
Naruto: Reborn as a Viltrumite

A "Normal" and " kind hearted ". really I am a kind hearted!! , believe me!!!. So, he got reincarnated in Naruto World with Gene modifier cube and viltrumite, Kryptonian gene as "starter pack". You will get some adult, some brutal and reality filled scenes. Will try to focus on something which are not focused on by anime. Harem? don't know. "It won't be a wish fulfilment " multiple girls? maybe. how is this all possible? we need to see it together. " Together "

Monarch_Ruler · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

CH 5 Field Test I

One week has passed… During this Time nothing major happened in the academy, I spent the time in the academy listening to different types of tactics used in a ninja mission and a fight against another ninja.

The children in the academy are taught many things, like using different types of ninja weapons, for example shuriken and kunai. Different types of trap tactics, hand to hand martial arts. Many different types of knowledge used by civilians etc. the amount of information taught to a ninja in the academy is more than what a school student in my old world would learn.

The ninjutsu of different types were taught to the students by their respective clan, for civilians you can only learn them from your chunin or jonin teacher. But if I say then the three jutsu taught in the academy and with all the fighting knowledge, a ninja can kill any bandit or human even if they are in a group. Ninja normally only learn some important jutsu, as it takes talent to learn and perform many. Most of the ninja fights are done with the help of taijutsu and a little bit of ninjutsu.

Thing like tree climbing and water walking were also the part of the course, but they were only taught on theoretical level, students were also taught how to apply chakra on their legs to increase their speed and also control it so they don't fall when running or climbing, it was basic information because you didn't want to see a ninja dying because he fell while running at a fast speed.

This week wasn't wasted for me because I not only used it to control my new increased chakra and strength. With my new heightened senses it wasn't difficult, I was able to get normal with my strength.I can say that I am better than I was before.

Tomorrow is the field test and I am perfectly ready for it. With my strength I will be able to get first place. I don't fear showing my talent and power because as a civilian ninja my strength will not bring many eyes on me, and this type of test wasn't something the big people watch.

With a high score at the end of the year, I may be able to get the best sensei there is available. I don't think we will get some big jonin. It will be only a normal chunin or special jounin who can teach us some normal jutsu for our future usefulness to the village.

With these thoughts in my head I slept. In the morning I woke up early, today was the test day. After eating breakfast and washing myself. I ran towards the academy, because of the test there weren't any classes today, we needed to go to the ground near the academy.

After reaching there I found many of my classmates. Giving a normal greeting, I stood at a normal, less crowded spot near the corner.

After waiting for 15 min our teacher arrived, he wasn't alone there were 4 people following him, one being as old as the teacher himself while the other 3 being just a little older than us.

" Listen everyone!!"

"These guys are the invigilator for today test, he is ruma sukisu and other three being his genin students"

He said loudly enough to be heard by everyone while pointing towards the 4 people.

" They are here to rescue you if you are injured somehow"

"Now you all will follow me towards the forest behind the academy where the exam will be held, Now follow "

He shouted while moving towards the gate behind the academy.

Everyone followed them without making any trouble

Reaching the area, it wasn't much far from there, just a 10 min walk.

Our sensei was standing in front of us

" Now you all will collect your scroll from the table behind me, afterwards you will divide into 4 group and follow Mr Ruma and his students to the designated places"

"You all know the rules "

"But I will repeat myself for the people who forget them, you have time till 4 o'clock, around 8 hours, you will find each other in the forest and snatch each other scroll while protecting yours"

"You can use any tactics, even making group, but remember, No severely injuring each other "

"You all will leave the forest at the end of the test, those who arrive late will face a reduction in points, Am I clear!!"

"Yes sensei!!"

We shouted and then followed the instructions. After collecting the scroll, I was divided into the group of one of the invigilator students.

After reaching the area designated to us, we were standing near the area outside the forest, checking our supplies like kunai and necessary items.

With the signal of the invigilator we ran inside the forest, maybe a tactical understanding but nobody attacked each other just after entering the forest area.