
Naruto: Rise of the Psychic God

A Sociopathic man dies and reincarnates in Naruto. he is determined to reach the peak of the world, no matter what the cost and sacrifice he needed to make was. The upload schedule is two chapter a week for now. Discord link: https://dis cord.gg/YMcmcHu XhQ (erase the spaces)

TruePotato · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Suddenly, my environment changed? my surrounding was hotter, my body was on a mattress, and I felt more energetic than I ever felt in my life and my body was in a better condition than it was ever in.

That was pretty confusing for me. A hallucination? Maybe a nightmare? Before any theory emerged from my mind, my head began to hurt as moments of my life that I subconsciously suppressed began to crash into my mind.

What happened to me- wait… Did I die?! I got hit by a truck when I was returning home, my lips quivered while shivers travelled throughout my body. But I am somehow 'alive', I can think of several possibilities as to the how and why.

With terrifying accuracy, my mind began to draw conclusions, but I stopped myself as concluding anything with no information or clues was but a fool errand that could only lead me into creating some flimsy conspiracy theories.

 How can I be so calm? I thought. It must be the adrenaline in my body, the human mind could be terryfying when it feels great danger lurking around.

That's what I thought but immediately after, a stream of unknown memories passed through my head, memories of a life I never experienced, people I never met and a world I thought to be fictional.

Even while being in a complete mess due to two sets of memories interlocking in my head, I managed to realise that I reincarnated after my death in the Naruto world as someone previously called Yamanaka Nao.

I finally opened my eyes and looked around the room I was in. Supposedly a 'familiar room', according to my memories, but it all looked new to me. Kind of like a Deja Vu. 

I followed my memory and searched the wall with my eyes for the clock, feeling relieved at the time I saw. It was still midnight, meaning I have some time to sort my mind out.

Almost instantly, I sat cross-legged, and began breathing in and out to meditate. I chose to sit cross-legged and breathe in and out because this was how I was taught to meditate as Yamanaka Nao, I began to use the Yamanaka clan's hidden techniques to sort out my memories and mental state.

Hours passed, and slowly but steadily my mind began to stabilise. I felt refreshed due to all the mediation and the basic mind techniques I used to calm myself.

I looked at the clock, realising it was morning already. 

'I have some time before I  usually prepare myself for the academy.'

Nodding, I began to recall my memories as Yamanaka Nao for what felt like the 100th time.

Yamanaka Nao is the nephew of the Yamanaka clan head, Yamanaka Inoichi. Which also meant that he was the paternal cousin of Ino. Nao is 11 years old which makes him a year older than Naruto, and by extension the rest of the rookie 9 and he is also in the same class as Hyuga Neji, Rock Lee and Tenten.

 He got orphaned when his father died 2 years ago, his mother died when he was born due to the stress of childbirth and as the only son, he  inherited his father's belongings, such as his house and fortune.

'I certainly won the rebirth lottery, as being reborn in a big clan as the patriarch's nephew is quite fortunate, and inheriting the patriarch's brother's money and belongings is a very desirable position.'

In all cases I needed to  shower now as I would be late to the Academy otherwise.

And so I showered, brushed my teeth, cleaned my face, changed my clothes and so on as I followed the usual morning routine. 

I began to prepare my breakfast and my lunch box, making sure it's nutritious and healthy enough for a growing ninja.

After I ate my breakfast, I headed to the academy, purposefully taking a route that would 'coincidentally' cross the route Ino takes.

Why? Someone else in my shoes would say they want to be the harem king, but that's a delusion I can't bear to have. I just believe creating a close relationship with the clan heir is definitely in my metaphorical 'to-do list'. 

Especially since I was next in line to being the clan heir, Power whether it was physical or political is something I aim for. Getting close with Ino could get me an influential position in the clan when she follows in her father's footsteps to become the clan head… marrying her to be the de-facto clan head while unlikely isn't impossible.

I do have a big advantage in the Yamanaka clan politics, I am the the closest male heir candidate, while the naruto world isn't that misogynistic (Tsunade, Mei and kuortsuchi became Kages after all) but there was no end of traditionalist elders who prefered a male heir.

 That said, how far do I progress as a ninja was a big factor on whether they will be swayed or not, so being bribed with a high-ranking position within Ino's leadership is normal and expected if I manage to become an elite Jounin.

 Especially considering that, like when a new president takes over, new clan heads tend to change the elders and high ranking members to ones who are closer to them. 

Attaching myself to my past life morals and values is foolish when I live in a world where every advantage could save my life, while the reaper is always above my neck waiting for any opportunity to send me to my second death.

"Good morning, Nao." my ears twitched at the greetings said by the blond haired, blue eyed young girl which I could easily recognise as my cousin, Yamanaka Ino.

'Here she comes.' I smiled.

"Good morning Ino-sama." I replied while slightly bowing, purposefully maintaining the illusion of respect for her, which will undoubtedly please her young growing ego and make her view me in a  more favourable light.

Because if I remember correctly, she's an arrogant bitch, rotten to her bones… At least for now, I did have interactions with her as Yamanaka Nao and our relationship is on the positive side, Though we were not close enough to be labeled as close friends.

"No need to be so formal, after all we are cousins, Nao." said Ino while swatting her hand, a light blush appearing on her pale face, but the expression on her face made the fact that she was pleased quite clear.

"If you insist… Ino-chan. How is uncle Inoichi?" I said with a soft expression on my face, making sure to look like I care a lot about Inoichi.

"He is good, he just got back from the mission he was on." Said Ino.

"That's good news." I replied.

And so we continued chatting together, occasionally laughing and generally enjoying ourselves until we reached the academy.

"Guess that's all for now, Nao. Since we are in different grades, goodbye till we return to the clan compound." Said Ino with a small smile on her face, as she waved in my direction and headed to the academy.

"Goodbye Ino." I replied with a smile, while I waved at her.

We parted ways and I headed towards my class, seeing a huge amount of students entering the academy.

I entered my class and sat on 'my' seat, noting the future Team Guy there too, deciding to not focus on what the teacher was saying because she was teaching Math and I knew it more than a barely educated child soldier like her.

Team Guy trio will most likely still be a team, even with me being here their placement was most likely chosen due to Neji being the rookie of the year, Lee being the dead last and Tenten being the kunoichi of the year.

Even if I surpassed Neji as the Rookie of the year, Guy doesn't know much about ninjutsu and genjutsu therefore the chance of a Yamanaka clan member like me being assigned under him is pretty unlikely.

Lee, and Neji are focused on taijutsu and close combat, Tenten is a weapon specialist but most Jounins don't learn a wide array of weapons like her and the village won't go as far as getting a civilian a Jounin sensei with a rare speciality, and Guy's knowledge of close combat makes him the best non-weapon specialist Jounin sensei for her.

I continued thinking about my plans for the future, while taking account of the butterfly effect my existence has caused, while paying attention to the teacher when the period changed to geography, history and chakra theory.

By now, I had a basic plan for what I will do, and if that plan succeeds… I would be more than a mere weakling being tossed around without a real choice, But I will stand in the peak of the world.

I am newbie so the quality isn't that good in my opinion. I believe that the later the chapter is, the better the quality will be. I am writing casually, so don't expect daily updates. however, I will try to update bi-weekly

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