
Naruto: of Shadows and Sharingans

"Life is but a dream... and now they expect me to work? What a drag." Hey there, Nara Shikakuro in the house! Yeah, I know, super original name my new parents came up with, right? But hey, let's not dwell on that. Just call me Kuro. Truth be told, I didn't really choose to be reincarnated. I thought death would bring some well-deserved relaxation, but nooo, they just had to send me to this godforsaken world... sigh It's not exactly what I had in mind. But hey, there's a silver lining—I was born a Nara. And if you know anything about us, you know we've got a reputation for being masters of laziness. So maybe, just maybe, I can get away with slacking off, right? Here's hoping! ---------------------------------------------- Hey friends! I am back with another Naruto fic. Do stick around and follow the story of one new Lazy Nara. Do note, that this story is AU and a PoV oriented story, where the story is told from different perspectives but ultimately focusing on the MC. ---------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Please note that I do not own Naruto, its storyline, or any of its characters. They are the creative works of their respective owners. However, if I post an image with my signature claiming that I drew it, then that particular artwork belongs to me. Speaking of which, the cover isn't mine, I just edited a bit. I will add a cover of my own drawing when I have the time. ---------------------------------------------- Update Schedule: Geee, I will upload as much as I can. But no fixed schedules, as I have a real life job. Join the fun and discuss fanfics and more on our Discord server! Don't miss out on the excitement and camaraderie. Hop in and let's geek out together! Link: https:// discord. gg/ncrYddTrH8 (remove the spaces), or you can DM me on discord: Asura#6727 If you enjoy my writings and would like to support me in my creative journey, consider subscribing to my Patreon. Your support will enable me to write more freely and passionately, without worrying about the financial side. Let's embark on this adventure together and bring more stories to life! Link: https://www. patre on.com/ LuminouShadowBooks (remove the spaces)

LuminouShadow · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter Two: Shikaku I

Edited by our very own Don Fluffles#8962


May 3rd, Year 63, park, Konohagakure


I observed a group of ten or so children from the Ino-Shika-Cho alliance playing happily in the park, while the adults engaged in casual conversations. It had become a tradition for our alliance to gather here every weekend, not only for socializing but also to foster early friendships among the young ones. We understood the importance of cultivating these connections from an early age, knowing that it would benefit them in the future.

Although our three clans may be smaller compared to renowned families like the Uchiha or Hyuga, our collective strength surpassed that of any individual clan. That's precisely why the Ino-Shika-Cho alliance carried such significance within the village. It was through events like this that a sense of belonging and familiarity was instilled, creating a bond that would withstand the test of time.


My attention shifted to the figure beside me, where Shikakuro lay sprawled out under the shade of a tree, his gaze fixated on a bird's nest above. A sigh escaped my lips. Yes, it was true that we Nara had a reputation for our laziness. But there was more to it than that.

I glanced toward the playground, where three of the Nara children were at least attempting to keep up with their peers. And then, there was Shikakuro...

"You should go and make some friends, Kuro," I urged, attempting to nudge him out of his comfort zone.

"What's the point? They're just a bunch of dumb kids running around and getting dirty. If I get dirty, Mom will scold me," He replied nonchalantly.

I let out another sigh, realizing that my son was a true Nara through and through. He had inherited not only our family's laziness but also our intelligence.

"But how can you be so certain that your mom will scold you for getting your clothes dirty? It's your first day here," I reasoned with him.

"I watched Shikaji's mom scolding him when he came back with dirty clothes, so I made a logical conclusion. And I stand by my opinion—those kids look dumb. I don't want to go there, and running around like that seems like way too much work," he replied, punctuating his statement with a yawn.

I sighed softly, realizing that persuading Shikakuro to join in on the fun would be a task in itself. Nevertheless, as a parent, I couldn't help but hope that he would eventually discover the joys of friendship and playfulness. Perhaps, in time, he would understand that getting a little dirty was sometimes worth it for the sake of building meaningful connections.

"Was raising a child always this difficult?" I couldn't help but ponder. Parenting certainly came with its own set of challenges.

However, his behavior couldn't be tolerated. It was crucial for him to interact with the other children from the alliance, especially his own clan cousins. With a firm voice, I told him, "You still need to go and mingle with the other kids, and don't worry about your mom's scolding—I will handle it."

He looked at me, annoyance evident in his eyes, and argued in his baby voice, "Why are you so insistent on me playing with them? Can't I just relax here and watch the birds?"

"Because I said so, and also because you are the heir to the Nara Clan," I replied, emphasizing the importance of his future role. "One day, you will lead the clan, and for that, you need to know your own people and your allies."

I pointed towards the children playing nearby and continued, "Those kids are around your age, and they will be your allies and companions in the future when you become a ninja. If you don't know them, or if they don't know you, how will you lead them? Once you get to know one another, you will build trust, and that trust will be invaluable in times of need. They will watch your back and help you on a rainy day."

Knowing that he wasn't your typical child, I tried to appeal to his sense of reason. He stared at me, appearing bored for a few seconds, before seemingly contemplating my words.

Finally, he nodded and responded, "Umu, umu, I understand what you mean, Dad. Essentially, you're telling me that I need to gather my minions since I'll be the leader. The earlier, the better. Hmm, if I have good minions, I'll have less work to do. That means more time to relax. Yeah! That makes sense. Okay, I will go conquer them."

My jaw dropped as he left me dumbfounded and made his way towards the other kids. Facepalming at the audacity of my three-year-old, I couldn't help but listen as he climbed the jungle gym and addressed the group of older children with an adorable glare.

"Listen up! I am Nara Shikakuro, the heir to the Nara Clan! You know what that means?" he declared with surprising confidence.

The kids, taken aback by his assertiveness, shook their heads in response. Even the Nara kids seemed stunned as they witnessed their young master addressing them from above. Most of the children were between three and five years old, and while kids grew up quickly, a five-year-old wasn't typically known for their profound intellect.

"Sigh, you guys have so much to learn," Kuro said, channeling his inner old man. He pointed towards the eldest Yamanaka child and asked, "Oi, what's your name?"

The shy boy stammered, "Umm, I am Yamanaka Inodai. Nice to meet you, Shikakuro-kun."

Kuro nodded sagely and continued, "Good introduction, Inodai! Everyone, clap for Inodai!" The other kids, unaware of what was happening, obediently clapped, causing Inodai to blush.

"Now!" Kuro pointed at Inodai. "Tell me, Inodai, which alliance is your Yamanaka Clan a part of?"

With newfound confidence, Inodai answered, "The Ino-Shika-Cho alliance!"

"Excellent answer! Good job, Inodai!" Kuro praised him once again, leading the other kids to clap once more.

Next, Kuro singled out an Akimichi child and asked, "And what's your name, little sister?" His smile widened as he interacted with the other kids.

I facepalmed from my spot, realizing that Kuro was the youngest one present. The other parents found his performance cute and chatted among themselves. Although they didn't approach me as the Nara Clan head, they smiled and nodded when our eyes met.

Sighing, I continued to observe Kuro's antics.

"I am Akimichi Choumi. Hi, Shikakuro-niisan," the outgoing girl introduced herself.

Kuro nodded and asked her with a smile, "Tell me, Choumi-chan, what does an alliance do?"

She pondered for a moment before uncertainty replying, "Umm, make friends and eat together?"

The adults smiled from afar at her innocent answer, and Kuro's eyes gleamed with excitement as he grinned mischievously.

I had a bad feeling about this.

"Yes, great answer, little sister. We, as an alliance, need to be friends and have good relations with one another. Yes, also to eat together. But that alone is not enough," Kuro stated, his gaze shifting towards one of the Nara children, whom I recognized as Shikaba's child.

"Shikaichi, tell me, what does every strong alliance need?" Kuro asked, his small grin giving away his ulterior motive. The clever child seemed to catch on, finally understanding the purpose behind all this.

"A strong alliance needs strong leaders, Kuro-sama," Shikaichi answered, bowing slightly.

Kuro's adorable face took on an almost evil smile as he spread his arms and addressed everyone with a loud voice, "Hear that, friends! We are an alliance, and we need to be strong! And for that, we need a leader! And who will be that leader?" He asked, his words resonating with confidence.

The Nara kids had already caught on, so they remained silent, while the other kids stared at Kuro as if he was the coolest kid they had ever witnessed.

"The burden of a leader is huge, as they need to guide all of their friends forward. But fear not! I will take on this challenging task for you. I will lead our alliance to victory!! Who's with me?"

Kuro's enthusiasm reached new heights, his voice carrying an infectious energy that even I didn't know he possessed. The kids, being kids, were swept away by his fervor and cheered in support.

The other adults found it endearing, albeit slightly wary, but as they were already a part of the alliance, they saw the value in having someone with the mentality to lead. They clapped from the sidelines and congratulated Kuro on becoming the leader of the kids.

Kuro nodded in acknowledgment to the adults before returning to me, wearing a smug smile. It both irritated and impressed me as he said, "Well, mission complete, respect earned. Now let me relax; that was some heavy work right there!"

I sighed and lay down on the grass next to my son. Observing him, I noticed that he was truly at peace, as if he had no thoughts occupying his mind.

My wife often says to me, "A Nara without thought is a dead Nara." Our great intellect makes it challenging for us to truly relax, as there's always something on our minds. But here was Kuro, simply enjoying the serenity of the wind.

I chuckled softly and gazed at the sky, watching the clouds float by. "I wish we could achieve true peace one day, just like the clouds," I murmured before closing my eyes.

Might as well rest while I can.


Lumi: I will post the next chapter tomorrow. And hopefully I won't hear too much complain about this story xD Many people don't really even try to read the whole thing before commenting sometimes. But oh well.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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