
Naruto: Rebirth in Sunagakure

In "Rebirth at Sunagakure," Raito's journey begins with a surreal rebirth experience. As a former emergency room doctor, he finds himself reincarnated into the world of Naruto, specifically in the hidden village of Sunagakure, with his memories intact. Born to the Second Kazekage, Shamon, and his wife, Chibi, Raito is not an ordinary child. He quickly realizes his unique position within a village riddled with political strife and historical tragedies. Determined to survive and thrive in this new life, Raito embraces his inherited powers and exceptional talents. With three main chakra affinities—lightning, earth, and wind—alongside the coveted magnet release, Raito's potential is limitless. From his infancy, Raito is conscious of his surroundings and quickly learns the harsh realities of the ninja world. He is driven by a vision to transform Sunagakure into the strongest and most prosperous village, a dream fueled by his strategic mind and profound knowledge from his past life. His meticulous planning for the village’s agricultural and economic development reflects his foresight and ingenuity. As he grows, Raito rigorously trains in chakra control, ninjutsu, and medical techniques. His journey is marked by significant milestones, from mastering the mystical palm technique under Lady Chiyo's tutelage to integrating his magnet release with kenjutsu. His relationships with his family and friends, like his silent and awkward cousin Hue, further shape his character and aspirations. Raito's story is not just about power and strategy; it’s a tale of rebirth, rediscovery, and relentless pursuit of dreams against all odds. "Rebirth at Sunagakure" captivates readers with its blend of action, intricate planning, and emotional depth, promising a riveting experience in the rich tapestry of the Naruto universe.

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10 Chs

Chapter 2: Kazekage Clan

Year 23 Post-Konoha Formation


As Raito observed the "Wind-Shadow" characters adorning Shamon's new hat, it didn't take long for him to realize that he had been born into the ill-fated Kazekage lineage of Sunagakure. From his deductions, it seemed that Shamon had become the second Kazekage after the first had either met with an accident or, worse, been killed. Continuing down the line, the third Kazekage would be puppeteered by Sasori, the fourth would fall to Orochimaru, and even Gaara would be killed by Akatsuki before being revived by Lady Chiyo. Undoubtedly, this position carried a curse!

But I can't panic prematurely. There must be some advantages to being born into the ruling clan of Suna. I can also gain an early understanding of my role in this world.

Initially, Raito had planned to take a passive role in the unfolding story, seeking to gather more information about this world. However, upon realizing that his father and family were at the center of the politics, wars, and bloodshed, he resolved to take a more proactive approach.

First and foremost, survival is paramount. To achieve that, I must acquire personal strength and influence in this world. While attaining Madara-like power may be beyond my reach, I cannot afford to be weak, as I may be dragged into future ninja wars. To grow stronger, I need more information, and the Academy seems like the best place to start. I am grateful I wasn't born in Kiri, where survival even in the Academy hinges on killing. Additionally, to gain influence, I must demonstrate my value to the village as soon as possible.

Raito realized that to build influence, he must earn the trust of those around him. He already had a head start by being born into the most influential family in the village. Next, he needed to establish his own personal influence, and medicine appeared to be a promising path. In the story, Sunagakure was home to Lady Chiyo, a skilled pharmacologist well-versed in drugs and poisons. It wasn't far-fetched to believe that Suna possessed abundant resources for Raito to tap into, combining his existing medical knowledge from his previous life.

"Now that your father has returned, let's have dinner," Chibi cheerfully led her small family into the dining room, abruptly interrupting his plans to conquer this world.

One day at a time. For now, let's enjoy dinner.

Raito let out a sigh.

Year 24 Konoha Calendar

It was warm.

One-year-old Raito lay down with a focused expression. Over the past year, he had been attempting to sense his chakra core, and some progress had been made when he felt a slight sensation beneath his stomach three months ago. Since then, he had been trying, without success, to further develop his chakra and manipulate it.


Suddenly, he felt something click, and a warm sensation began to flow slowly but steadily throughout his body. It seemed as though there were pathways guiding the circulation of chakra. Let's call them Chakra Pathways. Raito observed his body as his chakra moved from one point to another.

This is the beginning of my ninja journey. To become a skilled medic-nin and even perform jutsu like Rasengan, precise chakra control is crucial. I need to master water walking within the next three years or so.

Drawing from his limited knowledge of the Naruto universe, Raito knew there were three steps to practicing chakra control. The first was the leaf exercise, where one practiced sticking a leaf to any part of the body using chakra. The difficulty could be increased by adding more leaves. The second was the tree walking exercise, where one learned to walk vertically up a tree, using controlled chakra at the feet to maintain balance. The final step was water walking, a more challenging version of tree walking due to the unstable surface. Raito planned to dedicate a year to each exercise, preparing himself for the academy.

Though a year might seem excessive, considering Naruto's ability to master tree walking in just one week, Raito couldn't assume he possessed the same talent as characters in the series. He also had to consider the fact that he was still a one-year-old baby while they had already graduated from the academy.

In addition to chakra control, Raito devised plans to enhance his physicality over the next three years. He needed to design a suitable cardio and strength training regimen to prepare for taijutsu training at the academy.

Meanwhile, Raito felt a hint of anxiety because he hadn't been able to gather much information about the political climate of the ninja world. Luckily, he had managed to walk three months earlier. He was eager to find a way to sneak into the family library soon. However, this mission posed challenges due to the presence of maids doubling as ANBU agents assigned to his security. It would raise suspicions if a one-year-old baby were caught reading in the family library. After all, he wasn't supposed to be capable of reading just yet!

(Chibi POV)

Raito has become increasingly active lately. We even discovered him near the door of the library on the second floor last week! I'm concerned that he might accidentally hurt himself during his daily escapades. I may need to request that the ANBU keep a closer watch on him in the coming weeks.

Since his birth, Raito has been an unexpectedly calm and quiet child. He rarely cries or causes any trouble for me or his caregivers. That's why his recent bursts of activity have left her slightly worried.

Moreover, Raito exhibits a level of intelligence beyond his age. Chibi has always felt that he comprehends her conversations with him. There is no hint of confusion. It truly seems like he is paying attention to both her and his surroundings—an inquisitiveness that is uncommon for a one-year-old.

However, who am I to say? Perhaps all babies are like this. I might seek advice from Chiyo. She could consult with her elder family members, as they are renowned medic-nin in our village. Am I overthinking this?

Chibi sighed as she went to find her cute baby to feed.