
Naruto: Rebirth in Sunagakure

In "Rebirth at Sunagakure," Raito's journey begins with a surreal rebirth experience. As a former emergency room doctor, he finds himself reincarnated into the world of Naruto, specifically in the hidden village of Sunagakure, with his memories intact. Born to the Second Kazekage, Shamon, and his wife, Chibi, Raito is not an ordinary child. He quickly realizes his unique position within a village riddled with political strife and historical tragedies. Determined to survive and thrive in this new life, Raito embraces his inherited powers and exceptional talents. With three main chakra affinities—lightning, earth, and wind—alongside the coveted magnet release, Raito's potential is limitless. From his infancy, Raito is conscious of his surroundings and quickly learns the harsh realities of the ninja world. He is driven by a vision to transform Sunagakure into the strongest and most prosperous village, a dream fueled by his strategic mind and profound knowledge from his past life. His meticulous planning for the village’s agricultural and economic development reflects his foresight and ingenuity. As he grows, Raito rigorously trains in chakra control, ninjutsu, and medical techniques. His journey is marked by significant milestones, from mastering the mystical palm technique under Lady Chiyo's tutelage to integrating his magnet release with kenjutsu. His relationships with his family and friends, like his silent and awkward cousin Hue, further shape his character and aspirations. Raito's story is not just about power and strategy; it’s a tale of rebirth, rediscovery, and relentless pursuit of dreams against all odds. "Rebirth at Sunagakure" captivates readers with its blend of action, intricate planning, and emotional depth, promising a riveting experience in the rich tapestry of the Naruto universe.

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10 Chs

Chapter 9: First Day - Assigned Classes

Year 27 Konoha Calendar

Raito woke up early, excitement and nervousness mingling in his chest. Today was the first day of the Academy. He had trained rigorously for this moment, and now it was time to see if his efforts would pay off.

As he entered the Academy grounds, the atmosphere buzzed with energy. Students, both familiar and new, were scattered around, chatting excitedly. His father, the Kazekage, stood on the podium, ready to give the opening speech. Raito found a spot in the crowd and waited.

Shamon's voice boomed across the grounds, commanding attention. "Welcome to Suna's very own Ninja Academy. You have all worked hard to be here, but remember, this is only the beginning. I am going to remind us again, the path ahead will be filled with challenges that will test your resolve and dedication. Sunagakure is a village born from the harshest conditions, and it is this adversity that shapes us into some of the strongest shinobi. You will learn to thrive in these conditions, to grow strong, and to protect our village. Embrace the struggle, and let it forge you into the protectors our village needs. Congratulations on your acceptance, and I welcome you once again to the Academy!"

The crowd erupted in applause. Raito couldn't help but feel a swell of pride as he looked at his father. The speech wasn't overly sentimental, but it captured the essence of what it meant to be part of Sunagakure. At the very least Raito thinks it is so much more simple and genuine than the will of fire speech from the third Hokage. 

After the speech, the students were divided into classes based on their entrance exam results. Raito was assigned to Class A, alongside the top performers, predominantly clan children. As he walked to his classroom, he felt a mixture of curiosity and determination.

Entering the classroom, Raito quickly scanned the room, taking note of his peers. Among them was his second cousin, Hue. Hue was a silent and awkward boy, standing in the corner with an uncertain expression. Raito recalled the time he first met Hue at the family gathering. Despite his awkward demeanor, Hue possessed a strong will and an unyielding determination. Raito vowed to protect him, knowing that Hue was destined to become the third Kazekage and die at the hands of Sasori in the original story. 'Being Kazekage is such a hassle, I will leave that to Hue and control Suna from the background!' Raito concluded after looking at how weary Shamon is everyday.

"Good morning, everyone. I am your instructor, Akira," a stern-looking chunin announced, entering the room. His presence was imposing, and the room fell silent immediately. "Congratulations on making it to Class A. This is where the real journey begins. We will push you to your limits, and only those who can endure will rise to the top."

Raito sat beside Hue, giving him a reassuring smile. "Hey, Hue. It's good to see you again."

Hue nodded slightly, his expression softening. "You too, Raito."

Raito turned to the siblings sitting nearby. "Hi, I'm Raito. What's your name?"

"I'm Kana," the girl replied with a polite nod. "And this is my brother, Kaito."

Kaito grinned. "Nice to meet you, Raito. Heard you're pretty impressive."

Raito chuckled. "Just trying my best."

Akira clapped his hands, drawing their attention back to the front. "Today, we'll start with introductions and then move on to our first lesson. Each of you will share a bit about yourself and your goals. Let's start with you," he pointed to Raito.

Raito stood up, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on him. "My name is Raito. My goal is to become the strongest ninja I can be and to help Sunagakure thrive. I believe in using my abilities to make our village the best it can be."

As he sat down, he heard murmurs of approval and curiosity from his classmates. One by one, the students introduced themselves, revealing a variety of backgrounds and aspirations. When it was Hue's turn, he hesitated before speaking.

"I'm Hue. My goal is to protect this village and... and make my family proud," he said quietly, glancing at Raito for support.

Raito gave him an encouraging nod. Hue had potential, and Raito was determined to help him unlock it.

After the introductions, Akira began the lesson. "Being a ninja, especially one born in Sunagakure nobility, carries significant responsibility. Our village is surrounded by harsh conditions, and our shinobi are known for their resilience and strength. Your first year at the Academy will focus on the following subjects: basic taijutsu, basic shurikenjutsu, basic chakra control exercises, and academic subjects such as language, math, biology, physics, chemistry and history. These fundamentals are crucial for your development as shinobi."

Raito listened intently, not surprised by the curriculum. It was expected that the first year would cover the basics. However, he knew he couldn't rely solely on the Academy's teachings to reach his goals. He needed to push himself beyond the standard curriculum. First, he is going to talk to Akira to see whether he could test out of language, math, physics, chemistry and history. His lessons with Chiyo and his medical knowledge from his previous life went beyond the Academic standard, and he didn't want to waste his time in the classroom. 

Akira continued, "In addition to these basics, we will also cover survival skills and basic weapon training. Your progress will be closely monitored, and those who show exceptional skill and determination will be given opportunities to advance more quickly."

Raito's mind was already racing with plans. He had no intention of spending six years in the Academy. His goal was to graduate in two years, which meant he needed to create his own rigorous training plan. The key to accelerating his training lay in mastering the Kagebunshin no Jutsu, a technique that would allow him to multiply his efforts and learn at an unprecedented rate.

As the lesson progressed, Raito's determination solidified. He would train harder than anyone else, using his knowledge from his past life and the resources available to him. The first day at the Academy set the tone for the journey ahead. Raito knew it wouldn't be easy, but with his family by his side and his determination unwavering, he felt ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.