
Naruto: Rebirth of Namikaze Minato

This is a fan fiction story that imagines an alternate plot line for the Naruto anime/manga series. In this version, the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze's soul travels back in time to when he was younger, before the events that led to his death protecting the Village Hidden in the Leaves. With his knowledge of future events, Minato is determined to change history and protect his loved ones and comrades using his status and power as the Fourth Hokage. The story explores how Minato's actions in the past could alter the entire narrative, preventing tragic occurrences and potentially providing Naruto with a happier childhood. The author aims to fulfill wishes of fans who wonder "what if" certain pivotal events didn't transpire as they did originally. However, the author notes that initially Minato does not recover his memories from the future right away. The story is described as one to satisfy "Fourth Hokage fan dreams" as Minato strives to cut through the darkness with his "Flash" techniques while upholding his duty to protect the village.

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100 Chs

Chapter 95: The Undying Monster


Seemingly aware of Uchiha Homura's impending all-out gambit, the Cloud Chunin channeled his full chakra. The previously dull and cracked Lightning Gauntlet on his arm regained its thunderous glow.

However, he didn't dare act recklessly. Uchiha Homura's hand scythe techniques were deceptively intricate - carelessly closing in would only put him at a disadvantage. 

Yet he also knew that more advanced hand scythe skills demanded greater stamina and focus. 

From Uchiha Homura's eyes, he could tell the boy intended to go all-out in the next offensive.

Ultimately, he was still a child. Shinobi must not reveal their emotions before securing victory.

Both sides were poised to attack, each plotting to finish the other!


Then, the sound of wind cutting through the air came from the charred forest area as a figure suddenly burst out. A white flash filled the Cloud Chunin's vision.


His opponent from just moments ago collapsed lifeless. The sight left Uchiha Homura, prepared to unleash his Shuriken Shadow Imitation Technique, utterly dumbfounded.

After swiftly dispatching the Chunin, Sakumo turned to see Uchiha Homura's battle stance, realizing his intentions.

"A tenacious kid," he thought inwardly, but there was no time for idle chatter as ferocious thundering came from the forest behind.

Ignoring Uchiha Homura's bewilderment, Sakumo scooped him up and dashed towards Minato and Toriumi Jun's battleground.

"Clang clang!" "Swish swish!"

The two alternating sounds echoed through the dim forest, as flashes of golden brilliance seemed to tear through.

Most striking, however, was Kuriyama Shinzo's deathly pallor and the chilling, sinister grin on his face. 

Blades cut across his chest, revealing glimpses of white bone - he had suffered nearly fatal strikes. Yet despite the excruciating agony twisting his expression, it was unclear if he was laughing or enraged.

His own sword slash forced a slender figure to retreat backwards.

"Huff huff."

Toriumi Jun panted lightly, her blade stained crimson repeatedly.

Kuriyama Shinzo was covered in wounds, blades burying into his vital areas. Yet he remained standing, like an undying demon pouncing towards Toriumi Jun again.

"Does this guy have immortality?"

Toriumi Jun naturally countered, but seeing his slightly crazed expression filled her with unprecedented anxiety.

She had faced foes mightier than Kuriyama Shinzo, but none as persistently vexing.

No matter how fatal the damage, he kept going like a perpetual machine.

His body didn't seem human at all.

The ground where they clashed was drenched in blood. Even for a shinobi's resilience, such blood loss should have killed him several times over.

Kuriyama Shinzo extended his crimson tongue, licking his wounds - the metallic taste seemingly invigorating him further.

That gaze made even the death-defying Toriumi Jun's heart skip a beat.

For what she faced had transcended the human and shinobi realms.

It was simply a monster!


At that moment, a collision came from the edge of their battlefield. Following the sound, a slender figure had been pinned down yet still struggled defiantly.

Two kunai clashed, sparks flying, as Minato forced his left arm to move despite the agonizing pain. Excessive blood loss had rendered it nearly powerless.

Minato's pallor deepened rapidly, though he bit his bloodless lips and persisted.

He couldn't lose - if he did, Toriumi Jun would face their combined onslaught.

Yet he had seen Toriumi Jun's repeated fatal strikes against Kuriyama Shinzo, who merely paused before resuming the fight, seemingly unscathed.

Even the mightiest shinobi would be helpless against such an unkillable foe.

Toriumi Jun had indeed tried inflicting irreversible damage, like decapitation. But Kuriyama Shinzo was an elite jonin - delivering such a blow, even outmatching him, was no easy feat.

"Kid, you okay?" 

Toriumi Jun made an amateur mistake she had never committed before - her attention shifted to Minato's side of the battle when she saw the Cloud Chunin forcing him into a corner. Instinctively, she threw her blade at the Chunin.


The razor-sharp blade seemed to tear through the air itself, forcing the Cloud Chunin to defend.


Toriumi Jun's strength was immense. Even the bulky Cloud Chunin was knocked two meters back after his kunai was struck away.

Minato could have seized this opening for a lethal strike, but he was more concerned about Toriumi Jun's plight.

For when she threw her blade, Kuriyama Shinzo instantly pounced at her with blinding speed. 

Seeing no time to reach her, Minato flung his kunai straight at Kuriyama's heart. Yet Kuriyama showed no intention of dodging.

With his near-immortal body, having his heart pierced meant nothing.

Disarmed, Toriumi Jun could only evade, but she underestimated Kuriyama's explosive burst of speed. The gleaming blade reflected her beautiful face.

If that strike landed, her head would be cleaved in two.


From the dense forest, a brilliant azure radiance tore through space itself.

Hot blood splattered across Toriumi Jun's lovely features, but she instantly leapt away as Kuriyama's sword-wielding arm slowly fell before her. 


The radiance that severed Kuriyama's arm charred a massive tree before dispersing, revealing a white chakra short sword.


As everyone stood dazed, a lean yet solid silhouette appeared before Toriumi Jun and Minato's eyes.

Sakumo turned, a concerned look on his face as he asked, "Are you two alright?"

The pair nodded instinctively, reassuring Sakumo slightly. He then turned towards the bloodied, one-armed Kuriyama, his grotesque features furrowing Sakumo's brow.

"What's going on here?"

(end of chapter)