
Naruto: Path of a Shinobi

Story of an young man who reborn in Naruto AU. =============================== All Rights Go to Masashi Kishimoto

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Chapter 1: Death & Reincarnation (Edited)

It's a lovely Friday evening, I came out of my office and my home was about 700meters from my office, I put on my headphones as usual continued walking to my home, while I was walking, I was reading some manga, where MC hits by truck and dies,

'it's just a fiction and there is no truck-Kun' I thought.

Suddenly I heard someone shouting, "Guess What!" unknowingly I was in the middle of the road, there is a truck few meters away from hitting me.

'This is not real right?' as these thoughts going on in my head, I already felt like my soul leaving my body,

In an instant the truck hit me, as it has hit me, I was obliterated, While I was losing my consciousness I heard the same voice "I'M HERE LIKE A NORMAL TRUCK"

'Truck-run is real!' with those thoughts I lost my consciousness. 




Soon I regained consciousness, and I'm not feeling my body instead I felt like I'm an orb, the place where I'm in is a like a court, and there a bright entity I can't see the entity's facial features.

I heard someone calling "Case Number: 1105984720365". As the number called, I automatically moved and stood on the dock, and the same voice spoke.

"Name: Daniel Blake,

Age: 22,

Parents: None,

Good Deeds: Helped poor by giving food,

Bad Deeds: None.

Life lived: Normal life, worked as a Software Engineer, never prayed to God, Helped the Beggars and Poor every time he can.

Cause of Death: Hit by a truck."

As the entity completed words, something happened he immediately moved towards the bright entity and spoke in a hush tone where it cannot be heard by anyone "your grace, he died sooner than his death date, he should die when he reaches 90 years, he lost 68 years of age, now what should we do now? Your grace"

And the entity bright entity spoke "In that case, transfer his soul to the Samsara's domain ".

"Understood, your grace". He said and moved back to his place and spoke "Case Number: 1105984720365! Under certain circumstances, we cannot give you verdict to move to Hell or Heaven, you will be transferred to another domain, that's all."

'What? what's that supposed to be mean?' as these thoughts racing through my head that entity said, "Case Number: 1105984720365, Closed!" and snapped.

And I vanished from that place and reached another place. And I can feel my body however it is completely white and translucent.

The place where I'm located, is filled with clouds, and there is an entity lying on a cloud and looking at a big screen and controlling it via his hands.

That entity is completely fixated on what he is doing.


"Umm…Sir? May I know what this location is?" I asked, but no response from him.



He then looked at me "Who are you and why are you here?" he asked.

"I don't know." I replied.

"Oh, okay" he then looked at the screen again and looked at me again and spoke "You will be reincarnated, and the world will be Naruto."

'No..God. Please. No'. "Can it be another world, which is more peaceful?" I asked.

"Yes, there is, My little pony" he replied.

"Oh…Am I getting a chakra, or no? When I will be going?" I asked I would rather live as root shinobi than a living as toy horse.

"Alright come forward" in a joyous tone and showed me the screen, "Now I created a character, check, and let me know if it is good or not".

And I looked at the character, the character looks like kid "Keigo Takami" from MHA. And I looked at the character sheet.

Name: ----

Age: --

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Iwagakure

Clan: Ishigami

Nature Type: Doton / Earth Release

 Futon / Wind Release

 Katon / Fire Release

 Suiton / Water Release

 Yoton / Yang Release

 Inton / Yin Release

Kekkei Genkai: Yoton / Lava Release

 Jinton / Swift Release

Kekkei Tota: ---

Skill: Chakra Breeder Generator, Chakra Controller, Observation Haki


Author Note: According to the Naruto Wiki: Lava Style and Yang Release uses same Romanization Yoton. Also, Swift Release and Dust Release / Viz. Particle Style and Swift Release uses the same Romanization Jinton.


"So, how is it?" he asked, "the character is great, is it for me?" I asked.

"No, its for the final boss, you will be fighting at your end".

"What? is it for real?" I exclaimed.

"Yes, for real" he replied.


"Okay, am I getting anything for to face him?" I asked. "No. you will be transmigrated into Root Shinobi".



"Now, bye bye, have a good life".






I woke up in a hospital, I'm in a cradle, beside there is a lady who is sleeping I think she is mom.

Suddenly I heard a voice in mind,

"You have finally born, I have been waiting for this moment, you are the character which you confirmed in my domain, I was just joking at that time, it's been a very long time since I had a company, we will meet after your death. Have a good life".

"Thank you so much God-san" I prayed.





*Time Skip*

It's been 5 years since I came into this world, and I'm currently in the Iwagakure, and my name is Ishigami Ryuuga, my parents Ishigami Keiichi and Ishigami Hanako, they both died in second shinobi war.

The second shinobi war began 6 Months ago, and the current year is Year 54 according to Iwagakure, I guess it would be Year 53 in Konoha.

I'm currently in the house which received from my parents, and it's been a year I have been training in Observation Haki, and the Chakra controlling.

Coming to the chakra, and the Skill which I had is "Chakra Breeder Generator" basically works like "Magicule Breeder Generator" from Tensura. If I used some chakra, this skill would generate the twice the amount of chakra used, including the used amount. Like for example If I use 2% of chakra, I will get 6% chakra in return. However, I would have to be careful in using all the chakra I have. Once I used all the chakra I have I have to sleep for 2 whole days just to regain the chakra, and my chakra also increased exponentially. And the skill "Chakra Controller" is also helping me to control the chakra, I would say I have the perfect chakra control.

I have been doing this for a year, I would say that my chakra levels reached around Low Jonin Levels. (A/N: Having low Jonin level Chakra is high for a 5-year-old kid, who is not a Jinchuriki)

I have also been training on Yoton and Jinton, since it is only a year, I didn't learn that many jutsu's.

In Jinton, I have been training on Soru, I had that idea I had Jinton and Futon, why not learn Soru, so I tried to learn from how in the OnePiece it is mentioned.

Well, coming to Yoton, I learnt Yoton: Shakugaryugan no Jutsu / Lava Style: Scorching Stream Rock. And I perfected it.

I have also perfected Yoton: Rasengan. And Nobody knows I have Kekkei Genkai's all this entire time I have been secretly, since there is no Eye Patch and the Holy peeper in Iwa, I don't have to worry about practicing secretly.

I plan to reveal them after I became Genin. And tomorrow I will be joining the Academy.





Author Note: Thank you for reading the chapter, this is Naruto AU. MC will be Overpowered I plan to make him that. If you have any suggestions do comment, or If you didn't like anything comment those also, I will use them to develop the story further.

Please note that English is not my first language, if there are any mistakes, let me know if its not readable at all, I will rewrite.

If you like this chapter, drop some power stones.

1 Chapter for every 4 Days.