
Naruto: Rebirth of Namikaze Minato

This is a fan fiction story that imagines an alternate plot line for the Naruto anime/manga series. In this version, the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze's soul travels back in time to when he was younger, before the events that led to his death protecting the Village Hidden in the Leaves. With his knowledge of future events, Minato is determined to change history and protect his loved ones and comrades using his status and power as the Fourth Hokage. The story explores how Minato's actions in the past could alter the entire narrative, preventing tragic occurrences and potentially providing Naruto with a happier childhood. The author aims to fulfill wishes of fans who wonder "what if" certain pivotal events didn't transpire as they did originally. However, the author notes that initially Minato does not recover his memories from the future right away. The story is described as one to satisfy "Fourth Hokage fan dreams" as Minato strives to cut through the darkness with his "Flash" techniques while upholding his duty to protect the village.

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100 Chs

Chapter 14: Minato vs Uchiha Homura

Uchiha Homura's punching speed was extremely fast, and his skill level was not what a student should possess. Even Kushina could only instinctively retreat and had no other actions she could take. 

After all, she had not been in the academy for long, so naturally, she could not compare to Uchiha Homura, who had been trained by the strong Uchiha clan since childhood.


However, just as Uchiha Homura's straight punch was about to hit Kushina's small face, a pale hand, even faster than Homura's, tightly grasped his fist, preventing it from moving forward an inch. 

A light sound echoed in the quiet classroom.

Minato's eyes instantly turned cold, and he stood up, completely losing his usual gentle demeanor. His gaze made even Uchiha Homura's heart skip a beat.

"Heh heh, it worked. Are you angry?" Uchiha Homura then laughed.

"This is between you and me. You shouldn't have involved others!" Minato said coldly.

However, Uchiha Homura didn't seem to care as he said, "Then come and fight me, instead of hiding behind a woman!"

On the side, the beautiful Mikoto's delicate face also turned furious as she shouted, "Uchiha Homura, you're too despicable!"

With her intelligence, how could she not see that Uchiha Homura was using Minato's concern for Kushina to provoke him into fighting.

This tactic was too vile!

Kushina had also regained her senses by this point and was enraged. She swung her fist, about to charge at Uchiha Homura, but Minato extended his other arm to stop her.

At this moment, his azure eyes stared unblinkingly at Uchiha Homura as he said, "You should not have used Kushina to provoke me."

"As long as it makes you fight me, I don't care what method I use!" Uchiha Homura's competitive spirit was intense, and he didn't care what tactics he employed to achieve his goal.

"Fine, then I'll accompany you. Anyone who tries to harm her, I won't let a single one go!" Minato's voice was extremely cold, like a chilling pond.

However, a pleased look flashed across Uchiha Homura's black eyes. He withdrew his fist and said, "Good, then let's go to the training grounds for a duel. This place is too small, and we can't fully unleash our abilities."

After saying that, he walked out amidst the somewhat shocked gazes of the onlookers.

Minato didn't speak and directly followed him. Kushina and Mikoto tried to stop him, but once he had made his decision, he would not change it.

In the entire classroom, only Akasaka had a mocking smile on his face. He thought no one would notice, but the next moment, he met Minato's indifferent gaze.

Although Minato was angry at this moment, he had not lost his rationality. How could Uchiha Homura know about Kushina's relationship with him?

It was obvious that someone had informed him, and the identity of this person was not difficult to guess. Not long ago, Akasaka had made a vicious remark to Minato, but he was very clear that he was no match for Minato.

So, he took advantage of Uchiha Homura's competitive spirit to embarrass Minato and have Homura teach him a lesson.

However, Minato did not immediately confront him. He just gave Akasaka a glance and then left the classroom. But that look made Akasaka lean against the wall, with a slightly dazed expression in his pupils.

The attentive Mikoto noticed all of this, and her brow furrowed slightly. However, due to her concern for Minato, she did not think too deeply about it and left the crowd to go to the teacher's office.

Although she disliked Uchiha Homura, she had to admit that he was very strong. According to some elders of the clan, he had already reached the level of a chunin, or even stronger!

Minato was also very strong, but Mikoto still didn't think he could defeat Uchiha Homura, who had been trained by the clan's strongest members.

On the Konoha Ninja Academy's training grounds, Minato and Uchiha Homura stood facing each other, separated by a distance of several meters. Surrounding them were many students, including some from higher grades.

This was because one of the combatants was a genius from the Uchiha clan!

As for Minato Namikaze, no one had heard of him before.

Kushina had a worried expression on her small face. Seeing the confrontation before her, she also felt a little apprehensive, so she tried to dissuade Minato, saying, "Minato, why don't we just forget about it? Don't make such a big deal out of this because of me."

Upon hearing this, Minato's cold expression suddenly became warm and gentle as he smiled at Kushina and said, "Kushina, don't worry. I have the ability to handle this matter properly; I'm not just being reckless."

His words not only made Kushina pause but also surprised the surrounding students.

Facing Uchiha Homura, what was the source of Minato Namikaze's confidence?

Or was he merely putting on a brave front?

"Minato Namikaze, today I'll let you know the unbridgeable gap between geniuses like us and ordinary people like you!" Uchiha Homura arrogantly declared as he charged towards Minato, whose eyes narrowed as his nerves tensed.

"Stop right there!" However, at that moment, a figure appeared between them, and both of them halted their movements. It was Kunio Shindo.

"What are you two doing here?" Kunio Shindo shouted.

But Uchiha Homura seemed to have anticipated this, calmly replying, "Teacher, Minato Namikaze and I are engaging in the Ninja Academy's traditional sparring matches!"

Indeed, since its establishment, the Ninja Academy has had a tradition of sparring matches, as ninjas prioritize combat abilities above all else.

Kunio Shindo was rendered speechless. He then looked towards Minato; if Minato denied this sparring match, he could stop Uchiha Homura.

After all, for a sparring match to take place, both parties had to agree to it.

However, Minato remained silent, standing there quietly.

"Minato, didn't you say that you consider everyone in the village as family? How could you..." Kunio Shindo knew that Minato was a child with his own thoughts, so how could he act so irrationally?

Minato nodded and then looked at Kunio Shindo with a smile, saying, "Yes, but there can still be conflicts between family members, right, Kunio Sensei? Don't worry; I know my limits."

Kunio Shindo's pupils narrowed as he looked at Minato's calm eyes and then retreated on his own accord.

This child had already made up his mind, and no amount of persuasion would change it!

Mikoto, who had just arrived, could only anxiously watch from the sidelines.

Seeing Kunio Shindo retreat, Uchiha Homura sneered, "Talking nonsense about considering everyone as family, such a self-righteous idea!"

After saying that, his figure became as agile as a monkey as he retreated several meters. In his hand, he now held several black kunai.

Under the midday sun, those jet-black kunai reflected a glossy light, surprising the students present.

Because those were not the training models used at the academy, but real kunai!

The Uchiha clan was renowned in the ninja world for their Sharingan and Fire Release ninjutsu. But besides that, their kunai techniques were also unmatched!

One could say that every ninja in the Uchiha clan was a master of kunai techniques, far surpassing ordinary ninjas!

Swish, swish!

Uchiha Homura skillfully swung his arms, and the few kunai in his hands turned into black afterimages, heading towards Minato in an intricate and challenging pattern.

This method of throwing kunai surprised even Kunio.

(end of chapter)