
Naruto : Moonlit Thunderclap

Our Mc gets transmigrated in the Naruto world but he gets transmigrated as an hyuga. Will he change the fate of the hyuga clan or will he succumb to the curse? What to expect from this fan-fic? 1. There will be romance but it will be builded upon slowly. 2. Lots of training for the Mc, he won't get overpowered without training. 3. I will take inspiration from other anime but not in the way you might think. I took heavy inspiration from Naruto : The Wind Calamity by Devil_Hex major shoutout to the goat. I take criticism but in a good way don’t come here and bash the story for no reason.

Beyblade_Enjoyer · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 5: Elemental Affinity

Kaminari had finally settled into the Hyuga clan compound after a long journey. Tired and hungry from his journey, he wasted no time indulging in a delicious dinner before retiring to his quarters for some much-needed rest. The next morning, he woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world.

As he looked out of his window, he marveled at his luck in being born into the main branch of the clan. However, he knew that if he wanted to make a real difference and change the fate of the next generation of the Hyuga branch family, he needed to acquire more power. One of his major goals was to remove the bird cage seal that kept the branch family in check and merge the two branches as one united family.

As the door creaked open, Hayami's face appeared and she greeted him with a warm smile. She gestured towards the food hall and asked if he would like to have some breakfast. He nodded in agreement, and she led him through a maze of houses. As they passed by, he noticed that many of the clan members were staring at him in surprise, likely due to his shining golden eyes. Finally, they arrived at the food hall, where the aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air. He sat down and enjoyed a delicious breakfast, filling himself up until he was completely satisfied.

As he finished his breakfast, his face became serious, and he turned to Hayami with a request. "Aunty, I want to train. Can you help me with it?" His eyes were filled with determination, and he waited anxiously for her response. Hayami looked at him and nodded, telling him that the Academy was taking in a new batch of students in six months. This was the perfect opportunity for him to train and hone his skills.

He nodded in agreement, and then Hayami asked him a curious question. "The nurse told me how you can change the color of your byakugan. Is that true?" Kaminari gave a small nod, and then he explained that he hadn't unlocked his byakugan yet and that he should ask one of them for guidance. Hayami understood his situation and quickly reassured him.

She said, "Alright Kaminari, I was a chunin before retiring from the shinobi forces. I will help you train for the coming months." Kaminari's face lit up with excitement, and he felt grateful for her support. He knew that with Hayami's guidance, he would be able to become a skilled shinobi in no time.

As Kaminari stood in front of his chunin aunt, he couldn't help but think that having a Jounin by his side would be even better. He narrated in his mind, 'Alright, a chunin helping me in the early stages is very nice, although a Jounin would be nice, it would also be overkill.

Before they started their training, his aunt, a wise and experienced woman, laid down some ground rules. "Alright, once you can change the color of your eyes, I want you to use the normal white color whenever you are out of the compound. A lot of people are greedy and would probably want your eyes," she cautioned. Kaminari's eyes widened in realization as he thought about the implications of possessing a golden byakugan. He knew that it could be dangerous and that he needed to be more careful in the future. One silly mistake, and he could die.

"I understand, aunty. I won't be naive and risk myself," he promised, showing a level of maturity beyond his age. The mentor was impressed and smiled, giving him some basic rules to follow before telling him to follow her back home.

After returning home, she gestured for him to sit down on the couch and took out some items from her bag. "This is chakra paper," she explained, holding out two sheets of paper. "We can use this to determine your Elemental affinity." Kaminari nodded in understanding as he looked at the papers. She then proceeded to demonstrate how to use the chakra paper. She took one sheet and held it between her fingers. She poured chakra into it, and as a result, around seventy-five percent of the paper became damp while the remaining twenty-five percent crumbled into dust.

I possess a strong inclination towards Water as my primary element, while Earth serves as my secondary affinity. This combination of elemental traits allows me to bring balance and stability to various situations.

As he watched closely, she demonstrated how to channel chakra into a sheet of paper with perfect precision. He listened attentively and then attempted the task himself. After a few minutes of intense concentration, he managed to complete the task successfully. However, he noticed that fifty percent of his paper started to wrinkle, thirty-five percent became damp, and the remaining fifteen percent caught fire and started to turn into ash.

Hayami's eyes widened in complete shock, and her mouth gaped open. She was amazed by his extraordinary abilities and realized that he had three affinities, with water being the closest to his lightning. She knew that this kid had the potential to become a great shinobi. After the initial shock, she composed herself and told him about his affinities.

Hayami chuckled at the irony that Kaminari's name was linked to Lightning, given his main affinity for the element. Kaminari laughed at her joke and expressed his interest in lightning as his primary element, as he knew almost everything about it. Hayami explained to him the importance of having three elements and then promised to teach him the gentle fist technique once she had finished training his body sufficiently. She advised Kaminari to take it easy while training, as it could stunt his growth and informed him that they would wait until the three-month mark to start the Gentle fist training since he was only five years old. They would first focus on improving his physical strength and physique.

As they conversed, Hayami informed Kaminari about the water-style jutsus that would be taught to him by her once he entered the Academy. She also suggested that he could seek help from other clan members or visit the library to learn about other affinities. Kaminari agreed to wait until his enrollment to learn about this jutsus, as he needed to first work on his physical strength.

To help him with his training, Hayami designed a plan that included 75 push-ups and sit-ups, a half-kilometer run, and lots of water. She promised to gradually increase the workload as he progressed. Throughout the rest of the day, Kaminari dedicated himself to the physical training, with her offering pointers on how he could improve.

Extra chapter for new years if you guys want an extra chapter get this story to 10 power stones :)

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