
Naruto: Monthly Refreshing Passive System

As he arrived to the Shinobi World, Aragami Kyomu can get a different unique passive skill every month, that's why every month everything change for him, to various forms of training even to his everyday life. www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!] [Chapter Schedule: 1/Day]

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292 Chs

Chapter 106

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With the assistance of his team, Kyomu was unaware of the exact number of lives he had taken with a single stroke. Counting them was a luxury he couldn't afford.

Yet, the obliteration of a field hospital spanning the area of two football fields, including the patients, medical ninjas, and some defense Sand shinobi within and around it, undoubtedly claimed no fewer than four to five hundred lives.

Though they were not formidable in combat, these were living beings, all personally ended by Kyomu, activating the 'bloodthirst buff' to its fullest potential. The enhancement was indeed significant!

The strain Kyomu placed on himself during the swing was now fully healed, taking less than five minutes to recover. Even with the aid of Yoei and his other equipment, the major contribution to his recovery was the 'bloodthirst buff.'

Warm currents continually cleansed his body, significantly increasing his chakra levels and potential, which he could easily harness with a bit of effort. Notably, Kyomu found his shinobi sandals slightly tighter, a clear sign he had grown taller.

Besides these evident or subtle changes, powers hidden deep within Kyomu's lineage began to stir, signaling the emergence of Yang Release chakra linked to vitality. Though not yet harnessable by Kyomu, the mere presence of such power was promising, for it would eventually become utilizable as it grew stronger.

This was exceptionally good news.

However, before Kyomu could fully comprehend the benefits of this battle, his sixth sense suddenly alerted him to a lethal danger approaching from behind. Alongside the 'bloodthirst buff,' the 'soul drain buff' also activated.

"It seems the Sand shinobi have lost their minds," Kyomu muttered, concerned yet somewhat pleased. "More than 1,300 Sand shinobi are in pursuit, the exact number unknown, but getting caught in their encirclement...

While I could escape, the survival of my team is uncertain. We've indeed become a thorn in the Sand's side, as if we've desecrated their ancestors' graves."

Shaking his head with a smile, Kyomu quickly regained his composure. "I anticipated this situation. Mad Sand shinobi are easier to exploit for their mistakes. It's time to showcase my skills again.

And all this is just a prelude to my true goal—your stronghold!"

His thoughts clearing, Kyomu looked back at his team, either standing or resting on Aoda, their eyes filled with unwavering admiration and loyalty. They were willing to follow Kyomu for life. At the same moment, Kyomu noticed something off about Aoda, his expression instantly changing.

"Aoda, stop. Head back to Ryūchidō to heal!"

"Aragami-sama, I can do this," Aoda insisted firmly. "If I can charge into battle with you, I can also ensure your safe retreat. Please, trust me."

"I do trust you," Kyomu assured, patting Aoda's large head. "But the challenges that await me require you at your peak, not dragging along with severe injuries. We'll face life and death together when the time comes, not now."

"Understood, Aragami-sama," Aoda responded, slowly coming to a halt and gently lowering the team to the ground before finally placing Kyomu down.

As Kyomu stood on solid ground, he fully grasped the extent of Aoda's injuries. The left side of Aoda's body was missing large patches of scales, clearly from protecting Kyomu during their charge, assaulted by relentless jutsu from the Sand shinobi. Moreover, the belly's wounds were more severe, a testament to Aoda's defense against the shockwaves on behalf of Ren and others.

Though these injuries were not critical for Aoda's massive body, equating to moderate damage and possibly reducing its combat effectiveness by a third, Kyomu still felt a pang of heartache. Aoda was not just a pet but a companion and fellow warrior. The sacrifice Aoda made was far greater than any pet's instinct to protect its owner.

Reaching into his ninja tool bag, Kyomu retrieved a sealing scroll and fed Aoda hundreds of toad legs, promising a share of future spoils, albeit not more than what he'd offer the revered Ichikishimahime but certainly no less.

Aoda's snake eyes blinked in appreciation, swallowing the feast with a human-like smile of gratitude. Kyomu's care and placing Aoda on equal footing with Ichikishimahime touched it deeply.

After a moment of heartfelt connection, Ren approached. "Captain, the Sand shinobi in pursuit... there are many, less than five kilometers away."

"Let's move!" Kyomu commanded, leading his team in a rapid escape.

The futility of outrunning the Sand's relentless chase was evident. The desperation of bereaved soldiers was not to be underestimated.

As Kyomu and his team sought refuge, both Rasa at the frontlines and Chiyo, safeguarding the rear, were infuriated by the news of their pursuit.


Both leaders, though on different fronts, shared the same initial reaction and resolution: Kyomu must be eliminated, even at the cost of delaying their military strategies.

Rasa temporarily halted his advance into the Land of Fire to reinforce the rear, leading 3,000 Sand shinobi to assist Chiyo in encircling Kyomu and his Leaf ninja squad.

The necessity to remove Kyomu was paramount, risking the momentum of the war effort to prevent him from causing further havoc.

Now, as Kyomu and his small team of seventy, heavily pursued, sought refuge in the borderlands between the River and Wind Countries, they faced the daunting task of infiltrating the Wind Country without alerting its vigilant border defense.

With Sand shinobi fortifying the border and specialized sensing ninjas among them, bypassing unnoticed was a formidable challenge. Yet, without alternatives and the encirclement tightening, Kyomu had no choice but to press on, relying on his cunning and the invaluable assistance of Ichikishimahime, the millennia-old loli, to navigate the perilous path ahead.


As Kyomu and his squad, disheveled and in hiding for over a dozen days, finally approached the border between the Land of Rivers and the Land of Wind, their supplies of ninja tools remained, but their food and water were nearly depleted.

"Ugh," Kyomu, looking somewhat haggard, complained, "It's just one field hospital we destroyed, yet over four thousand of them have been on our heels like mad dogs for days!"

Ren appeared even more worn than Kyomu, his Byakugan overused to an extreme, making constant combat seem like an understatement.

"Captain, to us, it was merely a field hospital, but to the Sand, it represents a blood feud and their grave concern for rear security," Ren explained.

"I understand, but they will truly know fear the day after tomorrow," Kyomu clenched his fist, striking the ground before calling out, "Map!"

Quickly spreading the map on the ground, Ren and the other four squad leaders gathered around. Kyomu glanced at the map, pointing out, "We are here. Nine kilometers ahead is the border with the Land of Wind, and thirty kilometers beyond that lies a desert. Just at the edge of the desert is the small country of Roran."

"I don't know why the Land of Wind allows such a small country to exist within its borders, but that's the only place we can resupply after entering the Land of Wind."

Ren considered this for a moment and nodded, "Captain is right. But our immediate concern is how to sneak into the Land of Wind."

The Land of Wind's border, despite its length, was closely monitored, especially during wartime. Additionally, each Sand shinobi team guarding the border included at least one sensory ninja. While not as powerful as the Byakugan, they could detect disturbances within a three to five-kilometer radius.

Moreover, Sand shinobi had been stationed along the border of the Land of Rivers, making unnoticed passage challenging despite the gaps Aragami Kyomu had exploited in the past days.

Without an alternative, Kyomu and his team had no choice but to proceed. The extensive search by the Sand was time-consuming and labor-intensive, but they were determined to eliminate Kyomu and his squad.

Despite the daunting odds, Kyomu had a plan.

"I've already thought of a way to deal with this," Kyomu reassured, patting his ninja tool bag. "Just follow my lead. For now, we need to plan our route inside the Land of Wind."

After devising a strategy, Kyomu had Ren pack up the map. He then summoned Ichikishimahime, without exchanging words and immediately presented a feast of toad legs, which the millennia-old loli couldn't resist.

Naturally, Ren and the others also salivated at the sight, having not eaten properly for days.

Once Ichikishimahime had indulged in the toad legs, she finally turned to Kyomu with a raised eyebrow, "You didn't summon me just to offer tribute, did you?"

"Your insight is as sharp as ever, Ichikishimahime. My modest intentions are transparent before your wisdom," Kyomu praised, to which Ichikishimahime responded with a satisfied smirk.

"Considering you're a contract signer I've taken a liking to, I'll grant your request this time."

Kyomu wasted no time in sharing his plan with Ichikishimahime.

With a snap of her fingers, Ichikishimahime declared, "Easy. Line up, everyone. Follow me!"

Kyomu and his team promptly formed a line, following the loli through the desert, unfazed by the pursuing Sand shinobi closing in.

(End of Chapter)