
Naruto: My Unique System

Sakamoto Tatsuma found himself transmigrated as a war orphan in the world of Naruto, where he quickly realized his seemingly limited potential to become a ninja. Just as hope began to wane, an unexpected invitation arrived, inviting him to join the ninja academy, accompanied by a surprising sound. [Ding! The system has awakened!] Upon careful experimentation, he discovered that his system bestowed him with attributes through challenging and defeating others, be it in training, consuming food, or engaging in games. Victory allowed him to continually enhance his potential and even extract unique talents from those around him! Space-time talent! Ninja Tool Throwing talent! Sensory Talent! Gradually, the once seemingly untalented boy, destined for a bleak future, started unveiling boundless potential! ---- You can get advanced chapters on my Patreon patreon.com/HellGolt

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247 Chs

Chapter 118: Sensory Ninjutsu

"I already know about your collaboration with that Might Duy. But as a ninja, you shouldn't care too much about money. It will only affect your path to becoming an excellent ninja. Do you understand?"

In the territory of the Senju Clan, Tsunade said to Tatsuma with a serious expression. Tatsuma nodded solemnly and replied, "I understand, sensei. My primary focus will still be on training and learning."

Tsunade nodded and pulled out a somewhat old scroll, saying, "This contains some of my grandfather's insights on Sensory Jutsu. Take it and study it well."

"Thank you, sensei."

Tatsuma took the scroll, which had likely gathered dust for many years. He felt a surge of gratitude towards Tsunade. It must have taken her a lot of effort to find it, right?

Also, the fact that his sensei would say something like "ninjas shouldn't care too much about money" was surprising. Indeed, even a gambler wouldn't want to pass on their bad habits to their successors, would they?

"Cough, cough~"

Tsunade's cough suddenly interrupted Tatsuma's thoughts. A hint of embarrassment crossed Tsunade's face, then she said, "Since you understand this principle, then I'll hold onto the profits from this collaboration for you."

"Profits? What profits?" Tatsuma's face showed a hint of confusion, then turned speechless. It seemed he had wasted his emotions; his sensei was indeed not a good person!

Seeing Tatsuma's changing expression, Tsunade furrowed her brows and said, "You organized so many ninja students, established a business association, and you have no profits for yourself?!"

"Sensei, are you mistaken? I just helped create a platform for everyone to start their businesses. I don't produce goods, participate in sales, or take a share of the profits."

Tatsuma said matter-of-factly, but Tsunade stood up directly, pointing at Tatsuma with a face full of indignation, saying, "So you've gone through all this trouble just to help others make money?!"

"It wasn't much trouble, just something I did on the side. Besides, didn't you also say that ninjas shouldn't care too much about money?"

"Damn it! How do I have such a foolish disciple like you? What about Minato? Does that guy get a share of the profits?"

Tsunade glared at her disciple through gritted teeth. Tatsuma shrugged and said, "Minato also doesn't take a share of the profits. Kushina, on the other hand, can take a share, but she needs to produce sealing scrolls."

"It must be that Jiraiya guy who taught you all to be stupid!"

After saying this, Tsunade stormed out of the room in a fit of rage, not knowing who to turn to. Tatsuma pondered the scroll in his hand, suddenly feeling like he hadn't lost out after all.

After all, if he had taken a share of the profits, Tsunade would have definitely used this scroll to take away all his earnings. But since he had no earnings, it was as if Tsunade had given him the scroll for free.

Thinking about it this way, he hadn't lost out at all. In fact, he might have even gained something. Not taking a share of the profits had earned him some goodwill from his classmates, and that was something Tsunade couldn't take away.

Tatsuma didn't leave; instead, he opened the scroll in Tsunade's room and began to read.

It didn't contain any Ninjutsu, but it was indeed Senju Tobirama's understanding of Sensory Justu. However, even this master of forbidden techniques didn't summarize Sensory Jutsu into a mature, systematic jutsu.

It mainly described integrating Sensory Jutsu into the Five Elements Releases. For example...

After setting down the scroll, Tatsuma formed the Snake Seal with his hands, then immediately followed with the Seal of Confrontation with his right hand. He pressed his fingers onto the ground, and his chakra swiftly flowed into the earth.

The Snake Seal was a crucial hand seal within Earth Release, used to communicate with the earth. It was commonly seen in both Earth Release and Wood Release techniques. With the assistance of the Snake Seal, Tatsuma's chakra dispersed rapidly and extensively.

He also faintly sensed numerous chakra signatures within his sensory range, as well as a swiftly moving mass of chakra that was about to leave the sensory range—likely Tsunade, who had just left.

Within his sensory range, there was another mass of chakra, heavy and immense like a mountain. Tatsuma instantly lifted his right hand from the ground, taking deep breaths.

In the room of Uzumaki Mito, from afar, she set aside her pen, which she had been writing with, and looked in Tatsuma's direction. She said, "Tobirama's techniques? You learn fast."

Returning to his senses from the awe of witnessing such a massive presence, Tatsuma's expression of surprise and post-fright receded, replaced by a hint of joy. The sensation of Sensory Jutsu just now was much clearer compared to the vague sensations he had experienced before.

He picked up the scroll again and quickly read through it. Soon, he came across Tobirama's notes on another type of Sensory technique. After reading it twice, Tatsuma set down the scroll once more and formed hand seals again.

This time, he formed the Dragon Seal, which felt most natural to him. Then, he extended his palms forward and intertwined his fingers, similar to the Snake Seal but with a difference: while the Snake Seal's knuckles faced upward, Tatsuma's hand seals were oriented forward.

This was one of the special seals documented by Tobirama—The Seal of All of the Nine Characters Seal, also known as the Buddhist outer binding seal. With the combination of both seals, Tatsuma's chakra dispersed like the wind, sensing the chakra in the surrounding air through Sensory.

Senju Tobirama's recording and application of Buddhist hand seals were within Tatsuma's expectations. After all, Tobirama's brother, Senju Hashirama, was a Buddhist enthusiast. Hashirama's Ninjutsu techniques for dealing with Tailed Beasts were inspired by the Ten Ox-Herding Pictures.

This preference wasn't exclusive to Senju Hashirama; it had been present since the emergence of the Senju Clan. After all, "Senju" carries significant connotations. Thousand (Sen) Hands (Ju).

As Chakra extended and roamed with the wind, although it was slower in speed compared to the previous method, it could capture Chakra users who were not grounded, such as airborne Ninja Hawks, and even some special insects almost imperceptible on grass, trees, and walls.

This time, Tatsuma didn't use it towards Uzumaki Mito's direction. After all, the overwhelming pressure was difficult to adapt to. After a simple Sensory session, Tatsuma withdrew his Chakra.

Continuing to read Senju Tobirama's notes, they were all about his experiences. Senju Tobirama even mentioned that with a thorough understanding of Chakra Nature Transformation, one could dispense with the prerequisite hand seals.

This reminded Tatsuma of when Senju Tobirama used Sensory Jutsu himself; he could perform wide-range Sensory Jutsu with just two fingers touching the ground, without needing to communicate with the earth using the Snake seal like Tatsuma.

"It's a pity that Minato can't learn the first type of Sensory Jutsu" Tatsuma lamented for his friend. Minato didn't have Earth-affinity Chakra. He struggled even with basic Earth Release Ninjutsu like Subterranean Voyage or Double Suicide Decapitation Jutsu, let alone communicating with the earth.

Among the five Chakra natures, Earth Release and Wind Release were most helpful for Sensory Ninja. There are places without lightning, water, or fire, but there's always earth and wind.

The latter three were Sensory techniques useful only in specific situations, while earth and wind could be useful anytime, anywhere. However, Minato could only learn and use one of them.

However, Tatsuma didn't immediately go to find Minato. After all, Senju Tobirama was the author of this scroll, and Tsunade was the one distributing the scrolls. They were family and had the authority to decide. If Tatsuma wanted to distribute the scroll additionally, he needed to consult Tsunade's opinion.

But Tatsuma didn't plan to ask right away. It's not that he didn't want his friend to learn sooner, but given Tsunade's current mood, if he went to ask now, he'd probably get a scolding.

He valued friendship, but he valued his own well-being more.

The next day, Tsunade's departure with her team was postponed due to an unknown attack on Jiraiya the previous night. Minato, worried during his early morning training, was eager to find out the truth about his sensei's injury and catch the culprit.

What he didn't know was that the real culprit had just returned from the casino at dawn and was probably just entering into slumber. As for Tatsuma, who had already guessed the truth, he wouldn't report it. After all, family matters should be kept within the family.

The three who were supposed to depart a few days earlier to investigate the movements of the Iwagakure ninja within the Land of Rain had to postpone their departure for several days and set out with the rest of the team.

Tatsuma and Minato were also included in the large team, after their nearly two-month holiday break, they were assigned to the reconnaissance team and would accompany the team to infiltrate the Land of Rain.

Their short-term task was only to lurk in the Land of Rain. Whether they would be deployed specifically depended on the success of Tsunade's team actions.

If Tsunade's team operation went smoothly, investigating the movements of the Iwagakure ninja and successfully delivering the intelligence to the leader of the Land of Rain, Hanzo, then their unit would only need to withdraw from the Land of Rain after Tsunade's team completed their mission.

But if Tsunade's team encountered obstacles in their operation, being discovered by the Iwagakure or Rain Ninja, then they would have to act as a support team and provide assistance to Tsunade's team as quickly as possible.

For such a team, the members' reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance abilities were extremely demanding. Tatsuma and Minato were included because of their outstanding Sensory talents.

Jiraiya, who had just been discharged from the hospital, looked at Orochimaru, who had been worrying, and asked, "Orochimaru, why the long face? The mission may be difficult, but with the understanding between the three of us, we will definitely succeed."

Tsunade nodded and said, "Sensei also mentioned that if necessary, we can apply for support at any time. But looking at you like this, one might think the village sent us to our deaths."

"Although that's true, I have a foreboding feeling."

Orochimaru sighed, and before Jiraiya could say anything, Tsunade suddenly burst into laughter, patting Orochimaru on the shoulder. Even without using her monstrous strength, Orochimaru's pale face turned purple under her palms.

Tsunade seemed oblivious and continued, "You're getting awfully close to that brat Tatsuma! You even started talking like him. But let me make it clear, he's my disciple. If you want to mentor someone, go mentor your own disciple."

Though Jiraiya didn't know what exactly Orochimaru meant by "foreboding feeling," he laughed along with Tsunade, but it was too hearty, causing him to cough due to his injured diaphragm.

Orochimaru shook his head, looking at his carefree teammates. The worry between his brows never seemed to dissipate. He glanced back at the support team, thinking about the consequences the battle between Konoha and Iwagakure ninja in the Land of Rain might bring, and silently mused:

"If we truly need their support, then the three of us will likely be the true culprits who trigger a major ninja world war."


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