
Naruto: Pawns are merely sacrifices

Alex grew up in a wealthy family with parents who were both successful businesspeople. From a young age, he was taught to view the world as a series of strategic moves and counter-moves, where success was measured by power and absolute dominance. get it absolute dominance oh and now I'm in naruto great

_Lunar_ · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Another Pawn to add to my collection

As Kuwasa's right-hand man, Alex started to put his plan into motion. He knew that the morale of their troops was low and that they needed a boost of confidence to turn the tide of the war. He started by conducting reconnaissance missions to gather intelligence on the movements of Konoha's forces.

After analyzing the gathered information, Alex proposed a plan to Kuwasu. The plan involved a surprise attack on one of Konoha's main bases, which would create a diversion and allow their forces to push forward on other fronts. Kuwasu approved the plan and ordered the troops to prepare for the attack.

As the sun began to set on the battlefield, Alex and his troops began to move toward Konoha's main base. The air was thick with tension as they approached the enemy's stronghold, knowing that they were about to engage in a battle that could change the course of the war.

Alex could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he led his troops forward. He knew that the fate of Kirigakure rested on his shoulders, and he was determined to lead his men to victory. He had spent countless hours planning and strategizing for this moment, and he was ready to put his plan into action.

As they approached the base, Alex signaled his troops to split up and attack from multiple directions. The sound of battle cries filled the air as they charged forward, their weapons and jutsus at the ready.

The Konoha defenders were taken by surprise, their formations quickly breaking down under the onslaught of Kirigakure's attack. But they were not willing to go down without a fight, and soon the air was filled with the sounds of clashing swords and the explosions of jutsus.

Alex watched as his troops fought valiantly, taking out enemy ninjas with deadly precision. He knew that they could not afford to let their guard down for even a moment, as the Konoha forces were just as skilled and determined as they were.

As the battle raged on, Alex found himself in the thick of the fighting. His sword flashed in the sunlight as he parried blow after blow from the enemy ninja, his eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of weakness in the enemy's defense.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the tide of battle began to turn in Kirigakure's favor. With Alex's strategic guidance and his troops' relentless fighting spirit, they were able to break through the enemy's defenses and penetrate deep into the heart of Konoha's base. As they fought their way toward the center of the base.

Alex stood before a group of Uchiha clan members, each of them with their Sharingan eyes activated and ready to fight. Despite the power that emanated from them, Alex remained calm not showing any concern about the situation he is in.

"Who do you think you are?" one of the Uchiha asked, his voice filled with anger.

as the rest of the Uchiha prepare for the fight to come

Alex didn't budge a muscle. He simply raised his hand and activated his Geass. "I order you to die," he commanded, his eyes glowing red.

"Yes your highness" all of the Uchiha yell before slitting their throats

Alex stood amidst the ruins of Konoha's main base which lay on the land of the mist territory, surrounded by the bodies of his fallen comrades. The battle had been brutal and unforgiving, with casualties on both sides. But in the end, pawns are merely sacrifices to further one's goal. It's funny aren't we all just pawns to the so-called society and yet there are people who can become a king if followed by the people

As he surveyed the scene, he felt no sense of victory or accomplishment. Instead, his mind was focused on the cost of the battle. He walked through the wreckage, checking on the wounded and offering comfort to those who had lost friends and family. Despite his lack of empathy, he knows how humans act, they strive off of familial attachment after all that's how you gain the awe and respect from a fellow human just feeding them a little amount of care and they'll come crawling back like moths to a flame

He knew that the battle was far from over, and that there would be more casualties before the war was won. But he was ready to do whatever it took to make his life easier and longer.

After the successful takeover of the base, Alex and Kuwasa met to discuss the benefits of their victory.

"Congratulations, Alex. You did a great job leading our forces," Kuwasa said with a smile.

"Thank you, Kuwasa. But we lost a lot of good men in the process," Alex replied, his expression remaining stoic.

Kuwasa nodded. "I know it's difficult to lose comrades, but sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good."

Alex remained silent for a moment before speaking up. "Taking this base will provide Kirigakure with more trade routes with other villages, which will strengthen our war efforts."

Kuwasa nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's a strategic location, and we can use it to our advantage. We'll also be able to gather valuable intel from here."

Alex gave a small nod. "I'll make sure to assign some of our best scouts to keep an eye on the surrounding areas and report any suspicious activity."

"Good idea," Kuwasa said. "But we should also be cautious. Konoha won't let this go easily, and they'll likely try to take the base back. We need to be prepared for any counterattacks."

"I understand, Kuwasa" Alex said, his mind already racing with possible scenarios and strategies to counter them.

Kuwasa could see the determination in Alex's eyes and knew he had made the right decision in appointing him as the lead strategist. "I have faith in you, Alex. Keep up the good work."

With that, the two of them parted ways, each heading back to their respective duties. Alex's mind was already working on the next steps, always thinking ahead and anticipating the enemy's moves. He knew that the war was far from over and that they would need to continue to fight and make sacrifices if they were to emerge victorious.

Alex rubbed his eyes as he sat up, yawning. He looked around, his surroundings slowly coming into focus. He was in a small room, the only light coming from a small window high up on the wall. As he looked around, he saw a bird sitting on the windowsill. It was holding a scroll in its beak.

Alex got up and approached the bird, holding out his hand. The bird hopped onto his hand, dropping the scroll into his palm. He unfolded the paper and began to read.

The letter was from Kazu, one of his friends from Kirigakure. In it, Kazu warned Alex to be wary of a ninja known as the Yellow Flash. He described the Yellow Flash as a formidable opponent with incredible speed and skill. Kazu went on to tell Alex about some of the feats the Yellow Flash had accomplished, including taking out entire enemy squads in the blink of an eye. Kazu also mentioned the civil unrest between the kekkei genkai users and the rest of the land of water populace

with a tired look on his face, Alex got dressed and sat in his tent, deep in thought. He knew that the Uchiha clan possessed a unique and powerful Dōjutsu- the Sharingan. The power of this eye could not be underestimated, and Alex knew that if Kirigakure could obtain it,

Alex approached Kuwasa with an idea

"Kuwasa, I've been thinking about our strategy in this war," he said. "And I believe we can greatly benefit from utilizing the Sharingan."

Kuwasa looked at Alex with surprise. "The Sharingan? But that's a Kekkei Genkai exclusive to the Uchiha clan. How do you propose we obtain it?"

Alex replied, "We've already taken out a number of Uchiha during our battles. I suggest we collect their Sharingan and use them to our advantage. With the Sharingan, It could give us the edge we need to turn the tide of this war."

Kuwasa considered Alex's proposal for a moment before responding. "It's a risky plan, but I can see the potential benefits. But if we can pull it off, it could give us the upper hand in this war."

"alright I'll ask for some medic-nin to start removing the Sharingan from the dead Uchiha I'm sure I can find some trustworthy men to get the Sharingan implanted into them" Kuwasa decided

"if you don't mind could I speak to selected candidates for the implantations"? Alex asked his commander, realizing that if he was able to get complete control of those candidates he will be able to use them for his own gain.

1 Year after~

After a year of hard-fought battles and strategic planning, Kirigakure had finally turned the tide of the war in their favor. Alex had played a pivotal role in the victory, earning him a promotion to the rank of Jonin. With this new rank came new responsibilities, as Alex was now in charge of planning the war efforts.

He spent countless hours poring over maps, studying troop movements, and analyzing enemy tactics. He worked closely with Kuwasa and other high-ranking officers, constantly devising new strategies to outmaneuver the enemy.

Alex's dedication and hard work paid off, as Kirigakure continued to gain ground and make advances. Their forces were better equipped, more disciplined, and better prepared than ever before.

Despite the many victories, the war was far from over. There were still pockets of resistance throughout the region, and Alex knew that there was no room for complacency. He continued to push his troops to their limits, always looking for ways to improve and gain an edge.

As the months passed, Alex's reputation as a brilliant strategist grew. He was widely respected among his peers, and even his enemies had grown to fear him and given him the nickname "The Demon Slayer" due to his achievement of killing multiple Uchihas at once effortlessly

"gahh that nickname is going to kill me, it's worse than being called a twink by a bunch of school girls. couldn't they have at least thought of a cooler nickname like the yellow flash or something like Shisui of the Body Flicker?" exclaimed Alexander to himself and Kazu but mostly to himself as he rested on his bed

"how about The Wind Reaper It represents your ability to swiftly and mercilessly defeat your enemies with your chakra-infused wind blade, and how smart you are That allowed you to reap many victories on the battlefield. eh pretty cool right" Kazu said grinning

"That's even worse" Alex Muttered