
Naruto: Rebirth of Namikaze Minato

This is a fan fiction story that imagines an alternate plot line for the Naruto anime/manga series. In this version, the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze's soul travels back in time to when he was younger, before the events that led to his death protecting the Village Hidden in the Leaves. With his knowledge of future events, Minato is determined to change history and protect his loved ones and comrades using his status and power as the Fourth Hokage. The story explores how Minato's actions in the past could alter the entire narrative, preventing tragic occurrences and potentially providing Naruto with a happier childhood. The author aims to fulfill wishes of fans who wonder "what if" certain pivotal events didn't transpire as they did originally. However, the author notes that initially Minato does not recover his memories from the future right away. The story is described as one to satisfy "Fourth Hokage fan dreams" as Minato strives to cut through the darkness with his "Flash" techniques while upholding his duty to protect the village.

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100 Chs

Chapter 19: Jiraiya Treat

Although it seems a bit unbelievable, he could probably guess the reason behind Mikoto's actions.

The gentle Mikoto is actually quite perceptive. She likely realized what happened after seeing Minato's anger towards Akasaka yesterday.

Regardless of her friendship with Minato, Mikoto also gets along well with Kushina Uzumaki. 

Not only did Akasaka betray Minato, but Uchiha Homura also used Kushina as bait to provoke Minato's anger.

This despicable tactic is no wonder Mikoto lashed out at Akasaka in her fury yesterday.

However, Uchiha Homura, another main figure in yesterday's incident, did not come to the academy today. According to Mikoto, the incident even caught the Third Hokage's attention since he is the principal.

Uchiha Homura almost injured two students, so he naturally faces punishment. But due to the status of the Uchiha clan, they were allowed to discipline him internally.

Minato knows that involving the Uchiha clan means involving the highest levels of Konoha's leadership, as that clan holds the prestigious role of the Konoha Military Police Force.

Letting them "discipline" Uchiha Homura internally is essentially a form of protection.

Today's classes were just basic training routines, nothing out of the ordinary. The academy does not seem to intend to punish Minato, and Kunio Shindō appeared calm all day, as if yesterday never happened.

After class, Minato continued his usual training routine without slacking off for a moment.

His encounter with Uchiha Homura made him realize his shortcomings, prompting him to quickly improve and become stronger.

His motivation for becoming stronger, however, remains unchanged.

Yet he is unaware that someone has been secretly watching him.

For three consecutive days, Jiraiya has been discreetly observing Minato.

The ninja academy also has days off, and most children would cheer happily after the final class. But to Minato, holidays made no difference.

In fact, he disliked those days slightly because he would be alone all day.

Just as he was preparing to train in the mountains behind the academy, a tall figure appeared before him.

"Master Jiraiya, thank you for your aid the other day," Minato said respectfully with a bow after seeing the man, expressing his gratitude.

If Jiraiya had not suddenly intervened that day, Minato would have regretted not saving those two students for the rest of his life.

"No need for thanks," Jiraiya smiled.

"If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave now."

Ever polite, Minato prepared to head for the mountains, but Jiraiya stopped him.

"Kid, tomorrow's a day off. You don't have to rush your training, you know," Jiraiya said with a faint smile.

"How did you know..." Minato asked in surprise, as Jiraiya seemed extremely well-informed about Minato's affairs, even knowing where he planned to go next.

Rather than answering, Jiraiya simply grabbed Minato by the arm and led him away.

Though puzzled, Minato somehow enjoyed this feeling, especially sensing an unfamiliar warmth from the side-glances of this prestigious village figure who treated him so casually, as if they had known each other for a very long time.

Their encounter naturally drew some attention, as Jiraiya's status was no trivial matter. But the child he was pulling along was not widely recognized.

Finally, the two arrived at the entrance of a barbecue restaurant.

Minato paused hesitantly at the door, only to be shoved inside by Jiraiya.

The restaurant owner was a man in his forties who did not seem particularly awed upon seeing Jiraiya's arrival.

This was because Jiraiya used to frequent this barbecue place when he was younger.

"Jiraiya, long time no see," the owner said warmly, his gaze shifting down to Minato.

"Well, if it isn't Minato. Thank you again for your help last time," the owner smiled.

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow slightly, as it seemed the owner had met Minato before.

"You're too kind, sir. It was no big deal," Minato replied with a smile.

Last month, on his way to the academy, Minato had helped the owner after his delivery truck hit a rock someone had purposefully placed on the road, nearly tipping over the vehicle. Despite only being a child, Minato possessed exceptional strength and steadied the truck for the owner before hurrying off to the academy. The owner had wanted to express his gratitude, but Minato had already disappeared from sight.

"Nowadays, not many kids your age have such good manners," the owner praised Minato, a common compliment from any adult who knew the boy. 

"The usual for us today, please," Jiraiya said casually as he led Minato to take a seat.

There were not many customers yet, as it was still some time before dinner.

"I don't really like being called 'sir,' you know," the owner laughed before heading to prepare their order.

Minato sat stiffly in his chair, appearing quite tense.

"No need to be so nervous. I'm the one treating you, so eat up," Jiraiya smiled.

"Master Jiraiya, why are you...?" Minato asked, puzzled. 

They had only encountered each other briefly during class, without any real interaction.

"So many questions. Don't leave any room for us adults, will you?" Jiraiya interrupted him with a chuckle.

Minato's cautious nature exceeded even some graduated ninja currently on missions. Being around such an insightful child gave one the feeling of having everything seen through.

"To be honest, while your attitude is admirable, you're making life too hard on yourself. A child should act like a child," Jiraiya remarked.

The sizzling aroma of barbecue wafted from their table. Jiraiya picked up a piece and placed it on Minato's plate.

"You may be a ninja academy student, but you're still growing. Don't keep eating just cold rations."

Jiraiya's words and actions left Minato stunned, realizing the older ninja must have been observing him unnoticed - knowing his training schedule and even his eating habits during practice.

"Heh, you figured it out? My apologies for secretly watching you," Jiraiya smiled, seeing Minato's expression.

He studied the ripples in Minato's blue eyes, having anticipated various possible reactions upon this revelation, but the boy's response was unexpected.

After a pause, Minato bowed respectfully to the astonished Jiraiya and said in a trembling voice, "Thank you, Master Jiraiya!"

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(end of chapter)