
Naruto: Reincarnated as an Inuzuka(Hiatus)

Guy reincarnates as an Inuzuka with some wishes. That's all I got for now, first time author so bare with me. I do not own naruto or any other characters other than my OC.

Bigbaby · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Making a scene

So, my basement isn't big enough to accommodate the whole pack. Including the girls and I the pack is ninety eight strong. So the sessions were held elsewhere, I wasn't sure since I was focused on my new invention. After a few hours I was stuck so I was going to join the pack, however, I got intercepted by a guard.

"Alpha, we have captured another intruder from root." Sigh Danzo never learns, this is the fifth time he has sent one of his roaches to my territory. Well during the next meeting with all the clan heads and other important people I'm going to make a scene. I am getting tired of that fucker, he almost reminds me of nick fury.

When you think about it they have the same job, only difference is the latter becomes likable and is badass, the former looks like he would drown your baby with his bare hands and say 'this is for the betterment of the village, I must do what others won't'.

Yeah not a pleasant individual, after making my way to the pack I see them training hard. Once they notice me they stop and greet me, I make my way to the front and all attention is on me. "Hello brothers and sisters, I have been a bit busy but now I have time to properly train you. We will continue in this fashion until I can make better accommodations, now let's begin."

A month later I'm heading to the Hokage tower for the meeting of clan heads and other important people. Now I've grown quite a bit myself, I have the same clothes as I did on my first day at the academy but I'm much bigger now.

At fifteen years old I'm six feet three inches, yeah I'm like a ninja Lebron James. I decided to get rid of the Mohawk as people of this era thought it was weird, my hair is now back to how it was in all its long luscious glory(look what y'all made me do, my precious Mohawk 🤧).

For a fifteen year old I'm quite filled out so I look intimidating to say the least. Once I make it to the meeting room and waited for my chance to cause a scene. As people came in some looked my way and were a bit shocked at my size, the meeting began and man was it boring but I did pay attention.

Once we got to the part where the Hokage asked if the clan heads had any reports I spoke, "I want to know why Danzo thinks he can send his little roaches into my territory? The first two I could ignore but the last three, yeah no, I'm going to need you to stop."

The room got quiet and Danzo spoke "who do you think you are boy to accuse me with no proof." "Oh but I do have proof, I'm just letting you know to back off in front of all leaders of this village so in the UNLIKELY event that you don't heed my warning no one can say you didn't get a warning."

I said with a wolffish smile on my face. Koharu Utatane, one of Hiruzen's councilors spoke "now young man I believe that is quite enough, there is no nee-" "let me stop you right there.

First of all lady my name is Muzaka not young man, second you are a consular and have no authority over me. Now back to you Danzo, this is your last warning." Kahoru looked like she had been slapped and Danzo was going to blow a fuse. Hiruzen decided to speak. "Muzaka do you have proof to back up your claim?"

"Oh I do indeed." Danzo began, "what proof I have done nothing wrong boy." Okay I am really tired of this bastard calling me boy so I release my conquers haki full throttle in the entire room. Once everybody felt it they froze, I made sure to not affect the civilians but all the shinobi in the room felt it.

It was as though they were back at the nine tails attack, I put all my hatred and bloodlust into it and my bloodline added a feral nature to it, it may not have exuded the same power as the nine tails but the pressure was suffocating.

"I am no boy old man, not like those you kidnap and brainwash to serve you and the village in that order. Do you think that I could not get them to talk? Well you would be right, they did not talk but that does not mean I could not get what I want. Did you think that little seal you placed under their tongue will be enough, hahaha I broke that thing the second they stepped foot into my territory unannounced.

I have all the proof I need, now I'm not here to demand compensation or even an explanation, just to tell you that if you make that mistake again not even that eye will save you."

Once I said my peace I deactivated my haki and the room was back to normal. At this point I'm at Kage level, low Kage but Kage level none the less and this was the first time that I really showed what I was capable of since I always fought at the level of my girls and even then I was more passive and focused on shot calling.

"You have grown a bit too full of yourself and have become too comfortable. Did you know that we are the only village that has a shinobi force that doesn't answer to the Hokage?

Hell let's go a step further, this is the only time in our own village history of such an event, not for Hashirama, not for Tobirama. The only reason why you and your little band of roaches are able to operate when no other leader in shinobi history has allowed such insanity is because of pity from a friend."

Oh he was fuming now but before he could speak Hiruzen said "enough Danzo, I have never known Muzaka to be a dishonest individual and as he does not wish to take this further at this time then the matter is settled, am I clear?" Now this caught Danzo off guard but he decided to stay quiet as Hiruzen looked pissed.

"Well is that all then?" Hiruzen asked the room and Danzo could not help himself, "I noticed that you have recalled all your clan members after you became clan head and they have not shown themselves since, not only that but the seals you have around your territory is very advanced and nothing like the seals we have today. How have you come across such things and why have you not shared it with the village as it would be a great boon for us."

Now the whole room looked interested, what a greedy bastard, I just shake my head and reply. "I don't ever recall having to explain how I run my clan to you Danzo, as for the seals I invented them as I felt that the old way was too cumbersome for my taste."

Hiruzen's other counselor Homura Mitokado spoke, "if you have made such an invention why have you not shared it for the betterment of the village, you need to hand such information over so we can strengthen the village." I smile, "I don't 'need' to do anything and you do not command me, it is not required of clans to share everything they have. And besides,

if the hyuga clan can have a cursed seal that effectively enslaves it's members and it's allowed than I will do no such thing either." I can't help myself but fucking with theses people is fun, Hiashi Hyuga looks pissed, "what did you say, we do n-" I put up my hand to stop him.

"My point is what I do with my clan is my business and please spare me the sales pitch, I get that during a war it was necessary to keep you eyes from being stolen but when you added that kill switch yeah we can see where they were going with it."

Man this is fun, I like fucking with these people. Now as for the seal on the hyuga I'm not against it but theirs is too crude. Like that the meeting continued and when it was over Hiruzen had me stay for a chat after ensuring the room was cleared.

"Why must you make a scene?" I laugh and bring out my pipe and some herbs to smoke, "lets smoke." "Oh, I didn't know you smoked" after having said that he put a healthy amount into his pipe and we smoked together. "This is nice, I feel good, what do you call this?" I smile and say "Marijuana". He nods and we sit back and well, get high, I had Sayo work on this and man is this shit stronge.

Shit we forgot to even talk and just smoked and like that we spent the rest of the day, "wonder if I should grab dango for the girls?" "What did you say?" Hiruzen asks.

I’m back, yeah I was being a lazy bum but I have returned. I swear I will never complain to an author again as this shit is harder than I thought. I was high when I wrote this and I think it turned out okay. Also if you have any ideas on where you think I should take the story don’t hesitate and I might comply if I’m feeling it. Peace ✌️

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