
Naruto: Rise of the Devil

A very famous and smart scientist from the 21st Century has transmigrated into the Naruto World. What kinds of changes will this bring to the cannon.

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Exam Test

I talked to Sakumo for awhile, until the teacher called us to go to class. The below average kids went to Class 1-A.

The others went to Class 2-B and so on and so forth. I went inside the classroom, it was your basic average classroom.

A little bit more spacious than most, that's good though, I don't like losing my things, and stuff getting all crowded and cramped up.

"Hello boys and girl, I will be your Academy teacher for the foreseeable future my name Tsuki. I love hunting and fishing, my favorite pass time is reading books and studying Ninjutsu."

Tsuki starts to tell us everything about him, which is stupid because, why would a Shinobis tell us all his secrets, if this was the battlefield and he got captured, he wouldn't last long.

Anyhow, the teacher starts going all over the classroom picking students to tell us their hobbies and dreams.

Nice Tobirama manipulating the children into giving out information about themselves, I really do need to learn more. Trying to see if anybody a threat Konoha, I like this crude form of manipulation and information gathering, Tobirama.

He went around the entire classroom, until he landed on me, I of course stand up and put a fake smile on my face, this Tsuki is weak, so he wouldn't be able to read what I am thinking.

"Hi, my name is Kuro Uchiha. I like studying and learning Ninjutsu. My favorite food is chicken curry with a side of rice."

I gave him information only what he needs to know, who within their right mind would give people information, especially in this world where their are spies around.

They could report this to one of the enemy villages. I can't allow that to happen, they can kill anybody here, I wouldn't miss an ink of sleep because of it. I don't care about this place, it can eat dog shit.

"Alright now everyone, now that introduction is out of the way, we are about to go outside to do the exams. These are some small exams, it helps depict where each student stands in physical category, mental category, intelligence, etc."

We are already starting this, haha! It's time to be great, I can't be like those other guys that just hide their powers afraid being find out or caught. I can't stand those idiots.

I don't understand, why have power if you don't use it? You just don't belong here if that happen. Give that power to me, shit, I would take good care of it.

Anyway, we first did the physical part of the exam, running in circles until we get tired. I have weights on me, which it kinda of heavy for me, but this minor change won't stop me from getting first place.

I already planned my life years ahead into the future, I won't be the person that sits into background that's stupid and illogical.

I want to create a legend that's told for millennia. Stories that would put me even above the Sage of Six Paths.

His power is great, but it's insignificant compared to the Force. By time cannon rolls around, my power will be so great and terrifying, nobody would do anything without asking permission first.

When I achieved my goals, I will put a puppet in the seat. He will only take orders from me, one of my goals right now is to have all of Konoha's citizens be absolutely obedient and have 100% trust in me.

Anyway I was first, Sakumo was second, Tsunade was third and so on. I'm going to totally dominate the opposition in everything imaginable. I'm going to be the main character, not some idiot who wears an orange jumpsuit and paint people's faces for attention.

We did a written test, I finished first obviously. The teacher was amazed by my progress, he scan over my answers and realized all the answers on the paper were perfect. Every single one.

After giving the paper to my teacher, I went outside, he said if you finished early, you can have a little free time. That test was easy anyway, it's was like some simple history and geography, questions about Hashirama.

All these answers were really about the Senju Clan. Quite the communist, manipulating the masses and boosting your clan's reputation as a bonus.

I have noticed he put some information about all the other clans, but their in separate paragraphs. He didn't put in the history books about the Uchiha.

Typical for a racist guy like Tobirama, he wants to erase them, and Madara attacking the village solidified his reasons of trying to nerf the Uchiha Clan.

2 hours passes, lunch time came around, we all ate outside, kids were seated at different places talking to their friends and new people.

The future "Sannin" were all huddled in the shade leaning on a tree. Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade were eating out of their own respective bento boxes.

I see this as my chance to get the "Sannin" as my allies. I walked toward them with a humble smile on my face. I need to act like the perfect friend and person.

Once I gain their trust, then it can develop from there. They will let me in, I will be a beacon of hope for them, when Tsunade or Orochimaru lose their loved ones, I will be the first one there, they will trust me with their lives.

They will even sacrificed their own lives for me. I won't return the favor though. I can't let them die right now sadly. It will fuck up my future knowledge entirely.

I can't allow that to happen, that's why it's essentially the perfect plan, become friends with them develop a bond with them, and they will be do anything for me.

A little simple, crude form of manipulation will come in handy, I might change a small part of the future, by indirectly setting up Tsunade's family to being killed sooner.

Mito is already almost dead, I won't go near her, she can sense emotions, so she will definitely sense mine, the Nine Tails is a dangerous, unstable factor that needs to be taken into account.

I need to develope my Force powers a little more, then I can pear into her mind and kill her. Really mindrape her.

Also, I needs Tsunade to develop feelings for me, she will then, willingly by the way show me all the Senju Clan secrets.

They don't call them "Thousand Hands" because they want to. She will love me so much, that she will willingly betray her clan for me and leave the village.

I will be her last piece of happiness, she won't do anything to let that go. Her brother is pathetic, I will manipulate Orochimaru into killing him sooner or maybe I can Tsunade to do it.

Hah! So many plans to do and so many things to learn. I will get their step by step, I thought as I walked towards my future pawns.

Author Note: Kuro is already thinking 100 steps ahead of everyone else. Even though he knows when he is outmatched or he needs to learn more stuff, he is willing.

After all he is a seeker of knowledge and power.