
Naruto: of Shadows and Sharingans

"Life is but a dream... and now they expect me to work? What a drag." Hey there, Nara Shikakuro in the house! Yeah, I know, super original name my new parents came up with, right? But hey, let's not dwell on that. Just call me Kuro. Truth be told, I didn't really choose to be reincarnated. I thought death would bring some well-deserved relaxation, but nooo, they just had to send me to this godforsaken world... sigh It's not exactly what I had in mind. But hey, there's a silver lining—I was born a Nara. And if you know anything about us, you know we've got a reputation for being masters of laziness. So maybe, just maybe, I can get away with slacking off, right? Here's hoping! ---------------------------------------------- Hey friends! I am back with another Naruto fic. Do stick around and follow the story of one new Lazy Nara. Do note, that this story is AU and a PoV oriented story, where the story is told from different perspectives but ultimately focusing on the MC. ---------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Please note that I do not own Naruto, its storyline, or any of its characters. They are the creative works of their respective owners. However, if I post an image with my signature claiming that I drew it, then that particular artwork belongs to me. Speaking of which, the cover isn't mine, I just edited a bit. I will add a cover of my own drawing when I have the time. ---------------------------------------------- Update Schedule: Geee, I will upload as much as I can. But no fixed schedules, as I have a real life job. Join the fun and discuss fanfics and more on our Discord server! Don't miss out on the excitement and camaraderie. Hop in and let's geek out together! Link: https:// discord. gg/ncrYddTrH8 (remove the spaces), or you can DM me on discord: Asura#6727 If you enjoy my writings and would like to support me in my creative journey, consider subscribing to my Patreon. Your support will enable me to write more freely and passionately, without worrying about the financial side. Let's embark on this adventure together and bring more stories to life! Link: https://www. patre on.com/ LuminouShadowBooks (remove the spaces)

LuminouShadow · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Shikakuro VI


June 22nd, Year 70, Konoha Gates (One and a half years after the Akatsuki's infiltration)


"That was a really tough mission… Can't believe a simple C-rank turned into an A-rank. Sensei, I swear you must have some bad curse on you," I grumbled with irritation as we passed through the great gates of Konoha.

Anzo-sensei, still donning his Jonin attire and sunglasses, shot me a disapproving look, a slight tick forming on his forehead. He hadn't changed much since we first met a year and a half ago. The same old taskmaster, and becoming a father last November seemed to have only made him stricter, pushing us to finish missions quicker...

At least Konohamaru was born, I thought. The little brat already had that troublemaker's face, and I couldn't help but hope he'd give Anzo-sensei a hard time just like we did. Maybe even more so.

"You shouldn't talk like that, Kuro-kun. It isn't sensei's fault that the missions are getting weirder recently. Kumo is really doing their best to keep us on our toes," Izumi interjected softly, her calming presence offering a welcome contrast to my frustration.

Now that was a change.

Izumi still likes wearing purple high colored T-shirt, with her clan's logo on the back, she wears her hair in a ponytail and has been less… annoying…

It had all started after the day she asked me if I had saved the Uchiha from danger. Something shifted in her afterward, and she began to mellow down. Gone were the days of her screaming at me like a wannabe Sakura. Instead, she had become a good friend I didn't mind spending time with.

Though lately, I couldn't help but notice her growing crush on me. It was a sigh-worthy situation, and I didn't want to act like a dense protagonist from one of those cheesy romance novels. I needed to find the right moment to address it, but it was proving to be quite the task.

"Well, you aren't wrong about those Kumo-bastards," Anzo-sensei grumbled, his frustration evident. "We can never satisfy them no matter what. And after the outrageous demands they had after the last Kage meeting, I'm just glad that the Hokage gave them a metaphorical middle finger and told them to shove it somewhere." He spoke profanities under his breath, causing Izumi to look scandalized and reprimand him for his language.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his blunt response and slowed my pace a bit to walk alongside Kabuto.

Kabuto had changed so much since we first met. Tall like me, he now grew his hair longer and got his eyes fixed with Granny Tsunade's help. If people didn't know any better, they would think he was Kakashi-senpai's sibling.

Not only did he undergo physical changes, but his personality had transformed as well. He had gotten healthier and his demeanor was much happier and more cheerful. The orphanage had been doing better, and it seemed to have a positive effect on Kabuto. He had become kinder and more considerate.

It was hard to believe that this was the same boy who served Orochimaru in another life, but now Kabuto was a promising Medical Ninja. Granny Tsunade had even agreed to take him as a disciple once he became a Chunin and met her requirements, which he was almost finished with.

Kabuto had become a true friend, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for how much my involvement in his life had changed him.

As I slowed my pace, Kabuto noticed and asked with concern, "Everything alright, Kuro? Why did you slow down?"

"Just wanted to talk to you a bit," I replied in my usual lazy tone.

"Oh? Sure, what can I do for you?" Kabuto responded, sounding slightly surprised.

"Don't worry, it's nothing much, just wanted to ask about the project we were working on," I reassured him.

Understanding what I meant, Kabuto smiled, "I think I am almost there with the theory. We can already store some of the D and C rank Jutsus. But medical Jutsu is being a bit harder to decipher. I have been reading the scrolls you and Lady Kushina lent me, and I think if we sit through it together, we might be able to make the Portable Healing Scrolls by the end of this year!" He said excitedly.

Indeed, it was a project we had been working on, with the help of Kabuto, Aunt Kushina, and Granny Tsunade. We were making good progress, but the healing Jutsus seemed stubborn about staying inside a sealed scroll.

I nodded at him and we continued to talk about some mundane things as we made our way to the Hokage's office.

Sensei opened the door, and as the receptionist gave us the okay to enter, we found ourselves in a room filled with mountains of paperwork, with both Uncle Minato and my dad, along with their shadow clones, hard at work to get everything in order. The office had been hectic lately due to Kumo's continuous aggression, as I had heard from my dad.

Kumo was being annoying, not daring to attack us directly or declare war, but causing enough trouble to provoke us into making the first move. If this continued, we might end up in a war, and that was something I hoped to avoid.

However, despite the tensions, Konoha was stronger than ever. We have 4 Kage level Ninjas on display, while there were also people hidden in the shadows like me and Anzo-sensei. Uncle Minato had grown even more powerful since becoming the Hokage, and he had trained his personal guards in a supplementary version of the Flying Thunder God technique, which was even better than the one in the canon.

As for me, I had successfully deciphered the Flying Thunder God seal and combined it with my Shadow Travel technique, creating a formidable and dangerous combination.

Uncle Minato finally noticed us and gave us a strained smile. "Ah, Team 1, you're already back? I received information that it was another twisted mission," he said, sounding apologetic.

But I knew it wasn't his fault. The twists and turns in our missions seemed to be mere coincidences. For example, in a recent mission where we were supposed to spy on a merchant, we unexpectedly ended up fighting a different rogue ninja group trying to rob him. It was just one of those unpredictable situations we often found ourselves in.

And the same pattern continued with other missions too, like when we were sent to deliver a parcel to the Land of Honey, but on the way, we stumbled upon Jashin worshippers attempting to sacrifice a village. Or that time we were supposed to capture a rogue ninja, only to find that he was working under a high noble of the Wind Country, leading us down a rabbit hole of trouble. Not to forget the time we accidentally awakened a nest of fire hornets during a mission. Kabuto and Izumi's faces were priceless after that incident.

And now, here we were, reporting on yet another mission that was supposed to be a simple escort for a high noble's daughter from Konoha to the capital. Instead, we ended up facing a group of mercenary ninjas sent to kidnap her by some troublesome merchant's son. Sigh... mission complications seemed to be a recurring theme for Team 1.

Uncle Minato's expression turned serious as he listened to Sensei's briefing, and I could tell he had something important to share with us. But just from the look on his face, I knew it will be troublesome…

"Well, as you know, Kumo is consistently being an annoyance, trying to probe our stance and strength. They already know that we are strong enough to take down Kage-level opponents with ease, and that's the only reason they haven't made any unnecessary moves. But we believe we need to give them a show to make them understand that our younger generation is just as strong," Sensei explained, his gaze locked with mine.

I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. I knew I wouldn't like what was coming next.

My dad took over, "We want you to take part in the Chunin exam that will be held in Takigakure in 2 weeks' time. From what we know from Jiraiya-sama's spy network, Iwa, Kumo, and Suna will also send teams to this exam. It's become more than just a regular Chunin exam; it's an opportunity for the villages to assess each other's younger generation's strength. All of you have been trained by Anzo to be the best you can be, and from what he has told me, you are more than qualified for a field promotion to Chunin. With some experience as a leader and improving in a few other categories, you can become Jonins in a year or two. We want Team 1 to represent Konoha, and we won't send any other team this time. We want you to leave an impact on our enemies and show them why they should never entertain thoughts of war with Konoha."

Izumi and Kabuto nodded in agreement, but I remained serious, considering the implications of this mission. "You want us to show them that thinking about war with us is folly," I said, trying to fully grasp the seriousness of the situation.

Uncle Minato continued with a grave tone, "Yes, exactly. We have faith in your abilities. However, there are some restrictions. I want you to refrain from using your bloodline Shadows, and only use your clan's techniques and Kenjutsu if you need to. Also, refrain from using Rasengan and Rasenyari… and most definitely, don't reveal your flames... not yet."

I nodded, understanding that these restrictions were necessary to avoid revealing too much of my capabilities at this point. It was a fine balance between showcasing our strength and maintaining an element of surprise for the future.

Not to mention, with just Kenjutsu alone I can prolly take on average Jonin. Old man Anzo's training was… nothing less than monstrous…

"I think I'll go the Aunt Kushina route and be known as a sword demon. I wonder what they will name me? Shadow Blade? Black Swordsman? Black-Haired Mega Cutter? Hmmm, I really wonder," I mused aloud.

"Careful, kid. They might call you the big-headed swordsman instead," Sensei jested from the side, but I chose to ignore him.

"So, I guess we'll be leaving for the Chunin exams soon, huh?" Kabuto asked calmly.

"Yes, indeed. We want you to leave in 3 days. Pack up your things, say your goodbyes, and be ready to do your best at the exam. The village has a lot of expectations for you three. Alright, now you are dismissed, except you, Kuro," Uncle Minato said, and Izumi and Kabuto, used to this routine, left after bowing.

I stayed, curious about what else was on Uncle Minato's mind, especially as I noticed my dad looking a bit distressed and Anzo-sensei remaining silent.

Uncle Minato sighed before pushing a file towards me. I raised my brows in surprise as I read the contents, finding the information ridiculous.

"What are they trying to pull? They are sending 5 teams to this exam, and 2 of them are being led by the 2 Jinchurikis? Now I'm really sure that something is wrong with the Raikage," I muttered, trying to figure out the motives behind Kumo's decisions. Is this some sort of bait, signaling that their greatest weapons were out of the village, making them vulnerable to attack?

Or do they have a specific mission out of the village… Something that the Raikage only trusts his Jinchuriki's to pull off?

Or perhaps something else is happening. I know that Raikage A loves his brother and wouldn't let him leave the village like this without a reason.

What's going on? What am I missing? There's more to this situation than meets the eye, and I need to figure it out.

Uncle Minato nodded in agreement as he replied, "That is exactly what I am feeling as well… Something is happening in Kumo… they are planning something…"

"So, what are my orders?" I asked, steeling my gaze.

"Alongside participating in and winning the Chunin exams, you are also going to spy on every important individual that will be present. Find out what we are missing. Find out if this has anything to do with that masked man and his Akatsuki group," the Hokage ordered with a firm tone.

I nodded in acceptance.

"Kuro, you are one of our best assets, so make sure to prioritize your own safety. But, if you find out that the enemies are plotting against us, take them down if you are able to. I have full trust in your skills," my pops added, his voice laced with pride and concern.

I knew the hidden meaning behind their words… They will never deliberately tell me this, as even though they know my capabilities, to them I was still a preteen whom they have seen growing up in front of them.

Feeling a strong hand on my shoulder, Anzo-sensei gave it a light squeeze and spoke, "You are ready. Show these bastards that messing with Konoha means death," he finished ominously.

And I can only count on my Sensei to speak it bluntly. Death to our enemies… Uncle Minato has gotten good with his subtlety. Not only has he given me order to hide my true powers, he has also ordered me to use them as I see fit. If I was a lesser Ninja I might have missed his indication.

All I could do was nod and prepare myself for my mission. It was time to be the shadow, the protector, and the avenger. Whatever Kumo was plotting, they wouldn't succeed while I was around. I had a village to protect, and nothing would stand in my way.

"So you will finally be a Chunin, huh, Kuro-kun?" Izuna said with a sweet smile as we sat on top of the Hokage mountain, looking over the village while enjoying our dangos.

"I guess I am," I replied absentmindedly, my thoughts drifting to the past.

"You are taking your sweet time, you know. I have been waiting for you," she said softly, teasingly.

I chuckled at that. She was right. It had been quite a journey to reach this point. "I thought I would just be getting out of the academy right about now… But alas… not all plans work, now do they? Here I am, getting ready to be a Chunin," I said, feeling a hint of nostalgia.

Izuna laughed and said hopefully, "But, this does mean that we can team up from now on."

I smiled at her, "I guess it does. But I heard they were going to promote you soon."

She nodded, answering, "They actually offered me to join the ANBU, but I hesitated… The village is peaceful, even with Kumo trying to test our patience. The Uchihas are respected, and since the death of Danzo, we have been getting quite close with the whole village… And thanks to you, saving us during that attack from the Masked Man, we have been thriving… My father has been less distant, and he even spends time with Sasuke more… Things have been good… I don't think I need to join the ANBU to gain strength any longer… I think… I have enough."

I looked at her curiously, trying to understand her words, "You have enough of what? Strength?" I asked, puzzled.

She looked at me with a gentle smile, adopting my teasing tone, "Who knows? Maybe you will find out one day."

"Tsk… Stop using my own words against me," I sighed softly before smiling back at her. "But really? You sure you don't want to be in ANBU?"

"I am sure, Kuro-kun. I don't think ANBU is meant for me. I believe Shisui-san is doing a good job as my clan's representative," she replied, looking serene and content.

"Ah, Uchiha Moves-a-lot is actually doing really well. Uncle Minato only has praises for him, and I heard they will soon make him a captain," I said, thinking about Uchiha Shisui, who had grown into his potential and found his place in this timeline.

"You really need to find better nicknames for people, Kuro-kun. It's kind of disrespectful, you know," Izuna reprimanded me softly, her lips betraying a hint of amusement.

"Aww? But I only give nicknames to people I adore," I replied, feigning innocence.

However, my response seemed to have unintended consequences. Izuna fell silent for a moment before speaking softly, "You never gave me a nickname." Looking specially sad.


My heart skipped a beat looking at her face. Stop it heart. I know you think she is cute, but we aren't really a preteen, even though our hormones say otherwise…

Taking a deep breath, I managed to calm myself down with the help of my chakra. I turned towards Izuna, looking into her eyes. She seemed nervous, softly biting her lower lip as she spoke. My heart raced again, but I had to stay composed.

"I guess I haven't, huh? But honestly… I like calling you by your name. I've been calling you Izuna ever since we met. I guess I just got used to it. Calling you Izuna is what feels normal to me, and it makes me feel closer to you," I said, trying to sound sincere.

Inside, I was panicking. How was I going to handle this situation? I needed to find a way out of this without making things awkward between us.

Izuna looked at me for a moment, seemingly contemplating my response, before softly asking, "Really?" She waited for my answer, her eyes searching for the truth.

I swallowed nervously, trying to maintain my composure. "A-a-yes. I like calling you by your name. So, I never gave you a nickname," I stated with conviction, hoping my words would be enough to avoid any awkwardness.

But to my surprise, Izuna started laughing. "Really, Kuro-kun? For someone so smart, you are so easy to tease," she said, her eyes twinkling with mirth.

I was flabbergasted. "Who are you? And what have you done to my best friend?" I asked in genuine amazement.

She kept laughing and leaned on my shoulder. "It is still I, your 'best friend,' my dear Kuro-kun," she said with a contented smile. "I didn't think you would be that flustered by my little prank. I don't mind what you call me, Kuro-kun. I actually adore the fact that you call me by my name; it makes me feel closer to you."

I sighed, feeling both relieved and irritated. "Since when do you make jokes like this?" I asked in an irritated tone.

"Well, I have been spending some time with Lady Kushina whenever I have time to bring Sasuke to play with Naruto-kun. She loves sharing stories, you know… And she specially adores you, as many of her stories involve you," she explained.

"I see… you really are a troublesome woman, you know that?" I said with exasperation.

"You know, Kuro-kun, when you sound like that, you aren't cute at all," she teased, her playful tone making me wish for divine intervention to save me from this embarrassment.

"Really… What a troublesome Uchiha…" I muttered.

Although a smile never left my face.


Well. Guess our little Kuro is going to take his Chunin exams. Anyone want to input ideas about the exams? Feel free to do so, I might even incorporate your ideas. The exam will be held in Takigakure, with many small villages and teams from Konoha, Iwa, Suna and Kumo joining for the exam.

Don't forget to check out the Discord and Patreon links in the synopsis. Join our community and get in on the fun discussions!

Fluffy Fluff, FLUFF fluff. Though Chunin exams are coming.

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