
Naruto: Reincarnated as an Inuzuka(Hiatus)

Guy reincarnates as an Inuzuka with some wishes. That's all I got for now, first time author so bare with me. I do not own naruto or any other characters other than my OC.

Bigbaby · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chuunin exams

As were waiting for the examiner to arrive I decide to check out the other participants. It seems that they haven't started inviting genin from other villages yet as I only see leaf headbands. After a few minutes the examiner arrives and gets everybody attention. "Welcome i am Fuzato Bunrabei and I will be overseeing the first part of the exam. Please take your seats, good now I will explain the rules. You will take a written test you have 1 hour to complete, anyone caught cheating will be disqualified and the entire team will suffer the same fate".

Hmm, seems the same as the show. Well I'm not worried about the girls as I made sure they studied all kinds of ninja related info and the like. after the papers are passed out the countdown begins. After turning the page i'm shocked,

well we are ninja so we don't need to know rocket science or anything. Still i expected more, most of the material we learn at the academy.

I finish my test after a few minutes and make no attempt to hide my answers as i cant bring myself to care. I don't have to worry about the girls as I know they will do fine, oh looks like they just finished well that's nice.

"Times up put down your pencils and pass up your papers". Looks like its finally over, after he receives the papers I look around and notice a few empty seats. Guess some people drooped out. I hope it wasn't because the test was to hard else that would be a bad look for the village.

He goes on about how we all pass and the purpose of the exam was to test our information gathering skills and what not. I see Itachi passed, well that's to be expected.

After that was over we make our way to the forest of death. And our new examiner doesn't introduce himself and just states the rules. "For this part of the exam teams will be paired off and play capture the flag. After each round you will switch sides, best of three so first team to win twice is the victor. now each team send your representative to pull a number and color from theses two boxes. they will determine the location and team you will face.

Once done you will decide among'st yourselves who starts on offense or defense. Any questions? good lets get this over with". Isako goes to pick for us and once she returns she says "we are on offense first". "Who are we facing?" I ask, she looks at me like I have two heads. "Does it matter?", I just shake my head as i know she is right i just wanted to ask.

After everyone is sorted out we head in the forest. Oh our opponents are just some side characters and not worth remembering. the other team is given some time to prepare there defenses, a clone of the examiner approaches and tells us to begin. As we already picked up there scent on the way over here it was easy to track them. A few minutes later we find them, the flag is set up behind i tree and they are spread out to cover more ground. "lets get this done so we can move on". Sayo says and begins to cover the area in her gas, once that's done Isako rushes in under cover and lays a beat down on them while I head for the flag.

I casually start moving and i can hear Isako going to work on those poor kids, "does she have to hit them so hard?". I increase my pace to end there suffering, one i grab the flag i head back to Sayo. The examiner calls a stop to the whole thing and the kids look haggard and lost the will to fight.

We go on defense and well Isako just charges at them once they enter our territory. They did the best they could but she was just too fast and strong for them to handle. Once the last member of the team losses consciousness the exam ends and we are sent back to the entrance of the forest.

Once we arrive I see Itachi already there so i head over to talk. "Hey Itachi, done already, how you been? haven't seen you in some time".

He looks so cold, well after what he has been through I don't blame. "Hello Muzaka, yes i just got back before you and i'm fine thanks for asking". "Well that's good to hear, well I wish you luck in the next part of the exam". He looks confused and asks "you would wish me luck, why, we are not on the same team". "True but you and I both know that we are being evaluated by the adults and they decide who passes. All this is just to get a gauge for our skills and after this part i'm sure all will pass unless they were carried by there team".

"I see". After that we split up and the girls and I find a comfortable spot to wait for the others to finish. After THREE fucking hours all teams have returned and the examiner leads us to a building with an arena. Oh it looks like the Hokage is here with some important looking people, he stands to address the group "congratulations to you all for making it this far. We are at the final stage for the exams and it will be a one on one tournament, those that perform well will become chuunin".

After having said that we look at the brackets and Itachi and I are on opposite sides of it. Isako would face him in the semi finals and Sayo would face me in the semi as well. The matches go by rather quickly and we make it to the top four, I thought they would postpone these last rounds for another day but they just told us to rest and be ready to start again.

After two hours the first match is Sayo and I, we make our way to the arena and prepare for the match to start. We already agreed to fight without our companions and not use our devil fruits, everybody seems to be looking forward to this match, even the adults spectating. Once the match starts we both enter the four legged technique and coat our hands and feet in haki, we move at insane speeds and clash. Kicks and punches are thrown back and forth and only the proctor and the adults spectating can see what is going on. I land a side kick that sends Sayo flying and crashing into the wall, I know that it did little damage due to the haki.

As expected she sprints towards me while performing hand signs, "fire style: fireball jutsu, wind release: wind dragon" as the fireball comes my way a wind dragon blast thorough it whits coats it with fire and it explodes in front of me. I manage to fire my own jutsu in time "earth release: rock shield" however the force knocks me off my feet. As I'm flying back Sayo comes from above and punches my gut and forms a crater under us, she wastes no time in entering full mount.

While she is on top she starts landing all sorts of punches and elbows and many of them land before i can put my guard up due to her speed. After i get my guard up I try to weather her barrage until i find an opening.

BAM BAM BAMBAM BAMBAMBAM BAM BAM, to the onlookers that cant keep up all they see is her hands and elbows as a blur and powerful gusts of wind and hear earth shattering blows. Cracks are starting to form under me, but i find my opening. I catch her arm at the elbow and manage to free one of my legs placing her in half guard. She doesn't let up however and does he best to strike me with her free hand. At this point my nose is bleeding none stop,

I'm sure its broken and i have a deep cut over my left eye that's bleeding and obstructing my vision. I get my other leg free and now I'm in full guard, I manage to reverse us with a flip of my hips and legs putting me in full mount. Now that the roles are reversed I put in that work, the onlookers look appalled after a few minutes of my relentless assault on a fellow teammate.

I don't really have a choice as with haki I have to get past that defense and break it. If I let up she will get out and with our regeneration I'll be back at square one, at this point Sayo looks a mess. Her arm left arm has snapped at the forearm and is hanging at an odd angle, both her eyes are swollen and her face is all cut up thanks to the sharp elbow strikes.

Eventually her arms lay limp at her sides and I stop and look at the proctor. He looks shocked and so is all in attendance, he manages to pull himself together and declares me the winner. I carefully Pick up Sayo and make my way to the resting area under the shocked gazes of all. I lay my back against the wall and start healing Sayo with the mystic palm technique, the doctors try to interfere but i shoo them away. I know she is fine, her regeneration is already at work.

After a short break to allow everyone to calm down from that intense fight the next match starts. Itachi and Isako enter the ring and begin the fight. Isako was relentless, her and her companion put pressure on Itachi with there relentless combos. Itachi was forced to use his sharingan quickly and tried to put her in a genjutsu. Due to our link it proved ineffective which came as a shock to all present since all know Inuzuka are weak to genjutsu.

I don't consider it cheating as its a passive thing so the fight goes on. However, regardless of Isako persistence and grit she was unable to keep him pinned for long. He had so many jutsu in his repertoire that kept her off balance.

Still it was a close fight but in the end Itachi came out the victor, no one could say that Isako did not performe well. In-fact some would say that it was much closer than many realized. Isako joined us in the waiting area and I handed Sayo off to her and headed to the proctor.

"I would like to forfeit the final match as I'm unable to continue". Now I could easily go again but i repressed my regeneration and still looked all beat up, why you ask? well i know we passed the exam and to be honest I'm all pooped out for today. I want to go home for some R&R with the girls.

"Are you sure you wish to forfeit?"

I nod my consent and the exams are over with that, tho the adults look a bit disappointed to not get to see such a would be amazing fight for the final. After Itachi is declared the winner the Hokage comes and congrajulates all of us for a good performance and declares the end to the chuunin exams. We are told that those who passed will be informed in a weeks time by our sensei's and that we are free to go. I grab the girls and head home, wonder if I should stop by the dango shop to surprise Sayo when she wakes up.