
Naruto: Reincarnated as an Inuzuka(Hiatus)

Guy reincarnates as an Inuzuka with some wishes. That's all I got for now, first time author so bare with me. I do not own naruto or any other characters other than my OC.

Bigbaby · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs


Sayo has covered our surroundings in her gas. I'm sure Sensei has lost all visibility since this gas is a nightmare for censers, it's laced with chakra to make it nigh impossible to pinpoint a specific chakra signature.

Once Sayo finishes, she alters the composition of the gas into a potent fast acting odorless nerve agent.

She also makes sure to continually supply oxygen for Isako and I. Once we have our cover I immediately enter my logia form and move at insane speed. Once I reach Sensei I strike him on his left shoulder and activate a modified Denial of passage technique,

effectively locking him in a 30 meter radius.

Once that is set up I know we have him.

Isako and I begin a coordinated assault that leaves Sensei with little breathing room. Sayo on the other hand activates a seal that summons her bow and she fired at any openings.

We have him on the defensive but he isn't a jonin who survived the third shinobi war for nothing. I am still quite pleased with our coordination, now it's time to include our companions.

Once they join the fray he can do nothing. Our coordinated assault makes up for any individual weaknesses we have. Isako seems to be having a great time, though she is being a bit reckless. Nothing time and practice can't fix.

Sensei has started to slow down, I think the gas is finally taking effect. That and the relentless beating we're giving out. Sure he evades or blocks some but we still land here and there. He has tried to exit the gas a few times but the seal I placed on him has made him a fish in a barrel.

Eventually he calls a stop and our companions return to our sides and sayo disperse the gas while administering the antidote to him. "That was some teamwork you got there, and what was that seal you put on me".

He asks after we've all settled down and caught our breaths. "It's a modified Denial of passage seal, I designed it myself. If the original is a C rank than mine is a B rank, with the possibility of A rank depending on how much chakra I put into it". He looks shocked.

"And were those arrows coated with poison? You children aren't normal.

From what I can tell there's not much to teach you except training your body's to sustain such tactics". After speaking for a little while longer we were dismissed.

Sayo spent most of her time at the hospital honing her skills and acquiring more knowledge. Isako and I have been training our physical abilities and learning new jutsu. Now we won't use most of them but at least we have a deeper repertoire.

Our coordination has nearly reached perfection. I have also been working on my fuinjutsu and I'm quite happy with the results. I have modified a few more jutsu to make them more efficient. I spoke with mom and brought to her attention my worries with the security of the clan.

She set up a meeting with the influential members of the clan to put forth my proposal. Essentially I wanted to set a modified version of the perimeter seal but in a dome shape that covers the entire compound.

Of course there were some dumb asses that didn't see a reason for this but they were pretty much ignored. Now I'm not too worried about the seal being deciphered since I use a different method.

I designed all my custom seals after java script and python programming languages from my last life. I also added more functions to the seal that it's predecessor lacked. Apart from the standard alert when someone steps into the designated area,

It can differentiate between clan members and non clan members. That bit was a bit difficult as I had to essentially perform a census of all clan members, adult and child alike.

Once everybody was registered I saved their unique chakra signatures and added it to the system. Now all non registered individuals will be marked and tracked as long as there in the compound.

Once that happens we have some options, if the target is deemed a threat a sequence of events takes place. First the targets chakra is locked, second a barrier is erected that locks the target in a five foot radius. As this happens guards are then notified of the targets location.

If in the unlikely event that the target escapes a tracking seal is placed upon activation. My finest work to be sure, it took a few months to get it set up. First we had to set up a security station and teach all the guards how to operate it. Naturally all guards were placed under a heavy seal to ensure that they aren't compromised, also designed by yours truly.

Other than that not much has happened, just more training and some mundane missions.

The missions we went on weren't much to talk about really. Like this a few years go by and Sayo and I are 10 and Isako is 12. Sensei has recommended us for the chunin exams, I don't expect much of a challenge.

As we enter the exam site we see Itachi. 'So he's taking the exams alone, guess his team died on the mission with the daimyo'. Well that means he's got the Sharingan, not my business. Let's just get this over with. Once all participants arrive we get ready to begin the first part of the exams.