
Naruto: Rebirth of Namikaze Minato

This is a fan fiction story that imagines an alternate plot line for the Naruto anime/manga series. In this version, the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze's soul travels back in time to when he was younger, before the events that led to his death protecting the Village Hidden in the Leaves. With his knowledge of future events, Minato is determined to change history and protect his loved ones and comrades using his status and power as the Fourth Hokage. The story explores how Minato's actions in the past could alter the entire narrative, preventing tragic occurrences and potentially providing Naruto with a happier childhood. The author aims to fulfill wishes of fans who wonder "what if" certain pivotal events didn't transpire as they did originally. However, the author notes that initially Minato does not recover his memories from the future right away. The story is described as one to satisfy "Fourth Hokage fan dreams" as Minato strives to cut through the darkness with his "Flash" techniques while upholding his duty to protect the village.

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100 Chs

Chapter 81: No Fear

After the Ninja Qualification Exam, Konoha's ninja academy continued with regular classes, not giving the children who had battled for three days in the Forest of Death much rest time. However, they had already exhibited the basic qualities of ninja, and the academy's curriculum was not particularly demanding.

During the morning's theoretical classes, Minato did not pay much attention. In fact, most people at the academy were speculating about who had qualified in the Ninja Qualification Exam. The village's higher-ups had not announced the results, so everyone was in the dark.

Those who had received orders, like Minato, Mikoto, and a few others, remained tight-lipped. Even the usually carefree Kushina Uzumaki was uncharacteristically quiet.

Minato was pondering various matters related to the Ninja Qualification Exam. This time, even he could not make sense of everything that had happened.

Not only were the students unaware, but even a chunin like Kunio Shindō was clueless.

"Minato, come out with me for a moment," said Kunio Shindō after finishing the morning's class.

"Oh," Minato snapped out of his thoughts and followed Kunio Shindō out of the classroom.

They entered the teachers' office, and the first person Minato noticed was Uchiha Homura's silhouette. He recognized him at a glance.

Homura also noticed Minato and looked at him with a complex expression in his black eyes, filled with anger, fighting spirit, and other emotions.

They had just fought each other yesterday, and Minato understood that with Homura's pride, he would not be satisfied with the outcome of a single battle.

However, Minato did not see Homura as a threat because another figure in the room was Sakumo Hatake, the chief examiner of yesterday's Ninja Qualification Exam.

"It seems you two are in good spirits," Sakumo Hatake remarked with a smile, then turned to Kunio Shindō. "Kunio Sensei, I apologize, but for confidentiality reasons, you cannot stay here now."

Kunio Shindō did not object, glancing at Minato. Judging by the situation, these two students were likely among those who had qualified in yesterday's Ninja Qualification Exam.

After all, their abilities had already surpassed the level of academy students. Of course, this was just his guess, and he then left the office.

Sakumo Hatake looked at the two before him, while Minato and Homura observed a woman leaning against the corner, her arms crossed, scrutinizing them.

"Your performances in yesterday's Ninja Qualification Exam were outstanding, and this has been acknowledged by all the village's higher-ups," Sakumo Hatake said, attempting to ease the tension, but it seemed to have little effect.

Minato, on the other hand, remained calm. Qualifying or not was not his ultimate goal; it was about earning the Third Hokage's recognition.

Homura's attitude was different. As an Uchiha, his pride had been shattered several times by the man in front of him.

Previously, he had never thought anyone in his class could match him, but now, Minato Namikaze had gradually become his target to surpass.

"Lord Sakumo, if you have something to say, please say it directly. With your position, I doubt you're here just to announce the higher-ups' praise for us," Minato said, his gaze becoming slightly more serious. He had a feeling that Sakumo's presence did not bode well.

Homura also shifted his gaze from Minato to Sakumo.

"Actually, I'm here to inform you of the Third Hokage's orders," Sakumo said solemnly, and Minato and Homura could not help but tense up upon hearing this.

"The Third Hokage has ordered me, Sakumo Hatake, to lead a squad with Toriumi Jun, Minato Namikaze, and Uchiha Homura as members, to travel to the Land of Hot Water and eliminate the missing-nin from Konoha, Kuriyama Shinzō!"

Sakumo did not beat around the bush and announced the Third Hokage's orders directly. Upon hearing this, the two students' pupils contracted in shock.

Toriumi Jun, standing in the corner with her arms crossed, observed Minato and Homura's reactions with interest.

Their reactions were, indeed, as expected.

"A mission of this level, and you're involving us, who are still academy students?" Homura was the first to regain his composure, as he, being from the Uchiha clan, was naturally more familiar with the ranking system for ninja missions than Minato, who had followed the self-taught path.

Although Minato had spent a year under Jiraiya's tutelage, he had not been taught much about the knowledge that would only be used after becoming a ninja.

Traveling to another country and eliminating a ninja on the wanted list – such a mission would be at least A-rank or higher. Even genin would not be allowed to participate, let alone academy students. Moreover, dealing with a missing-nin, who had managed to defect from the village and survive until now, would undoubtedly be no easy task. The difficulty of this mission was certainly beyond an A-rank.

An S-rank mission!

"What's wrong? Are you afraid?" Sakumo asked with a faint smile.

"It's not that I'm afraid," Homura replied after a pause. "It's just that giving us, who are still students, such a mission is extremely absurd. I'm questioning the authenticity of this mission."

Without a doubt, Homura was a true genius. Regardless of his victory or defeat against Minato, he had already acquired all the basic qualities of a ninja. Questioning the authenticity of the mission was, in fact, reasonable.

After all, anyone who heard about it would find it too absurd.

Toriumi Jun's gaze toward Homura subtly changed, as if she was expressing approval.

Sakumo smiled and picked up a file bag from the table behind him, tossing it to Homura.

"I respect your right to question, and you'll find all the information you need about Kuriyama Shinzō and the Land of Hot Water in this bag. However, if you open it, it means you've accepted the mission, and there will be no turning back."

The bag contained highly confidential information about Kuriyama Shinzō and the Land of Hot Water, which even jonin would not have access to under normal circumstances.

Sakumo looked at the two of them and said, "Don't blame me for not warning you. Consider your decision carefully. This mission is not a training exercise like the Ninja Qualification Exam, where you can stop when you reach your limit. One mistake, and you might lose your lives."

His tone became serious, for no matter what, the danger of this mission was too great, and they would have to risk their lives.

At this point, Homura's hand holding the file bag was trembling slightly. No matter how talented he was, he had never experienced a life-and-death situation.

"I accept," Minato said calmly, taking the file bag from Homura's hand and opening it to browse through the contents.

To an outsider, it might seem that Minato was unaware of the gravity of the situation and the meaning of life and death. However, Toriumi Jun and Sakumo Hatake could see from his profound gaze that it was not because he was unaware.

It was because he simply had no fear.

(End of chapter)