

As a new author embarking on the journey of writing my first novel, I am excited to present my work and eager to receive any constructive feedback. This novel represents my initial step into the world of storytelling, and as a beginner, I am open to all comments, suggestions, and ideas that could help refine my craft. I welcome critique that will aid in developing my writing style, enhancing character depth, and improving the overall narrative. This fiction is based on third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. A boy named Takeshi Hiruzen transmigrate into third Hokage body at the time of his promotion to Hokage position. Read this fiction as how he will make Konoha the strongest village ever. Waging war and conquering the surrounding villages. Rivalling the Otsutsuki clan in might. # More about development and training in the start of the novel. please be patient. # No overpowering abilities and not making character overpowered at all until necessary. # Novel will not drop until I am satisfied like other fiction works. # A different perspective on konoha. # He will make very large amount of techniques and kekei genkai. # All rights reserved goes to Naruto and kishimoto senpai.

king_of_gods_ · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs

55: Unseen Bonds


Rias had grown more confident in her missions, unaware that she was not truly alone.

For each silent struggle she faced, Hiruzen was there, watching from the shadows, carefully intervening at every stumble, every obstacle.

This new chapter in her life was marked by her determination to prove herself, and he was determined to make sure she succeeded.

One morning, Rias took on a seemingly simple mission to escort a caravan of goods to a neighboring village.

Her fellow kunoichi teammates had rejected the mission, finding it beneath their skills, so she volunteered to do it alone.

Hiruzen watched her as she prepared, a smile tugging at his lips as he noticed the resolve in her eyes.

"Alright," she muttered to herself, adjusting the straps on her pack. "This time, it's all me."

As she set off down the winding forest path, Hiruzen kept his distance, cloaked by his invisibility.

He followed her every step, aware that the caravan path was known for rogue bandits.

The morning passed peacefully, with Rias humming as she walked, but Hiruzen stayed vigilant, prepared to act if any danger presented itself.

Soon enough, a group of rough-looking bandits blocked her path. There were five of them, each armed and grinning smugly, clearly underestimating the lone kunoichi.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" one of them sneered, twirling a dagger in his hand. "Little girl, shouldn't you be at home?"

Rias straightened, a steely glint in her eyes as she drew a kunai. "I'm on duty. If you know what's good for you, you'll step aside."

The bandits laughed, moving closer. Hiruzen observed, ready to act if needed, but he wanted to see how she handled the situation.

As the first bandit lunged forward, Rias dodged swiftly, her movements precise and practiced.

She managed to land a clean strike on his arm, making him drop his weapon with a grunt of pain.

But as two other bandits circled her, Hiruzen decided it was time to even the odds.

Without revealing himself, he extended his chakra to her kunai clashing with another bandit, who suddenly stumbled backward, confused as his weapon was wrenched from his grip.

Rias blinked, surprised, but took the opportunity to turn and confront the remaining bandits.

One by one, they retreated, unnerved by the invisible force assisting her.

After they fled, Rias let out a relieved breath, a small smile of gratitude flickering across her face.

"Thank you," she murmured, bowing her head slightly toward the forest, as though sensing her mysterious helper's presence.


That evening, as Rias returned to Uzushiogakure, she found herself drawn back to her favorite cliff overlooking the village.

Sitting on a large rock, she looked out over the distant ocean, the evening breeze ruffling her red hair.

Hiruzen, hidden among the trees, observed her in silent admiration. Her face was illuminated by the last light of day, her eyes reflective and serene.

In a soft voice, she began to speak to the empty air, her words carried on the wind.

"I don't know who you are, but… thank you. It feels like you've been with me through everything. I hope, one day, I can do the same for someone else."

Hiruzen's heart stirred. He wanted to respond, to tell her that he was here, always watching over her.

But he knew it wasn't the time to reveal himself. Instead, he offered a silent promise that he would remain by her side as long as she needed him.


The following week, Rias received a more challenging mission: a C-rank retrieval mission in the remote mountains surrounding Uzushiogakure.

She was to recover a valuable medicinal herb, which only grew on the steep, rocky cliffs.

Hiruzen anticipated the mission might be risky, so he decided to accompany her from the shadows.

The climb was steep and arduous, with loose rocks crumbling underfoot and narrow ledges that required careful footing.

Rias was determined, though, and she pressed on with a fierce focus, unaware that Hiruzen was close behind, ready to intervene.

When she finally reached the ledge where the herb grew, she leaned forward to carefully pick it.

At that moment, her foot slipped, sending a few rocks tumbling down the cliffside.

She gasped, her hands flailing as she tried to regain her balance, but before she could fall, Hiruzen sent a swift pulse of chakra, stabilizing her footing just in time.

Rias let out a breath, her hands trembling slightly as she secured the herb.

"Thank you," she whispered again, sensing that her unseen protector was still watching over her.

As she made her way down the cliff, her grip tightened on the herb, her heart full of gratitude.

She had no idea that Hiruzen was nearby, smiling as he watched her descent, relieved that she had completed the mission safely.


Days turned into weeks, and with each passing day, Hiruzen continued his silent guardianship, stepping in whenever Rias encountered difficulties.

From her day-to-day tasks to her missions, he offered discreet assistance, his presence like a shadow that followed her everywhere.

One day, Rias was assigned to a scouting mission with her former teammates, Aito and Misaki, along the village's borders.

As they ventured into the forest, Rias took the lead, carefully marking their path and alert for any signs of danger.

However, her teammates seemed indifferent, lagging behind and talking amongst themselves.

When they reached a particularly dense thicket, Aito muttered under his breath, "Why do we even need her here? She'll just slow us down."

Misaki rolled her eyes, nodding in agreement. "She's just here because they needed an extra body," she replied with a sigh, casting a disdainful look at Rias's back.

Hiruzen clenched his fists as he watched them from above, feeling a surge of anger at their callousness.

But before he could intervene, Rias turned to face them, her gaze steady.

"I know I'm not the strongest," she said quietly, "but I'm here to help. We're a team, aren't we?"

Aito scoffed, shaking his head. "Team or not, just stay out of the way," he replied dismissively.

Rias's face fell, but she held her head high, refusing to let their words get to her.

As they continued the mission, Hiruzen stayed close, ensuring that she was never truly alone.

That evening, as they returned to the village, Rias made her way back to the cliff, seeking solace in the familiar view.

She sat there, her legs dangling over the edge, her expression pensive as she gazed at the sky.

"I hope… one day, I can be strong enough to stand on my own," she murmured softly, her voice filled with quiet determination.

Hidden in the shadows, Hiruzen smiled, feeling a surge of pride for her resilience.

He knew she would grow into the strength she sought, and he would remain by her side until she was ready to face the world alone.


Days later, Rias took on a new mission—this time, a C-rank escort mission with a small group of merchants traveling through dangerous territory.

The journey was long, and the merchants were apprehensive, casting wary glances at the darkening forest around them.

When they reached a narrow pass, a group of bandits emerged from the trees, blocking their path.


The merchants panicked, clinging to each other as the bandits closed in.

Rias stepped forward, her stance determined as she prepared to protect her charges.

Hiruzen watched from above, observing her every move. When one of the bandits lunged at her, he subtly diverted the man's path with a quick burst of chakra, allowing Rias to land a decisive blow.

As the remaining bandits advanced, he continued to offer discreet assistance, guiding her movements without her knowledge.

By the time the bandits were defeated, Rias was left standing, her breaths ragged but triumphant.

The merchants thanked her profusely, their gratitude bringing a bright smile to her face.

"Thank you for trusting me," she said softly, bowing her head in response.

As she returned to the village, Rias glanced back at the forest, feeling a warm presence lingering behind her.

"I know you're still there," she whispered with a smile, "and I'm grateful. Whoever you are… I hope you know that I'll always remember your kindness."

Hidden among the trees, Hiruzen smiled, his heart full as he watched her walk away.

Though he remained in the shadows, he knew that his silent support had left a lasting impact on her.

He would continue to watch over her, a silent guardian in the dark, his unseen bond with her growing stronger with every mission, every challenge, and every quiet moment they shared in the hidden corners of the world.