
[12] Marked By The Jinchuriki♡

*Mature Content / Explicit Trigger Warning ⚠️*



Her eyelids rose with heavy weight. Familiar wooden beams said their hello as Nikko realized she was in her hotel room. She paused as the days activities reloaded into her brain. The girl had fallen unconscious at some point. More importantly was the dark atmosphere in her room. Only the moons glow lit up her living quarters.

She glanced around and saw the light came from her open balcony door. Gaara sat crossed legged in the floor and quietly looked up at the moons rays. In that moment his alabaster skin glowed like fireflies. Nikko was jaded by him. His profile looked so elegant as he calmly stared off into what she didn't know.

Aponi lit on her bed. The monarchs looked rather excited as they fluttered, "Hime-sama thank goodness you're awake! We were worried."

She ignored them entirely for the time being, too enraptured by Gaara. Nikko wondered how long he'd been sitting there.

The boy must have felt her stare for her turned to her. "How do you feel?"

She sat up slowly, kimono slipping down her right shoulder a bit. "Better. I'm sorry for the trouble Gaara-san."

"It is no trouble to me. Awake or asleep, I will protect you."

Nikko flushed. "You...must be tired. Um! I-I know, you can use my futon! Here!" She stood up in a flustered hurry and caught the cover around her foot like a fool. Gaara shot up and caught her just in time. He helped her sit back down albeit slower. "You need to rest."

She could scarcely breathe, and her next intake of air was Gaara's scent. His aura was one of summer sunshine and the earth, a calming and warming mixture. Though she now had some experience with the opposite sex, Nikko was as a virgin to the enchanting Gaara. So much so that she tucked her head down shyly, as if hiding her face would clear her emotions. It failed. For the girl, the arms still supporting her were too much to process. Nikko was glad that she was clumsy.

Then the girl recalled her question posed to Gaara in the morning. He hadn't given her an answer, so Nikko wasn't one hundred percent sure that the Jinchuriki wasn't the one whom she had confessed. She hesitantly asked, "May I ask you a question?"


"Last night...did we...you know...d-did we...?"

He gave her a mysterious stare, one not alluding at all to the answer she sought. Nikko spoke again, "I...h-have someone I love, you see. A-And...." she trailed off miserably.

Gaara looked a little bothered by her words.

"I know." He said simply. "Be that as it may, we shouldn't take things quickly." He glanced off and into the night sky.

Nikko froze and realized with an electric jolt what his words meant. It had been Gaara that Nikko had confessed to! She pulled the cover to hide her flaming face. Her thoughts ran off the tracks and crashed and burned. She couldn't believe that it was him who had accepted her confession so passionately. This is bad...! She realized. He was an important figure in the story and would most likely be in danger all his years. If Nikko were by his side, then...then....!

She wasn't a complete idiot. Well, aside from dying by laughter. Nikko couldn't two time Idate. Well, she could, in fact that seemed to be an interesting idea, but the girl wasn't that cruel. Gaara deserved better than that, better than what she could offer him. And Idate was her true love, right? He just had to be.

As she thought on these things her answer came delayed. "O-Oh."

He turned at the sadness in her voice. "...You seem to misunderstand me." Gaara pulled her near him and lifted Nikko's face to examine the expression she wore. With a tiny dent in his brows he added, "We're all alone here. I don't know my limits."


"...You're torturing me aren't you, Utsuri Nikko." He pouted.

Nikko had never saw such a face on him and thus her mouth was slightly a gap. He was already handsome beyond compare in her eyes, and that response undid her heart and caused it to puddle down to the floor. Gaara, the demon of the sand, was showing a side the girl never dreamed possible. Quickly she shook her head, "Not at all! I'm sorry....t-this is all new for me. I didn't mean to be...stupid..."

He patted her head gently and once again looked away. "There are many things in this world that I, too, have experienced for the first time."

"R-Right. S-So..." she picked her heart off the floor and shoved it back in the cavern of her chest, "does this mean that we're...you know--"


"Ah ha ha..ha....ha..." her mouth trembled along with every fiber of her being. She had to find a way to tell him the truth. But how could she do that without hurting him?

Gaara new what she meant as he took her shaky hand and raised it to his lips, pecking it softly. "There is no one else for me."

Nikko swooned.

Her body wavered like a kite in a high wind before floating onto the futon pathetically. A streak of blood dripped from her nose as she drifted off into nirvana. Her guide was yapping away excitedly and speckling glitter all around, "Oh my! He said it! How romantic Hime-sama! Quick, get up and respond! No, kiss him! Yes! Forget Idate! I can't believe this, the jinchuriki loves you! What are you waiting for? Kiss him! I need action!"

The perverted monarchs might be on to something. Nikko did in fact want to do that very thing, but her bravery wasn't ignited. She felt as vulnerable as though naked. Her ability to think drummed to a halt.

"Did I overdo it?" Gaara asked, bending over her.

He took the edge of his shawl and wiped away the anemia. "I apologize." His tanuki eyes gleamed, sparkling from moonlight like turquoise gems. Nikko stared into them in a daze. He looked down to her mouth, "If you're fine...I need to leave."


"If I remain here then I doubt my ability to be a gentleman." He answered as if commenting on the weather.

A silence stretched on--and Nikko wanted nothing more than for the Jinchuriki to in fact be as ungentlemanly as possible. Her emotions must have been clear for he flushed. Gaara leaned away but Nikko grabbed the edge of his shawl and shook her head. His hand which rest on his thigh clenched tightly. "You...don't know what you're doing," he said.

"D-Don't go..! P-Please, just stay...stay here with me. We don't have to do anything...being near Gaara-san is enough."

Wait--what am I saying? She admonished. Her idiotic mouth was getting her into all kinds of trouble. But it was Gaara's fault for being so desirable, she reasoned. That was all. It wasn't because she was willing to forget Idate--he would be hurt to see them together. But Nikko truly wanted Gaara to stay, as for why she had no clue.

His fist relaxed and he nodded. "..."

Nikko gulped and noticed she'd gone clammy from adrenaline. She stared at his backside with longing. What should she do? Talk about? The girl was clueless. She sought out a topic: "Gaara-san, are you tired? I've slept the day away and...you haven't rested even once--"

"--I do not sleep."

"Eh..? What do you mean?"

"If I sleep even a moment too long then the demon sealed inside me will awaken."

Nikko couldn't comprehend not sleeping. How was it possible? "That...must be difficult."

"The time when it was difficult has passed."

The girls heart wrenched. Gaara had a much rougher life than her former self by far. She knew that from the show, but hearing from his lips put it into perspective. He'd truly had a terrible upbringing. She touched his shoulder, "I don't know how you've survived...you're truly inspiring, Gaara-san."

His teal eyes widened. Then, a deep red crossed his alabaster face. He glanced down and reddened further. Nikko could only stare in amazement at his changing emotions. Gaara wrapped his arms around Nikko and gripped her into his embrace. "The words I have longed to here fall from your lips so easily."

Nikko's eyes watered until everything became blurry. She squeezed him in return and relished every second, clinging on even when he tried to pull away. He gave up fighting and instead let her hold him. Nikko ran her hand up and into his hair, feeling for herself how thick his crimson mane was. Soft like it had been buttered. At that instance Nikko realized that her kimono was displaying her cleavage rather expressively. She pushed herself into him despite the many things separating their contact. Gaara wears too much, Nikko thought. What am I saying? No--calm down, hormones! Bad! Bad! Remember Idate?!"

...You insist on teasing my senses...Utsuri....Nikko..." he murmured before touching his mouth to hers. The same passion from last night awakened within her. Everything around her was dulling, irrelevant to the sensation of him. A tingling began in Nikko's core as their kiss became increasingly heated. Gaara was a sensual teen, Nikko realized. His gentle way of coaxing her mouth apart felt like the idea had been her own.

His tongue was warm and slippery as it invaded the inside of Nikko's mouth. At first she froze at the foreign substance that wasn't her own saliva before tentatively responding, lifting her tongue to caress his. The grip around her tightened. She was quickly becoming overwhelmed by the demon of the sand.

"Ngn~" Nikko whimpered around the tongue in her mouth.

Nikko & Gaara

Gaara slipped her kimono further down and rubbed the creamy skin between his thumb and index finger, eliciting a moan from the girl. His body was never more alive than when it was touching Nikko. He could feel every nuance of her movements, all responding eagerly to him. Her breasts, large for a girl her age, were inviting him to touch. He did so--pressing Nikko down to the futon in the process. He regretted not taking off his gear and broke off their tonguing to unclasp everything, using his sand to set it in the floor. He untucked his shirt and tossed it aside.

"Gaara..." Nikko panted. Her hands were above her head and she turned away. It was too hard to breathe amidst everything and she took in quick shallow breaths. She watched in numbed infatuation as Gaara disrobed. His moonlit body was as beautiful as every other part of him, lean muscle mass shadowed attractively. He put his hands on either side of her shoulders and leaned, kissing her mouth, cheek, neck--all while undoing the obi keeping her kimono together. Every touch of those soft plump lips drove her pussy ablaze.

He stared down at the beautiful girl beneath him. She was his for the taking, and he observed every outline of her curvy body. Her breasts were of a good size and would more than fit in his palm, pink nipples tiny and erect. They rose with every pant she took. Gaara grabbed them, squishing them tightly. "Ha...a-ah..." she panted. Gaara pressed his mouth around her left breast, licking in a circular motion.

Nikko's insides twisted as an electric current thrummed down her breasts and down, down to her throbbing clit. I can't think! Everything...it feels so good, she thought dazedly. His right hand slid down as well, massaging and rubbing until it reached its destination: her wet pussy. Nikko arched her back in need. "G-Gaara...hah...of...fuck.." she uttered. Her hands flew to his biceps as those fingers rubbed around the entrance to her cervix. Would he really do it? Go all the way? Nikko didn't know.

He could feel her love juice. It was warm and slippery like egg whites. His fingers teased the inner folds surrounding her cervix before deciding to hell with it. Gaara shoved them inside and felt something resisting, that is, until he forced her apart. Nikko whimpered in pain. The girls hyman was successfully no more. He pulled out his fingers and saw a tiny amount of crimson on them. Gaara licked it off and shoved two fingers back inside her, needing to hear more of Nikko's cries. Her pussy was so tiny and breakable...he smirked.

Ah--ah--he really did it--Nikko dug her fingernails into his shoulders as the stinging set in. She had no idea what it felt like to have her hyman ripped and thus was unprepared for the onslaught of Gaara's fingers. His pace began to speed up until Nikko squinted in pain. "Ngn...ah..it..it hurts," she groaned.

"It will stop. Until it does, bear with the pain." He said, thrusting as far as he could within her.

His fingers were drowned in Nikko's fluids, a blissful way to die. Gaara wanted this part to be over so he could do what he really, desperately needed to do. Nikko's nails were piercing into his skin, free of sand armor.

Nikko changed her mind...albeit too late to matter. As she pushed him away his fingers slid out of her.

"Is...something the matter?" He asked hesitantly.

"I...M-maybe now is a b-bad time to tell you...but! G-Gaara-s-san...last night..was an accident!" She huddled into herself. "Those words were for I-Idate-kun!"

Gaara froze, fingers dripping her fluids to dot the futon. He looked from his hand to Nikko, unable to comprehend the words she uttered. An accident? The affection--her beautiful words that unfurled his heart, were meant for someone else? No...No! He backed away and hit the wall, holding his throbbing chest. The pain of the past set in and his vision swam. Not..again! Why? How...how many times must I suffer the same pain? He felt his eyes water and he grit his teeth, holding back the anguish inside. "You...you went along with it," he reminded her, "How could it be...? W-Why..?"

Nikko sobbed. "It's because...! I--I felt bad--"

His heart ripped open as he listened. Those words he hated--pity. He was pitiful to her? Was that all? He would have preferred her to hate him instead.

Gaara's former life flashed before his eyes. She had to be paying him back for Yashamaru, he reasoned. She held a grudge. It couldn't be that she was that cruel...could it? "Yashamaru-san...you...it's for h-him, right?" He hated how his voice shook.

"No! I don't care about that anymore! I fell in love with Idate-kun, Gaara-san!" She shakily stood and edged towards the boy who was looking as fragile as a flower. "Don't you see..? Y-You and I, we wouldn't have...worked out! We're just not meant to be!"

His brain tried to wrap around her words, but his emotions weren't listening. Gaara felt ill. He was going to vomit! It wasn't true! Nikko cared for him, she just didn't know it. She was kind to him, cared for his wellbeing--not at all like the villagers in Sunagakure. Gaara had finally found someone to cherish...how could he erase his feelings? They were already overbearing his senses.

Nikko wanted to comfort Gaara. She had just blurted out the truth, but at what cost? Her heart wrenched, knowing she'd been the cause for more pain. She touched his hand covering his eyes and lowered it, seeing dew drops sparkling amongst the azeal ocean. He stared at her with such a lonesome face...as though he were now all alone in the world. "Gaara..san...I'm..I'm so sorry."

"Don't! I don't want to hear those lies! You're just like all the rest, hating me for what I was born into!" Gaara grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his bare chest, crushing her to him. "I--I can't stand this anymore..!" His fingers drug down her spine, tearing into Nikko's skin. "I..I can't even die...!"

Nikko bore the pain of Gaara and felt his shoulders began to shake as sobs racked his body. She didn't know what to say to help, so the girl remained silent. Never before had she been through such an experience, either as Nikko or Nana.

Gaara hated himself more in that moment than ever before. He hated how easily she'd swayed him, how her tiniest gesture of friendliness had been mistaken by him. What a fool he was! "Please...use the time altering jutsu and--and end this pain!" He yelled. Gaara knew that was the only way to stop his suffering. He'd do anything to erase what he felt.

"Gaara-san.....please, stop talking like that! I-I'm not worth such things!" She shouted back, gripping his waist. "You'll find someone better than I could ever be--!"

No. He wouldn't, he never would. Nikko alone had to be his, he realized. Hating him or not, Gaara couldn't imagine going on if he didn't have her. "...No. ...you're mine. I won't give you to him!"

He shoved the girl back onto the futon in a delirious state of mind. Any rational thoughts were fleeing from him as he dulled, emotionless. Nikko scooted away in fear until hitting the wall with a thud. She turned from him, exposing a raw backside with darkness matted on it. Gaara ordered his sand to pull her to him and entrapped her hands, so she couldn't use the Utsuri clan kekkei genkai. In the deep recess of his madness he knew what he was doing was wrong, but the thought of Nikko belonging to anyone other than he set his demon free.

She was bound by sand to the bed. Nikko tried repeatedly to pull free but it was pointless. She looked into the eyes of a man gone mad; no longer the kind Gaara she'd known. He leaned over her and spread apart her legs, seeing the redness from earlier staining the girls thighs. It was as though she were on her menstrual cycle. He smirked deeply and mounted her, staring at the beautiful Nikko whose virginity he'd taken. "We have unfinished business."

"No..! Don't do this, Gaara-san! Please!" She shook her head to and fro, sobbing, "This isn't you!"

He chuckled deeply. "And..what if this is indeed me, Nikko Utsuri? Perhaps if you'd only truly cared for me...things would be different. How devious you've been, leading me on. I think it's time to pay for your sins!"

Nikko shut her thighs but Gaara pried them open easily. His hands were bruising her, she knew. It was a useless endeavor but she pleaded with him: "I..do care for you! I do! Please, I can't handle the pain--"

He laughed at her weak and pathetic cry. "Oh? And you think it's okay to cause pain to others? What a hypocrite you are, girl."

Gaara pulled his black pants down and rubbed his shaft along her and felt himself growing erect. His length would be more than enough for her, he knew. The boy would enjoy his meal.

He shoved himself into her fresh ripe pussy, feeling her tightness clamp around his dick. The folds of her untouched pussy parted wide for his eager cock and he took a moment to adjust. Inside her it was warm and wet, like he had urinated himself. His body tingled as he began thrusting in and out of her.

Nikko shrieked from the pain of him. Her hands that were bound by sand found the cover and clawed at it uselessly. "Kya--! Yaah! No!" She begged, shaking with adrenaline. His dick was as though he'd speared her womb. He leaned over her and shut her up with his tongue, roving it into the depths of her throat. She gagged at the violation.

Gaara finally quieted her tongue. Though he didn't mind hearing her sweet voice shrieking. She wasn't fighting him now, so he concluded that her pains were fading. He pulled out and lifted her legs onto his shoulder, then slammed into her again. This time she bit her lower lip and softly moaned. He smirked. The girl wanted it.

She couldn't stop squirming, needing to grab something but unable to. Her breasts jostled up and down as Gaara began pounding into her sanctuary, a sanctuary that no longer hurt. Nikko finally felt pleasure warm her insides. Even her womb was tightening with every slam of Gaara's dick. He was watching her face with a smirk of confidence. Nikko flushed and tried to hide how good it felt but couldn't withhold her moans for more.

He watched Nikko's brows lift in a jaded manner as her mouth parted, groaning with need for him. Gaara noticed her tight pussy was growing even tighter, pulsating as it grew ready for an orgasm. "Your body is giving you away," he grunted.

"Ah--ah--Nnn--don't do any more--ah! If you do, I'll--!"

Gaara quickened his pace at her words.

Nikko's pussy was squeezing with an electricity. She didn't want him to quit. In fact, her lower half rose to meet his oncoming intrusion. She cried out, "Gaara! I'm cumming!"

He felt Nikko's pussy spasm around his cock. Her eyes rolled backward, back arching as it began. Gaara paused to remember the feeling. Nikko's mouth widened as spit flew out. "Gaara! I feel so good! Agn! Don't stop, please!" The boy took her words seriously and thrust even quicker even as juice poured from her to cover his length. It squirted and made a squelching noise that he found satisfactory. His dick was hardening, expanding even further as though it would explode. Gaara groaned and let lose his cum and thoroughly filled her womb with his seed. His cock was over ran with delirious pleasure.


She watched Gaara recover from sex. He leaned over her and dripped salty sweat onto her chest. There was a gleam of intoxication in his tanuki eyes that left her curious. Then she remembered that she had, in fact, been violated by the demon of the sand. Nikko was freed from her sand cuffs and sat up slowly and drunkenly.

Gaara sat his back against the wall and caught his breath, shutting his eyes momentarily. When they opened, in them Nikko witnessed peversity. "I doubt your Morino Idate could give you what I have." He taunted.

She flushed and ducked down. It was true that during the intimacy the girl had craved more. Her deviant nature had overtaken all sense of reason. Now, however, she felt ashamed and guilty. Even though she'd not welcomed the action, Gaara and Nikko had became as one. "M-Maybe so," she confessed.

Movement. Gaara lifted Nikko's chin and stared into her purple eyes playfully. "Then forget him. You'll be mine."


"...Gaara. From now on, refer to me only as Gaara. We are one." He gave her a soft kiss to the cheek.

"One...with Gaara?"

He flushed at her lack of formality but nodded. "My only regret is that it should have lasted longer. For that I apologize."

Nikko tucked to his shoulder and thought it over. While her thoughts fretted from one worry to another, Aponi made their self known: "Hime-sama! Oh my, Gaara-san really gave it to you!"

She shut her eyes in annoyance. Those damn perverted butterflies.

The girl knew better than to rile Gaara up again now that he was back to normal. It seemed sex was a cure for his madness. She also knew that he would probably kill Idate if provoked. So Nikko would have to go along with what happened, even if he weren't her true love, which she was uncertain about now more than ever. But the reality was that Gaara had swayed her judgement by his forceful act. She felt marked.

"Gaara...you have...such beautiful eyes," she said dumbly.

He blinked. "Hmm...you are the first to say such a thing. Many fear the eyes of a beast."

"I have always loved their color. Like the clearest ocean." She looked at his tattoo, adding, "And the tattoo you have...it's beautiful and suits you."

Gaara turned away shyly. "I see. While that is pleasing to hear, I alone bear this mark. It was made from all the pain I've felt since childhood."

Nikko nodded, knowing that herself. She felt guilty realizing that she'd ignorantly added to his pain. And an idea struck her. "Then..since I, too, have given you pain...please, mark me as well."

He turned, shocked and frozen. "You...wish to have this?" Gaara touched his forehead thoughtfully, "Why? It's a reminder of pain."

"But that mark can also be what you've overcome. Gaara will have peace, knowing that he isn't alone. I wish to share in Gaara's pain." Nikko stroked her hand down his pale cheek, "You said that we are one."

Gaara thought it over but finally nodded. "Very well."

He stood. Sand began to swirl from his gourd against the wall, twirling until a great wind was felt. Nikko sucked in a shaky breath. He wore a cold and calculated expression as he looked down at her, hand poised elegantly. "I, Gaara of the sand, mark you for the rest of your days! From my sand I claim you as mine! Remember this day!"

She nodded dutifully.

The sand continued to circulate until at long last came at Nikko and ripped into her chest. She screamed in pain, not having any sand armor to protect her flesh. The pain was immense as Gaara carved his kanji onto her. It seared her chest as if she'd been stabbed by glass shards.

Finally the sand fell away and slithered back to it's gourd. Nikko rasped in one breath after another, looking down at her chest. Amidst the crimson flow of blood was the clear handwriting of Gaara.

He'd marked her.
