Follow along dear reader to dwell and explore the remastered version of our loved and beloved Naruto world the elemental nations along with our Mc who learns the real deal differs a lot compared to the fiction. Here is where the plots are thicker than asses and schemes run deeper than the Mariana. So brace yourselves and curl you body in the best position for reading and make sure you device has charge. For once you read this, I can't gaurentee you will leave... .. . . . How's this for a synopsis guys? But don't expect a lot cause I am after all a first time writer whose 1st lang isn't English. So if you keep you expectation low you will be blown.(mind only). That's my strategy for making my way through mcu show right now anyway. (except of course for Deadpool)
Guys some work suddenly cane out. So am going to start again from tuesday