
Naruto: Reborn With a System!

+ Kuro Shizumatta died. He was reborn in the Naruto World with a System. One very similar to the Gamer System. + ** Justification of errors: I write using a smartphone. English is not my first language and this is my first novel. ** Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Nutella_ · Anime und Comics
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57 Chs

Chuunin Exams 6

As everyone headed to the upper level, Baki, the leader of Gaara's team, whispered to Kankuro as he passed him, "Take it seriously. Plans will go better if you make it through the preliminaries."

Kankuro nodded while looking at his opponent.

"It will be your first fight in front of an audience. Try to show off to make a great impression." Anko whispered to Kuro before disappearing.


"Do you think Kankuro can win? I heard that boy doesn't have a team as he was far superior to his teammates." Temari asked when Baki approached.

He looked at Kuro before speaking, "I don't know his abilities, but I think Kankuro could use poison to win. Sure, as long as he takes it seriously."

"That's not gonna happen."

"Eh?" Baki and Temari looked at Gaara. She smiled nervously, "Well Kankuro knows the importance of our mission, I'm sure he will take it seriously."

"I did not mean that." Gaara replied while looking at Kuro. His comment surprised Temari, but he continued, "Kankuro has no chance of winning this fight."

Baki and Temari were even more shocked, but said nothing more and concentrated on the fight that was about to start.

'This boy is dangerous…' were Gaara's thoughts as he looked at Kuro.


"That boy of the sand is doomed, he has no chance against Kuro." Naruto commented with his hands behind his head as he climbed the stairs to the upper level.

Sakura looked back, "Naruto, we don't know what abilities that Kankuro has, who knows, maybe he's very powerful."

Naruto glanced at Kankuro once they were upstairs "Well… He doesn't look too strong to say. What do you think Sasuke?"

The Uchiha rubbed the Curse Mark as he replied, "There's no way Kuro will lose. Better speculate how long the sand boy will lose."

Kakashi glanced at his students before looking at Kuro, 'So he's the one Anko has bragged about so much…'


"So is that Ino's boyfriend? Let's hope he's as powerful as he made it sound." Asuma asked casually once they were at the top level.

Ino blushed slightly, "We're just friends! And of course he's powerful! That weirdo in the sand will take a beating, you'll see."

Asuma laughed as he exhaled some smoke.


"How powerful is he, Gai-sensei?" Tenten asked curiously.

Gai showed a toothy smile. "I have no idea!"

"...I see..." Tenten spoke in an awkward tone.

Gai's smile became more normal. "Still, Anko has bragged about him quite a bit. So hopefully he's very powerful."

"Either way, we will see now. The fight is about to begin." Lee spoke while looking at the sand seriously.




Hayate looked at the two candidates and spoke, "If you're ready, get started."

'Alright, I guess I'll start with everything from the beginning.' Kankuro thought as he removed the puppet from his back and removed the bandages.

The puppet had four arms and three eyes, as well as the Kanji for "Crow" on the chin.

"Come on, Karasu!" Kankuro controlled the puppet to shoot towards Kuro, who was thinking about how to show off without killing his opponent.

The puppet rose into the air and after opening a few compartments in its limbs, it dropped many smoke bombs.

The bombs exploded in the air and in addition to the normal smoke, there was also poisonous purple smoke.

Through the same compartment, the puppet expelled air that dragged all the smoke towards Kuro, at the same time it entered the smoke.

Seeing the approaching smoke, Kuro quickly formed the hand seals.

Tiger → Ox → Dog → Rabbit → Snake.

He stretched out his arms in the direction of the smoke.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough."

(A/N: I never asked, but; Do you want the MC to name the Jutsu in his thoughts or speaking?)



'His speed to form hand seals is terrifying...' Kakashi was inwardly surprised, however, his surprise did not end there.

"Whooosh!" In the arena, a huge blast of air propelled all the smoke towards the ceiling, as well as the poisoned senbon heading towards Kuro.

"Ugh! I can't see anything!" Sakura, as well as many other candidates, covered her eyes due to the strong wind.

"Help! I'm going!" Naruto screamed as he held onto the railing with his hands and his lower body pointed to the ceiling.

"Use your chakra, moron!" Sasuke yelled from his left.

Kakashi helped Naruto while looking at Kuro's figure. 'What a potency...'


Smoke began to seep through the ceiling and slowly disappeared.

However, before he does, the puppet's head swooped down towards Kuro, a huge poisoned needle sticking out of its mouth.

Right after, the arms and legs also came out of the smoke, each with a blade pointed at Kuro.

The head went straight towards Kuro, while the limbs went from the sides.

'They are far apart for the Third Form... So, let's get on with it.' Kuro thought before taking a step back.

He immediately reached the end of the arena, his hands forming the seal of the Horse.

'Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation.' Kuro blew where their index fingers touched.

A stream of fire shot out of Kuro's mouth, which quickly expanded to become a sea of ​​fire.

The parts of the puppet that were heading towards Kuro were engulfed by the flames, but the fire continued straight towards Kankuro.

At this point, the jutsu was already reaching the sides of the arena, causing Hayate to have to jump to the upper level to avoid it.


"Kankuro!" Temari looked worriedly at her brother.

'What a scary child…' Baki thought as he looked at Kuro.


"Damn, does he want to kill that sand boy!?" Shikamaru yelled in surprise as he backed away from the railing.

Asuma blew out a puff of smoke before speaking, "He still has a way out, so I think he'll be fine."

"You see, Asuma-sensei? I told you it was powerful." Ino smiled as she pointed to the arena. 

Asuma nodded, quite inwardly surprised. 'That potency is beyond a Chuunin... Even some Jounin won't be able to compare.'


"Isn't that a technique of your clan?" Kakashi looked at Sasuke.

He nodded, greatly surprised by such a display of power. "I've let him visit the Clan Library a few times." He didn't take his eyes off the arena as he said that.

"I see." Kakashi looked at his other students, who were also gaping at the sea of ​​fire. 'Even someone as experienced as me is surprised. For them it should be a great revelation… let's just hope it's for the better. '



Kankuro jumped before the sea of ​​fire could get very close and with the wall for support, he kept jumping until he reached the ceiling.

Having experienced the attack first-hand, his surprise and fear was far greater than that of the others.

'Calm down!' Kankuro mentally yelled to himself and bit his tongue. 'His chakra must be at a dangerous level after those two jutsu; Now is my chance! '

He wiggled his fingers and the puppet's torso leaned closer to him, "Hehe, good to save you for last."

With another flick of the fingers, scythe blades shot out from the sides of the torso and a razor from the front.

The sea of ​​fire had already ended and only a few small flames remained here and there.

The head and limbs of the puppet were completely melted, along with the metal of the weapons.

Kankuro gritted his teeth and looked at Kuro, "You bastard!" After saying that, the puppet's torso shot towards Kuro, "Let's see how good you are without chakra!"

The torso began to rotate halfway through, looking like a propeller for the scythe blades.

Kankuro smirked when the torso was about to touch Kuro, only to be surprised a moment later.

"Why do you think I have no chakra left?" A calm voice came from Kankuro's right.

"!" He didn't turn around and quickly jumped down, taking advantage of the fall to look up.

What he saw shocked him to the core, Kuro was standing face down right next to where he had just been.

When his feet touched the ground, Kankuro blinked and was about to speak, however, he received a blow to the back of his neck that caused him to lose consciousness instantly.

*Plaf* Kankuro's unconscious body fell face down.

The arena was silent before Hayate coughed, "Because his opponent cannot continue, the winner is Kuro Shizumatta!"

This seemed to wake up the audience; "Well done! Way to go!" Ino screamed at the top of her lungs.

While the medics were taking Kankuro away, Kuro used the Body Flicker to go to Ino's side.

'Using the Body Flicker so casually during battle, Anko seems to be not exaggerating… no, I would say she was underestimating him.' Hayate thought as he watched the blonde girl hug Kuro.



"I'll go check on Kankuro." Temari was about to move, but was stopped by Baki.

"At least wait until the next fighters are announced, in case it's you."

Temari thought for a moment before nodding.


"T-that was crazy! There is no way that he is only on the Genin level!" Tenten commented when the battle ended, being very surprised to do so earlier.

"Genin? I'd say he's superior to many Chuunin." Neji smirked.

Lee smiled and clenched his fists. 'He's definitely on another level, but that only increases my desire to face him!'

Gai looked at his students and smiled, 'It seems his motivation has increased further. Taking part in the exams was indeed the right choice!'


A/N: In this chapter I wanted to test some Viewpoints before and during the battle. Tell me what you think.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

If you find any errors, let me know!

Tell me in the comments any suggestions!

Thank you for reading!

Nutella_creators' thoughts