
Naruto: Reborn as a Viltrumite

A "Normal" and " kind hearted ". really I am a kind hearted!! , believe me!!!. So, he got reincarnated in Naruto World with Gene modifier cube and viltrumite, Kryptonian gene as "starter pack". You will get some adult, some brutal and reality filled scenes. Will try to focus on something which are not focused on by anime. Harem? don't know. "It won't be a wish fulfilment " multiple girls? maybe. how is this all possible? we need to see it together. " Together "

Monarch_Ruler · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

CH 8 Meeting Hinata

It's been 7 months since the field test. We didn't have the same field since then but we had some outdoor activities resembling it.

After one month of the field test we had a test in which we needed to hide from each other, in that test we were divided into 2 groups. One being the hunting squad, while the other being the hiding squad.

Second time was the same, just the roles were reversed. Third time was quite different, in that test we needed to find something hidden by another squad, in fourth the roles were reversed. Fifth, sixth and seventh were just like the field test, just that there were team's and other classes were included.

Now there will be no more tests, it will be like holidays from now on. It's just that you need to go to the academy and take theoretical classes for the written test, which is easy for us because we were done with it last year already.

My time till now was well spent in my view, my chakra control was way better than before, maybe because of the genetic enhancement it was many times better than I had in my memories from before using the cube.

I even went to the ninja hospital to ask them about the procedure to become a medical ninja, they thought I was just a junior who wanted to become someone like Tsunade senju, I didn't correct them and they told me the procedure.

I just needed to become a genin and pass a chakra control test.

My final exam for the academy will be in 3 months, after the theoretical test there will be the three basic ninjutsu tests. Yes the Three ninjutsu were also added to the test, it was just a qualifying exam, they were the bare minimum necessities for a ninja, without it you should just call yourself a civilian.

Today was a snowy day, there was snow falling outside, for normal people you should be inside your house or should be standing near a fire.

But for ninjas this weather wasn't any problem. As a Viltrumite it was not even any different from normal to me, I was roaming outside my house, in the forest near my house.

Nothing else!!, believe me I don't have any other motto! I just love snow!.

As I was looking around to find something, I heard a laugh of children from my right, there was also the crying of a girl mixed in it.

"Found it"

I exclaimed. " Heehee"

" I knew it was around this time"

I didn't waste any time and ran towards the sound.

I saw Three children surrounding a girl, and the girl crying in between them with her head in between her hands.

" Look at her eve's!!She is a monster!"

"Yes! Yes!"


Just as the boy was about to hit Hinata with the stick in his hand, he suddenly felt like he was caught by someone or something.

"Who!! Huhh"

Just as he turned around he saw a big man with long teeth and blood falling from his face, he had an eye in his hand which was bloody, like it was freshly plucked out.

"You.. were… call..ing.. monster!… whom…"

In a creepy voice asked the man. The boy was able to see blood in the mouth of the man, covering his yellow teeth.

"Whom.. mons…t"

Before the man could even complete his sentence, the boy reacted.

"Ahhhh!!.. monster!!"

He didn't even look back for a reaction, shaking his hand out of that man's grip, he ran with tears in his eyes and wet pants. He didn't care about anything he just wanted to run from this monster

Seeing the children run away, the man didn't chase but looked towards hinata.

"You.. Who? Are you..!"

Hinata asked in a shuttering voice with fear in her voice.

"I.. am hungry!!"

The man didn't answer the question but said something and raised his hand towards hinata.

Hinata, seeing the situation, closed her eyes but suddenly opened them and threw a palm towards the hand of the man.


Hitting the palm away, she didn't stop and tried to hit the man's abdomen, with strength above any average person of her age.

The man suddenly dogged her attack with a speed unimaginable from his movements till now.

"You could have beaten those children"

The man said in a different voice than before, it was the voice of a child, and suddenly the man disappeared with a puff of smoke, in his place was standing a boy.

The boy didn't look old, but just a child of age 14 or something, with grey hair.