
Naruto: Rise to the top

Ryuu is a college student, who got into a traffic accident (truck-chan). Then he found himself in a dark place, and there he met an old man wearing a white dress decorated with golden threads, and he said, "I will grant you 5 wishes." ●This Novel is a ff of Naruto but will not be 100 % accurate and will have some things changed .

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107 Chs

32- "Welcome to Hell"

"So what are those tests?" Ryuu smiled as he looked at Souta. He felt his blood boil with excitement and a desire to take on a challenge against those tests and pass them all.

"In these tests they will test your talent and speed of response to danger and test you to fight in different environments, the other two tests if I tell you about them you will be excluded from the test so I won't talk about them."

Ryuu's smile increased after hearing Souta's words, he was excited to do this test.

When Souta saw the smile on Ryuu's face, he knew Ryuu would try this summoning now, "From the look on your face, you're ready to take the test now, but I advise you to do this tomorrow after you've rested well."

"Okay, I'll do it tomorrow." Ryuu's excitement calmed down after hearing Souta's words.

"Okay, go to sleep so you can be at your best tomorrow, I'm sure you can pass the test," Souta said to Ryuu while patting his shoulder.

After a while, Ryuu got up and went to his bedroom, thinking 'I wonder what kind of summoning would it be, I hope it's really strong and if it's not strong then all my efforts will be useless tomorrow'

'I shouldn't have negative thoughts, they'll definitely be a strong summon, because their test is hard even Madara Uchiha fails to form a contract with them' Ryuu thinks that the more difficult the test, the stronger the summoned animal will be. Maybe


the next day.

Mikoto came to Ryuu's house in the morning to find that Ryuu was with his father in the backyard.

"Good morning Mikoto, how are you?" As soon as Souta saw Mikoto coming towards them, he greeted her.

"Good morning Souta-sama, I'm fine," Mikoto replied as the edges of her lips rose, a gentle smile appearing on her face.

"Hi Mikoto, I'm sorry I can't go to training with you today." Ryuu greets Mikoto and apologizes to her for not going to train together and explains to her that he will try a summoning technique given to him by his father.

"Do you want to stay and watch the summoning technique, you can stay and I will teach you too" Souta invited Mikoto to join them.

"I don't think I have time to learn the summoning technique now, I have to go train with Kushina and Tsunade-nee-san and I have to tell them that Ryuu won't come to train with us. But I can stay and watch Ryuu do the technique, and then I'll go." Mikoto refused Souta offered to join them in training the summoning technique. But she wanted to see what the technique looked like so she stayed to watch Ryuu perform it.

After hearing Mikoto's words, Souta nodded and then took out a summoning scroll, opened it and placed it on the ground. The scroll was empty and had no ink stain inside.

"Wound your hand and then use these hand seals - Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram - then put your wounded hand on the scroll." Souta gave Kunai to Ryuu and spoke seriously and pointed to the scroll on the ground.

Ryuu grabbed the kunai and cut his hand and used the hand seals that Souta said very quickly and then placed his right hand with the wound on the scroll on the ground.

The moment Ryuu put his hand on the scroll, white smoke appeared and when the smoke dispersed, Ryuu was no longer there.

"Souta-sama, why did Ryuu disappear from his place?" Mikoto's face appeared anxious and nervous and her body trembled because she knew that when using the summoning technique, a creature would be summoned to your side, but Ryuu disappeared from his spot.

'Ryuu did a good job choosing such a girlfriend. She's a talented girl and really loves Ryuu' When Souta saw Mikoto's concern for Ryuu, he was satisfied with this girl who worries about her boyfriend sincerely and was satisfied with his son's choice of such a girlfriend.

"Don't worry Mikoto, what Ryuu just used is called Reverse Summoning Technique, not Summoning Technique, so Ryuu will be fine." Souta calmed Mikoto and then explained to her what Reverse Summoning Technique meant.

"Soota-sama, the Ryuu's blood on the scroll is disappearing," Mikoto said as his eyes widened in surprise.

The Scroll was sucking in Ryuu's blood little by little until all the blood was sucked up, the Scroll came back white as before, then the scroll disappeared with white smoke.

"It's okay that's normal, the same thing happened every time we used the scroll" Souta spoke and smiled at Mikoto's surprise.

'Then that's normal.'Mikoto was surprised because this is considered normal.

"I'm late for training so I have to go now" Then she noticed that she was late for training and had to go to the seventh training ground before Tsunade got upset because she was too late.


Meanwhile with Ryuu.

After using the Reverse Summoning Technique, Ryuu appeared in a completely dark place even though Ryuu couldn't see his surroundings but he could see his body very well.

'This place gives me a feeling similar to where I appeared when I died, but it's very dark unlike the first place that was so white' Ryuu thought, giving him goosebumps when he remembered his death.

'Maybe this is an illusion and it's part of the test so I have to cancel it' Ryuu grabbed his chin with his thumb and forefinger as he thought, then activated his Sharingan to try to break out of the illusion.

But when he wanted to remove the illusion, a purple-colored smoke appeared in front of him and began to gather in one place.

When the smoke finished gathering, it appeared in the form of a giant sphere made of purple clouds with a radius of 10 meters.

Ryuu tried to get a little closer to the ball, but at this moment two eyes appeared on the giant cloud ball and a very large mouth with very sharp teeth similar to those of sharks appeared.

The giant cloud ball looked at Ryuu and smiled its big mouth, then spoke in an extremely terrifying and hoarse voice with some echoes in his voice. If an ordinary person heard the voice, they would die of fright, not to mention the terrifying shape and dark place.

When Ryuu saw the terrifying shape of a giant ball made of purple clouds, in addition to its extremely horrifying and hoarse voice, he felt a shiver down his spine.

"Welcome to Hell"