gleamed in the dim cave light, slashing through the darkness as he expertly took down the sentries, moving almost as if he were part of the shadows themselves.

"Let's move," he whispered, leading his teammates further into the cave as they converged with the others near the central chamber.

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed as he assessed the space. The central chamber was larger than he had anticipated, with rough stone walls and stalactites hanging from the ceiling, casting long, jagged shadows.

The floor was littered with debris—broken weapons, abandoned supplies, and old bedrolls—and the smell of damp earth filled the air.

He observed the other side of the chamber, where a figure stood watching them: Goro, the rogue jonin, his eyes gleaming with both fury and anticipation.

"So, you've come for me," Goro sneered, his voice echoing in the cavernous space. "Do you really think you can defeat me that easily?"

Jiraiya smirked, stepping forward. "Pretty sure we can," he replied confidently. "You don't look that tough."

But Goro's sneer only deepened. In a fluid motion, he began forming hand seals, his chakra surging visibly. "Let's see how you handle this!" he declared, slamming his hands to the ground. "Earth Style: Stone Armor Jutsu!"

As his hands met the rocky surface, his skin hardened, transforming into rough, jagged stone. He looked like a moving statue, his body fortified with an armor that gleamed in the dim light.

With a powerful stride, he advanced toward them, his stone fists clenched, exuding the confidence of a seasoned warrior who had survived countless battles.

Jiraiya readied himself, his eyes narrowing. "So you're not just all talk," he muttered, sidestepping to position himself between Goro and Tsunade. "Let's see what this armor of yours can handle."

From the rear, Orochimaru analyzed the situation carefully. "A frontal assault won't work with his defenses," he noted, his gaze sharp. "We'll need to break through his armor first."

Tsunade cracked her knuckles, her chakra flaring with determination. "Then let me take the lead. I can break that armor with a direct hit."

"Understood," Orochimaru replied, his tone calculating. "Jiraiya, back her up with ranged attacks to keep him off balance. Sakumo, Dai, get ready to flank him."

With a nod, each of them prepared to execute the plan. Jiraiya once again unleashed a barrage of fireballs, sending them flying toward Goro to keep him focused.

The flames illuminated the chamber, casting fiery shadows across the rough stone walls.

But Goro, protected by his stone armor, charged forward through the flames, his movements unaffected by the heat.

As he advanced, Tsunade waited, her stance firm and unwavering. Just as he raised his fist to strike, she lunged forward with incredible speed, her chakra-imbued fist crashing against his armor with a deafening impact.

Cracks spread across the stone surface, and Goro staggered back, surprised by the force of her blow.

"You'll have to do better than that," Goro snarled, but his expression betrayed a flicker of doubt.

He steadied himself and renewed his assault, throwing powerful punches that sent tremors through the cave floor.

Dai seized the opportunity, positioning himself for an attack. His fists glowed with chakra as he focused his energy, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

"I'm coming in!" he shouted, launching forward with a series of rapid punches aimed at the cracks Tsunade had created in Goro's armor.

Each strike echoed through the chamber, the sound of shattering stone mingling with the grunts of effort from both fighters.

Goro's armor began to weaken, fragments chipping away with each hit.

Sensing his defense was failing, he shifted tactics, leaping back and forming another series of hand seals.

"Earth Style: Stone Spears!" he roared, slamming his hands into the ground.

The earth beneath their feet trembled, and jagged stone spears erupted from the floor, forcing the team to dodge and scatter.

Orochimaru, ever quick, sidestepped gracefully, his sharp eyes watching Goro's every movement.

Sakumo moved swiftly, weaving between the stone spears as he closed in on Goro from the side.

Jiraiya, undeterred, formed a new set of hand seals and took a deep breath.

"Water Style: Wild Water Wave!" he called out, releasing a torrent of water that surged across the cave floor, dousing the stone spears and softening them.

The water spread, creating a slick surface that limited Goro's mobility, giving Sakumo the opening he needed.

Sakumo lunged forward, his blade flashing as he aimed for the vulnerable gaps in Goro's armor.

His strike hit true, chipping away at the armor and drawing a small trickle of blood from Goro's shoulder. The jonin let out a pained hiss, his expression darkening.

"You brats think you can defeat me?" he snarled, his voice laced with desperation. But his bravado was beginning to wane as he realized the extent of their teamwork and coordination.

With the stone spears neutralized, Tsunade charged forward again, this time with Orochimaru beside her.

Orochimaru's hands flashed in a complex series of seals, and he summoned a large snake, which lunged at Goro with fangs bared.

Goro twisted to dodge the snake, but it caught his leg, coiling tightly and preventing him from retreating.

"Now, Sakumo!" Orochimaru shouted, his voice filled with an intense focus.

Sakumo nodded, darting in with another slash aimed at Goro's weakened defenses.

The blade struck true, slicing through the stone armor and leaving a deep gash in Goro's side.

He staggered, his breaths coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to stay upright.

Jiraiya joined in, adding pressure with a series of swift kunai throws, each one aimed to exploit the openings in Goro's defenses.

The rogue jonin was visibly weakening, his movements slowing, and his stone armor crumbling under the combined onslaught.

Realizing his defeat was imminent, Goro's face twisted in a mixture of anger and despair.

He made one last attempt to summon his chakra, but his strength had run dry.

His stone armor shattered completely, and he collapsed to his knees, beaten and exhausted.

At that moment, Hiruzen stepped forward, his calm presence a reminder of the battle's true leader.

Goro looked up, his eyes filled with defeat. The fight had been fierce, but he knew he was no match for a team with such powerful and coordinated attacks.

His defiance faded, replaced by weary resignation, soon Hiruzen, with a slight slash from his hand, slit his throat.

As the team gathered around Hiruzen, each of them bruised and panting but triumphant, Hiruzen regarded them with a look of pride.

"You've done well," he said, his voice warm with approval. "Today, you showed not only skill but the true strength of teamwork."

They made their way out of the cave, the sunlight streaming through the trees feeling like a victory in itself. 

But, no sooner had they gone out, they found an army of ninja waiting for them.
