
Naruto: Reincarnated as Sasuke and Dominate Elemental Nation

A guy died and given the option to chose his re-birth by god. He choose to become Sasuke in Naruto-verse. He got his memory of previous life at the night of Uchiha massacre. With his knowledge of naruto-world he embarks the journey of getting powerful and get revenge on everyone involve in his family's death. He become the most powerful person ever lived and unites the whole elemental nation, crushing everyone who stands in his way.

akhtar_007 · Anime und Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter-13 Impure World Reincarnation

Kakashi inform the Hokage about Sasuke's high genjutsu talent. When Kakashi concluded that even he was not sure if he can defeat Sasuke in all out battle, it made Hokage little concern. Sasuke hiding his powers means he does not trust village fully. He told Kakashi to keep an eye Sasuke and report everything directly to him. Itachi sacrificed everything for Sasuke's safety and if anything happens to him then village will gain a kage level shinobi as an enemy in the form of Itachi. But with Sasuke's talent and progress, it will not take long for him to surpass Itachi, and his distrust for village was not a good situation. He thought if Sasuke knew about the truth of Uchiha clan massacre then he will become enemy of the village. He has a mix feeling about Sasuke becoming so strong. His lack of trust in village was concerning but since he is slowly revealing his powers then may be all this is in head and Sasuke may not have chance to reveal his strength before. Village can neither afford Itachi nor Sasuke as enemy. For now all he can do is monitor the situation carefully and hope that things do not turn bad for the village.

It took Sasuke three weeks to master the impure world reincarnation technique. He thought he would be able to master this technique in one week but learning this technique was harder than he expected. As initially planned, Sasuke send his shadow clone to perform all the D-rank mission given to their team. Naruto was getting more and more annoyed with these lame missions, Sakura was happy to be able to spend time with Sasuke as for Kakashi, he was busy reading his book.

Sasuke's morning started with his physical training with Guy and Rock Lee. Ever since Rock Lee started training with Sasuke, his training got more intense. Sasuke use ninjutsu like body flicker jutsu and fireball jutsus of his clan during their sparring session. Combining them with his sharingan and uchiha clan taijutsu, it gave Sasuke extra advantage over him. Rock Lee desire to surpass Sasuke brought him extra motivation, which led to his already rigorous training further intense. Rock Lee has already surpassed Neji and was set his eyes on surpassing Sasuke.

Keering up with Rock Lee with just taijutsu was getting more and more difficult for Sasuke. But Sasuke was not concerned about this. Sasuke knew that he won't be able to keep up with Rock Lee's taijutsu for long. Although he had trained with Might Guy for longer time but still Rock Lee was slowly surpassing him in taijutsu department. Except for his physical training, Sasuke gave rest of his time to learning impure world reincarnation technique.

'Although I thought it would take me less time to master this technique, nothing changed for my plan. I will use this technique and resurrect her in the underground training compound. With barrier seal placed no one would be able to find out. Lets hope that she listen to me and agree to help me.' Thought Sasuke.

Sasuke was planning to resurrect Kushina Uzumaki with this technique. After learning this technique he understood why no one tried to resurrect any powerful Uzumaki clan member with this technique in the canon. There were two important part of this technique. First is summoning the soul of the dead and second is using a seal to control them. Only an idiot would try to control a powerful seal master of uzumaki clan with a seal.

Sasuke captured a root ninja during his infiltration, this was the same ninja whose chakra Sasuke absorbed at that time. He had kept him alive for this purpose. In the last 4 years, Sasuke has done some grave robbing. He has kept the entire corpse of his father and mother in good condition. His plan is to use rinne-rebirth to bring them back to life. Although he was being selfish by disturbing the peace of his dead parents, but he was orphan in his previous life also and if given the power, who would not bring their loved ones back to life. Sasuke was working very hard to become most powerful person in the world so that he can protect them after bringing them back to life.

Sasuke has also collected some DNA of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze. They both were important for his plan to reach the top of elemental nation. He had made all the necessary preparation for performing this technique and was ready to resurrect Kushina Uzumaki. He was very nervous, although he had lived in this world for 12 years and he could also perform ninjutsu and genjutsu but actually bringing a dead person back to life made him feel weird and unnatural.

Finally he performed this technique and standing in front of him was none other the 'Red Hot Blooded Habanero' Kushina Uzumaki.

I may have assumed few things regarding impure world reincarnation technique.

akhtar_007creators' thoughts